Was wondering

2024.11.29 22:33 Haunting_Beyond1288 Was wondering

Got spawned into the military hardware mission as Michael is that normal?
submitted by Haunting_Beyond1288 to GTAV [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 monstermayhem436 Adopted 13 year old Cocoa today!

Adopted 13 year old Cocoa today! submitted by monstermayhem436 to OldManDog [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 cepeel Vibrant autumn scenes captured by drone

Vibrant autumn scenes captured by drone submitted by cepeel to Autumn [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 T3x1cK Nociones de un tipo sin etiquetas, sin sueños y sin metas

submitted by T3x1cK to EscritoresUnder [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 CalmApartment6835 2015 5.7l hemi timing off?

2015 5.7l hemi timing off? Got done with the cam swap and lifters and timing everything with great but not sure if timings set up right. With the way I have it below I’m misfiring on cylinder 3 & 7, not badly though and no bent rods or anything.
Was told on here timing is correct and by other people but after watching so many different videos I am second guessing myself.
My issue I guess is I can’t get the cam at 12o clock and crank at 6 o clock. With the cam at 12:00 the crank wants to be at 5:00-530. With the crank at 6:00 the cam wants to be at 12:30-1:00
AMS swap kit with mopar lifters and stock spec non mds cam
submitted by CalmApartment6835 to EngineBuilding [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Urquaey what have you achieved this week?

submitted by Urquaey to babywearinguk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Salty_Sign2766 Diversificar com risco

Situação actual: fundo de emergência criado com 10 meses de despesas e comecei a fazer DCA há alguns meses, sendo que, do valor que tenho disponível para investir mensalmente, faço 30% do investimento em capital garantido porque quero um FE para 12 meses e 70% em VWCE. Horizonte temporal aqui será de 20/25 anos.
Objectivo: diversificar um pouco do investimento mensal em opções de maior risco e maior retorno. Horizonte temporal (apenas para esta parte do porte fólio seria de aproximadamente 5 anos)
Sei que posso sempre adicionar outro ETF ao porte fólio, mas tenho andado a pensar em comprar algumas ações individuais. As que tenho seguido com mais atenção são Alphabet, AMD, TSMC, NVIDIA e Tesla. São todas empresas que creio que vão ter um crescimento significativo nos próximos anos e que têm apresentado resultados bastante consistentes nos últimos tempos. A que considero mais perigosa aqui é mesmo a Tesla embora até essa me pareça uma aposta relativamente segura, mesmo considerando o aparecimento de vários rivais chineses.
Agradecem-se opiniões, sugestões e discussão em geral.
submitted by Salty_Sign2766 to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 TheAtomicBeats Rock rap beat with hook - Shine

Rock rap beat with hook - Shine submitted by TheAtomicBeats to beats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Thewaverider1 Disney pops on earning.It will go higher

Disney has record earning.and makes steep gain on announcement.
submitted by Thewaverider1 to Stockpickwinners [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Zarpaulus Red Card issues at Target, on Black Friday

I got my first Red Card order today, to Target, for five strings of Christmas lights. But the store didn't actually carry the cheap brand she wanted, so I had to substitute a more expensive one they actually had. While I was checking out she kept changing her mind on how many of the substitute brand she wanted, so I had to ask an employee to take off one item.
Then when I tried to pay it rejected both my physical Red Card and my phone. The employee watching the self check-outs tried and did something producing a stub receipt that read "Suspended" and told me to take it to customer service. When a manager showed up I tried the card again, then she said that I've have to call DoorDash about it.
When I did call the call dropped out and just as I was calling them back the agent called me back. Then it turned out I didn't need to do anything.
submitted by Zarpaulus to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 alessacole And you're not alone

And you're not alone submitted by alessacole to BipolarMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 DanceRayder Couldn't handle the Manon hug

Couldn't handle the Manon hug Coward.
submitted by DanceRayder to StreetFighter [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 TxDxE Will my macbook survive?

So I am a massive ASOIF fan, and just found out about AGOT and am dying to hop in and play. I see that there is a huge sale on steam, and almost pulled the trigger but then saw the system requirements and have a bad feeling my MacBook can’t handle this game now.
My systems specs are as following:
macOS Monterey Version 12.6.3
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)
Processor: 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 Memory: 8 GB 1867 MHz LPDDR3 Graphics: Intel Iris Graphics 540 1536 MB
Is there any hope I can still run this game with the mod? Are there any workarounds like geforce ?
And if not, is anyone here running any cheap laptops that work fine? Something around the 300 range at most? Or am I cooked?
submitted by TxDxE to CK3AGOT [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Designer_Soil4847 Film Cameras in Front Bag?

Anyone have any issues keeping film cameras in a front bag? I’m concerned they’ll need to get recalibrated etc… over time. I have a padded camera bag insert that they would stay in within the bag.
submitted by Designer_Soil4847 to Brompton [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 RawGoldGoblin Hateforged Blazecycle Mount

Hi everyone!
I wish I could afford to gift everyone a mount but I can’t! What I can offer though is to go to my local store and purchase the product for you and give you the codes to get the mount.
I’m just asking people to pay for the cost of the product, as well as pitch in for my transportation and time. I believe this is fair as I’m providing a service!😊
Ive calculated this out to be roughly $20 USD. Admins - if there’s any issues with this please feel free to take this down. Thank you
If you are interested just shoot me a message!
submitted by RawGoldGoblin to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 sojuorn Building new pc … please give me feedback/suggestions! Thanks

I am trying to build a new PC. I don’t build PCs often and my last on was 8 years ago. I like the idea of a white rgb theme as my last was all black as a change of pace. All feedback/suggestions welcome. I am hoping to not go over the $2k mark.
My current list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kTvxGJ
submitted by sojuorn to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Positive_Ad4207 Whitney is insufferable?!

