It's all about the gold

2024.11.29 22:40 PessimisticMuffin It's all about the gold

It's all about the gold submitted by PessimisticMuffin to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 uhmondcream No makeup, so please be kind… do you think this dress is too small?

No makeup, so please be kind… do you think this dress is too small? submitted by uhmondcream to Nicedress [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Fun_Raisin_553 Satan #HelluvaBoss

submitted by Fun_Raisin_553 to drawings [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Markquts [email protected] - ATTENZIONE

Account PayPal fasullo:
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
il soggetto mette in vendita vari articoli sui portali social, richiede pagamento con PayPal personale parenti/amici che non rientra nella protezione acquisti Paypal, ovviamente non spedisce il bene venduto.
submitted by Markquts to Truffaonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 _whattheactuaIfuck_ I wonder when she recorded this podcast? She’s changed so much in such a short amount of time.

I wonder when she recorded this podcast? She’s changed so much in such a short amount of time. submitted by _whattheactuaIfuck_ to remibadersnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 New-Ad-3622 3 day VIP + munchie Pack and 3 day locker for sale.

One 3 day VIP + band along with 3 day VIP locker and 10 free meals munchie tickets to Rolling Loud Miami 10th anniversary festival. Pick up/ shipping from NYC. Asking $900 price neg. Contact IG Clowd9eventures , FB Clowd 9 eventures or Harlem Krazy Jane Quinn
submitted by New-Ad-3622 to rollingloudfestival [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 put-on-your-records Episodes of Trainwreckords whose numbers of views exceed the numbers of copies their respective albums sold

submitted by put-on-your-records to ToddintheShadow [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Akiraainnadax [18F] In a great mood, because today I have a day

submitted by Akiraainnadax to ClothedCurves [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 ghostplantss Any guesses on what my Billie boy is?

We’re pretty confident he has a decent amount of ACD based on his coloring and personality, but his body shape has always stumped me! I can sometimes see pittie in his head shape, but any guesses that could explain his body? He’s a little under 2 years and weighs about 52 pounds. He’s a long and lanky boy for sure!
submitted by ghostplantss to IDmydog [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 PotatoChipRoblox New Dunks I got for my bday!! (My first dunks)

New Dunks I got for my bday!! (My first dunks) submitted by PotatoChipRoblox to DunksNotDead [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Johnny_Sh Best UberEats Referral For First Time Sign Up - Latest 2024

For the first order you get $20 off with $25 minimum purchase
PROMO CODE: eats-ak4wxg
submitted by Johnny_Sh to SmartStudentDealz [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 PhysicalAthlete9164 So Demotivated

I'm completely demotivated and I could use some advice/reassurance
I'm 21 trans woman, 165cm and ~80kg.
I downloaded loseit in late september, and I have stuck to an avg of ~1200-1300calories a day, with around 100g of protein a day.

Despite this, I haven't lost any weight, maybe 1-2 kg max, of doing this for over 2 months.
I've cut out oil from my cooking, I cut almost all UPFs, I cut out carbs like rice/bread/pasta, and I vehemently avoid sugars, sweets, sodas etc.
I'm doing everything right, and yet I'm not losing any weight! I dont even know how it's possible!!! how is my body still functioning with nearly half the normal calories and so much exercise and yet not burning any fat!
I'm on hormones and I know this can affect my weight, but I don't know what else I can do anymore and I wonder if anyone has had any similar experiences or has any advice for what to do.
I've spent the past week eating ~2000kcal bc i suspect my body is in "starvation mode" and preventing fat burn, but I'm gonna go back to my ~1300kcal a day routine from next week
submitted by PhysicalAthlete9164 to Weightlosstechniques [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Holiday_Ad1403 My crazy boy Milocat

Actually he’s a very sweet boy, I just call him crazy 🤣
submitted by Holiday_Ad1403 to orangecats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 LucindaRidgewell Albert Einstein at age of 5, Munich 1884.

Albert Einstein at age of 5, Munich 1884. submitted by LucindaRidgewell to HistoricalCapsule [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 MassiveWave9084 Hi there can I have some good friends who can help us at our shelter to save more pets here in Africa.

