Where To Buy GT Omega In USA Without Crazy Shipping Prices.

2024.11.29 22:50 These-Memory4982 Where To Buy GT Omega In USA Without Crazy Shipping Prices.

I was planning on getting the GT Omega Art with a RS 9 seat but then saw the $170 shipping charge and could not bring my self to do it. Anyone know here to get GT Omega stuff in USA without those shipping prices?
submitted by These-Memory4982 to simracing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 457655676 Jason Cowley bowing out after 16 years as New Statesman editor

Jason Cowley bowing out after 16 years as New Statesman editor submitted by 457655676 to LabourUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Ordinary_Row_2119 Christillow - Standing in the Rain (Promo)

Christillow - Standing in the Rain (Promo) submitted by Ordinary_Row_2119 to hairmetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Sir_CatZ_ They are evolving! Now instead of showing their superiority by T-Posing, they transcended the laws of gravity and started floating

They are evolving! Now instead of showing their superiority by T-Posing, they transcended the laws of gravity and started floating submitted by Sir_CatZ_ to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Slske CIA Inspired & Backed? Assad Loyalists and Russians in Headlong Retreat After Surprise Rebel Offensive on Aleppo

CIA Inspired & Backed? Assad Loyalists and Russians in Headlong Retreat After Surprise Rebel Offensive on Aleppo submitted by Slske to ConservativeTalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 TTFH3500 What is this part for and how it's installed?

What is this part for and how it's installed? submitted by TTFH3500 to wheelchairs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 nabob1978 Block heater cord

Block heater cord Someone posted asking about the block heater cord on their truck. If your truck is equipped with a block heater, the cord with be between the battery and the coolant reservoir. Highlighted in yellow
submitted by nabob1978 to nissanfrontier [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Consoomerofsouls Part 2 death list

Part 2 death list submitted by Consoomerofsouls to Chainsawfolk2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Fookistanda1 Test

submitted by Fookistanda1 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Kind_Strategy6607 Looking for Flexible Remote Work During Thanksgiving Break?

 Looking for Flexible Remote Work During Thanksgiving Break? Are you searching for a rewarding and flexible way to earn extra money this winter? 🌟
Ringle, a 1:1 online English tutoring platform, is welcoming new tutors! This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who wants to work remotely on their own schedule, especially during the holidays.
🦃 Thanksgiving break is the perfect time to get started!
Who’s eligible to become a Ringle tutor? We’re looking for individuals who meet the following criteria: ✅ Current or former student at a well-regarded university in the US, UK, or other English-speaking nation ✅ Strong academic performance at the secondary school level (e.g., SAT, GCSE, IB) ✅ Professional experience or an academic background showcasing advanced writing and speaking skills ✅ Extracurriculars, volunteering, or leadership activities that demonstrate excellent communication skills ✅ Eligibility to work in the US or UK as a self-employed contractor
💡 No TEFL or TOEFL certification needed! Our students are highly proficient in English and value cultural and professional insights.
📧 Questions? Email me at [[email protected]]() for more information.
🖱️ Check out the flyer for more details and scan the QR code to get started.
Make this winter meaningful and productive with Ringle!
#OnlineTutoring #FlexibleJobs #ColumbiaUniversity #RemoteWork #WinterOpportunities
submitted by Kind_Strategy6607 to columbia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Zack_Brodham DR11 x Dosidos, #1 and #2

DR11 x Dosidos, #1 and #2 1 smells like lemon zest and a deep funk, similar to TK. The nugs are chunky, greasy and dense. Keeping her around for a 2nd round. #2 has a light skunky funk. She’s getting culled. submitted by Zack_Brodham to Craftmarijuana [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 amiroosh What would you do ?

Hey guys ,
I have two options: either raid 1 two SSDs and install my OS, then raid 10, 8x 1tb HDDs for the storage, or swap out the two SSDs for two HDDs and combine all into 1 VD running raid 10 and install my OS on the same VD as my storage. What are the pluses? What are the drawbacks? What would you do?
submitted by amiroosh to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Mission-Natural-5245 Found this stone at a beach in Baja California, can anyone tell me more about it.

