MMOGA no PayPal possible

2024.11.29 21:30 MrMancheste MMOGA no PayPal possible

Hello everyone, on MMOGA you cannot pay by PayPal anymore. Only other payment methods which I never heard of or don't want to use
Should MMOGA get PayPal back?
submitted by MrMancheste to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 MrZcore Finished RG Sword Impulse.

Finished RG Sword Impulse. submitted by MrZcore to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Akeesha1573 VGN-N31S recovery media & battery

Does anyone know where I can get recovery media for it? It should be in German or English. And where could I get a battery?
submitted by Akeesha1573 to vaio [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 ESyhpon Am I wrong for not caring about my brother?

The past few years my brother and I have been slowing falling out of connection. We live several states apart, he's married and now with a child as of a year and a half ago.
For extra context the past few years since I moved for a better life for myself, he and my sister in law have not visited or even shown any want or talk about doing so and to me, that really hurts cause I've been back to see them multiple times.
Also in the past few years he's shown a decrease in happiness imo. He's more cynical about the world (I'm pretty cynical too but I still joke around and show enthusiasm for life). He use to joke, show passion about multiple things and be open minded about almost anything. He has no want to have any deeper conversations besides talking about work, his men's league games and my niece. He never asks me about my life or what I'm doing and having conversations feels like pulling teeth.
On top of that he's completely shut out our mother two months ago. She's overstepped a few times with regards to my niece but from a neutral standpoint I'm seeing, she has no ill intentions and just wants a life with her son and her granddaughter. They've also had instances of only being nice to my mom when they want something and I've seen it firsthand too. My brother has always had communication issues with her but imo shutting her out will only make it worse. Mom right now feels no matter what she does for them it's always received poorly which is true from what I've seen.
Lastly, my life took a turn for the worse when I lost my job this summer. He never reached out despite knowing after my mom told him. When I texted him asking to catch up and said I was struggling, he texted back a few times but since then we haven't spoken since.
Personally because of the reception I've gotten from him over the past few years, I don't really care anymore. I tried for awhile but ever since I lost my job and he wasn't there for me at least for someone to talk to, I'm done. He's great at playing the victim in arguments. He's always taking the stance that he is right and everyone else is wrong. So wrong in fact that they are stupid and don't understand or care about him so he doesn't want to talk anymore to resolve on any issues.
So yeah I'm done and I don't want to be but I'm learning to accept it. He doesn't reach out and I'm tired of being the one who does. Relationships are a two way road and I've been walking it alone for too long in hopes he wants to connect again. Imo he doesn't but he's family. The fact that he's family is the only reason it hurts and why I feel I might be wrong but I need to keep my sanity and sleep soundly at night for once. I'll always be here if he needs me and would love a closer relationship and I'm willing to make that happen but if he isn't then so be it. I feel bad cause I care and always will I just don't want to feel wrong about it
The holidays only inflate this feeling lol
submitted by ESyhpon to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Ok-Definition-4083 German Cross in Gold by Deschler. Fake or original?

German Cross in Gold by Deschler. Fake or original? My friend wants to sell his German Cross in Gold so I took it to a collector who's owned a few in the past. Apparently, it's original and with 10 rivets it's relatively rare so I'm considering buying it. I'd still want a second opinion on it's authenticity first as it won't be cheap. Thanks.
submitted by Ok-Definition-4083 to Militariacollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Engel3030 Image Encoding Still Greyed Out (Series X after first patch)

I saw some others runs into this problem and just wanted to point out that it’s seemingly still there. My TV has HDR, the console recognises it when starting the game but the option to swap the image encoding over is still unavailable.
submitted by Engel3030 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Howtall2tall Crazy Black Friday deals

Crazy Black Friday deals Top right collectibles at ninjaexchange in San Diego came through! 140 long boxes, all .50 with keys sprinkled throughout. I went in with nothing specific in mind and left happy.
submitted by Howtall2tall to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 limsalominsaenjoyer5 23M [Friendship] Looking for a cute, clingy, longterm & close type of friendship with someone likeminded 😵‍💫😵‍💫Warning⚠️: This post is going to be unstructurized and long as hell and I'm letting my thoughts flow freely 😭

Yeah! Um, not even really sure where to start ^^' Hello hi!! Thank you for checking this out!
I guess I'll start off strong with the most important part of "me", and the one that I'm looking to match with someone the most! :3 I'm very clingy, I get attached very easy and if I like you, oh boy will you know that I like you. I love being silly & goofy with people, chatting their heads off, asking questions, and overall just really appreciating the time we spend together! I'm someone who, if I like another person, they'll be in my mind from the moment I go to bed to the moment I wake up and I really really wanna find someone like that😭
I do want to note that this is all in a healthy manner, not in a "I'm extremely overwhelming and you'll have 0 space!! 😈" I understand that everyone needs time off, everyone feels different each day and I have no problem being a shoulder to cry on for you when you need it! 💖I also want to note that if you're someone who wants to have a quick chat or have a short-term convo in mind, my post isn't for you. It's absolutely not a bad thing but I'd really love to start off with the right idea in mind that we are both alike (at least somewhat) & looking for something similar!
Aside from that... I really don't care! I don't discriminate, so whatever, whoever, or whatever you are or may believe in - none of my business and it really doesn't matter to me ^^ Just be kindhearted & lookin' for something like this!
As for me, I'm a student, I work, I enjoy lots of things such as photography, gaming, collecting various trinkets & odds n ends, drinking water, breathing, and many, many other exhilarating hobbies. (no, but for real, I won't spoil everything here! There'd be no fun in chatting if I listed my entire CV here 😵‍💫)
If you've made it so far... you're one hell of a trooper. I applaud you! And you are also, most very likely, someone that I am looking for. Only a select few can sit through 5 minutes of reading rambles and actually tolerate it so well done 💖
Let me know a bit about yourself in your initial message! Tell me what you favourite species of monkey is! Tell me about what you think lies at the end of the universe! Anything, really, as long as it's not just a hi 😭take care reader, mwah have a good day <3
submitted by limsalominsaenjoyer5 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 TurmoilX [USA-TX] [H] Miscellaneous Hardware Clear-Out (Tiny PC, Mobo, CPUs, DDR4 ECC Ram, DD3 ECC Ram) [W] Cash, Paypal

