2024.11.29 22:40 Tricerachrist Cut to the Feeling in Sweethearts!
It made me so happy to hear Cut to the Feeling in Sweethearts! It’s such a cute little holiday romcom. submitted by Tricerachrist to carlyraejepsen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 Verile-Net7992 💪
submitted by Verile-Net7992 to GuusjevanGeel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 spiritbear0552 Best E0S0 Acheron setup?
Hello fellow weepers I have just unlocked lightning mommy but I’m kinda at a loss for what team to use on her. My best weapon until she reruns again is S3 GNSW and I also have Jiaoqiu sadly. I assume based off what I have the go to will be Acheron/ Sparkle/ Pela/ whatever sustain (GallagheAventurine)? submitted by spiritbear0552 to AcheronMainsHSR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 Glum-Bottle7384 !!!neocaridina shrimp contest!!!
What do people like more?
Blue dream shrimp
Green jade shrimp
Orange/Sunkist shrimp
Black/Chocolate shrimp
submitted by Glum-Bottle7384 to shrimptank [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
https://preview.redd.it/8rs0fqcm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0fdda1384115f3f5f5da670ff537b7ea268338b https://preview.redd.it/jv12ascm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43e1aab84d6b65f8eb2db8bb3f13f4799c497a2 Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord:https://discord.gg/HBZtbeMPp9 submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 Electronic_Usual_497 Pedali się jakiś bi, uległy do influ?
submitted by Electronic_Usual_497 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 Gold-Serve6423 Carvin UDI Ultra Distortion pedal
This is the Carvin Ultra Distortion UDI I am trying to replace this broken potentiometer but can’t find a manual anywhere Does anyone know what type this might be? It says 100KB and has a symbol on it submitted by Gold-Serve6423 to diypedals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 cboyk011 <1 year old Whirlpool dishwasher not working correctly
Hello all,
I have a whirlpool dishwasher (model #WDT730HAMZ) that I bought at Lowe’s March 2023. I am fairly handy so I installed myself. I have had no issues until 2 weeks ago.
2024.11.29 22:40 authorajvaughan Regieleki- 2 local w/ party power- 785301449671
submitted by authorajvaughan to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 _SomeRedditUser How nice of Peter to build a widow's walk for Lois ❤️
submitted by _SomeRedditUser to familyguy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 XboxPlayUFC Gamestop or self submission?
So I have about 5 pokemon cards, maybe 10, to send into PSA. Never sent in cards before, but should I go with gamestop, or would I be better off doing my own? I'm not a member of either.
The best card I'm sending in is a decent quality Charizard ex from 2004 FireRed set if that matters. Just worried about me cards and want to pick the best option here
submitted by XboxPlayUFC to psagrading [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 InfiniteSlip3107 usar tinder namorando é traiçao?
já estou namorando há 4 anos e a gente vai ter uma filha, infelizmente, to numa fase muito ruim e acabei descobrindo que ele possivelmente está me traindo, eu sempre sei quando ele mente pra mim e ultimamente eu tenho percebido isso mas nem falei nada, quando ele foi tomar banho ele jogou o celular na cama desbloqueado e eu li uma conversa com uma menina que eu nunca tinha visto e fiquei pensando onde ele conheceu ela e por que nao me falou nada? Uma amiga minha ficou sabendo que tinham visto ele no Tinder mas eu precisava ver com meus próprios olhos, usei um site chamado cheatfy e achei o perfil dele lá, printei mandei pra ele e ele me disse que tinha esquecido de apagar a conta mas no app dizia que ele tinha visto recentemente
eu fui pra casa da minha mãe e ele tá implorando desculpa e dizendo que nunca me traiu, não sei o que fazer
submitted by InfiniteSlip3107 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 KingMaitreya Regieleki- 2 local w/ party power- 761550914849
submitted by KingMaitreya to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 Guilty_Park7948 Cheetos mom
submitted by Guilty_Park7948 to BossFights [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 lnxSinon The Frozen Outpost | System Neutral Dungeon for Love Level Characters
submitted by lnxSinon to onePageDungeon [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 nicolass_gm [For Hire] Art commissions open! - Character art, portraits, key art, illustrations - DM for details
submitted by nicolass_gm to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 Better_Primary_5396 I just want help with the girl I am talking to!