Found this stone at a beach in Baja California, can anyone tell me more about it. I saw a previous post about a Neolithical mace head, could it be one of those or a regular hag stone?
submitted by Mission-Natural-5245 to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 HellsTubularBells Rate my stack! KPAX -> KHSV

Rate my stack! KPAX -> KHSV Rate my stack, home to KHSV. Just a pax who enjoys creeping on aviation related subs. 😉
Stay safe and sane out there!
submitted by HellsTubularBells to rampagent [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Interesting_Data4406 I never win decorations at the movies 🙄

submitted by Interesting_Data4406 to HayDay [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Vaelen- Trying to remember a sweet

submitted by Vaelen- to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Moist_Leading1244 Elastic bands

submitted by Moist_Leading1244 to NYTLetterBoxed [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 LucindaDuvall Thrill of the hunt is WAY overtuned now

How did this make it through the PTB??
I just played a game against it and it takes the same amount of time now just to cleanse a totem or hex that it used to take to bless over a totem. It got to the point that I'd spent a full generator's worth of time blessing one totem and attempting to cleanse a hex. Even with blood favor in play, it was still more valuable to my team for me to abandon the effort altogether and just do gens. If I hadn't, I doubt all 4 of us would have escaped.
Any good survivor with a boon build knows it's better to bless over a hex totem than cleanse it, in case pentimento is in play. With the new thrill, it's taking more than 47 seconds to bless over a hex (over half a generator!), and more than 23 seconds to bless a regular totem. Meanwhile, the killer can still snuff boons instantaneously.
To put this in greater perspective, if there are multiple hexes in play and the first hex you cleanse/bless isn't thrill, you're still going to be subject to some insane slowdown that leaves you with few options other than genrushing.
Weird shadowbuff for counterforce.
submitted by LucindaDuvall to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Minute_Wolverine3297 I don't know how to feel about this one

I don't know how to feel about this one submitted by Minute_Wolverine3297 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Sad-Saint What bug landed on my drink?

What bug landed on my drink? Western, PA
submitted by Sad-Saint to Entomology [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Hyun_Moon23 Should I keep my hopes up?

Should I keep my hopes up? As the title states should I keep my hopes up in us getting back together or should I give up and not live on hopes
submitted by Hyun_Moon23 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 vfangs99 que "auxílio" é esse, senhores? 🧐

pessoal, boa noite.
tomarei posse em uma instituição de ensino federal e a situação (conhecida por todos) é a seguinte, se você for alocado em unidades do interior desse órgão você recebe "Verbas indenizatórias...Valores Registrados em Sistemas de Pessoal - Civil:" de uns 3/3.5k e se você é alocado na cidade isso cai pra 1k/1.5k
que benefício é esse? o que que conta nesse cálculo? se entrar auxílio transporte nisso é errado pois a pessoa poderia viver no interior e ficar recebendo.
perdão se estou sendo muito leigo no assunto.
submitted by vfangs99 to concursospublicos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 LastResponsibility86 Los adornos navideños, son ridículos aquí?

Seré un amargado o tengo razón al pensar que poner árboles nevados, adornos de navidad, nieve 🌨 y wns vestidos de Viejo Pascuero con más calor que la chucha, o weás alusivas al invierno, es ridículo? 🤔
submitted by LastResponsibility86 to chile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 Legitimate_Ask_1143 F20

submitted by Legitimate_Ask_1143 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:50 canine_crawl New player - how to spend starting resources for PvP?

Hello, I'm brand new to PnD and just cleared Sonia's story chapter, having a lot of fun so far. I'm very much a PvP enjoyer so was excited to see that I'd unlocked a PvP and Co-op mode.
Now I'm sitting on a bunch of magic stones and resources and am unsure how to use them. Are there any 'chase units' for PvP/particularly viable team compositions I should be going for, or can I perform well using the units I like provided they have a decent star count? Should I be balancing the attributes of my team or focus on just one or two? Apologies in advance if these questions don't make sense and thank you!
submitted by canine_crawl to PuzzleAndDragons [link] [comments]
