2024.11.29 22:51 Ambitious-Ask-4644 Car towing question
Do you think it’s too much of a risk to tow an 800lb small trailer camper with a 2023 Kia Forte (towing capacity is 1000lbs)?
Thank you!
submitted by Ambitious-Ask-4644 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 Must4rd_M0narch Wolfstar or something, cuz I got that dawg in me
submitted by Must4rd_M0narch to titanfall [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 BambinoRips Looking to do some deals, drop what you’re looking for!!
submitted by BambinoRips to baseballcards [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 RaidersLostArk1981 Why is the world in the RDR games so different to what I am used to seeing? How come I have never seen most of that stuff?
So here's a question I have on my mind. Why is everything in the RDR games so unusual and strange to me.
For example, I have been to a lot of forests (I live in Poland, which is the 55th country by forest are worldwide, which may not be impressive but also isn't too terrible) and I enjoy nature in general. Yet I have never seen half the stuff in RDR2?
Like, there are so many trees I have never encountered? Or animals?
Like I have never met a cougar oe an alligator snapping turtle.
Why is that? Is there something wrong with me? Why would I not have encountered those creatures and plants?
submitted by RaidersLostArk1981 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 chancho_420 Help me!!
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 44136569
submitted by chancho_420 to TemuThings [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 icydata TBL @ NSH - Brayden Point, backhand
submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 IndividualLecture825 what is this sigil/rune from a spell jar?
hi so i had this spell jar a friend gave me back in like 2019 i think? basically i’m moving today and the jar fell and shattered, i always wondered what the little note was inside and today i’ve finally found out. but i have absolutely no clue what it means/is or even what those runes are. if anyone knows, i’d love to know!🙏🏽 submitted by IndividualLecture825 to Witch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 azaMarce77 Is there anyone here using the game with triple screen wo/surround?
As tittle said... I m looking for someone who is running the game at triples without nvidia surround.
I found a thread on Steam that explains how to use triple monitor with some parameters, but the game looks very blurry now. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3083822863
submitted by azaMarce77 to EASPORTSWRC [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 balalalalalayy i had sex with my brother’s wife
Nsfw warning i guess, is she manipulating me? By any chance could she love me
She cooked dinner we ate then we started watching a movie she was wearing a clothes that she probably shouldn’t wear around men aren’t her husband i don’t know what they call them but basically those silk short dresses that just shows a lot it made me feel uncomfortable i always loved her and always had some sick thoughts but i always avoided making moves or being too close to her , her cat was on her arms and she just watched the movie silently while i was fighting to not steal glances suddenly out of nowhere she asked me if i have a girlfriend i answered by no and she told me that i should look for one , i felt weird she was so creepy she wasn’t even looking at me then i just answered by that my job and my studies is taking all my time ( i work as a doctor in a really busy hospital and im continuing my studies) she said: just like your brother Then she started to talk about him she brought wine and started drinking and she just she couldn’t stop talking about him and how he doesn’t take her seriously she started to shortened her dress or pijama or whatever but it wasn’t intentional she was just nervous i guess or i don’t know at that moment i didn’t think much after i posted here about my love for her and i had those comments i just had some kind of rage and impulsivity so i just kissed her and she screamed she told me to stay away from her at that moment i just felt devastated i always thought that she liked me too i felt so bad i couldn’t even talk so i just decided to leave her house as i was headed to the door she followed me and said “ it’s alright don’t worry “ she held my hand and just roomed it all over her body she was so beautiful the most beautiful woman ever after that you can guess the rest i did it with her she came so quickly and said that she’s dizzy from the wine and i should leave her place I felt so bad it feels like i was used i thought that she loved me back but she probably just wanted a change of a dick i told her if she’s mad at me for something and she said that what we done was messed up and we shouldn’t do it again she said that i made her feel good and better and she wants to do it again before my brother comes back but i should leave for now because “ i need to gather my thoughts” So here i am it’s almost 12 am going back to my place after that i feel used when i was doing it with her I sensed no love or anything from her it was just lust she just wanted to change her husband 6 years of a dick my therapist told me that married women for a long term usually crave a change of dick cause they believe they will feel a different kind of pleasure I felt so used she didn’t even looked at me she was just smiling at the mirror and her cat It’s crazy that even being used like some sex toy like that i still love her and my desire for her just grow more Now i kinda understand her She’s a horny depressed woman that is sick of waiting for her husband she doesn’t gives a damn about me for her im just a dick to please her But i love her i really do She felt and looked so good Now im just blocks away from her apartment i just keep looking at it wishing she did not kick me out
( if u wanna be judgmental go ahead im posting this to getting it off my chest say whatever you want people say im sick say im a psychopath disgusting whatever you think of )
submitted by balalalalalayy to Truthoffmychest [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 cledrand Controller Shifting Vibration
Is it just me or does only the right side of the controller vibrate when shifting, or is this related to my controller?
