2024.11.29 22:56 AnCamcheachta Even more typical /r/GreatSatan poster.
submitted by AnCamcheachta to ROI [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 Existing_Cream5925 Bad Bop Shop
submitted by Existing_Cream5925 to CelebBodys [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 GothicVictorianTrash Reason For Suicide In A Story (Yes there is a TW, but I assure you the tale is HAPPY... please read the whole post <3)
-Before Judging, please read the whole post Thank you :,)-
I know it sounds bad, however... I am writing a story where the main character commits suicide and goes on a grand adventure... Despite the tough intro it is a VERY happy tale full of growth, love, and fighting for all that is just.
-THE QUESTION- HOWEVER! I am stuck on her "why" Why did she commit suicide? What would be the final straw for someone to decide to end her life? I want this to be something that is tough for anyone to deal with...
I have thought about many scenarios... but none of which I feel are relevant to the character- but this is indeed a tale I want to tell... and I want it to feel right... and I want it to feel relatable
-The Gist Of The Story- So she goes onWith a "Grim Reaper" like character who leads her through "Limbo" and she fights monsters, fights for all that is good and wonderful... (Things that are worth fighting for)- She helps and learns to appreciate every living thing, (there are creatures, fairies, and other fantasy like creatures... Hence why I call this a fantasy novel)
Through the book she eventually learns the meaning of life, she learns that life is indeed worth fighting for... She ends up falling in love with this "grim reaper" like character (He's handsome... and fun loving and care free... with an attitude of positivity and optimism) She literally learns through death that life is something worth fighting for... She helps this character when a big bad comes to "Purgatorium" - (the land between Paradisium and Oblivion... Heaven and Hell basically)... Fighting for these souls who inhabit Purgatorium, her lesson deepens. And she falls further in love with this Grim Reaper Character...
She does end up being revived in the end... The whole story takes place within the moments from when she is found dead, to the time it took her to get to the hospital, and to be revived
But to get there, before that stuff even happens, before her lesson ensues, and before her adventure begins, she kills herself. I am wondering why... why would a person commit suicide?
submitted by GothicVictorianTrash to fantasywriters [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 forrestbearfj40 Base Investment Play
What are bullish investment plays if you are bullish on the Base Network besides owning Coinbase outright?
submitted by forrestbearfj40 to defi [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 7thpain999 I’m done watching
Most of yall know but just watched the episode with Nick dying. I’m over this show nice knowing yall 😭
submitted by 7thpain999 to FearTheWalkingDead [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 QTBU buttons on controller randomly stop working
in street fighter v i use usb c connected to xbox controller it doesnt dissconnect or turn off just randomly the game stops picking up random buttons for awhile sometimes fixing it is pressing windows then tabing back in but back its happening every 20seconds???
submitted by QTBU to StreetFighter [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 CivAddict03 Irish revenge has been realized.
submitted by CivAddict03 to victoria3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 SirCharlesEquine DrawingBot users - tips on setting pen weights, specifically fro Tombow dual point pens?
I'm picking up the pace on some projects and back to using DrawingBot quite a bit. Finding good results with Bics and another ultra fine-tip pen, but does anyone have tips for managing the weight of pens like the Tombo dual point pens?
I've not done much with the brush side of the pens I own, but I like the fine point end, and just want to know how to get complex portraits to a nice quality with crisp lines.
Anyone have any tips (pun intended) ?
submitted by SirCharlesEquine to PlotterArt [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 SpecialistRule7402 Please take my survey about midwifery in North Idaho!
Hi, I would deeply appreciate help from this group. I am a student nurse midwife, and I am conducting a survey assessing perceptions of midwifery care in our community and barriers to care. I would be so grateful if any of you would be interested in answering a few quick questions!
submitted by SpecialistRule7402 to northidaho [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 wanttomaster479 Advice
I've freed 16 out of 20 fairies. These last four puzzles are stomping me hard. Should I cave in and look for clues, or should I keep trying? Did you guys use any clues?
