Empty comment test for 29/11/2024 09:39:51

2024.11.29 21:40 android_tests_pac Empty comment test for 29/11/2024 09:39:51

submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 Raddadist The back of the door in the doorway cave

I’ve been pondering a question for a while.
After Mia escapes with Susannah through the door to NYC, the remaining Ka-Tet arrives at the cave, and the door seems to be unusable. Mia took B13 with her, and the door now looks old and dusty. Eddie suspects that there’s no magic left, which amuses the Manni.
It certainly seems as though the door now looks like an entirely ordinary, old door. However, one thing I keep wondering—and I’m not sure if I missed it in the text—is this: Normally, these doors have no back side. When you walk around them, you can simply see through, as if there’s nothing there.
At this moment, when the door appears old and dusty, does it have a back side?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!
Best regards from Germany!
submitted by Raddadist to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 1AntleredPrince What is your Weirdest Thanksgiving tradition?

submitted by 1AntleredPrince to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 Additional_Common603 fornte

i need help on fornite pls
submitted by Additional_Common603 to Ghostboy2772_club_yt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 Intrepid_Brilliant72 Not working suspension glitch. (please help)

I have benn using the suspension turning glitch for my plane here, but the problem is, if i am using the glitch for the vertical turning of the airplane only the pitching down is working. A have had this problem before with other aircraft to and it just suddenly fixed by it self.
Have enyone encountered this an or have a solution for it?
You would help a lot. Thanks.
submitted by Intrepid_Brilliant72 to ScrapMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 zeroathlete5872 Black Friday deal

I have a KDG 2.2 rail new in box, gas jet tool + 1.7,1.8 screws, mototech rear screw upgrade, NRCH with 2 extra handles, and a fancy patch $250 shipped
submitted by zeroathlete5872 to FNSCAR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 Cautious_Priority_37 I was just admiring my p10c and looked at this warning .even though I have seen it before , I wanted to ask , do guns and ammo have the potential to harm our health (cancer/ defective children etc ) ?

submitted by Cautious_Priority_37 to CCW [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 Top-Presence7342 AIO? Boyfriend ignored my boundaries

Hello! So my boyfriend (m23) and I (f23) have been together for 6 years. When we had first gotten together (about 2 years in) he woke me up shaking the bed because he was l touching himself right next to me as I slept. I wouldn’t have had a problem with it but I noticed he was looking at woman who looked nothing like me. So I brought it up to him and told him that makes me uncomfortable. What’s odd is I am the one with the high sex drive, he only wants to have sex about once a week when I could go literally once a day. I tried telling him that if he needs more we can always just do it more. Nothing really comes of it. He also is really bad at deleting his search history, so not too long after that I found out that he jerks off almost every night. Which was offensive to me because I’m not getting sex because he would prefer to jerk off?…. So after some talking about our boundaries and things I came to the conclusion that I saw him jerking off as cheating when it’s to someone who looks nothing like me. Back then he told me he would stop and if he needed some he would come to me. Well it’s been like 4 years since then and I checked his phone for the first time in forever and found that he has been doing it behind my back. I confronted him and it was a big thing and he said he’s sorry for lying to me about it and he would stop. But I just feel like I can’t trust him anymore and that he doesn’t love me since he was fine lying to me for months… am I overreacting?
submitted by Top-Presence7342 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 jg379 'Duelist' by Rick Otey

'Duelist' by Rick Otey submitted by jg379 to ImaginaryMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 No_Eagle1025 Auricular aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Conocen algún buen auricular con una excelente calidad de audio? nada de "eh, safa"
submitted by No_Eagle1025 to ArgamingConsultas [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 Reasonable-Bad1597 Melhor PC Custo-Benefício para Desenvolvedores Web: Estudo e Trabalho com Orçamento Acessível

Melhor PC Custo-Benefício para Desenvolvedores Web: Estudo e Trabalho com Orçamento Acessível Qual configuração de PC vocês recomendam para um desenvolvedor web iniciante com orçamento acima de R$ 2.500? Preciso que atenda bem a estudos e trabalho, mas sem gastar demais. Vale a pena montar ou comprar pronto?
submitted by Reasonable-Bad1597 to programacao [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 rodan1993 Making a meme for every species in the Walking With trilogy: Day 68, Leptictidium

