What game parts are locked if you refuse to engage with the anomaly?

2024.11.29 23:31 meiotta What game parts are locked if you refuse to engage with the anomaly?

I've been doing a couple of permadeath playthroughs where I never summon the anomaly or go on it, but it feels like there's probably some cool stuff I can't get to
Going through the base missions and crash chips and whatnot to get advanced drives and techs is nice. Salvage from freighters doesn't seem to provide much cool and it's unclear what else is out there.
submitted by meiotta to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Ill-Database7345 How is the loop going to work?

In the trailer for chapter 6, it says we are in reality 783 so how is the loop going to work? The loop is only on reality zero also how did loopers like Jonesy, peely, fish stick and at least one more I’m forgetting end up in this reality?
submitted by Ill-Database7345 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Accomplished-Ad6866 Are there any genuine people here

I thought I found one, but they were just trying to scam me after a while.
submitted by Accomplished-Ad6866 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 pro2grow4 SPEEDRUN 2nd run

SPEEDRUN 2nd run Grand exchange, Terp sneeze, Slamberry
submitted by pro2grow4 to Autoflowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Emotional-Pop-4621 In home laundry

Hi this is my first apt and I’m not to familiar with paying utilities but I wanted to ask a quick question. From experience does doing laundry from home significantly raise your water build
submitted by Emotional-Pop-4621 to utilities [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 GulpinFanboy Maushold Pokémon Unite Moveset

Maushold Pokémon Unite Moveset submitted by GulpinFanboy to PokemonUnite [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Antique_Abrocoma_733 Inside Info & Mefjus - Mythos

Inside Info & Mefjus - Mythos submitted by Antique_Abrocoma_733 to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 oreferngonian Gift Sawp

I thought I was added to the gift swap but now looking at my account it’s not there. Did they delete the swap? Anyone have information about it? I sent a gift but never got one from my og gifted and an awesome bunker sent me a replacement gift…
TL;DR: what happened to the gift swap
submitted by oreferngonian to loveafterlockup [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Over-Juice-4585 Jam sessions in Tokyo/kyoto?

Hi, I’m a vocalist heading to Japan soon. Wondering if anyone knows any spots in Tokyo or Kyoto/general Kansai area that have jams. Thanks!
submitted by Over-Juice-4585 to Jazz [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 ads9588945 Looking to retain old speaker units but replace/modernise main audio unit

Looking to retain old speaker units but replace/modernise main audio unit Hi all, I'm a complete novice to the hifi world. I've attached a photo of the old CD changer and receiver unit our two speakers are wired into. We have this unit connected to our TV using an optical cable via a USB powered DAC. This set up has served us fine for a number of years but it's cumbersome needing to reach for a separate remote for the audio unit to adjust volume (doesn't seem to work via the TV remote due to the macgyvered connection).
We're keen to avoid throwaway culture hence was wondering if there was a way to perhaps get a modern central unit that could have the old box speakers wired into, whilst playing nice with modern TVs. (Please forgive the total lack of correct terminology).
Any help/advice appreciated! Thanks!
submitted by ads9588945 to hifiaudio [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Puzzled-Gap-7908 How to improve my grades for my last few tests?

So, I am in grade 10 and in pre calc 10. I have a 83 percent so far. I want to increase to a 86 or above(as thats a A). I have four units left to do. These are linear equations and graphs, systems, solving systems of linear equations algebraically and financial literacy. I predict I will have 4 test for each unit, excluding my final exam. How would you say I study to get 90s? I think my problem is that I start studying after my teacher has announced the date of the test and try cramming the whole chapter into my brain. I also end up studying topics that are not that heavily focused on the test. For example, we did functions and domain and range. I spent hours studying domain and range, only for the test to include majority functions related questions. I ended up bombing that test.
So, what strategies, ways to what will be on the test and do well on my upcoming test.
Right now, we’ve started linear equations and graphs with general form, point slope form etc.
submitted by Puzzled-Gap-7908 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 LowSchool9579 Sony A7iii vs. Cannon R7 - Which is a better buy?