Hi there can I have some good friends who can help us at our shelter to save more pets here in Africa. submitted by MassiveWave9084 to rescuedogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 HannahTheFurry Let me explain my perspective here (for new

To be honest, I strongly dislike the new restrictions on It’s a major step backward—it completely drains the essence of the RPG experience, rendering it almost unusable. Worse still, they’ve drastically reduced the AI model’s memory capabilities. Seriously, what kind of thought process went into such a decision? It’s baffling and has thoroughly compromised the chatbot experience, leaving it a shadow of its former self.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, the situation is compounded by their decision to remove or outright ban thousands of bots that don’t align with their newly imposed community guidelines. While it’s understandable and commendable to remove inappropriate or harmful bots to create a safer environment, this approach feels overly aggressive and poorly implemented. The sweeping bans seem to stifle creativity and alienate users who simply want an open and expressive platform. It’s a delicate balance, but this overly restrictive approach raises serious questions about who is driving these decisions—someone overly cautious or a chaos goblin intent on sowing discord?
To make matters worse, the chatbot responses have become lackluster and repetitive, which only exacerbates the decline in quality. This deterioration in performance further alienates users who once found the platform innovative and engaging. It’s disheartening to witness a platform with so much potential take such a sharp nosedive.
This situation calls for serious reflection on the part of’s leadership. Instead of stifling creativity and imposing restrictive changes, the platform should aim to empower its users and prioritize innovation. Let the bots and creativity breathe—after all, that’s what made special in the first place.
submitted by HannahTheFurry to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 87fg Prince and Morris Day (1982)

Prince and Morris Day (1982) submitted by 87fg to worldhistoryarchive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Charming_Nothing_639 HELP! I had my blood checked and I need guides

Below is my test result. I will have a doctor interpret this for me. But since I am currently in a foreign country (language barrier problem), plus I have little to zero knowledge in this field, I would appreciate if some experts here could share some insights, before I go see the doctor. This way could prevent me from wasting money in vain.

Except from TSH, I can see that other criteria fall to the low boundary, especially T3 which hits the bottom. For more information, I had a severe hair loss, dry, itchy, and scaled fish-like skin. Now, it is getting worse to finally reach all over my body. My back shows scaly pattern too. This has lowered my confidence lately :(
I also suspected that i had iron deficiency cause my Hb level is never enough to get me qualified to donor blood.
Thanks everyone~~
submitted by Charming_Nothing_639 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Novel-Dependent7164 how can I play portal and portal2 multyplayer

And I dont mean portal co op I mean playing portal with somebody on the main storyline
submitted by Novel-Dependent7164 to Portal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 MustLearnIt Possible to replace hardwood with heated tile?

We have a proximity 1,000sq foot of dark stain on pine that the dogs absolutely destroy. We could refinish but sounds like the same would happen. Looking at going tile that simulates wood. Is there any chance to heat the floor? House is hot water (baseboard) heat via boiler.
submitted by MustLearnIt to Flooring [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Dangerous_Care4000 Help with making Skirt + Blouse!

Help with making Skirt + Blouse! submitted by Dangerous_Care4000 to SewingForBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 CaptainGlitterFarts This subreddit absolutely chock full of obvious Nazi talking points popped up on r/all

submitted by CaptainGlitterFarts to EinsJoke [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 StatementTrue385 Constant flow of cramping 24 hours after laparoscopy

I had a laparoscopy last night for potential ectopic pregnancy and adhesions (thankfully no ectopic but adhesions found on my uterus to my tummy wall from last traumatic C-section and separated)
I have pain that is expected but have now a constant wave of cramping started about an hour ago. Is this normal. I also do have a pregnancy that is it not viable currently so I could be miscarrying. I understand cramping post is normal but to what extent, when should I be concerned? It seems to be my bowels. It's like they are trying to make me 💩 as I haven't yet post op. Sorry for TMI
Thank you 🙏🏼
submitted by StatementTrue385 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 ControlInternal3748 Better late than ever 😂

Bought some books…from a year ago🤦🏽‍♂️😂 but between work, family, tv series, and video games (still haven’t finished black myth Wukong 😭) never got around to them then there’s vacation time 😏🙌🏽
submitted by ControlInternal3748 to VibingNerdly [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Financial_Raisin_397 Anyone make this trade

Anyone make this trade submitted by Financial_Raisin_397 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]