Please help! Is it too late to book hajj?

2024.11.29 21:50 Careful_Fig8482 Please help! Is it too late to book hajj?

submitted by Careful_Fig8482 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 JustSignificance5294 Sizing Propane Tankless Water Heater

Thinking of buying this 180,000 BTU Rinnai unit but wanted any input/check my work. It's for a small cabin in far upstate NY, ground water @ 43F. Just one bath tub and a kitchen sink, might add a bathroom sink later. But never more than 1-2 people. The flow rate out of the well pump is only 3-4gpm so that's the limit of that anyway. Will this unit be sufficient for hot water? Looked at the graph in the manual but wanna be sure, I know it's common for people to size these things wrong.
submitted by JustSignificance5294 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Fabulous_Pause_2500 In usa, KYCed. Dm me

submitted by Fabulous_Pause_2500 to PiNetworkSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 SpringBurnSuit9501 Sonic Fans when a Mufasa The Lion King post is out

Sonic Fans when a Mufasa The Lion King post is out submitted by SpringBurnSuit9501 to 3Cfilms [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Valkyrielicence43 NBA talent level

I think we often forget how talented nba players who we view as "bad" or "not shooters" are. I tuned into the grizzlies warmup just out of boredom and curiousity and was amazed as I watched Brandon Clarke go 9-10 from 3 and JJJ casually hit a half court shot to finish his warmup. So before we get to much doom and gloom over our players who "arent as good as they used to be" or "need to be traded" lets also respect the work theyve put in and the talent they have to reach where they are now.
submitted by Valkyrielicence43 to memphisgrizzlies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 No_Researcher_4228 What charcters played by actors made you feel like they are being themselves

Sometimes watching a movie I get a feeling that the actor looks so much comfortable in a role that I get a feeling that they are not acting anymore but just being themselves.
Here are some instances where I felt that:
Prabhas in bujjugadu
Samantha in A Aa
RC in Rangasthalam
Nitya Menon in Ala modalaindi
BhAAi in Julayi
Chay in YMC
I watched these movies this week so, sorry if I don’t have more people on the list.
Did anyone felt this way about any actors role
submitted by No_Researcher_4228 to tollywood [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Possible-Mountain108 🔥 Fixer Upper Opportunities - Illinois 🔥

Illinois Deals 🔥 Fixer Upper Opportunities - Illinois 🔥
Looking for investment deals? Check these out:
1️⃣ Calumet City, 60409

2️⃣ Lansing, 60438
Both properties are vacant and ready for walkthroughs. Proof of Funds required. 📸 Photos & CMA available upon request.
submitted by Possible-Mountain108 to WholesaleRealestate [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 ScaredBrick2319 Mujeres pregunta seria y en buen plan

Si con tu novia baja la actividad sexual, (viven juntos) y al momento de que uno como hombre quiere inicar a seducir por tener ganas (cosa completamente normal) Y tu como mujer cortar el rollo de que no tienes ganas (cosa completamente valido y normal tambien no siempre se tiene ganas) y uno como hombre acepta eso le das un besito en la frente y le dices cuanto la amas y que no hay problema, lo tomas de buena gana sin forzar nada, y de repente escuchas que empieza a llorar, y uno como hombre pregunta que pasa por que lloras, y como mujer responde es que no quiero hacerte sentir mal por dejarte con las ganas o por que yo no tengo ganas o que esta estresasa o triste por equis situacion.… este es el contexto pero no entiendo por que llora cuando pasa eso (ha pasado varias veces) me preocupa que llore por algo asi que honestamente no le tomo importancia cuando no tiene ganas trato de hablar o realizar otra actividad para comprenderla… consejos, por que si se vuelve algo raro como hombre ver que lloran por no querer tener relaciones
submitted by ScaredBrick2319 to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 DiamondDev51 Red as Orion Pax/Optimus Prime