submitted by cledrand to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 icydata FLA @ CAR - Sam Bennett, wrist
submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 mzmza10 أسعار علف المواشي السبت 30-11-2024
submitted by mzmza10 to as3arcom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 BerkeleyScanner Woman killed in fatal Amtrak train strike Friday morning in Berkeley
submitted by BerkeleyScanner to berkeleyca [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 Flossyhygenius How long did you need a caregiver?
My mother is single and lives across the country. She'll be having an abdominal hysterectomy in early December and I'm planning on being there during her recovery.
My question is, how long do you need someone there providing care? I have flexibility in my job, but I'm also leaving my partner behind during the recovery.
Can anyone offer me some insight on how long I can expect to be gone?
submitted by Flossyhygenius to hysterectomy [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 ChewingGrapeSkin Cartridge valve replacement help
The hot faucet (left side) cannot shut off, I tried to find a cartridge piece that is replaceable. But it seems like I have to replace the whole faucet. Any one had experience with this model? Danze, DH304025BN, 2016. Many thanks submitted by ChewingGrapeSkin to Plumbing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 bonefireleather [WTS][US/CAN] Gongfu porcelin gaiwan travel tea set
submitted by bonefireleather to teaexchange [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 icydata VAN @ BUF - Conor Garland, backhand
submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 I_Am_Roto My dog just ate chicken cooked in red wine - will he be alright or should we take him to the vet?
He ate ~1/3 serving of Coq au Vin out of the trash a couple minutes ago, which contained ~30-40mL of cooked red wine. It was cooked for an hour and a half, so effectively zero alcohol left, mainly worried about the grapes used to make the wine.
He's a 30 pound Corgi.
How worried should I be here? I've read that cooked wine isn't an issue like raw grapes/raisins would be, but want to be on the safe side.
submitted by I_Am_Roto to Pets [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 Mike4046 Apple have had my phone for 2 months 🖕 NIGHTMARE
So I sent my phone in for repair under warranty which was returned repaired but now with another fault. Took it to the Apple Store where they sent it off again and the phone got lost in transit. Can’t seem to get anywhere with Apple support after calling numerous times. It’s almost like they don’t know what’s going one. Anyone know what I can do?
submitted by Mike4046 to applesucks [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 numseiquemsou Operadora é obrigada a avisar antes de bloquear/cancelar linha móvel pré-paga por falta de recarga?
No começo do ano, comprei uma segunda linha, da Vivo, pra usar pra fins pessoais, e deixei a antiga, pré-paga da Tim, para o trabalho, cadastros bobos e afins. Como essa segunda linha eu uso só whatsapp e no máximo pra receber ligação (nunca pra fazer), nem internet eu uso (tô usando a internet do chip da Vivo), não tava mais fazendo recargas. Sei que eventualmente posso ter minha linha bloqueada/cancelada se ficar um período sem fazer recargas, mas achava que eles avisassem antes.
