Watchmen first edition leatherbound and slipcased 1987 I was such a massive fan of this series when the individual issues were coming out. I Co-owned a comic book shop at the time and they flew off the shelves. This was the first collected edition..I like it better than the Absolute edition.

2024.11.29 21:39 Live-Assistance-6877 Watchmen first edition leatherbound and slipcased 1987 I was such a massive fan of this series when the individual issues were coming out. I Co-owned a comic book shop at the time and they flew off the shelves. This was the first collected edition..I like it better than the Absolute edition.

Watchmen first edition leatherbound and slipcased 1987 I was such a massive fan of this series when the individual issues were coming out. I Co-owned a comic book shop at the time and they flew off the shelves. This was the first collected edition..I like it better than the Absolute edition. submitted by Live-Assistance-6877 to graphicnovels [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 MouseTns Want to win race (set finishers )

Want to win race (set finishers ) submitted by MouseTns to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 AnotherSlowTown i've got a feeling...

i think Nephis is going to loose her battle and get captured.
submitted by AnotherSlowTown to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Chelt389 Storming through to your room, these soldiers are so easy to fight

Storming through to your room, these soldiers are so easy to fight u/Ruelt389
submitted by Chelt389 to Felts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Mumbleton Potentially rust on newly installed Water Heater?

Potentially rust on newly installed Water Heater? submitted by Mumbleton to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 DJ2TJ Yerba compuesta recommendation

I'm looking to try compuesta type of yerba... Any good recommendations?
submitted by DJ2TJ to yerbamate [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 lemazaki E aew seus investidores. Segue uma seleção do "Muro do Amor" do TradingView. A interpretação é livre.

E aew seus investidores. Segue uma seleção do submitted by lemazaki to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 SkinInteresting6771 I want a paci so bad

But the only ones I can get to are the ones for babies but I hear they can mess up teeth?
Is there any that are really cheap that I can get online that my parents wouldn’t find?
submitted by SkinInteresting6771 to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 lss_str_01 Post_(block)_to_report_11/29/24-13:39:42_with_comment

submitted by lss_str_01 to ReportBlockUsers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Real_Rooster7946 Unauthorized: no token provided

Unauthorized: no token provided Hi I just have this small problem i’m trying to create a workout website that basically nothing or needs is meant to work until the user authenticated yeah so I’ve I’ve created everything. I’ve done everything but every time I click add new workout just like not talking or unauthorized no token provided I just need help with fixing that error
submitted by Real_Rooster7946 to AWSStudyGroup [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 SpookyCrowz What do you think would have happened if Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had a long lasting alliance during ww2?

submitted by SpookyCrowz to HistoricalWhatIf [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Fast_Barracuda_1482 Help with Steady Eddie II

Hi, I just got steady Eddie 2 dry selvage jean’s after much trying on styles. I thought lean dean was okay but I wanted something a bit more relaxed and liked the tapering. I’m not used to more roomy jeans.
I used the fit guide on the website and compared to my current jeans my size for Steady Eddie 2 was 33W 30L cause I’m short.
I’m a bit worried about the knee area being baggy and crumpled up when wearing it. Only been wearing it for a day so far but maybe I’m not used to the fit. Is it normal for the knee area to feel weird?
Also it’s a little snug around the pockets so hoping they conform to my body more in time. When I sit down the back of the jeans show my butt crack, hoping the jeans soften up so they don’t do this as much in the future… they are dry selvage so I think they will get better. Anyone have experience with this kind of thing?
submitted by Fast_Barracuda_1482 to NudieJeans [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 htrademarktm My YouTube AdSense application keeps getting rejected and I don't know what to do at this point.

To start off, my YouTube account is primarily gaming-themed with video essay-oriented content. Anyway, I used to have an AdSense account, and my application for that account was accepted with no issue. When I discovered it was a "business" account type, I canceled it and signed up for another one using the "individual" account type. Ever since I did that roughly two months ago, every single application I create gets denied.
I also want to emphasize that I am STILL in alignment with YouTube's monetization policies and am a part of the YT partner program. It's just my AdSense account application that keeps getting rejected. I'm not sure if this is the norm for people facing my same issue, but I wanted to put that out there anyway.
The AdSense team keeps telling me that my content doesn't "align with AdSense policies" but my content hasn't changed since I had my first application accepted. I reached out to someone on the AdSense team and they informed me that I had a duplicate AdSense account which was most likely the reason for my application being rejected. They informed me that they could go ahead and cancel that one if I'd like, so I said that's fine. They never canceled it though and informed me that it WASN'T something they could do. So that didn't help me at all.
So now I'm here, three months later from canceling my first AdSense account that was accepted with no issue. But now, every new application keeps getting denied. I've had to wait 32 days twice now before I can reapply for a new AdSense account, but every time I do, it just gets rejected. Does anyone know what I should do to get my AdSense application accepted?
submitted by htrademarktm to PartneredYoutube [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Puzzleheaded-Rip-493 Birth chart thoughts?