I’m clearing out some spare hardware I no longer need and hoping to find them a good home. Here's what I have:

CPUs: Memory: All items are in great working condition. They’ll be packed securely for shipping if needed.
Feel free to shoot me offers or questions!
Timestamps Below: Timestamps
submitted by TurmoilX to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Free_Shock8312 Letsgo

submitted by Free_Shock8312 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 AbracadabraMagicPoWa How do you feel about this Creed fragrance?

How do you feel about this Creed fragrance? Bought this on a whim in the duty free shop coming home from a business trip.
Now that I’ve worn her a couple times I’m not sure how I feel about it. Curious to know your thoughts! 💖✨
submitted by AbracadabraMagicPoWa to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Baseball51515 WB ZAMAZENTA 9712 7726 3278

Need help! Got two
submitted by Baseball51515 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Sakuyahimee Essay/Homework help!

Hey, do you need an essay or assignment done and you’re too stressed or busy do it?
Contact me at [email protected]!
submitted by Sakuyahimee to CollegeHomeworkTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 bsmid Je trouve un petit défaut après l'EDL

Je suis locataire dans un appartement via une agence.
J'ai fait l'état des lieux d'entrée, et juste après signature de l'edl, j'accompagne l'agent pour sortir du parking (vu qu'il n'a plus le beep pour ouvrir la porte), en rentrant j'utilise le robinet de la cuisine et je vois qu'il fuit au milieu (le robinet carrément, pas le siphon).
J'essaie d'appeler l'agent mais ne décroche plus, j'envoie un mail à la gestionnaire de mon logement (une personne dans l'agence) , sans réponse, je relance par mail après une semaine, mais toujours rien.
Entre temps, l'agent me contact par mail pour un autre sujet, et j'ai profité pour lui parler du problème du robinet et que la gestionnaire ne répond pas, il m'a dit qu'on a vu le robinet durant l'edl y'avait pas de problème.
J'ai une vidéo du robinet qui fuit 5 minutes après signature de l'EDL. Mais il veut rien savoir et la gestionnaire ne répond pas après 10 jours.
C'est la première fois que je passe par une agence, et là je sais pas si je répare moi même, sachant que j'ai pas abîmé le robinet, sinon qu'est ce que je peux faire ?
Pour info : l'appartement est un t3 dans un bâtiment construit en 2012, et il a pas mal de défaut, l'ancien locataire l'a pas bien traité. La bail a commencé y'a 9 jours.
Merci à tous et bon week end.
submitted by bsmid to immobilier [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 MayoMonkey1776 To easy

To easy trainedbytee aka Wessenys tiny clone gettin GADOOSHED yet his tiny smooth brain can’t comprehend
submitted by MayoMonkey1776 to WesWatson [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 shoutaxd Momento naco

Momento naco submitted by shoutaxd to MAAU [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 thepro00715 Can anyone identify this hallmark

Can anyone identify this hallmark Hey, struggling to identify what year this ting was made can anyone help?
submitted by thepro00715 to jewelry [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 sbbuet Canada 🇨🇦 Anyone interested to trade?

My Temu fish code 48376005
User: tirtho07. Please do mine, and let me know your username. If eligible, I'll accept yours. I can't do farm and fish. I can only do hat-trick, free gifts, redeem credit. Multiple devices are available to return click.
Please mention that your code is for which game. I always return clicks. You can check my profile. Thanks
submitted by sbbuet to TemuCANADAcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Offres Tiny Zombie

Tiny Zombie submitted by Offres to TurkeyMiddleEast [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 DoctorWhosOnFirst Recruiting Rundown: Crimson Tide Prepares for Massive Iron Bowl Weekend

Recruiting Rundown: Crimson Tide Prepares for Massive Iron Bowl Weekend submitted by DoctorWhosOnFirst to rolltide [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 DarthRed503 Those Rush Packs 🔥

Those Rush Packs 🔥 submitted by DarthRed503 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Night-Caelum Nightwing throughout the years by Vadarts

Nightwing throughout the years by Vadarts submitted by Night-Caelum to Nightwing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Kodaly24 Qué onda las promociones de JBL?

Hace unas semanas que me vienen apareciendo en instagram promociones de tiendas online con 2x1 en productos JBL. Onda comprás un parlante y te viene con unos auriculares y combos así. Y la verdad los precios están tan bajos que se me hace sospechoso. Alguien sabe qué onda? Está todo lícito?
submitted by Kodaly24 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 h0lylanc3 Pretzel pup.

Pretzel pup. submitted by h0lylanc3 to coonhounds [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:30 Offres Tiny Zombie

Tiny Zombie submitted by Offres to marocctv [link] [comments]