Red as Orion Pax/Optimus Prime This is some art I have made out of inspiration of Transformers one.
submitted by DiamondDev51 to angrybirdstransform [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 AgreeableWeek7920 Does anyone have the patterns to the puppet nerd puppets

I was going to get them but the site is down
submitted by AgreeableWeek7920 to puppets [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Impressive-Key2565 Feelings

I'm in love with kshitiz , I'm swechhya. He is deliberately pushing me away bcz I'm extremely attached but we don't have a future together. Will he reach out to me maybe once like giving me a goodbye text? Also how does he feel about me or the love that I showed to him? Thank youuuu. Will appreciate a lot if this gets answered.
submitted by Impressive-Key2565 to PsychicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 FantasticMoney7594 Anyone use this light

Anyone use this light I have a UNS 45s tank. Was looking at chihiros but just can’t spend that much money. Saw this light but wondering if this is a suitable light.
submitted by FantasticMoney7594 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Shuriken2250 Dumps oc here then leaves

Dumps oc here then leaves I got a new style, and i havent posted in here for a long time so might as well.
submitted by Shuriken2250 to GachaClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 sm9r Clean up request, thank you wizards! Will tip favourites 👍

Clean up request, thank you wizards! Will tip favourites 👍 Can anyone clean this up (faces) and maybe remove the other people in background / pump up 'the lights'?.... TY
submitted by sm9r to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 alucidvoid Fit check ergobaby omnibreeze

Fit check ergobaby omnibreeze submitted by alucidvoid to babywearing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Horrible_Karaoke247 Car Stereo Replacement

The stereo went out in my 2016 Jetta and I want to replace it. I went into Car Toys and they told me it would be an additional $300-$400 in parts for going away from the manufacture stereo. Is this true? Is that their way around "free install?" I see others in this sub has asked for recommendations and I am wondering if some of those recommendations are still accurate. I'm not feeling Car Toys at all.
submitted by Horrible_Karaoke247 to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 amok4eight22 Please Legit Check

submitted by amok4eight22 to CanadaGoose [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Stiffclouds I'd say I made a big improvement :) 14 to 18

I'd say I made a big improvement :) 14 to 18 submitted by Stiffclouds to uglyduckling [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Affectionate_Fly_507 Watchdives WD1860 Chrono Pushers

submitted by Affectionate_Fly_507 to watchdives [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 t1izzy my dad is concerned that i wont be able to find a job in the future if i go to afc harrogate

i really want to go to afc harrogate but my family are concerned that i will stay in the army for the rest of my life and its a long term commitment, i just needed other peoples insight into this first before i make any big decisions
submitted by t1izzy to britishmilitary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Known_Restaurant_591 Changing front of shelves

The front of these shelves hang down, meaning I can't get tall items into the cupboard. Any ideas on whether this could be changed? Could I saw off the excess which is hanging at the top of each shelf? How would I finish it before painting? Thank you n
submitted by Known_Restaurant_591 to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 MouseIndividual1862 Until Archer, I never got why people could crush on a cartoon character

Until Archer, I never got why people could crush on a cartoon character ...I am also a heterosexual woman, but DAMN! Tell me she wouldn't make you feel safe...
submitted by MouseIndividual1862 to ArcherFX [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Telamer UDC Compe

UDC Compe They sent me this instead of a Gallager LAM I can't find any comps on this one though to find value
submitted by Telamer to hockeycards [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 NelkuCosplay Rosalina Cosplay by Nelku!🌟

submitted by NelkuCosplay to Mario [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:50 Ok_Progress_18 Visibility to Manager V Non Manager

I am attempting to create a report that allows Managers to see their own job profile data and the job data of their team. However if someone is only an employee and not a manager they should not see the data.
Note all job profile data is on a custom object. Report is on worker profile
Tried intersection security, rule based security seems restricted to job profile so also not an option.
As self security groups seem to be Workday delivered.
Any ideas?
submitted by Ok_Progress_18 to workday [link] [comments]