Birth chart thoughts? Learn so much by reading threads and comments on other peoples birth charts so pls, comment on mine if you can!!
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Rip-493 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Mtantele meirl

meirl submitted by Mtantele to meirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 barv67 [WTB] KAC Taupe Broom Handle and KAC A2 Grip

Currently building an MWS and been searching for these, looking to pay between $150-175. Thanks for viewing!
submitted by barv67 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Minute-Rush8453 Macbook pro m1 core 10 gpu 16 or the macbook air m3 ????

i need help im kinda scared that the m1 chip wont get updates later
submitted by Minute-Rush8453 to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Brilliant-Service-42 Ran When Parked Believed to sitting for 80+ years

Ran When Parked Believed to sitting for 80+ years submitted by Brilliant-Service-42 to whatwasthiscar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 caick1000 Imobiliária está me cobrando 6k para finalizar a vistoria de saída

Quando entrei neste apartamento ele estava imundo, e as paredes não estavam recém pintadas. Mas eles adicionaram a pintura de literalmente todos os cômodos (incluindo teto) na vistoria de saída. O mais estranho, é que na vistoria todos os cômodos estão descritos como “pintura em estado regular” ou “pintura em estado bom”, e mesmo assim adicionaram a pintura para esses espaços.
Além disso colocaram vazamento de registro, limpeza de todos os vidros e pisos (eu deixei o ap brilhando ao sair), além de outras coisas. E no total deu um valor de ~6k, que honestamente achei insano.
Morei lá por 2 anos, pagava 1500 de aluguel.
Outro ponto é que eu não participei da vistoria de saída. Minha mudança foi entre cidades, e no aplicativo deles eu mandei diversas mensagens para fazer o agendamento da vistoria mas eles demoraram semanas para responder. Eles estavam cientes da data da minha mudança. Assim que a mudança ocorreu começaram a me respondem de imediato… E no contrato está escrito que se eu não comparecer eu não posso refutar nada na vistoria, o que achei bizarro (foi o que entendi pelo menos), segue trecho:
“Cláusula 15.ª O NÃO COMPARECIMENTO E/OU ACOMPANHAMENTO DA VISTORIA DE SAÍDA por parte do(s) LOCATÁRIO(S) implicará no RECONHECIMENTO TÁCITO dos elementos descritos na vistoria de entrada e/ou saída, não cabendo qualquer reclamação sobre a descrição da vistoria de entrada e/ou saída.”
Essa demora de resposta também fez eu pagar quase que um aluguel a mais pois demorou semanas para eu poder fazer a entrega de chaves.
No Reclame Aqui desta imobiliária achei reclamações muito similares a minha (demora de resposta ocorrendo um pagamento extra, e valor exorbitante da vistoria de saída).
Existe algo que eu possa fazer aqui? Pequenas Causas talvez?
submitted by caick1000 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 picklecheesegoblin Best evolution for cosmog?

Pros and cons of each evolution and which one would be the best if you only have one to evolve. Is one better for raids vs pvp?
submitted by picklecheesegoblin to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 gothgirlsthrowaway I found cp on my dad's phone

hello everyone
I've had a rocky relationship with my father, after knowing him for not that long as he was out of my life as a child, I got back in contact with him and had a case opened for possible child endangerment as he groomed me from a young age, in recent years I found out he could possibly be grooming another child, as he groomed me from a young age and has a young child staying with him because her mother is an immigrant and needs a place to stay
I am 18 I am an adult, he sent me possible CP, and he has it on his phone, when I brought this up to the police the police wanted to seize my phone instead of his, I was really confused by this and I haven't handed my phone over to them yet, they want to take my phone and go through it I guess, I'm kind of nervous as I've never given over any phone to any sort of police
if anyone has any questions please let me know, I'm thinking of turning my phone in but I'm not sure what to do, I don't have anything that would make me a suspect, but I am afraid, I think handing over my phone is the right thing to do, because then it ensures the child will be safe, but aside from that any advice on any sort of case like this is well appreciated and I'm very thankful
submitted by gothgirlsthrowaway to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Drawnaud Quick Sculpt again ! Made in about 4h for the sculpt and 1h for the shading, rendered on blender's Cycles, based on a picture of Rupi Kaur found on pinterest. Don't hesitate to give critiques and feedbacks on the overall shape of the head

Quick Sculpt again ! Made in about 4h for the sculpt and 1h for the shading, rendered on blender's Cycles, based on a picture of Rupi Kaur found on pinterest. Don't hesitate to give critiques and feedbacks on the overall shape of the head submitted by Drawnaud to ZBrush [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 Savings_Minimum_4866 Should I do this trade, I'm right, if not any offers?

Should I do this trade, I'm right, if not any offers? submitted by Savings_Minimum_4866 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 reddit_lss_2 Lock comments crosspost for 29/11/2024 09:38:24

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:39 feema-store graduate programs

جدعان كل واحد كدا شغال ف شركه يقول بتنزل االgraduate program و intern بتاعتها امتا
submitted by feema-store to Egypt_Developers [link] [comments]