Bitter Cusp is about Song Jiwon

2024.11.29 22:39 Vaurions Bitter Cusp is about Song Jiwon

The Description of Bitter Cusp is about the events of Song Jiwon, Ki Song's mother.
The description of the memory follows:
[They entered the beautiful halls of the Jade Court harboring venomous desires in their black hearts, and hiding rapacious snarls behind their admiring smiles. The mistress of the palace herself presented them with a cup of the sweetest nectar. No matter how much of the sweet nectar they drank, the cup remained full. The more of it they consumed, the more of it they desired. Soon, there was nothing but bestial need left, and nothing but bitterness remained.]
It begins by referring to the people Song Jiwon welcomed into her palace.
The sweet nectar is the kindness and goodness that Song Jiwon offered them, something that is truly infinite.
It continues with them abusing this kindness, which results in Song Jiwon's death.
Lastly comes Ki Song's desire for revenge, who then kills them and is left alone and purposeless after avenging his mother.
That's all, I wanted to show this curiosity.
submitted by Vaurions to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 Mercutio999 Holy moly - the p1p enclosure build…

…the install video is terrible!
submitted by Mercutio999 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 misterspinky Reddit never should have done silly.

Reddit never should have done silly. They’ve got too much going on business-wise
submitted by misterspinky to IThinkYouShouldLeave [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 Dry-Ad5200 За этот год сменил 10 работ

За этот год сменил 10 работ Был официантом (в двух разных ресторанах), барменом (тоже в двух разных ресторанах) сушистом, шаурмистом, пиццемейкером, ведущим (провел пару свадеб и дней рождений друзей) Вся эта движуха с местом работы началась В ~ январе этого года когда завершил карьеру фотографа (3-4 года им был (выгорел максимально после новогодних корпоративов и в этом году периодически принимал заказы, но с неоправданной переплатой)) Последняя работа с которой уволился пару дней назад Это Мвидео (было круто, продержался два месяца, Я с детства задрот и люблю технику (даже чуть-чуть бытовую))
Можете Задавать вопросы, с удовольствием отвечу
submitted by Dry-Ad5200 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

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Can someone help explain what might be going on right now. I have been trying to import expensive jewelry to my warehouse for a while now and it always just delivers the other items and not the expensive jewelry. I just tried an order of just expensive jewelry to test it out and it charged me 5k but no items to show for it anywhere. Its not in my warehouse and its shown my jewelry store has never once sold it so I am kind of lost as to where it could be ending up
submitted by HolidayPudding3673 to bigambitions [link] [comments]

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Looking to take a roughly 4 day road trip to Galveston in June next year. Looking for suggestions on where to stay and visit on the way. An alternative routes too. Already visited Nashville so looking for other places.
submitted by AdventurousStick2858 to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 Professional-Rip-519 I'm no Todd McFarlane or Greg Capullo but here's my short Spawn fan comic, anyone is welcomed to make sequel .

submitted by Professional-Rip-519 to SpawnsUniverse [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 Complex-Avocado9934 Question on puzzle mats

Hi - does anyone have a recommendation for a puzzle mat that pieces won’t slip on when you tilt the surface? Wife and I assemble with the surface tilted toward us to save our old necks. Thanks in advance for any constructive help. Cheers!
submitted by Complex-Avocado9934 to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 Giveitallyougot714 Grey bushes sitting on the leg extension machine is just as bad as broccoli heads on the bench.

As a Gen X I love making fun of the broccoli heads camping out 8 deep on a bench in pajamas and crocs, but boomers are just as bad, but these Matlock looking assholes just sit on the leg extension and leg curl machines for 20 mins they do 5 reps then will dick around on their phones for 10mins then repeat. I’m 51 and was raised to lift in 80s heavy metal blaring high school football weight rooms and I try to be respectful but come on man get the fuck out of the way. I pray to God that I never become so unaware that I’m half assing it in the gym.
submitted by Giveitallyougot714 to moreplatesmoredates [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 Miimmoouuu Where can I find the important forms like vaxx passport etc for the 2025 PN program?

I’d like to get my vaccinations done ASAP and my CPBLS before school starts. The group says we got an email but I only got the orientation registration dates? I’ll be at work (I’m a psw) and that’s during prime busy time of work so I won’t be able to attend either sessions unless I call in sick. Thank you!
submitted by Miimmoouuu to mohawkcollege [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 DoublemintRacer 🇵🇱🇬🇧

🇵🇱🇬🇧 submitted by DoublemintRacer to phatassasians [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 Murdox1125 Black friday!

Black friday! Grabbed the animal face cola probably the stickiest cola ive had😂grabbed a half of rainbow guava smells and looks like gas cant wait to try it. Might be back with the bananaconda cola tomorrow. Happy smoking everyone!!
submitted by Murdox1125 to ILTrees [link] [comments]

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2024.11.29 22:39 SheerCross Question about the Illrigger’s Hellspeaker subclass and the Charm Enemy ability

Hey everyone,
I’m playing the Illrigger class from MCDM, specifically the Hellspeaker subclass, and I have a question about the Charm Enemy ability gained at 3rd level.
The ability reads:
“When you use your bonus action to place a seal on a Humanoid, you can attempt to charm them. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 hour or until you or your companions do anything harmful to them. While charmed, the target regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the charmed condition ends, the target knows they were charmed by you.
When you use this bonus action, you can additionally burn one or more seals on one or more other interdicted Humanoids within 30 feet of you, attempting to charm those targets as well. After taking damage from the burned seals, each of those targets must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be under the same charmed effect.”
In the Illrigger class description under Burning vs. Expending Seals, it states:
“Other interdict boons instead require you to expend a seal. In this case, the illrigger expends an unplaced seal from their pool of available seals. This may require using an action, bonus action, or reaction, but not always (such as in the case of the Hellspeaker’s Charm Enemy feature, where you can expend seals to increase the number of targets).
Each active interdict boon details if any kind of action is required to expend the seal and activate the boon’s benefit. Part of the illrigger’s resource management is maximizing efficiency between burned seals (and their extra damage) and expended seals (and their unique effects).”
So, my question is: How does the Charm Enemy ability work with seals? Do I need to have already placed seals on enemies and then burn them to attempt to charm additional targets? Or can I expend unplaced seals from my pool to charm more targets without having to burn placed seals?
Any clarification would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by SheerCross to dndnext [link] [comments]

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[WTS] [USA-CT] [H] Silverstone Headphone Stand (Discontinued) [W] PayPal BO! This is a wonderful all aluminum headphone stand that I’m parting ways with. Looking for best offer feelers… Message me if you’re interested. Shipping to US only.
submitted by Kbeau937 to AVexchange [link] [comments]

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Video of Ivy being a big back Had to stop her twice because home girl was wheezing trying to eat so
submitted by Guppywithnolife to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

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yes submitted by Refor19421a to depression_memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 bartos33863 40mm lenses for FD mount?

40mm is my favorite focal length, but it’s super disappointing not having it on the Canon FD system. Zooms are too clunky, I’d rather have a 40mm prime. Any suggestions for 40mm lenses from other manufacturers? With an adapter of course. TIA!
submitted by bartos33863 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:39 wifimonster Just saw a comercial bumper spot on my local TV station in Detroit (WDIV) and the music for it is unmistakably made by Suno.

You know how news stations have commercial bumpers they insert with happy music and a cinematic montage of reporters out in the field? Well I just saw one and someone definitely put "happy uplifting song about how this is our time to shine" into Suno and went home for the day.
I knew it was coming.
submitted by wifimonster to SunoAI [link] [comments]