2024.11.29 23:50 EmperorSnake1 “It's still pretty much is, and in 2 months we will all find out.”
submitted by EmperorSnake1 to ShitPoliticsSays [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 Dwitt01 “This weed tastes like fent”, I said
“That’s because it IS fent” the dealer replied with a smile
submitted by Dwitt01 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 PrettyNightmarez Just started out :) any tips
submitted by PrettyNightmarez to SmallYoutubers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 khaltominaj advice for new filter and changing cartridge (aqueon quiet flow 30)
hey guys so i got a new (used) filter (aqueon quiet flow 30) for my 20 gallon tank, but it didn’t come with any cartidges or anything. so before i go out to buy a cartridge i was wondering, what do you guys think of this filter? also, i know about the nitrogen cycle and how the filter contains the beneficial bacteria, so i dont understand how we’re expected to change the cartridges? what do you guys do instead? ive read stuff about some kind of floss and/or a roll of filter media? (idk what that it or where it does) submitted by khaltominaj to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 Excellent-Poem7861 More of Heidi
submitted by Excellent-Poem7861 to SNLbabes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 SLAVAUA2022 Kazakh president owns...
submitted by SLAVAUA2022 to NAFO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 7AMGOD How to buy the hjerim
I want to buy the hjerim your know the house in windhelm tied to the "blood on the ice" quest now I'm wondering if I can do quests for ulfrics steward to be able to buy it cause I don't want to do the civil war quest line to get it and the blood on the ice quest is buggy as fuck
submitted by 7AMGOD to skyrim [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 Far-Pick9547 Great win tonight
Favorite time of year when Florida comes to Raleigh, Let’s Go Cats
submitted by Far-Pick9547 to FloridaPanthers [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 annieisapeaperson from the shitpost subreddit.
submitted by annieisapeaperson to homestuck [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 smlm212 Need help with Ultramarines
Looking for a few good books to get into their lore. I’m a blood Angels guy I think and almost outta books for them.
Also about to get into the table top which legion do yall suggest as a some new to that piece of the world?
Thanks fellow Astartes!
submitted by smlm212 to 40kLore [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 parcellsrealGOAT Current order.
submitted by parcellsrealGOAT to NYGiants [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 willmaxship Hola buenas, vengo a pedir un consejo sobre escorts¿
Mi situacion es que, no tiene mucho que cumpli los 18 y pues no he tenido sex0 desde un buen tiempo y ultimamente con mis amigos hemos visto sobre ir con unas escorts o las llamadas cariñosas, en tanto a esto quiero pedir algunos consejos sobre la situacion, sobre que cuales son las que mejor convienen en tanto a precio, sobre si es seguro y que experiencias han tenido, tambien si me viene bien en relacionado mi edad y que usos y cuidados debo tener ante ellas. Sin mas que nada acepto cualquier consejo y opinion, gracias por la atencion
submitted by willmaxship to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 wlwjinx Oh! No wonder I thought he looked like hwei
submitted by wlwjinx to viktormains [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 ninjazilla Worst Legal Aid?
submitted by ninjazilla to 52Chains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 Glitter153 What Are Some Good Slime Ideas Inspired By Wicked
Comment Down Below submitted by Glitter153 to Slime [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 HappyMicr0Wave Resident cat uninterested in new kitten
submitted by HappyMicr0Wave to CATHELP [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 MugShots 3 arrested in connection with armed robbery of moped in Boston’s Back Bay
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 champignonhater As desvantagens de ser uma branca pobre
Sou estagiária fudida de grana no meu trabalho e as pessoas não me respeitam. Quando eu falo que tô sem dinheiro eles mencionam o fato q eu moro num bairro bom então sempre tem grana sobrando com ctz. A realidade é q eu sou branca que veio de privilégio mesmo tanto q eu realmente moro num bairro bom mas 1) meu pai q era minha parte privilegiada cansou de brincar de casinha quando eu tinha 11 anos 2) essa casa é parte do contrato de pensão do meu irmão então qnd meu irmão fizer 24 anos ou acabar uma faculdade, essa casa vai retornar pro meu pai. Ou seja, eu não tenho estabilidade nenhuma pq meu genitor não quer nem saber da gente mas eu tenho cara de modelo Suíça (já me falaram isso mais de 5 vezes e não sei pq esse país em especifico) então pros outros tá tudo resolvido.