submitted by wanttomaster479 to TunicGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 Severe-Bug-9978 [Discussion] :)
Can someone please give me some decent weapons,armour, and ammo please. My user name is Shadowgamer5459 on Xbox just message me
submitted by Severe-Bug-9978 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 SilverCrochetQueen It’s nearing the time for giving…
Have started to make some Christmas gifts for friends. What do you think of these quirky key rings? My husband thinks I should make them for sale….would you buy one? submitted by SilverCrochetQueen to handmade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 WorryCareless5903 Well, hello there
submitted by WorryCareless5903 to doughcommunity [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 GothCentaur Request complete
u/Electronic-Cherry-67 I saw your request and did my best with what you described. I’m out of state right now and don’t have any colors with me,so this was all I could do. I hope you like the result
submitted by GothCentaur to MLPLounge [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 user3773733 phone addiction
its honestly so embarrassing to say but i genuinely feel i have a problem. i cant stop using my phone. i have an important exam in 2 days and it hit me that ive wasted so much time just on my phone and cant bring myself to revise at all.. it’s genuinely ruined my grades and hobbies because im on it so often. my screentime averages around 12-15hours it’s literally pathetic. i need someone to give me a wake up call because this is truly ruining my life. i used to be so smart and artistic but now my only source of enjoyment is this stupif useless phone, ive tried deleting apps setting limits but i cant stick to it ever. on weekends i always tell myself ill get up early, make myself breakfast etc etc but i end up aimlessly scrolling until 12pm before even considering getting out of bed it’s ridiculous. I wanna change and become a productive and active person so bad , shall i just smash this phone up to pieces or something????
submitted by user3773733 to helpme [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 Small-Dust6887 My siamese
submitted by Small-Dust6887 to cats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 Dependent_Ad6139 O real motivo pelo qual o DÓLAR sobe
A discussão do tema nesse sub está rasa demais, muitos não entendem a reação do mercado e outros já partem para o total negacionismo econômico. Você tem noção de que usuários de um sub de INVESTIMENTO estão passando pano pra dólar alto e criam um unimigo imaginário do mercado para defender o Lule?
Vamos botar os pingos nos is: A reforma no IR em si não é o motivo único para o dólar subir, mas sim a forma que ela foi apresentada. Haddad apresenta uma discussão tributária em uma proposta que era para ser sobre corte de gastos que os próprios líderes do congresso querem deixar de lado na qual a própria matemática apresentada não bate... Agentes financeiros já estão dizendo que a imposto para quem ganha mais de 50K NÃO é suficiente para cobrir a isenção de IR, o cálculo do governo está errado.
Dólar 6 reais, inflação subindo, qualquer um deveria estar cético nesse governo. Não vamos esquecer que o PT é um dos partidos mais corruptos já visto, chefes do mensalão e petrolão.
submitted by Dependent_Ad6139 to investimentos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 mukster Alright, which one of you did I see leaving the Brentwood Promenade this week
submitted by mukster to StLouis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 Still-Chef-168 JATTY drops 12/6 pre-save in bio !!!!
submitted by Still-Chef-168 to PromoteYourMusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 happy_chickens Wonder where Feech is having his Sunday dinner?
submitted by happy_chickens to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 AJ-Naka-Zayn-Owens Jerkers patiently waiting since yesterday afternoon
submitted by AJ-Naka-Zayn-Owens to SCJerk [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 husky5050 Kennedy Nomination Spells Trouble for LMA
submitted by husky5050 to boston [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 BigDaddyButtPlunger Joined the Club Today
submitted by BigDaddyButtPlunger to CampChefSmokers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:56 Alextheaxolotyl What gives you an instant energy boost besides drinks?
submitted by Alextheaxolotyl to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:56 Aktalha Rpm increased suddenly!
Hi everyone, so its winter time here and after 10hrs of untouched car I turned it on there's was some weird sound which you could hear in the video when i was turning on and then suddenly the rpm increased!! Good thing the car on park gear it didn't move forward but i tried turning off and then turn on multiple times still the issue was there, so one guy suggested me to unplug the battery and try again I did and then the problem was solved, but I'm scared it might happen again because my brother told me it happened before with him once few months ago and he got it fixed but now again it happened. What could be the reason? Last time my brother told the mechanic just did computer reset and it was fine. submitted by Aktalha to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments] |