Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with my Convectair electric wall heater and why it won't turn on or produce heat?

2024.11.29 22:40 stumbleman00 Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with my Convectair electric wall heater and why it won't turn on or produce heat?

I'm at my elderly mother's place in Canada trying to fix her old Covectair electric wall heaters. These were installed in the early 90s so they are ancient. She has 4 total, and all of 3 them simply stopped working (all around the same time) a few months ago - they simply did not want to turn on. One of them magically started working again. but the other 2 are still not functional. For the ones still working, when you flip the master on/off switch to "on", a little red light comes on indicating the unit is functional. There is no such light that comes on for the 2 non-working units and they do not produce heat.
I checked the wiring and there is indeed power coming from the wall so it's not a structure wiring issue. I'm guessing either the thermostat is broken or possible some kind of fuse in the unit? I'm kind of at a loss because I cannot find the manual nor the model anywhere online. I've attached some photos of the heater model as well as pics of the label with the serial and model number on it if it helps:
Also before I get a the inevitable "buy a new one" answers, money is very tight right now so I'm doing everything I can to try and fix this myself first. Any help or guidance on what the issue might be would be much appreciated. Thanks all!
submitted by stumbleman00 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 BucketPikes Considerate Neighbors

Considerate Neighbors I am grateful for my neighbors parking etiquette and the wider than average spaces we have. The other parking zones have much more narrow spaces. I think I lucked out.
submitted by BucketPikes to GR86 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 NecessarySilent4252 What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?

submitted by NecessarySilent4252 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 WindowSubstantial993 How does the mime do vs the purgatory line up

How does the mime do vs the purgatory line up submitted by WindowSubstantial993 to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 stelindinha Faço faculdade?

Hoje foi meu último dia de aula do ensino médio 🥳. Porém agora fico naquele dilema de faço ou não faculdade. Eu tinha um planejamento de fazer um mochilao assim que terminasse a escola e foda-se a faculdade, mas você vai ficando com medo e vai criando obstáculos pra não concluir suas metas. Não tenho sonho de fazer faculdade nenhuma, sinto que seria infeliz e que perderia 5 anos da minha juventude fazendo isso, quando eu poderia estar viajando e quem sabe depois fazer alguma coisa. Não sei oq faço, tenho medo de me arrepender de não ter vivido e tenho medo de magoar meus pais que querem que eu já comece na faculdade de direito ano que vem. Alguém me dá uns conselhos, não sei oq fazer
submitted by stelindinha to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 GuitarZer0_ Autumn Sale budget- input on value/performance and replacements?

Hi all I gave myself a $100 limit (+/- a couple bucks )
What are your thoughts on my choices below? As you can see i dabble in a lot of things. Any feedback on performance and value of the games
Plus I have $10 left over for suggestions or replacements (wallet giftcard)
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe- 80% - 19.99
Ufo 50 - 15% - 27.62
Kingdom Come Deliverance- 90%- 4.14
Shovel knight dig - 50%- 14.49
Space Matine/Boltgun - 40% - 16.19
Balatro - 15% - 16.14
submitted by GuitarZer0_ to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Soya-Kun Summer Elysia (by: huiqian)

Summer Elysia (by: huiqian) submitted by Soya-Kun to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 SamuraiSupreme17 AITAH for spending Thanksgiving at my "Grandparents" house?

I, male in my teenage years spent this Thanksgiving at my "Grandparents" house. The family is of a very kind man (we'll call him Mr. Benson) I met at an internship at my local barbershop. He took me under his wing, essentially (with my mother's permission) and has been picking me up from school for a few months now. We've known each other for over a year, my mom knows and likes he and his wife, etc. I consider this man a grandfather, really. I even call him "pops." My biological grandfather passed a few years back but I've always yearned for that relationship and let my mom know that I feel like Mr. Benson is my grandfather and his wife Mrs. Benson is my grandmother since I don't have a good relationship with my biological grandmother (haven't spoken to her in a year due to an unrelated falling out with the family). My mom respects this, or so I thought, so she thought it would be a good idea for me to spend the holiday at their house.
I had a great time yesterday, I got to meet all of the Bensons, even the grandchildren who are around my age and we all get along like cousins, really. It was a very loving day. I felt like I needed and wanted all of what happened, really. My mom wasn't there since she and my little brother were having dinner here at her house. She felt like she wasn't really invited and just figured I should go but bring back food, which I made sure to do.
The sad part about it is that today, my mom, brother and I went to the mall and had a good time. We get home and I tell her about the leftovers I got since she was tired when I got back home last night. I get the feeling that something's upsetting her but I start to warm up the food along with some food she made too. I made it clear I made her a plate but I just wanted us to all share the food, since it was really good. She gets to sarcastically saying that her food was "just good enough for her and her family" and a lot of other stuff. However, when I walk away to use the bathroom, she takes it as I'm being rude or trying to ignore her so she takes ALL of the food from the Bensons and tosses it out. Obviously, I get extremely upset and she says something along the lines of "I made all of this food for you and you'd rather eat from another don't love me or your barely know these people and would rather live with them" and a lot of other hurtful, untrue things. Despite me sobbing for like 10 minutes, begging for an explanation, she ignores. AITAH? Sorry for the rant, I'll be happy to add more context.
submitted by SamuraiSupreme17 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Jazzyownsyou jazzyoens you

pay for my christmas wishlist
submitted by Jazzyownsyou to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 etstew Heart/Kidney Disease in cat preventing surgery

