Suppression Field Theory

2024.11.29 23:32 HYDRAKITTTEN123 Suppression Field Theory

(Tagged NSFW as content is inherently sexual in nature, even if in a more clinical sense) The suppression field stops embryonic development, thats it's primary purpose, to stopped and new Humans from being born. But I don't think that's all it does, Breen mentions the field is a way to make humanity move past instincts, and I don't think he's lying, Breen is very morally strange man, but that's a discussion for another time. How does preventing conception prevent people from feeling the need to have sex? it doesn't, but suppressing something else would. Metrocops have the possible reward of a "Non-Mechanical Reproduction Simulation", That's always been odd to me, I've interpreted that to mean giving the Metrocop an orgasm through someway or another. Why would that be an incentive if they could just do that themselves at home? That leads me to believe that they can't, nobody can, I think the suppression field prevents orgasms. A person who gets no pleasure from instinctal acts like sex would be alot less likely to do such a thing without a "reward". The instinct would be overrided by the lack of reinforcement of such an act. The suppression field might also suppress sexuality entirely, furthering this. The Combine we likely be very thorough with there oppression and suppression, and that would do it. This was a very weird thing to write about if im entirely honest, its would be such a small detail and barely noteworthy besides throwing more oppresive acts onto the pile the Combine already has. Im probably looking into things too deeply, but I felt I should share the insanity nonetheless.
submitted by HYDRAKITTTEN123 to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:32 Msimmons_40 Should I reach out to my biological father?

Brief history:
I (18M) haven’t seen my birth father since I was around 9-10. My parents divorced when I was very young, and I used to spend weekends with him, but that slowly faded away.
My stepfather adopted me after about a year of no contact with my birth father. He is a great man and great Dad. I have no regrets about him being the man who has basically raised me.
Since turning 18, I have thought about reaching out to my birth father. Not because I want him to be my dad, but because I’d like to see if he’s up for an adult conversation and tell me his side of the story.
Is this a good idea? What do I say? Will this break my now-legal father’s heart and make him feel inadequate?
Thanks in advance. (If there’s a better sub for this question let me know)
submitted by Msimmons_40 to AskParents [link] [comments]

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2024.11.29 23:32 stationkatari Black Friday haul + weekend plans

Black Friday haul + weekend plans Was also hoping to get Bent but it wasn’t available. Been eagerly awaiting Congo on 4K for a while now.
submitted by stationkatari to VinegarSyndromeFilms [link] [comments]

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Password is 4567
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2024.11.29 23:32 Perfect-Quantity-871 Bruhmvsgksgkksgkgskgskgsotssyoskysoysoyskyskysoysosys

bruh bruh bruh berhbdjsjshdvdvfhdbsjsbfbff shdufbdhdhdvdhddhdvhhdbfhrhfufirhrbfbffcbfhfufjdbfhcufufhdhdhhlgkgzlhhdmhhsshmvxkhxkgskgskgskyskhskg,,khclhclhclhxohxohxohfohfohfohhcochpclcdhlhdoydpufpudslysoysohspphxpuffddgosogajfkgskgsjlfalhfakhdalhxHbhdJfJgzkgzkgzkhxkhdkhxkhskyskhskyskydoydlydlhxlhxlhxkhxkhxkhxlhzkhxlbxkgzzkgzkgzkgzzogzkgzkgzzkgsludpudpyspudpudpuddpyppdyps
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2024.11.29 23:32 itsmeshiiiho Just got my powershot g2 today.

Just got my powershot g2 today. What are your settings? I used auto. I am new to photography as well.
submitted by itsmeshiiiho to VintageDigitalCameras [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:32 continuedelevation 🚨 JustKana is running a 55% off site-wide.

This includes gummies, flower, tinctures you name it. Legit one of the best discounts I’ve seen JustKana
Figured I’d share the love with the community Happy saving! ✌️"*
submitted by continuedelevation to cannabiscoupons [link] [comments]


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2024.11.29 23:32 DjJoshie How to look better

Ive been told I’m ugly multiple times and I get treated as such by people. Any tips on what I might be doing wrong or what I can be doing better? Or am I just ugly lol
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2024.11.29 23:32 ImJust_Etoile Looking for Scarlet exclusives + Palafin

I can trade my Violet exclusives for them, and whatever you want for Palafin (All my mons but Miraidon are nicknamed if it bothers anyone)
If anyone is willing, I'd also like to tradeback three trade evos, but just the Scarlet exclusives is fine :D
submitted by ImJust_Etoile to pokemontrades [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:32 trueHolyGiraffe I am sorry, reddit, but no future element of the traveler is going to be "INSANE" / "BROKEN" / "OUTSTANDING" because it would be unfair towards the other existing elements, and its better to create a new character to sell than to improve the traveler.

submitted by trueHolyGiraffe to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

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2024.11.29 23:32 Safe-Employment1332 OSA denied with favorable findings

I'm not sure what to do here. I filed on my own before I found this page as a secondary with obesity caused by a SC disability as my connection. Since then I have been awarded SC for depression, sinusitis as well as GERD, IBS, sciatic nerve issues (both legs and my back) as well as tinnitus. Should I submit a supplemental, higher level review, or ???
submitted by Safe-Employment1332 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:32 TryDependent9125 Harley Quinn Funko Complete Collection

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thanks in advance❤️
submitted by TryDependent9125 to HarleyQuinn [link] [comments]