Bippity boppity

2024.11.29 22:00 West-Calligrapher-16 Bippity boppity

Bippity boppity submitted by West-Calligrapher-16 to bonehurtingjuice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Maddie_horses Please upvote my pets (theses just a few) please read Hanley and Thors stories it’s important

Please upvote my pets (theses just a few) please read Hanley and Thors stories it’s important 1.jaxx 2.Rosie 3.Cora 4.Taz 5.Jaffacake 6.ryan(gosling) 7.blu 8.Hanley- his story: he’s lived with my family since he was 1 he is now 15, 8 years ago he got his right eye removed due to a melenoma behind it (it was cancerous). The is okay now guys dw 8.major 9.kaspar 10 & 11.harley(merel) dexter(brindle) ducklings 13.Thor- his story: 1st march we were out on a ride and he took off straight into a tree. I pretty much backflipped of of him and broke my wrist, while he took off down the path my sister jumped off her horse and trusted him unsupervised (I grabbed him when I walked past) she ran to catch Thor who was almost at the main road. That was my last ride on him as he got sold in may I am still distraught he is now not mine.
submitted by Maddie_horses to SLGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 AutoModerator Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II - Episode 5 - Dub Available Now on Crunchyroll!

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II

Dub Available Now on Crunchyroll!
submitted by AutoModerator to Animedubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 skyeneedsrest add me <3

add me <3 submitted by skyeneedsrest to DragonValeFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Chemical_Client51 Promoting Your Self-Published Book

Hi! I know questions like these have been asked many times before in this group (which I've only been a member of for less than 20mins BTW) but I would like to ask: Are there free ways to promote novels? I don't plan on entering the writing craft so much, and I don't even expect massive recognition. I only want a few readers not related to or acquainted with me to check out my book and for that I'd need them to know about it. Most of you might have guessed I was selling it for $0.00. Wrong! I would happily skip a free book, and sadly, a reviewless one too. It's still on sites like Gumroad. I just published it on PublishDrive which will distribute it to many online platforms like KDP, B&N, etc. and it is not free. Still, are there people to give free versions to, or solid places to promote this seemingly one-time work of mine?
Without spending a dime?
submitted by Chemical_Client51 to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Music_Playlist_YT Stick Figure Radio: Ignite Your Soundtrack! 🔥🎶 | 88 tracks

submitted by Music_Playlist_YT to Music_Playlist_YT [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 EasyE215 Next Generations With Massive Debt

Every time I move to the mext generation, the kid will be tens of millions in debt and have like a $30MM outstanding mortgage while having a kob that makes them like $25k/yr.
Any ideas why that's keeps happening?
It's literally every single time.
submitted by EasyE215 to bitlife [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Fury_of_Grimnir RegiEleki on me 966214703291

submitted by Fury_of_Grimnir to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Technical-Onion-1495 NSV and DShk machine guns on a fishing boats used by Yemeni national army to patrol the Yemeni wates , they destroy a sea mine left over from the war with the Houthis

submitted by Technical-Onion-1495 to shippytechnicals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 BlueberrySwimming932 Looking for Christmas gift idea for couple in their 70s

I’m looking for a gift idea for an older couple in the Worcester area. They don’t need “stuff”, so looking for an experience of some sort within 30 minutes of Worcester.
submitted by BlueberrySwimming932 to WorcesterMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Randomlynumbered Shooting during house party near Stockton, CA leaves 17-year-old dead

Shooting during house party near Stockton, CA leaves 17-year-old dead submitted by Randomlynumbered to GunsAreCool [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 x002o Hoping to take advantage of Black Friday deals; any recommendations? (details)

what the title says- i'm hoping to find a good deal for a nice pair of headphones!

TLDR, im hunting for a black friday deal on some comfortable wireless headphones that will be used primarily for music. ive never looked deep into headphone specs before, but i know the difference between good audio quality and bad and really want something that'll be even better than what ive had before. any and all input is appreciated!! thank you!
submitted by x002o to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Aggravating_Goose784 Would you rather put with the Ed’s shenanigans or Mordecai and Rigby’s shenanigans from Regular Show ?

Would you rather put up with the Ed’s shenanigans or Mordecai and Rigby’s shenanigans from Regular Show ?
submitted by Aggravating_Goose784 to ededdneddy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Elias_Sideris Greninja custom card!