Minha mae n trabalha pq sinceramente ela tem depressão não diagnosticada então ela só fica pela casa relembrando o passado e roubando dinheiro da minha avo (que sinceramente em 10 anos já deve ir de arrasta) então a única pessoa q eu posso confiar p meu futuro, e consequentemente da minha mae e possivelmente do meu irmao sou eu. Mas !!! Eu sou brancona cor de parede então qualquer evento q tem na porra do trabalho eles me obrigam a ir (normalmente restaurante) e eu mesma q tenho q pagar a conta de um lugar q eu nunca falei q queria ir. Quando falo que não posso pq tô sem dinheiro dizem q eu tô de drama e q eu devia viver mais...
Eu to me sentindo muito mal pq eles falam muito sobre como eu não devia ser mão de vaca (eu recebo 1000 reais por mês sendo estagiaria sem benefício de NADA e sem renda nenhuma alem da pensao q meu pai paga p meu irmao ja q eu n me qualifico mais p recebe p sustentar 3 pessoas). E hoje tb começaram a falar como meu namorado só pode me odiar, pq eu falei minimamente q a gnr tá junto quase 4 anos e n moramos juntos ainda (simplesmente pq n temos grana). Começaram a falar q ele só pode me odiar e ainda disseram q já sabem q esse relacionamento vai acabar, q tao só esperando eu vir contar p eles.
submitted by champignonhater to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 Shm0rp Scroll box bug?
Cant open this hard scroll box. Says i have a clue already bur there I have no hard tier clues
submitted by Shm0rp to 2007scape [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 BlankMila I (20F) have been experiencing multiple issues with my mouth and haven’t been able to find any answers, now a recent new mark has appeared.
To give a short background, I (20F) am a trainee pharmacy tech, non smoker and rarely drink. I have been experiencing a multitude of symptoms over the past several months (around 7ish months) which mostly relate to my mouth, for example, I have been experiencing multiple outbreaks of coldsores whereby I will continuously get new ones before old ones have healed which will often leave me with 4+ at one stage and will continue for at least 3-4 weeks at a time minimum
I have also been experiencing outbreaks of huge canker sores which are always extremely painful and also take 3+ weeks to heal, I will usually always have 1 or 2 smaller sores at any given time however I will get a larger outbreak once every month or two. I also find that I will get random flare ups where I have will develop painful red lines around the edges of my lips that last several days and once faded will still leave faint marks for several weeks. This is all extremely annoying and often quite painful to deal with as these symptoms will often overlap with each other meaning that I rarely get time without them. This has also left my lips looking very uneven from markings.
My most recent new “symptom” that I am unsure of is that just over a month ago i developed a flat and painless white bump on my lip which wont seem to go away or show any signs of healing, in fact it seems to be slowly getting bigger. I’m not SUPER worried about it, but given my recent history of all these mouth issues with no answers I was hoping that someone might have any ideas as to what this bump might be or also what might be the cause of all these mouth related issues? I take Aciclovir 400mg, 2-3 times daily to try and suppress these outbreaks but it only seems to have taken some of the edge off with the coldsores, but no help to the other symptoms
I don’t want to waste a doctors appointment for something that is a potential non issue, sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question and I appreciate all you fellow healthcare workers for everything you do!!
https://ibb.co/qknhF25 - Picture of white bump https://ibb.co/b2DtzJf - Bump in natural daylight https://ibb.co/pRsyX20 - Picture of recent flare up of red line surrounding mouth https://ibb.co/5cDJ8tB - Recent mouth ulcer https://ibb.co/Gccg4Ww - Recent coldsore outbreak, 4 coldsores in different stages, huge swelling. https://ibb.co/r01qr7s - Most recent severe mouth ulcer, extremely painful and took a month to heal
submitted by BlankMila to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 Tarpy7297 She hate the piñata.
submitted by Tarpy7297 to CatsAreAssholes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 TheDawnUncensored Does this bra look hot?
submitted by TheDawnUncensored to DoILookHot [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 Potential-Drama-8835 How do I tell if I messed up first kiss ?
Did I mess up first kiss ?
So as the title implies I think I messed up , So I’ve been on three dates with this girl And at the end of the date I go to kiss her but I tilted my head and I thought she was gonna turn but just stands there and lets me kiss her side of her mouth , and she texted me back back saying “that next time don’t mess up ? “ so was that on me ?
submitted by Potential-Drama-8835 to AskMen [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 23:50 PeterGibbons316 Ready for Black Hole
Next UW is going to be Chain Lightning so I'm still 3k stones from BH....at least I'll be ready when it happens! submitted by PeterGibbons316 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 23:50 Key_Chest2588 Is Glutamine neurotoxic and promotes free radicals?
I found this study:
It basically says that glutamine is neurotoxic and that it promotes free radicals. Is that really the case?
submitted by Key_Chest2588 to Supplements [link] [comments]