Wedding Cake & Ayahuasca Purple Strain

2024.11.29 21:37 meruhuana Wedding Cake & Ayahuasca Purple Strain

Wedding Cake & Ayahuasca Purple Strain My favorite genetics in the whole world💜
submitted by meruhuana to weed [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 xoxoxxy Accessing pfSense Web Configurator on Proxmox vs VMware Workstation: Networking Issue

submitted by xoxoxxy to Proxmox [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Thick_Strawberry3846 GET-TIKTOK-FANS-GENERATOR-INSTANT-FREE-2024-at-Tool_Center_Naws

A TikTok Followers Generator is a tool that claims to boost followers on your TikTok account. However, using such generators often results in fake, inactive, or low-quality followers, which can negatively impact your account's credibility and engagement rate. For sustainable growth, it's best to focus on creating engaging content, interacting with your audience, and using organic strategies.
submitted by Thick_Strawberry3846 to rarebeauty [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 MarsupialPublic1322 Does anyone have accessories for an avatar of the character you play as in the game “Pumpkin Panic”?

Does anyone have accessories for an avatar of the character you play as in the game “Pumpkin Panic”? I really like cosplaying on Roblox, mostly vocaloid and Danganronpa cosplays, and wanna start cosplaying from other video games I like playing!
I have this for the head but can’t find a good hoodie or cloak for them. And if you know a better head, I’d be happy to have suggestions!
submitted by MarsupialPublic1322 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 CJWChico Human Bingo Questions

submitted by CJWChico to numismatics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Nogood_name239 ..

.. submitted by Nogood_name239 to Saramushygyan [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 ximbold Is it just me or do these swap tokens seem really hard to get for casuals?

I am a casual player and I’ve clocked out that I’ll get about 2 tokens pr. week, will that even give me 10 tokens? Or do I just go for fodder packs
submitted by ximbold to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 ishraq2019 صدمات الطفولة بالماضي

كلامي سيكون موجه الآن للآباء والأشخاص الذين يعانون من صدمات الطفوله . ☝️إذا كنت اب او كنتي أم ولديكي أبناء ، نصيحتي لكم اعتنوا . باطفالكم جيدا👌 . اياكم والقسوة المفرطه مع الابناء، القسوة الشديده تجعل الابن منغلق على ذاته ولا يشارك مشاكله او ما يحدث له لوالديه خوفا من العقاب والضرب، احسن تربية اولادك اعرف متى تستخدم الضرب في العقاب ومتى تكتفي بالنظرات ومتى تعاتب . عود طفلك ان يجد فيك الحنان والطمأنينة والأمان. أطفال كثيره يتعرضون للتنمر والتحرش الجنسي والايذاء النفسي ولا يقولون لاباءهم خوفا من العقاب ، ويكبرون بمشاكلهم حتى يفقدوا صحتهم النفسية. ‎👈إذا كنت تعاني من صدمات الطفوله ولا تستطيع التعايش في الحياة ، لابد ان تطلب المساعدة المهنية، فكتمانك لها ليس حلا بل سيزيد الألم والجرح .
submitted by ishraq2019 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 -UnaKite- Any 100% PE Christmas trees?

After going down a huge rabbit hole with researching what materials are safe for pets and myself, I have reached a dead end. I cannot find a tree made from 100% PE material, its either PVC or a blend. My dog passed away from cancer a few years ago and the previous tree we had was PVC. She would love to sleep under the tree and rub up against it. Now knowing what I know, I am riddled with guilt and want to prevent my pets from any potential toxic exposure's. But what are my options? I have been searching for a tree all week and cannot find one that fits. Is it hopeless? Or are there ways I can protect myself and my pets from PVC chemical exposure?
submitted by -UnaKite- to ChristmasTrees [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 PaleBarracudas What’s the most ridiculous yet oddly specific rule or tradition your family follows, and how did it even start?

submitted by PaleBarracudas to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Thick_Strawberry3846 NeW@! UPDATED FREE TIKTOK FOLLOWERS GENERATOR 2024 NO VERIFY #5034WVO

A TikTok Followers Generator is a tool that claims to boost followers on your TikTok account. However, using such generators often results in fake, inactive, or low-quality followers, which can negatively impact your account's credibility and engagement rate. For sustainable growth, it's best to focus on creating engaging content, interacting with your audience, and using organic strategies.
submitted by Thick_Strawberry3846 to rarebeauty [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Funny-Ad7620 Missions

A Shantotto Ascension (100%) Rise of Zilart (10%) Treasures of Art Urgan (1%)
submitted by Funny-Ad7620 to FF11Sephiroth [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 ducky_3225 Flatex "Keine Daten vorhanden"

Was bedeutet dieses "Keine Daten vorhanden" eigentlich. Ich seh es immer wieder. Bedeutet das die Daten sind im Moment nicht verfügbar Aufgrund eines technischen Fehlers oder bietet Flatex die Aktie zur Zeit nicht mehr an? (Beispiel $BGM)
submitted by ducky_3225 to FinanzenAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Beckphillips Hacked 3DS "Could not access SD Card during last attempt to use SpotPass"

Right, I've got a hacked 3ds - specifically, I've been using NetPass to let me actually play StreetPass games - and to my knowledge I've turned off SpotPass on anything and everything I can. (Though I'm not sure how to do that in StreetPass Plaza?)
I skipped past the errors the first time, and when I opened the plaza, it looked like all the DLC games were deleted, making me have to reinstall them.
Error Message:
"Could not access SD Card during last attempt to use SpotPass. Please check that the SD Card is not full or write-protected."
I've already checked: The SD card is not full, nor is it write protected. What are some common troubleshooting tips I could use?
submitted by Beckphillips to 3dshomebrew [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 No_Poem_2169 Xuron, where have you been all my life?

