Level 60 treasure cave with 400 gems

2024.11.29 21:51 abeed100 Level 60 treasure cave with 400 gems

Level 60 treasure cave with 400 gems submitted by abeed100 to MonsterLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:51 HelldiverDemigod Has anyone else been getting disconnects to title screen when matchmaking? (pve)

I haven’t tried to get on today but ever since last Friday/Saturday I either instantly find a match or disconnect to title screen after like three or four minutes. Xbox S player here, anyone else having these new matchmaking issues?
Additionally if I launch a PvE mission then run into the launch square I will 100% of the time disconnect… It’s as if they patched it so you can no longer force yourself to be the host, probably to keep people from cheesing the class selection menu.
Matchmaking has become an unbearable grind of exiting to the title screen over and over again… haven’t had issues this bad since launch when you’d stare at load screens then fail to join.
submitted by HelldiverDemigod to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:51 Top-Dog2399 Cutie scared cat

submitted by Top-Dog2399 to crabcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:51 BrainstormBot 🌎 Windward Islands: Sismo - Earthquake (4.1 M, at 21:46 UTC, from www.seismicportal.eu)

🌄 Sismo! Earthquake! 4.1 M, registered by TRN, 2024-11-29 21:46:47 UTC (twilight) on land, Güiria, Municipio Valdez, Sucre, Venezuela (11.23, -62.14) likely felt 80 km away (www.seismicportal.eu)
submitted by BrainstormBot to EEW [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:51 masterpower99 Voice chat works in lobby but not ingame

I don't know if there's a different voice chat when in a match vs when in the lobby but I can hear people talking and they say they can hear me but when I get into a game I hear nobody, when that match ends and you go back to the lobby ship they say they can hear other people and hear me but I can't hear them. Has anyone had this issue before and how did you fix it?
submitted by masterpower99 to vailvr [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:51 CriticalBit3063 AIO for thinking my sister is being manipulated? *TW- mention of suicide, drugs and alcohol*

Scroll past if this is too much reading, please. But I need help telling my sister that she is not overreacting for wanting distance from the father of her kids, and also help giving her better advice than I can.. I’m a protective sister and aunt, but I don’t really know what to say to her. The situation is included in the images linked to the post.
If anyone has any questions please ask, sorry if this post feels all over the place. My head has been spinning because I hate that my sister is going through this.
submitted by CriticalBit3063 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 jg379 'Brace Yourself' by Matt Dixon

'Brace Yourself' by Matt Dixon submitted by jg379 to FemaleFantasyArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Friendly-Camel-2108 Nike exchange system not making any sense

It'll take Nike 2-3 days after the returned item arrives before it would process the exchange. By that time, the size of color of the item you would like to exchange to may already be gone. And Nike would simply issue you a refund. That's what happened to me even I requested an exchange the day I got the item and shipped the returned item the next day. What's the point for the exchange system? Does it mean anything to the company when it sends its customer a confirmation for the exchanged order? So ridiculous! I could have just placed a new order when the item is still available and returned the received item.
submitted by Friendly-Camel-2108 to Nike [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Professor_Abbi Hey guys

submitted by Professor_Abbi to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Zerios5 Mount Olympus Quest Bug - Stuck. Please Help

Im a bit of a pickle right now.
Im in middle of the Mount Olympus Quest where I have to follow Hades. I put up the 2 Vases and all that, I activated the Bridge but hades didnt follow me, so I restartet the Game.
Now Hades is on the other side of the Bridge, but I cannot activate the first bridge without speaking to him.. which I cant becouse he is on the other side.
What should I do? Im completly stuck with that Bug.
submitted by Zerios5 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Appropriate-Arm-6316 Yoooo kai this is my video man

Yoooo kai this is my video man submitted by Appropriate-Arm-6316 to KaiCenat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 No_Assistance_5439 Deceptive Reality - cyberpunk meets Wick is 50% off BLACK FRIDAY: MISSVR50DR-A083A5

Deceptive Reality - cyberpunk meets Wick is 50% off BLACK FRIDAY: MISSVR50DR-A083A5 USE CODE: MISSVR50DR-A083A5
submitted by No_Assistance_5439 to oculus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 sp1derweb Grad App Fee Waiver

does anyone know if the grad program application is fully submitted even though the fee waiver approval is still under review? the deadline for my application is 12/1 but i applied for a fee waiver. i’m just stressed because the status says pending due to the waiver not being approved yet 😭
submitted by sp1derweb to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Luvs2RateU Up 4 up!

I'll upvote comments too!
submitted by Luvs2RateU to needkarma [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Human_Cell1706 Anybody else got caught masturbating?

I want to start by saying i´m not a creep flashing people... I was horny, it was the middle of the night after a hot summer day, and i wanted to jerk off in my garden. I went out and didn´t hear anything, so thinking that all my neighbors are sleeping i went to the back of my garden. I have a shed where nobody would see me but this time i thought fuck it. I took my clothes of, my dick hard and throbbing within 30sec. After a couple of minutes jerking my hard dick i see the flashlight of a Phone light up in the garden next to mine. It was the wife of my neighbor, i was about to cum so it took awhile to process she was watching me. Realizing she was watching i took my clothes, walked to my backdoor, got inside and since this was the first time i´ve ever got caught i came from tension.
submitted by Human_Cell1706 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Mcbusted2013 So angry lol

submitted by Mcbusted2013 to rummikub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Flood warnings, more storms as month’s worth of rain falls on Sydney | Sydney Morning Herald

submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 9lxTi6BaHqg9q5PAPcQ NVME overheating - anyone have this problem?