Greninja custom card! submitted by Elias_Sideris to CustomMarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Greendoor100 0.00420 approaches 😉 maybe this what the devs meant 🤔

submitted by Greendoor100 to Slothana [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Blakesta999 He wants on counter

He wants on counter submitted by Blakesta999 to Catswhoyell [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 BRoberts93 Some Vanguard I did for a friend

Some Vanguard I did for a friend submitted by BRoberts93 to AdeptusMechanicus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Ok-Noise1616 BEWARE OF USERS PROMISING OVER $50 & OVERPOSTING

The referral bonus is set by CSL Plasma corporate. Anyone offering more than $50 to the referee is scamming so that you will use their code instead of others. It is an incredibly unfair practice and is against this subreddits rules. Also members posting more than twice a day or once per 12 hours are not following the rules and face being banned permanently. As always happy donating and stay safe out there and on here! You are always welcome to use the moderator's referral donor code which is: OULED5SBLS
submitted by Ok-Noise1616 to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 General_Buffalo2223 Having trouble with the diffq program

Program here:
Keep getting argument error when I type it like diffq(y1,1,9), am I reading it wrong or something?
submitted by General_Buffalo2223 to ti89 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Ganjackson Inherited this Dunbar table. Anyone know if it’s worth selling or holding on to?

Inherited this Dunbar table. Anyone know if it’s worth selling or holding on to? Cool t t
submitted by Ganjackson to Antiques [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 josylad Hiring: Køkkenfaglig medarbejder/opvasker med interesse for madlavning søges til Børnehuset Paletten at Furesø Kommune

Furesø Kommune is hiring a Køkkenfaglig medarbejdeopvasker med interesse for madlavning søges til Børnehuset Paletten
Location: D84, Denmark
Har du en køkkenfaglig uddannelse, eller har du på anden måde interesse i eller erfaring med mad? Så er det dig, vi søger! Om os Vi er et 0-6 års dagtilbud i Farum i Furesø Kommune med 60 børnehavebørn og 26 vuggestuebørn. Vi brænder for arbejdet med fællesskabets og det enkelte barns udvikling og formåen. Vi har stort fokus på at skabe tryghed og nærvær for alle husets børn, og vi ønsker, at det enkelte barn føler sig set, hørt og anerkendt hver dag. Vi har et godt kollegialt samarbejde, men vi mangler dig! For uden mad og drikke dur børnene ikke! Og det er lige netop her, du kommer ind i billedet. Om jobbet som køkkenfaglig medarbejder Vi kan tilbyde dig en fast stilling, hvor du sammen med en dygtig og god køkkenkollega vil stå for den daglige produktion af m
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 seonghwasmoons 241129 ATEEZ Instagram: TEEZ-RAY 💎 Wooyoung

241129 ATEEZ Instagram: TEEZ-RAY 💎 Wooyoung submitted by seonghwasmoons to 8TEEZ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 suddenly_opinions Use TryHackMe.ovpn in 'NetworkManager' [solution]

It fails to work because NetworkManager's OpenVPN plugin is enforcing stricter cipher requirements than the command line client (which is why they say to use the command line to connect as a workaround). The server is offering AES-256-CBC, but NetworkManager is only allowing newer AEAD ciphers (AES-256-GCM, AES-128-GCM, CHACHA20-POLY1305).
The way to resolve this is to configure NetworkManager to accept CBC ciphers by editing the connection:
nmcli connection modify YOUR_VPN_NAME "data-ciphers=AES-256-CBC:AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM:CHACHA20-POLY1305"
Alternatively, TryHackMe could update their VPN servers to use more modern AEAD ciphers.
AES-CBC is an older encryption mode that's still secure when properly implemented but requires separate authentication and can't take advantage of modern hardware acceleration. Newer modes like AES-GCM and ChaCha20-Poly1305 are preferred since they provide built-in authentication and better performance, making them both more secure and efficient.
submitted by suddenly_opinions to tryhackme [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Gthebest123 FASTEST AMONG US WIN EVER!!

submitted by Gthebest123 to AmongUs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:00 Introverted_Manager Help this girl out please ❤️🍑

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
submitted by Introverted_Manager to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]