Xuron, where have you been all my life? Seriously, these pliers are fantastic. I’ve got a dozen or so Metal Earths under my belt and only now discovering these. I think I picked them up at Hobby Lobby and wish I found them sooner. Highly recommended!
submitted by No_Poem_2169 to metalearth [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 rubius_notif Nuevo video por Rubius Z en YouTube

Nuevo video por Rubius Z en YouTube submitted by rubius_notif to ubius [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Loganoreo1 Are there any decent snowboard setups I can get that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg?

I haven’t snowboarded before but I want to get myself one and start to learn but I really don’t want to spend 1000 dollars in all for a snowboard and boots. Are there any budget friendly board and boots that will cost me no more than 400 dollars?
submitted by Loganoreo1 to snowboardingnoobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Techswitzerland For now, Kevin Wei and Sunil you can pretend that is Yuriko Takanashi is similar to this girl but an actual hired professional teacher from what I remember when we taught a lesson with Japan public school funds to students, this is her understanding of actual real fucking Euclidean math currently.

For now, Kevin Wei and Sunil you can pretend that is Yuriko Takanashi is similar to this girl but an actual hired professional teacher from what I remember when we taught a lesson with Japan public school funds to students, this is her understanding of actual real fucking Euclidean math currently. submitted by Techswitzerland to Kinorenschedules [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Arch1e-The-Silly Hetalia Discord Roleplay server!!

Hetalia Discord Roleplay server!! You can join me and my friends in a Hetalia Roleplay discord server! We have friendly staff, simple rules that even a baboon can understand, and a lot of open roles! We are also quite in need of a few moderators, soooo....
Please join us 🙏🙏
submitted by Arch1e-The-Silly to hetalia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 William_Elrod What do you miss most out of Vel'koz when you play any other champion?

I miss being able to check brushes with the q. Everytime i play any other champion, it feels so weird to not able to check brushes.
submitted by William_Elrod to Velkoz [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Javivican Se aburrirá mi chica de mi?

Hoy he f*llado con ella y me ha dicho que estaba demasiado lubricado que ni la sentía, tengo un rabo normal de unos 12cm pero ella hoy me ha dicho eso y literalmente me ha dicho que pare jajaji, no me ha pasado nunca y el sexo que tenemos siempre ha sido increíble, de parte de ella siempre lo dice.
submitted by Javivican to askspain [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Melodic-Soul Was the German military, the only military that would wear crosses (i.e. the Iron Cross) over their uniform ties? And is wearing a cross like that way, reminiscent of that?

I recently started wearing my cross outside my attire and I noticed how neat and “clean” it looks to have it “tied into” my tie. But then a friend told me that I look like a Wehrmacht veteran. So, my question has two aspects:
1) were Germans the only ones to have such a way to wear their crosses?
2) is wearing mine like that, reminiscent of said Germans? Or can I wear it like that and not fear of being called a Nazi?
(For clarification, my cross isn’t shaped like an Iron Cross and isn’t even iron/silvesteel but instead gold and it’s only used as a way to depict my faith.)
submitted by Melodic-Soul to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Far_Garden_6604 Should I reverse this Vietnam itinerary?

Hey everyone! I'm planning a solo trip throughout SE Asia and was planning on going to Vietnam after Thailand and before Malaysia so flying in from Phuket and then out to Kuala Lumpur.
I want to start in Hanoi and then end in HCM or vice versa. Tickets aren't much cheaper, it's only $25 CAD cheaper to reverse it (so start in HCM and end in Hanoi). Here's the itinerary as of now: Mar 10 - Mar 26 (17d): Vietnam - Hanoi (4n), Ha Giang (4n), Hoi An (3n), Ho Chi Minh (5n)
Should I change it to reverse it or does it not matter? Is there any good time to visit either of these places (specifically, is it better to do the Ha Giang loop at the start or end of March?)
Thanks! :))
submitted by Far_Garden_6604 to TravelProperly [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 Signal-You-1616 Materia reprobada

Hola. Si tengo beca y reprobé una materia ¿qué pasa? La materia que reprobé vale 1 crédito
submitted by Signal-You-1616 to TecDeMonterrey [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:37 vers_le_haut_bateau Say the line, Bart!

Say the line, Bart! submitted by vers_le_haut_bateau to formuladank [link] [comments]