Making a meme for every species in the Walking With trilogy: Day 68, Leptictidium submitted by rodan1993 to PrehistoricMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 JackCooper_7274 Manticore shell catcher

submitted by JackCooper_7274 to Airsoft3DPrinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 JesterXR27 ISO - Permanent Outdoor Lights Installer

In search of:

  1. A licensed Electrician that can add an outdoor receptacle to my house for plugging in some permanent outdoor lights.
  2. Someone/a company that can install some Govee Permanent Outdoor Lights 2 on my house. (I already own the lights, just need them installed). Hoping to find someone that has more experience in doing so that can provide a much more professional and clean install than I know I will be able to do.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by JesterXR27 to NorthshoreLA [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 Buckeyefitter1991 Looking for a job that actually benefits the working class? Join a local trade union. I'm a member of UA Local 189 Plumbers, Pipefitters and, HVAC Service Techs.

Looking for a job that actually benefits the working class? Join a local trade union. I'm a member of UA Local 189 Plumbers, Pipefitters and, HVAC Service Techs. submitted by Buckeyefitter1991 to ColumbusOhio [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 WillNorFlor have uhm 1 sprout cosmo and connie

have uhm 1 sprout cosmo and connie submitted by WillNorFlor to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 WonderfulBet1234 Can’t install windows on new pc!

Hi guys this is the problem, i installed drivers after this message, but this still doesn’t work
submitted by WonderfulBet1234 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 up4012 am i as ugly as people say?

am i as ugly as people say? submitted by up4012 to Teenager [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 West_Percentage630 Shipping to Canada

I have multiple items at Buyee warehouse that I need to ship out ASAP because free storage period is about end. I want to ask if anyone knows which company my package will be passed on to once it arrives in Canada if I were to use buyee air delivery. If possible, I’d like to avoid both Canada post and FedEx
Also, has there been any word from Japan post about suspending shipment to Canada post? I heard China post has. I want to know because some of my packages from Japan are stuck in transit
submitted by West_Percentage630 to Buyee [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 CottonCandyDogLover1 Secret Task help!

Secret Task help! What Combis are best? Thanks
submitted by CottonCandyDogLover1 to Cookierun [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 shasha13821 Which pump is best for a working nurse

Hello! I was wondering which pump I should buy for Black Friday. I was looking at the Elvie stride, Medela hands free. I work with patients and I would like something kind of quiet while I pump.
I am open to all suggestions! Thank you 😊
submitted by shasha13821 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 TheGuyFromThePlace21 Drake fans won’t chill 😂😭🙏 even in thanksgiving

Drake fans won’t chill 😂😭🙏 even in thanksgiving If there were an album I would recommend to Drake fans fr, it wouldn’t be TPAB or GKMC cuz they already wouldn’t see it like we do since they not like us. I would definitely recommend MMATBS cuz
1: Some of these posts (mainly pitiful memes) scream that you need therapy
2: Cuz a lot of Drake fans mainly have a problem with Kendrick being the savior of hip hop
3: It’s not an album people would have pressure to like them and they could form their own opinions (maybe)
But main point is, heading to the Drake subreddit is genuinely some of the funniest things to do randomly because either the top post is meat riding him calling him “bRaVe” and “🧠🧠🧠” or it’s a meme about the beef while saying they don’t care about the beef (like dawg, if you don’t care then stfu 😑). Anyway just wanted to share these memes specifically for how stupidly funny they are and ended up yapping a bit.
submitted by TheGuyFromThePlace21 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 odd_perspective_ Leftovers….

So now that the festivities are over, what is everyone doing with leftover turkey? I need new ideas.
In the past I’ve done the required sandwiches, stocks, soups (with stuffing balls/noodles), pies (shepherd and pot), and just plain ate it for days.
submitted by odd_perspective_ to thanksgiving [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 KingSire2114 Help A Single Father In Need

No Matter How Small, Every Contribution Is Greatly Appreciated Thank You For Your Support.
submitted by KingSire2114 to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:40 Sneaky_Moomoo Black truffle

Black truffle Some home grown fyeeee
submitted by Sneaky_Moomoo to ILTrees [link] [comments]