Hoje, fiquei aguardando uma ligação que simplesmente não chegava. Tentando ligar pro sac da empresa em questão usando essa linha da Tim, ouvi na própria tentativa de ligação a informação de que minha linha tava cancelada (o termo foi esse mesmo, cancelada) por falta de recarga ou coisa assim mas eu podia reativar ela com uma recarga. Só pra confirmar, pedi pra quem estava comigo tentar me ligar e no telefone dessa pessoa falou que meu número tava configurado pra não receber chamadas. Fiz uma recarga e imediatamente a linha foi reativada, pedi pra me ligarem e tocou aqui normalmente.
Mas aí ficou a dúvida - a Tim não teria que me avisar antes de cancelabloquear a linha? Mesmo sem crédito, todo dia eu recebia um SMS falando que "A sua oferta foi ativada. Agora recarregue p/usar o novo pacote. Ate la, vc sera tarifado 0,25/min para qq operadora do BR via 41 e 0,70 por 100MB/dia que usar", de modo que pra mim a linha continuava totalmente ativa. E era todo dia mesmo - olhando aqui, só deixei de receber agora dia 27, mas como era uma notificação desnecessária (eu não tinha crédito pra usar esses benefícios) e até inconveniente, eu só batia o olho e marcava como lida, nem reparei que nesses últimos três dias não tinha recebido. Será que foi justamente nesse meio tempo que a linha foi cancelada)? Olhando aqui as notificações dos últimos dois meses, não tem nada diferente daquele "a sua oferta foi ativada...".
Aproveitando, qual a forma mais barata que vocês recomendam pra garantir que não vou perder essa linha? Pode envolver mudar de operadora (de preferência Claro ou Tim, já que Vivo já tenho a outra linha deles, aí acho interessante ter uma diferente só pra garantir uma eventual cobertura maior em caso de necessidade [falo isso porque o esquema mais barato no qual consigo pensar é Vivo Easy), quantos Reais colocar de crédito a cada quantos meses (porque sei que cada valor tem uma validade diferente), etc. Só não tô afim de perder essa linha - já devo estar com ela há pelo menos uns 16 ou 17 anos (e o motivo de ter comprado aquela outra da Vivo foi justamente pra conseguir manter as coisas em linhas separadas, então não daria pra simplesmente migrar tudo pra ela).
submitted by numseiquemsou to InternetBrasil [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 Far_Indication1939 X3 Navigation software issue caused after tire change
Hi all,
I have a BMW X3 that currently went in for a tire change. After recieving it we noticed that there was a TPM (tire pressure monitoring) malfunction, as well as a navigation and software malfunction showing the wrong location. Went to the dealership to get it fixed but they said that software malfunctions are not under warranty. The car is a 2020 X3. Can anyone help me figure out what's going on? And are software malfunctions not part of warranty? Is there anyway to reset the software to its manufacturing settings?
Additional info: The tires we plan on taking back to costco where we bought the original tires to get it fixed. But we noticed that the navigation started malfunctioning after we got the tire changed. When we went to the dealer for the tire pressure they gave a report that said that it found all TPMS reception fault. They attempted to read tpms info with RDCI tool. TPMS info could not be found.
Navigation system they said they verified that the navigation system was faulty. Anyway to get a software update?
Thanks any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Far_Indication1939 to BmwTech [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 Angelbauutista Does the Galaxy tab s9Fe run Touch Osx?
I want to use my tab as a touchscreen midi controller for apps Like reaktomassive Any tips? Thanks
submitted by Angelbauutista to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 TemperatureWeird2827 CH4 S1 or CH5 S1, which is better?
submitted by TemperatureWeird2827 to sypherpk [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:51 sillysloth64 Pregmate
Has anyone had pregmates look like this??? I have no idea how many DPO. Difference in the pictures is just with and without flash. submitted by sillysloth64 to lineporn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:51 nuxfam 21 male in Arizona looking for friends
submitted by nuxfam to FemBoydatingsub [link] [comments] |