crosspost without new title for 29/11/2024 09:58:12

2024.11.29 22:00 reddit_lss_2 crosspost without new title for 29/11/2024 09:58:12

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to automation_crossposts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Tastykitty19 My cute little ginger fur boy is so cute 🥰

My cute little ginger fur boy is so cute 🥰 submitted by Tastykitty19 to gingerkitty [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Ancient_Ad_1434 Songs like this one for Breakdancing

Looking for music to breakdance to. If you're not too familiar with bboying and such, don't worry. PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS SONG:
It really shows the types of beats we break to. If you have any songs like this, i would appreciate. Any song is welcome, lyrics or not. Ice Cube, Mos Def, and DJ Premier are some artists with similar music for context. Thank you.
submitted by Ancient_Ad_1434 to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 JUTTofficial AMA Thread

Use this thread to ask me anything at all!
submitted by JUTTofficial to JUTTofficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 ACont95 Digitizing VHS Cassette Issue - Advice Needed

I am in the process of digitizing home VHS tapes, I purchased a JVC HR-S9500U and am using a Sony Digital8 camera for DV conversion. This setup has worked great for me, except one tape is giving me issues. When inserting the tape the first time, playback was stuck on on image for a few seconds then the VCR shut down. Attempting to eject did not rewind the tape fully into the cassette leading to damage on the first ~10" inches of tape when removing. I tested a commercial tape after to check if the VCR was having issues. This tape and additional home movies did not have any problems. I tried the problematic tape again after manually winding the tape and the same thing happened, shut down and failure to eject leading to tape damage. I am pretty confident the VCR is not the problem.
I need advice on how to proceed, does this sound like a faulty cassette? The cassette body is riveted together so there is no easy way to look inside. I do hear a slight rattle in the cassette. I want to avoid damage to the rest of the tape and transfer the undamaged portion. Thanks for the help!
submitted by ACont95 to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 peesock49 found a bootleg looking halloween II dvd that someone really loved ☠️ should i cop?

found a bootleg looking halloween II dvd that someone really loved ☠️ should i cop? sorry if it isnt bootleg
submitted by peesock49 to Halloweenmovies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 remote_rocketship unybrands is hiring a Tableau Developer in the United States

unybrands is hiring a Tableau Developer in the United States submitted by remote_rocketship to RemoteSoftwareEngJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Puzzleheaded_Lie4839 Why are Lolicons saying toriyama was a lolicon?

Why are so many people saying that he was a lolicon
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Lie4839 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 gabidabi777 Make me feel good about my dress

Make me feel good about my dress submitted by gabidabi777 to MakeMeFeelGood [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 AutoModerator Weekend Discussion - Weekend of November 29 2024

Your Trading discussion thread

Type Link
DD All/Best Daily/Best Weekly
Discussion All/Best Daily/Best Weekly
Yolo All/Best Daily/Best Weekly
Gain All/Best Daily/Best Weekly
Loss All/Best Daily/Best Weekly
News All/Best Daily/Best Weekly
submitted by AutoModerator to Vitards [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 jamb1993 Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet submitted by jamb1993 to CelebLBDs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 SaltyAdminBot National Geographic human edition

Do you guys think there is an alien David Attenborough that is narrating a show back in their world? I like to think of the drones as little floating cameras that are just getting some sick footage. Then maybe they are editing it to make a cool show about how weird we are. Maybe this season’s show is nuclear weapons. Maybe during the winter they cover shark week 🤷🏻‍♂️.
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Radical-Cowboy7 GV70 Wheezing sound @ 7kms ?

