2024.11.29 21:40 KingSire2114 Help A Single Father In Need
No Matter How Small, Every Contribution Is Greatly Appreciated Thank You For Your Support.
submitted by KingSire2114 to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:40 who_am_I_inside Okay just hear me out with this one guys
I’ve heard so many theories about other people being Roo; Lilith, Eve, hell someone even said Velvette could be Roo. You know who I’ve never heard talked about? Rosie. Admittedly, there’s a chance this is already a common theory and I’m preaching to the choir here, but on the off-chance I’m not, just lend me your ear: How much do we know about Rosie right now? Well, we know she’s the ruler of Cannibal town and she’s a rather powerful Overlord, though we haven’t been shown exactly how powerful she is. We know she and Alastor go way back, but we don’t know exactly how. We know she owns at least enough souls to attend the conference in episode 3. When I first thought of this months ago, I rewatched all of Rosie’s moments in the show, though I haven’t checked the Pilot yet. In the meeting, Rosie stayed quiet, casually taking in the information laid out and showing a few somewhat dramatic reactions at more extreme points. In “Hello, Rosie!”, she takes on the motherly, encouraging role we all know her for. A few times through that episode Alastor’s smile drops, although that could mean several things. Overall, maybe it’s bias, but something just feels off about her. And we can’t forget the cosmetic similarities, despite how weak they feel even as I type this now. Two characters with a red and black attire, pale skin, and a strikingly similar Hat. Hell, even their names sound a bit similar. Anyway, just food for thought. Rosie could be Roo and it would catch us all off-guard. submitted by who_am_I_inside to hazbin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 atticusbcassidy Tutorial not letting me nest even though its requiring me to?
Please help lol. submitted by atticusbcassidy to pathoftitans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 goofball6868 Add me up so i can get to my 5th artist slot
submitted by goofball6868 to airbuds [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 superhamhams Shes arrived
submitted by superhamhams to lanitas [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 realAminchik 73 days ago i posted here reaching 1k mmr 73 days later finally out of guardian
I thought honestly I would be higher after one year of playing but still not bad with this amount of griefers
submitted by realAminchik to learndota2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:40 ericson1998 Sony WF-C700N vs. Samsung Galaxy Buds FE
I´m switching from jack earphones (Marshall Mode) and I want to buy my first TWS earbuds. My budget is around 70€ (so no Sony WF-1000XM series). Both models are currently selling approximately at this price. My preferences:
2024.11.29 21:40 Viper303ur Day 24 after the Nukes
Nort Amer Soth Amer Fn Shet submitted by Viper303ur to PossibleHistory [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 dirtyharrison FNC's Thiessen: Trump's 'Escalation Dominance' on Tariffs Already Successful
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 DirtsHemi [WTS] Daniel Defense Stock and Pistol Grips (FDE and Black)
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/jZXcHNx
Like new condition, I pulled these off of brand new rifles.
FDE Stock - $60 Shipped FDE Pistol Grip (Factory no trigger guard) - $25 shipped FDE package - $75 Shipped
Black Pistol Grip with trigger guard - $25 Black Pistol Grip with trigger guard - $25
submitted by DirtsHemi to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:40 dirtyharrison Study: Biden-Harris Administration Weaponized Education Department to 'Punish' Christian Colleges
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 Hoss8675309 How do you use weapon racks?
Title pretty much sums it up i think. I can't get weapons to set in the racks.
submitted by Hoss8675309 to MedievalDynasty [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:40 saltedorganiccashew Happy Friday
Nice day out there... submitted by saltedorganiccashew to Montana [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 Sea-Researcher-8088 F350 6.7 Powerstroke - piece of cardboard in fuel tank…
I was adding Archoil fuel additive and the small round cardboard piece in the lid fell into my fuel tank and seems to just go all the way in.
Any suggestions? Thank you!
submitted by Sea-Researcher-8088 to superduty [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:40 adesai05 $CHOCLATE IS BOOMING we just hit ATH $1m mcap in a blink!!
submitted by adesai05 to memecoins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 Mnamkys_ Art Nového Bojovníka Který Se Jmenuje GOMJONGπ√£
Do fortnitu
submitted by Mnamkys_ to czech [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:40 HarukaKX Do I need to leave West Campus Garage tonight?
The parking advisory email says that West Campus Garage permit holders only need to move their cars to level 5 or higher. However, when I went to go park, there was a sign that says all permit holders need to "clear" by midnight. Also, levels 5 and 6 were nearly empty when I parked. Do I need to go to a different lot??
submitted by HarukaKX to aggies [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:40 jilinjames Crypto whales secretly accumulate these 4 coins for 5,000% gains
submitted by jilinjames to cryptopaa [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 Some-Sheepherder1147 Navabi
She is probably the only person I like as a character. Rest of them, literally all of them, (except side characters like Solomon and Glen etc) are so cheesy and lowkey cringe sometimes.
submitted by Some-Sheepherder1147 to TheBlackList [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:40 rockhardlarry Can anyone explain to me what just happened
submitted by rockhardlarry to farmingsimulator [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 dirtyharrison Trans Actor Michaela Jae Rodriguez: 'Trans Actors Playing Cis Roles Isn't A Question Anymore'
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 Any_Biscotti284 Who checked out with these? Congratulations I got a size 9 cucumber just wondering how many were available
submitted by Any_Biscotti284 to PollexSaleheBembury [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 Thick_Gap_7499 Megy a brainstorming: Zelenszkij a NATO-tagságért cserébe lezárná a háború „forró szakaszát”
A Newsweek közben arról is beszámolt, hogy az Orosz Hírszerzés (SVR) információi szerint a NATO akár százezer fős békefenntartó alakulatot küldhet Ukrajnába. Korábban a Kreml hivatalos médiája, a Russia Today, hosszabb elemzést közölt a finnekkel 1939-ben vívott háborúról, kiemelve, hogy Finnország a béke érdekében elfogadta területeinek 10%-os elvesztését, amiért cserébe biztosítékot kapott a későbbi meg nem támadásra. Bár ez a párhuzam önmagában nem feltétlenül jelent semmit, azok számára, akik a sorok között is tudnak olvasni, ez akár a Kreml nyitottságának finom jelzéseként is értelmezhető lehet. https://444.hu/2024/11/29/zelenszkij-a-nato-tagsagert-cserebe-lezarna-a-haboru-forro-szakaszat https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-russian-foreign-intelligence-service-nato-1993460 submitted by Thick_Gap_7499 to hungary [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 dirtyharrison WATCH -- Mar-a-Lago Thanksgiving: Donald Trump, Elon Musk Bop to 'Y.M.C.A.'
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:40 Mysterious_Bid5269 No puedo dejar de fantasear
Soy un hombre de 20 años, Hace tiempo estoy intentando dejar de tocarme, llevaba 4 semanas limpio y no se me estaba complicando para nada, pero de un día para otro empecé a fantasear con algo que hace tiempo no pensaba, dichos pensamientos se tratan de mí siendo penetrado por otro hombre/yo penetrando a otro hombre, he caído en tentación y me me tocado pero me detengo cuando siento que estoy cerca de acabar e incluso me he tocado allá atrás, estoy así desde hace 4 días y no puedo detenerme, no puedo dejar de fantasear, por ratos me tocó pero me detengo a los minutos
Soy virgen, nunca he tenido intimidad y siempre me han atraído las mujeres, cosas como estás me han pasado muy pocas veces pero está vez siento que está a un nivel mayor, talvez por ser virgen estoy glorificando esos actos y en realidad no son la gran cosa, o no se, solo quería desahogarme
submitted by Mysterious_Bid5269 to Honduras [link] [comments]