I'm posting this mostly to just see if my gut feeling about this is off base, but I have 19 year old cat who moved in with me 3 months ago who over the past 1.5 years has lost a lot of weight and in appearance aged somewhat rapidly. He also stopped eating as much. His past owner brought him into the vet about a year ago and there was slight increased BUN/Creatine ratio indicating the beginnings of kidney disease. They then prescribed an appetite stimulant, he had only eaten dry food his entire life. Since taking him in I noticed his breath is really terrible, and that as soon as I switched him to wet food he started eating constantly and his appetite was very strong. I brought him into the vet for the breath and they opened his mouth and found that he has a potentially rotting tooth covered in buildup. They then basically went "ehhhh he's old" and sent us home with antibiotics and didn't recommend surgery. I brought him back to get blood testing for surgery, and was told "there's a vet here who refuses to do surgery on cats this old, and one who doesn't, so if you want surgery book with the vet who does." This wasn't really reassuring, and unfortunately when I received the updated bloodwork today, his BUN/creatine ratio has increased to 24.3, his INDEXX SDMA is 22, and his Cardiopet proBNP is 1,500 which I was told indicates kidney and heart disease. The vet didn't really say anything other than he can't have surgery? And so I asked if there were treatment options and if we should still give him his "pre-surgery" additonal dose antibiotics to help his tooth, and they said yes, and gave me Atenolol, KD food, and Azodyl. I understand he's an old cat, but I just am wondering if it is normal for the vet to just kinda push me away like that or if there should be more of a thorough investigation into these readings. I just want to make sure I am doing what's best for him, he's definitely slowed down a bit but overall he eats a lot, stays hydrated, and is very social/doesn't seem to have any noteable physical distress other than a bit of trouble getting up on things due to arthritis. Ultimately if this is all we can do to keep him comfortable that's okay, but it just sounds like a lot of what I'm perusing online would involve further reading into these things.
submitted by etstew to vet [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 offthegridgamer Just thinking...

Just thinking... I'd love to buy an enamel pin in this style!
submitted by offthegridgamer to transistor [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 rm_7609 Hit cookies

Hit cookies These used to be so much taller!
submitted by rm_7609 to shrinkflation [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 According_Class1688 Face insulation for the upcoming cold front

Face insulation for the upcoming cold front I keep thinking about growing it out more. It gets curly when it’s longer and I’ve struggled to keep it growing straight down even with product. Maybe it’s just how my beard grows or I just need to be patient and deal with an awkward phase? Not unhappy with it just at this length though.
submitted by According_Class1688 to beards [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Impossible_Pack_3671 Quando o assunto é "Desenhos Atuais", ninguém fala desses.

Quando o assunto é submitted by Impossible_Pack_3671 to animacao [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 lydiablackblade Movember last hurray

Do I have tons of things to do which will come back bite me in the A if won't finish them in time? Absolutely. Did I make useless Mustache Michael gifs anyway instead? HELL YES.
There were only a disappointingly small amount of Mo content in the sub, so I'm sorry, I And even 's disapproving look can't refrain me to post them.
So Enjoy. Or don't. Up to you :D
Very beginner at making gifs, me. Some turned out quite good. Some didn't.
submitted by lydiablackblade to GoodOmensAfterDark [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 terrifyingreader Yeah idk how to name this

So. Me (m18) and my gf (f16) have been together for 6months. But like it's long distantie so i don't see her very often. I'm happy if i can see her once a month tbh. But it's not about that. We barely chat anymore. And yeah it bothers me. A lot. And she knows it but yeah. It stays the same...
I have no idea what this could mean and what i could do...
submitted by terrifyingreader to Teenager [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 HalVas0 Zamazenta - 379738118073

Zamazenta - 379738118073 submitted by HalVas0 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 ALooserBand [FRESH EP] Ayka - Home Recordings

[FRESH EP] Ayka - Home Recordings submitted by ALooserBand to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Hamokk Current watchers

Current watchers submitted by Hamokk to casio [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Leogaly California remote bar exam from out of the US

Hello guys, just want to ask if I can take California bar exam from out of the country.
submitted by Leogaly to barexam [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 throwawaytonsilsayy think I may need a uvulectomy due to tonsillectomy :’)

Just a small vent and seeking advice if anything but I got my tonsils removed in April. It was pretty smooth healing.
But I noticed my uvula stayed pretty swollen for 7 weeks after surgery then just never felt comfortable, it def hangs lower and I constantly feel like there’s something in my throat so I’m gonna seek a partial uvulectomy. I knew this was a risk from tonsillectomies but I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with a uvulectomy?
I’m not really worried about pain since i thugged the tonsillectomy lmao but I guess just wondering if anyone’s had this experience here.
Happy holidays!
submitted by throwawaytonsilsayy to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 onthisdayclips On This Day: November 29, 2023: Australia’s Apology for the Thalidomide Tragedy

On November 29, 2023, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese formally apologized to thalidomide survivors and their families for the harm caused by the drug over sixty years ago. The apology marked a significant step in recognizing the suffering endured by affected families.
submitted by onthisdayclips to ThisDay [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 sunflower_cloe Hey :3

Hey :3 submitted by sunflower_cloe to nonnudecollection [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 lilmrock4456 Back In My Day (Post Patch)

Repairs cost 4x the price of the gun.
And we had to walk up hill through anomalies!
BOTH WAYS! And we didn't even have stamina!
We went to the Corner Store and sold our Power Armor for Twenty Seven Cents.
submitted by lilmrock4456 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:40 Ben_Bingo PONG! - ScrapComputers Arcade Game

PONG! - ScrapComputers Arcade Game submitted by Ben_Bingo to ScrapMechanic [link] [comments]