I’ve just gone over 7.2k kms and been having a smooth ride so far.
The ride is still smooth but over the last two days o randomly hear a wheezing sound. Not sure what this sound is.
Anyone out there that can enlighten me ?
submitted by Radical-Cowboy7 to GenesisMotors [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 AutoModerator WWE FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN Discussion thread

Welcome to the WWE Friday night Smackdown discussion thread!
This is an automoderator sticky, but a mod will likely post the card before showtime and pin it.
Please take some time to familiarise yourself with our rules before posting.
Be nice, remember the human and have at it. This thread will stay up into Saturday for those watching on delay.
submitted by AutoModerator to Wreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 StillEmbarrassed0000 Please help with rhinestones on dress

Please help with rhinestones on dress Hi everyone, this is my first post, so please excuse me if I make any mistakes.
I would like to add some rhinestones or sequins to a dress. My dress is made of polyester, and my inspiration is this design from a James Bond movie. The front part of my dress looks like this.
I was wondering if there’s a way to attach rhinestones to my dress for an event and then remove them afterward without damaging the fabric. Is it possible to achieve something like that?
Thank you in advance for your suggestions!
submitted by StillEmbarrassed0000 to DIYclothes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 klutz69 Volaris flight changed without notice?

My dad was supposed to fly out of CA to Mexico at around 2 AM today 11/29. Boarding pass in hand, I drop him off at the airport and he calls me to say the flight was changed to 10PM same day, about a 20-hour delay. I believe weather was the cause, although not confirmed.
I've flown several airlines that offer a voucher or flight credit as compensation when there is a delay (2 hour delay with Southwest due to mechanical issues). Some family has also received some partial credit when their flights were rescheduled due to weather in Mexico.
Is this something to be handled at the airport customer service dept for Volaris, or is there another procedure like via phone or electronic request?
I understand that weather or national security isnt something the airline has any control over, and if thats the end of the story it is what it is. Just seems inconsiderate to make changes like these without proper communication to allow for travelers to make alternate arrangements. He shows up 2 hours before his and it turns out the flight was cancelled and rebooked an hour before.
Budget airlines are ruthless, lesson learned for next time!
submitted by klutz69 to Flights [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 MemphisBBC Thanks to St.Expedite

I would like to give a PUBLIC THANK You to St.Expedite for the blessings that he bestowed upon me. It was exactly what I asked for and then some more. Thanks again St.Expedite.
submitted by MemphisBBC to StExpedite [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Redundant2020 Demytha build advice

Demytha build advice Hey all - looking for advice on what the best stats build for Demytha would be.
I have her speed 294 as part of a speed tune CB team…but rest of stats are more a result of managing to reach the speed than by design.
How do you build yours stat wise? Any benefits in me changing or just leave as she is? Still only level 59 so great hall not up to much but now 2 keying UNM with her.
All thoughts greatly appreciated- thx 👍
submitted by Redundant2020 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 jplearner16 [2024-11-29] 1年でいちばん多く売れた本 「変な家2」
submitted by jplearner16 to NHKEasyNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 joshhamilton235 Can police see chats in UK?

I've since deleted the chats, but they were pretty inappropriate honestly.
submitted by joshhamilton235 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Vee_Spade Newbs trippy trip into wet shaving

