17M Extremely Bored, DM's Open

2024.11.29 23:39 zero_breadx 17M Extremely Bored, DM's Open

submitted by zero_breadx to chat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 BigAdvertising4194 Help with submitting a run (SMOdyssey)

So I just recorded my first speedrun of Super Mario Odyssey, and I'm highly considering submitting it to speedrun .com. However, I'm going to turn it into a YouTube video and edit a lot of stuff out. Will speedrun .com still accept the run if I submit the edited version (the YT video) of the run? If they don't accept the YT video, I still want to edit the audio out because I was on a call with friends during the run. I'm incredibly new to this kind of thing and I didn't know where to go for it.
submitted by BigAdvertising4194 to speedrun [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Positive-Dot7706 Can someone make me a subliminal from scratch

I want to make a photographic memory silent subliminal so I can listen when sleeping.
The affirmations I want!
Photographic memory subliminal
I have peak human intelligence I have a high IQ I have a high EQ I have a genius-level IQ I have an IQ of over two hundred I have a large brain capacity I have achieved maximum human intelligence I have a massive brain capacity I have an incredible learning capacity I have a remarkable memory capacity I am extremely creative I always have new original ideas I always look outside the box for new ideas I have a limitless imagination I have an unmatched concentration I have a keen eye for observation I have incredible reasoning skills I have amazing deduction skills I have a perfect memory I have a photographic memory I have an audio graphic memory I remember everything I perceive in perfect detail I am extraordinary observant to everything I am extraordinary perceptive to everything I have a superior mental recall I have godlike memory I have an amazingly advanced cognitive capabilities I understand everything on a philosophical level I understand everything on a base level I understand everything on an advanced level I understand everything to the highest degree I always understand the deeper meaning of everything I see I have perfect memory recall I have a photographic memory I have an excellent memory I have a memory that is in peak condition I have a brain that processes information quickly and accurately I am a memory master I easily remember information I quickly remember information I have memory is accurate and efficient I see something once and remember it forever I recall complicated information with great ease I am a memory genius I use both spheres of my brain equally well I remember everything I study I have very high comprehension I have a very high retention rate I have a very high speed of recall I have a memory that is powerful and amazing People are stunned at the memory I have People are amazed at the photographic memory I have I have total recall of my dreams I have excellent powers of recall I have an incredible memory I easily concentrate and focus I have a memory that is sharp and clear I am gifted with an eidetic memory I have a photographic memory I have an excellent memory
submitted by Positive-Dot7706 to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 YogurtclosetBroad872 Rigatoni Bolognese - Giuliano Hazan Classic Pasta Recipe

This is my absolute favorite recipe for Bolognese. Recipe is second pic. If you like authentic Bolognese, it's a must try.
submitted by YogurtclosetBroad872 to pasta [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Any_Assistant1881 What was a franchise you wanted to see get added?

Self explanatory question, what franchises did you want to see in the game before it was discontinued? I don't have any myself personally, but I think representing some of the bonus worlds seen in the game (e.g. 2001 A Space Odyssey, Flintstones, Red Dwarf) would've been really cool to see.
submitted by Any_Assistant1881 to Legodimensions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 KickCharge How to get an External Graphics Card for my Laptop

Hello, I have a Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen 3 and the system model is 21ak0089us. The laptop is not able to handle games very well, and I was wondering if there is any way to upgrade it and potentially use some external graphics card. I am not sure how any of that works so any help would be appreciated!! Trying to upgrade my gaming quality as cheap as possible
submitted by KickCharge to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 dontsearchupligma What changes do you see in the democrats in the next 4 years?

Since the loss 3 weeks ago, the democrats and the American left have to change. What changes do you see or leaders? Is the party gonna be populist? Or something else?
submitted by dontsearchupligma to AskALiberal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 lss_str_01 Post_(block)_to_report_11/29/24-15:39:48

submitted by lss_str_01 to ReportBlockUsers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 easternbetta Ethereal, whimsical Christmas

One of my favorites is Silent Night by For King and Country (in fact, that whole album is fabulous) and I'd love to find more like it. Or like, Aurora but Christmas. Watcha got?
submitted by easternbetta to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 PicklePixee Not one nice customer

Okay a few. Everyone (except the nice few) is just bottom of the barrel today. Plus we're extra shorthanded today. One called in for dayshift, one went home sick and the second closer called in. After 7 it's just me and the shftlead. I hate it here. 😑
submitted by PicklePixee to WalgreensStores [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Niggelwastig Midwinter night dram Act 12 scene 2 (port finish)

I found it at msrp but never tried any of their offerings. I have heard mixed reviews of the different acts and scenes, in your opinion is this one worth getting?
submitted by Niggelwastig to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 itsme_tbg Managing customers who don't pay and fake accounts

Hello all,
I am having a hard time selling my items via auction. I've had to relist several times because buyers don't pay within the 4 days. Some of these accounts have zero ratings, and look fake.
So far, the only thing I've done is block these usernames who don't pay. But still, these accounts take the bids, and I don't sell. Is there something I can do about this? Can I filter out certain accounts to allow only those with positive ratings through? Or do we just deal and relist until sale? Thanks
submitted by itsme_tbg to Ebay [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 thefineprintletters But there can only be one Lighter in town 🧐

But there can only be one Lighter in town 🧐 submitted by thefineprintletters to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Fortniteballs2996 I predictus bigdickus

submitted by Fortniteballs2996 to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 cjjocbdkdbd Anyone wanna help me?

Anyone wanna help me? submitted by cjjocbdkdbd to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 OrtanCassius6412 Just got the red gobbo’s for Christmas WAGGGGGGH

About to wreak some Morkmas havoc WAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH
submitted by OrtanCassius6412 to orks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 frodoswaggins420420 Double XP weekend still not fixed

Double XP weekend still not fixed Just unlocked dark spine and with the challenges I completed I should have got 22,500xp before double xp and 45,000xp after double xp not including my 36 eliminations and a capture and I ended up getting a total of 28,889xp after my double xp was factored in…
submitted by frodoswaggins420420 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Similar-Key1839 Redditors who have rat-like facial features, what's life like for you?

submitted by Similar-Key1839 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Ashamed_Intern_1913 why do you hate me for what you induced me to project unto the world

submitted by Ashamed_Intern_1913 to highdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Puzzleheaded_Roll_37 What’s a trend you see coming that people won’t stop talking about in 10 years?

submitted by Puzzleheaded_Roll_37 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Affectionate_Ad1359 Why start over every season?

Can someone tell me why we got to start over every season instead of just useing our already built character to grind for newly added gear or bosses? Cuz I don't like the idea of starting back to lvl 1 again or having to wait till season over to just play and grind for newly added gear or bosses
submitted by Affectionate_Ad1359 to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Cowboystar192 Enchanting...

Enchanting... submitted by Cowboystar192 to marieofdenmark [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 CoyoteAcceptable9491 Police officer uk female

Police officer uk 3
submitted by CoyoteAcceptable9491 to PrisonUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 Maleficent_Detail409 Trading

Trading Anyone willing to do this?
submitted by Maleficent_Detail409 to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:39 tlozbotwamiibos “Please show Gina pictures of your pets at your Thanksgiving Dinner, thank you.”

“Please show Gina pictures of your pets at your Thanksgiving Dinner, thank you.” https://x.com/missginadarling/status/1862409797829816612
submitted by tlozbotwamiibos to Gina_Darling [link] [comments]