I recently bought the F6-424, I installed TOS 6.0 on the Nvme (someone recommended it, only 1 Nvme is installed). I then installed 1 ironwolf pro (16T), about 30 minutes after it was done synchronizing, I heard the NAS beeping, went to check the dashboard & it said that the temperature on the Nvme was too high (it was 85c) - I turned off the machine & rebooted it 5 minutes later. Within 10 minutes I noticed that the temperature on the Nvme suddenly jumped to 85 & then it would go down to 35ish (not gradually). The fans turn on to max speed & if the temperature doesn't drop within 10 second the machine starts beeping so the only solution i have is to turn it off. Now that it's on again it hasn't had this issue but what worries me is that I haven't even started to add more HDDs/data to it yet & I already have this problem.
This is my first NAS so I'm a bit overwhelmed, I don't know if it's a censor issue or if it's because I installed TOS 6.0 on the Nvme. Any help/guidance is much appreciated :(
more details: the Nvme is a 1T Samsung 980. I installed another HDD & just by being on the section where you're about to start synchronizing the newly added HDD, the Nvme starts jumping between 37c to 85c, the fans obviously turn on to max speed, I back out of that section & then the Nvme stops jumping to 85c. I started synchronizing the new HDD to see what happens & surprisingly the temperature stays at 41c - could it be a bad sensor?
submitted by 9lxTi6BaHqg9q5PAPcQ to TerraMaster [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Rocket_has_reverse Travel and week study in Beijing - Need advices

Hello everyone!
Next year in April I will be attending a one-week course at Renmin University. I am planning to stay from Apr. 8th (arrival) ultin April 20th (departure late at night) with 5 days course in between.
Do you believe it is enought days to visit the main attractions and maybe a little bit more?
I would really appreciatte some reccomentadions:

submitted by Rocket_has_reverse to beijing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 InTheShadows-98 26M Really lonely and want some friends

I’m pretty lonely. It’s too quiet, I need some friends.
People I’ve tried to make friends with on here on the past have just randomly ghosted me and threw me away so none of that please.
Preferably looking for someone I can just lean on and be clingy with haha.
But my name is Noah. From US. I like playing video games, watching YouTube videos, listening to music, playing guitar, riding roller coasters and snowboarding.
I should mention I do have high functioning autism so making friends is hard but I try my best to make conversations and things.
Definitely hoping to hear from some people.
submitted by InTheShadows-98 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Man dead after crashing into Melbourne supermarket | Sydney Morning Herald

[AU] - Man dead after crashing into Melbourne supermarket | Sydney Morning Herald submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 stained__class Wood affects 'how' the strings vibrate.

Wood affects 'how' the strings vibrate. The strings either vibrate or they don't, and the only differences how you've tuned it. Sorry, I mean, only Gibson Les Paul toanwood strings vibrate in the right, expensive, toan.
submitted by stained__class to guitarcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 AmbitiousShoulder184 فضفضه صغيره

عندي وحده مرهه قريبه مني
المهم على الرغم من قريي لها (اكلمها يوميا تقريبا) هي تدري اني اروح لنادي بس ما تدري اني كذا
عموما سالتي حلو وقالت ابي اشترك وصرت اوديها معي وانصدمت مني وصدق كانت مصدومه ومره وتمدح فيني العسوله
بس مو هنا المشكله
المشكله من يوم وريتها ورحت معها وانا صاير نادي معي ثقيل جسمي مو راضي يستجيب
نومي فحاءه تغير
بشرتي طلعت حبوب بشكل مو طبيعي ماعمرها صارت
حتى اكلي صور اسوء شي يعني ما التزم ولا اطبخ ولا شي يعني صرت من افضل ايام حياتي لاسوء شي ما امزح!!!
انا ما اقول ان منها بس انا مستغربه يعني ليش يصير كذا من يوم اعلم شخص عن شي يصير لي يتحول هالشي الا شي سيء جذا
ووش الحين الحين
submitted by AmbitiousShoulder184 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 NoPea6102 2010 Ram1500

This happened the other night. Only happens at idle and won’t let me take it out of park. It’s hard to find anything else on it.
submitted by NoPea6102 to Ram1500 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Ns4200 I’m about to try again OLD again. Any suggestions for making it less overwhelming/stressful!

I keep putting it off because it feels so “ugh” so much effort. pointless conversations. feelings of potential, then having it not work, love bombing, ghosting. talking to multiple people at the same time.. it’s a lot.
But I’m not going to find my person just sitting here wanting to fast forward through it and get to the part where we can cuddle on the couch, watch movies, make dinner together, go on adventures, vacations, all the good stuff.
So anyone have suggestions on how to keep the stress down, maybe even find a way to enjoy the journey?
I’m going to do an exercise writing down all the qualities I like in parters, then kind of sort them as must/Very Want/Want/Great but not required. Hopefully to get some clarity when i look at potential dates.
I’d love for more suggestions though!
submitted by Ns4200 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]