First off, I wanna thank this sub. It's been a massive resource in my quest getting into wet shaving.
My trip started from a bore. I tired of beards. Looks great and all, but I like switching it up, and hadn't in years. Skin is just too sensitive to keep it up. But I like my face and the clean look and feel of a shave.
I also like to mess with tools, and am curious with stuff that require a learning process. So naturally I started researching online, and between lurking here and elsewhere, I learned a lot I had no clue about, in terms of gear, habits and process flows, and also, my face.
Where I live the only available safety razor I could find was a plastic Wilkinson DE razor. I grabbed a boar brush and a proraso red soap, and we are go.
Bad. I respect blades and have had a good grasp on handling them for years, so no cuts, aside from a couple chin weepers. But the razor burn was one of the worst I had. Variables at hand, I went to further my research.
So evidently my skin is sensitive, but my technique is also ass, and my beard is coarse. Top of that lovely combo, grain is allover the place, and not mirrored. I also feel the Wilkinson razor is on the milder side, and the blades on the sharper side.
Here I had to stretch my thought process on the technique. Since there is a learning curve, the way we learn matters too, as well as the motivation. Maybe it would be better to find a tool that has a longer learning curve, but will reward me far better for it. Even if it seldom forgives.
Enter the feather loaded R41.
I got convinced since it's praised for being extremely efficient. Less passes, and deeper slicing. I was armed with internet tips, moderate confidence, and massive amount of respect to the adage, and let it do the work. And the work it did. I was regularly in disbelief at how different that felt first time around.
Not to say it hasn't barked, I've had a couple shaves that my skin was unhappy for, but I also try out different blades, plus my lather definitely sucks at times. Thing is however, even with a perfect shave, I can't push this on a daily basis. Today the alum feedback wasn't there, but if I go at it tomorrow, it'll bite.
Speaking of unforgiving razors, that order included 2 shavettes as well: a folding kamisori and the TGS Shibumi. I had to, you know. Detailing with those is the best, and I figured I'll start with the cheeks and work my way to a full shave, see if I prefer those. I went up to 95% couple times, the chin is pretty defined with a dimple, so not the easiest area.
However, one razor never made it. A Rocca R96. There was a big sale, but they went fast and by the time my order was processed, it was already OOS. It was supposed to be my milder option, hopefully a daily driver.
Looking around I started learning more about slants. Very much curious. And that led me to PAA. I know, drama, have seen some comments around, but they got some stuff I need to try. A Monster slant and an ascension, or a prismatic. Was looking at that weird ecliptic slant too.
I see the rabbit hole clearly. I feel eventually I will own all of the above, but until then maybe I focus even more on honing them skills and suddenly I can daily the r41. Maybe my lather stops being horrible and my face remains on my face when I shave. Or maybe I'm one of the cold shavers and haven't realized yet. Things to learn, to try, to discover, even invent.
What matters is, I am enjoying myself, and I feel rewarded. I have tools that look good and work like dwarven miners. The prep makes me feel nice, the process is fun, the aftermath feels boss. My skin is better, and I know it better too.
submitted by Vee_Spade to wicked_edge [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Airdale_60T Bi-Weekly Recruiting Thread

This is THE place to ask recruiting questions to get unofficial answers and advise.
Before you post a question:
Read our forum rules, FAQs, WiKi.
-Search "Recruiting Thread" in the search bar. (Check out past posts; a lot has been asked already)
-Do not ask for current wait times for A-School.
-Do not ask medical questions.
-Do not ask if you are a good fit or what your chances are for joining.
-Read the "Coastie Links" section for information on bonuses, critical rates and enlistment incentives. We post direct links to the USCG messages pertaining to them at "Coastie Links".
-No vague questions like "I have this many skills....", "Check out my resume......" those posts will be deleted. If the answer to your question is easily found by searching through any of the links here - your post may be locked or deleted.
-We have a lot of good people on this forum that can help you out so ask a focused question please.
-Here are a few links to help get you started before you post. Good luck!
USCG Recruiting
MyCG (Can't access all content but there is a lot of good info here)
Read our WIKI
Direct Commission Officer (DCO)
submitted by Airdale_60T to uscg [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Snelly1998 Thoughts on this 4?

Thoughts on this 4? submitted by Snelly1998 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 tonighttonight_ Off Menu-y Christmas Gifts

Hello! 'Tis the season... and I'm wondering, does anyone have any ideas of things mentioned in Off Menu episodes that could make nice Christmas gifts for fellow podcast fans? Either standalone items mentioned by guests or a number of things that could be put together in a little curated Off Menu hamper maybe. The first thing that came to mind for me was Baron Bigod cheese (itching to try this myself!) and Jada Pinkett Smith's drink choice of lavender lemonade (again something I've really wanted to try since listening to the ep!) - any suggestions welcome!
submitted by tonighttonight_ to offmenupodcast [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 DaDJKill Thony Ritz Feat. Antho - Hide & Seek (NEW SINGLE)

Thony Ritz Feat. Antho - Hide & Seek (NEW SINGLE) submitted by DaDJKill to futurefunk [link] [comments]