Photography has been one of my hobbies for a while now, and I'd like to start upgrading my gear without spending more than $1,300-$1,500 (on just the body). I am currently shooting with an ancient Rebel Eos T5. It was great to learn on and use, but it's starting to show its age and price point. I'm currently deciding between the Sony A7iii and the Cannon R7. I've been comparing different models for a while, but these two seem like the best balance of features and price. Also, they have dual SD slots, which is something I want (as opposed to, say, the R8 or a6700, which are similarly priced but only have a single SD.) I mainly shoot cars and people, so I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these models and can give me insight on which one to choose (or if there is a better option?) I'd be buying lenses separately, and the $1300-$1500 range gives me the most flexibility to buy high-quality lenses. Thanks!
submitted by LowSchool9579 to AskPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Negative_Desk_21 Looking for new players lvl 10 and under

Looking for 2 players lvl 10 and under ti game with us tonight at about 1045pm eastern
submitted by Negative_Desk_21 to PhasmophobiaGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 annieisapeaperson my sleeping schedule (i am an university student)

my sleeping schedule (i am an university student) submitted by annieisapeaperson to homestuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Lord_Sazor Workstation/Gaming PC Feedback

Goal is <$2k USD, heavy ML workload + AAA gaming titles. Mostly wondering about the cooling setup here, but would take (any!) other tips. Not worried about monitoperipherals right now.
Current list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qtTgwY
submitted by Lord_Sazor to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Opposite-Paint-8149 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Opposite-Paint-8149 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Mindless_Exam_4207 Caught a look of myself in a full length mirror...

Caught a look of myself in a full length mirror... I was at my in-law's today, picking up after my almost threenager 😉, and I saw myself in their closet door mirror - and I was almost taken aback!
We don't really have a full length mirror at home (we have one that is kind of broken), so I guess I don't normally see that much of myself.
It was another moment when it hit me that I HAVE lost weight and changed - sometimes I lose sight of that because of course not as much changes day to day or week to week.
I was recently in a little disbelief that size 8 jeans fit me. I ordered another pair in part because I was like, maybe these ones just run big or something? But nope, they fit! Just weird for someone who hasn't been in the single digits since maybe high school?? But another one of those things that makes me realize that there HAS been a significant change.
My butt has deflated, and I've noticed a few new wrinkles on my face and neck - but overall, so grateful for the change! Just in such a better place emotionally and physically. ❤️
submitted by Mindless_Exam_4207 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Odd-Ad1714 Nancy Mace on UFO secrecy: ‘Are they keeping the president of the United States in the dark?’

Nancy Mace on UFO secrecy: ‘Are they keeping the president of the United States in the dark?’ submitted by Odd-Ad1714 to ufo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Nice_Share8784 I need help with loan i'm a single mother

I need help to loan i am a single mother and my mother got stroke. It was devastating because I got laid off from work. I need help to loan to sustain my mother's medical maintenance and my daughter's everyday needs at school for the mean time only while waiting for my employer to send me details when to start to work. (Paypal)
Please. I'm begging. 😭🙏🏻
submitted by Nice_Share8784 to loans_bad_credit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Rtrock Dean Evason's reaction while talking to the referee

Dean Evason's reaction while talking to the referee submitted by Rtrock to BlueJackets [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 goldcuriousity Thank You

I just wanted to say thank you to the people in this group. Losing my girl this week was basically the worst thing I’ve ever dealt with, and I thought absolutely nothing would make me feel better.
You guys changed that. Knowing there are other people out there who know this feeling, who share this love and connection with pets, and who can offer insights and fond memories has changed this experience for me quite a bit. I’m not sure what I would do if I was going through this alone. I love hearing about your pets. I love hearing about where you think they are now. I love that we can have this shared human experience together, because this outpouring of grief is just of a reflection of the love we have for our precious babies.
My heart aches for her but this burden is lightened when we talk amongst ourselves. It’s such a blessing and I am so so grateful.
To know our pets is to love them. ❤️ Thank you guys
submitted by goldcuriousity to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 EagleLate9898 First time flying United internationally- Is economy plus vastly different then regular economy? What seat would you choose ? 777-200

This is my first time flying United internationally, what seat would you pick out of the economy plus seats ? I booked this flight with Canada airlines and can’t upgrade the cabin (unless someone else knows how) so want to know what the most spacious economy plus seat is.
Thank you all and happy holidays!
submitted by EagleLate9898 to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 Pipparina My wild child Katie

My wild child Katie submitted by Pipparina to Siamesecats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 downtune79 What discipline is this?

What discipline is this? submitted by downtune79 to LoveTrash [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:31 AhFalafel Christmas Storage Box Has More Spider Eggs Then Decorations This Year

submitted by AhFalafel to onionheadlines [link] [comments]