Okay so please bear with me.. European here. New to Mormons wives I’m four episodes in, and Whitney is literally making me not want to continue.. She’s so two faced, manipulative and plays the victim any chance she gets.. Please tell me this will get better ?!
submitted by Positive_Ad4207 to SecretsOfMormonWives [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Simple_North9586 Sat citas

A alguien le ha aparecido este texto al momento de querer sacar cita? Saben cuanto tarda? O me tengo q esperar 30 dias?
No es posible asignarte un turno en la fila. Para volverte a formar debes esperar 30 días naturales después de haber recibido tu última asignación de cita.
submitted by Simple_North9586 to Monterrey [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 thecyberpunkooze What’s the most efficient geo farm?

I’m currently farming the two moss knights just above the green path station, nets 105 geo with fragile greed and takes slightly under a minute to run.
submitted by thecyberpunkooze to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 KhanDescending123 Upgrading an old build, will these parts work?

• ⁠New build or upgrade? Upgrading an old build
• ⁠Existing parts/monitors to reuse? (List with models/links) This is the list of parts (including the new parts)
• ⁠PC purpose? (Gaming, editing, etc. List apps/games) Gaming
• ⁠Purchase country? Near Micro Center? (If not US, list local vendors) USA
• ⁠Monitors needed? (Number, size, resolution, refresh rate) No • ⁠Budget range? (Include tax considerations) $500-700 • ⁠WiFi or wired connection? WiFi (already have wireless card) • ⁠Size/noise constraints? Na • ⁠Cololighting preferences? Na • ⁠Any other specific needs?
This is an old build the only changes I’m making are 1) updating the graphics card to an RTX 4070 (previous was GTX 960) and 2) upgrading the power supply (my old one was only 430W and this build requires around 450W so went with a 750W one to be safe).
Before I go ahead and spend ~$600 can anyone tell me whether there are any considerations I’m missing?
submitted by KhanDescending123 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Gridious Unlawful Search while pulled over for no reason. Repeat issue.

Hey guys i was pulled over last night near allen premium outlets while heading home from Anna to to plano last night at 2AM. The officer i was pulled over by has pulled by over 5 times already this year for pretty much no justification. I never have gotten a ticket from this officer, however every time he is extremely offensive and pushes that if i have been smoking doing or doing pills to try to see if he can push the traffic stop into something more. For the record i’m completely sober and do not have anything illegal on me.
This time getting pulled over however, he insists that he takes my handbag which has a handgun in it, searches it, then asks to see my backpack in my backseat. At this point i’ve already been giving away my right to refusal so i said there’s no need for that and to continue with the traffic stop. Magically within 3 minutes of being pulled over a k-9 unit shows up and i’m asked to leave my car. I get out and the K9 damages all of my door handles and “alerts” on my car. I believe k9’s are utter bullshit and are no better than a coin flip but at this point they search my car for an hour and find absolutely nothing. I can tell they are pretty irritated at this point but i am free to go.
I believe this whole operation is setup to meet a monthly drug bust quota. I don’t smoke weed, but this guy is determined to put people in jail over any amount of weed. So please, if you pass by allen on the highway there’s a good chance you can get pulled over and searched and i highly recommend to not carry any amount of substance and to deep clean your car for shake.
I’m not identifying the police involved because i am pursuing legal action at the moment for harassment and damage to my vehicle.
submitted by Gridious to Allen [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 SubstantialMetal3285 [POSITIVE] for /u/Delicious-Button6997 [buyer]

Good buyer. Communicative and understanding.
submitted by SubstantialMetal3285 to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Ok-Conversation4927 What breed is my five month old kitten?

What breed is my five month old kitten? submitted by Ok-Conversation4927 to aww [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 kornifera O que ele quer comigo?

Gente, me acontece o seguinte, eu (M21) tô saindo com um cara (H22) tem uns 4 meses já, saímos umas 5 vezes, eu gosto dele, mas vamos dar atenção ao fato de que ele é um banana.
Bom, considerando TODAS as minhas experiências anteriores (apesar de não terem sido muitas, sai apenas com 2 caras antes desse) no primeiro ou no máximo segundo encontro já rolava alguma coisa. No caso dele nada aconteceu, não me beijou, e mal encosta em mim.
Sinceramente não tava sendo um problema, eu achei diferente no bom sentido. Além dele ser meu tipo descrito, ele é muito bonzinho, me respeita demais e temos gostos super parecidos. E como eu falei ali em cima, não costumo sair com muitos homens, mas geralmente faço o básico, dou uma olhadinha, etc e funciona. O problema é que com ele não, eu pensei que ele só era tímido MAS GENTE, vi esse homem 5, Cinco, CINCO VEZES(detalhe ele nunca me deixa dividir a conta).
Eu tentei ser um pouco mais atiradinha do que eu normalmente sou, mas eu já tô no meu limite, que não foi muito admito kk, e já da pra entender convenhamos, e se eu passar disso vou me sentir desconfortável comigo mesma.
Com esse desabafo todo, o que vocês acham que tá acontecendo aqui? Eu tô entendendo a situação errado? Quem paga a conta pra amiga, sabe? Eu genuinamente gosto dele e não sei se devo abandonar o barco ou insistir um pouco mais.
submitted by kornifera to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 22:33 Anxious_Turnover1317 Aubrey Plaza

Aubrey Plaza submitted by Anxious_Turnover1317 to CelebLBDs [link] [comments]