I was suggested this subreddit by chat gpt to help me with my current predicament I hope someone can help. So currently I am talking with someone will name em Sam fake name. We been talking for few weeks and I have fallen for her. I am a person who falls quick and hard and I know it is bad for me but I still do it. Anyways my friend Sam has been going through depressive episodes and she has been keeping me somewhat updated. The problem with me is I am a big over thinker and I truly let that take control of me sometimes. If someone could please tell me how to control that. Today they got back from work really early cus things were getting bad. They messaged me and told me that they can't trust anyone and how they wanna do not fun thing to themselves. Which I know they won't they are extremely strong and won't do anything of sort. But it still worried me and I kinda let my over thinking take over and I sent bunch of messages and some where saying like please do not do it and such and such. Mainly cus I had a an ex that did that to themselves and now they are not with us. every since I been scared of that action. Anyways they didn't text much today but few minutes ago they said I just need to be alone and I follow what they say! And I will leave them be till they text back but can y'all please tell me what I should do now besides wait! I seriously love her and would love to date her at some point. I just don't know how to take care of her. I tell her daily that I am always there for her just one text and I will answer!! And so far she hasn't been very communicative so yahh idk can please someone help me with what I should do next? Thank y'all!!
submitted by Better_Primary_5396 to depression_help [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 NameMuch9393 (20F) I am thinking about waiting till marriage because I don’t want to get in a relationship where I’m only wanted for my body. Is there a middle ground? Or way to avoid men like this?
I don’t have any sexual experiences but I’ve spoken to guys for online dating and I felt that they always wanted me not for my personality but just for my body.
For example I had sent a selfie to a guy that I ”dated” (but he broke up with me after three days so it was not really a relationship) the day before he broke up with me and he didn’t call be beautiful or cute he just said that my boobs looked big and that he got a boner.
A couple minutes later he as me if I wanted to FaceTime him so that I could watch him jerk off and I didn’t want to so I said no. This situation just made me feel like an object to be used for his pleasure.
submitted by NameMuch9393 to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?
https://preview.redd.it/8rs0fqcm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0fdda1384115f3f5f5da670ff537b7ea268338b https://preview.redd.it/jv12ascm7l9d1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43e1aab84d6b65f8eb2db8bb3f13f4799c497a2 Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord:https://discord.gg/HBZtbeMPp9 submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 Dansypansy Where can i get 4x4 chassis on 7 days to die?
I’m in tier 5 and Im wondering if it’s available to buy on traders or it is only possible to get it by grinding the quests?
submitted by Dansypansy to 7daystodie [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 eppiegoytia Me sucede esto durante la meditación.
Hola a todo el grupo, sucede que estos meses he tenido un despertar espiritual muy grande debido a una terapia con psilocibina que tomé, para esta experiencia tuve que meditar varios días antes, cosa que me ha ayudado a ser constante en mis meditaciones, literal no las he dejado y diario hago una o dos. En esta experiencia me encontré con mi yo espiritual y tuve un acercamiento a dios muy grande. A lo que voy: He detectado que en todas mis meditaciones la parte de arriba de mi nariz se "siente", es como una especie de presión de la mitad para arriba de esta, pero no es dolorosa ni nada. Cuando la meditación se vuelve muy profunda, está parte de mi nariz se comienza a sentir mucho más, cuando medite con una micro dosis de psilocibina literal sentía que hasta me estiraban la nariz. Repito no existe dolor ni molestia. A mí hermano que también medita (el tiene más tiempo) le pasa similar y una vez de forma accidental platicamos del tema y resultó que a los dos nos sucede lo mismo, pero no sé se más personas ni le se dar una explicación ni respuesta. ¿A alguien le ha sucedido esto? También debo agregar que en mi meditación se hoy me sucedió que se puso muy oscuro todo y por un momento creí verme fuera del cuerpo pero se sintió un poco como un sueño y abrí los ojos. Saludos a toda la comunidad. Soy mexicano y tengo 32 años.
submitted by eppiegoytia to Meditacion [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 Independent-Spite689 Selling 2 tickets Interstellar 70 mm Vaughan December 6th 6:45 pm
Dm me if you are interested!
submitted by Independent-Spite689 to cineplex [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 ley_ronjon jsn or drake london for wr
submitted by ley_ronjon to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 22:40 DaWrongPillz About to buy Elden ring, should I just buy it with the shadow of the erd tree even though I’ve never played?
It looks like in the Xbox store you can buy Elden ring+shadow for 80, but then if you buy them separately it would add up up to 110. I’m worried whether I’ll love it or not lol
submitted by DaWrongPillz to Eldenring [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 22:40 wasting_time_n_life Parking meters vandalized
This was at 16th, between O and P streets, and all of them were opened up like this. If feels so janky I still had to pay for parking cause I didn’t have any change, was planning on using my card anyway.
submitted by wasting_time_n_life to Sacramento [link] [comments]