does anyone know what time it’ll be out at?

2024.11.29 23:50 Exotic-Boysenberry27 does anyone know what time it’ll be out at?

i know its gonna be december 4th but like what TIME?? is it like midnight or what 😭😭 someone help
submitted by Exotic-Boysenberry27 to spotifywrapped [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 pansycarn The perfectly symmetrical Edge logo for a building in my city. Also looks a little like two weiners kissing

The perfectly symmetrical Edge logo for a building in my city. Also looks a little like two weiners kissing submitted by pansycarn to DesignPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 imconstipated_444 Why is there a struggle when Jimmy feeds Curly the painkillers

When Jimmy gives the painkillers to Curly, the screen fades to black and you can hear thuds, gagging and crying. It's not like Curly doesn't want the medication as he cries when it wears off.
Why Jimmy beating the crap out of Curly every time he feeds him the meds?? Is Curly actually resisting
submitted by imconstipated_444 to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 CartographerDry6896 I don’t get how people don’t see it…..

I revisited Damn the other day, and like every time I listen to the album, the way in which the album ends with Duckworth and then reserves back to the beginning ultimately creates one of the most compelling, intriguing endings to any rap album I’ve ever listened to. There are many examples, but this is just one of the clear moments where it’s so obvious that Kendrick has a level of creativity that most rappers lack. From GNX, Reincarnated is another example of his level of genius, creating a literary and cerebral track that features multiple characters and just a ridiculous amount of depth in 5 minutes.
Anyway, my question: how do people not see how rappers, especially someone like Drake, simply don’t deserve to be in the same bracket as Kendrick. Are listeners too impatient and dislike complexity? It just baffles me there are some people out there that legitimately think that certain rappers are in the same bracket as Kendrick.
submitted by CartographerDry6896 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 donkyhot Nastupaju li hoki i balvan uživo?

Meni se njihova glazba jako sviđa i slušam ih skoro svaki dan. Volio bih ih čuti i uživo ako je to moguće. Nemam nikakve društvene mreže pa ne znam kako bi došao do više informacija o njima. Jedino što sam našao na internetu je neki event na kojem su nastupali prije 6 mjeseci. Ok neke pjesme su im sranje ali neke mi baš pašu, "daj mi ljubav" sam poslušao barem 1000 puta. U toj pjesmi kaže "kmica sam iz dupca", NE ZNAM di je taj dup(b)ac i jel ima tamo neki klub gdje možda oni nastupaju. Isto bi volio čuti simpatičnog blaža, ines, nobru, doktor, hana hamza.
submitted by donkyhot to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 BickBull There's no way I also found out about FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKING about HATRED!

There's no way I also found out about FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKING about HATRED! submitted by BickBull to blocktales [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 shroominpotter EVEN TINK DRINKS SHROOMS AND THE MOON

submitted by shroominpotter to psychedelicartwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Blkstar15 Slide Porting Deal

Slide Porting Deal First I want to preface I have no affiliation with North Sea Machine. It’s just too good of a deal to pass up. Sending in my hellcat and hellcat pro. I’m not sure how many spot this coupon code has. Enjoy 🫡
submitted by Blkstar15 to CAguns [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 WorriedLemour What you all think about GME chart now?

Will it go higher above $32 or down to $28 or lower?
submitted by WorriedLemour to Gamestopstock [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 The-N-Word-Pass MHJ or Shakir this week?

submitted by The-N-Word-Pass to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Present_Seesaw5309 [Artst for hiring] welcome I do anime like art, Legal ships, Fandom art, I'm the type of person you hired if you like genshin, undertale, sallyface etc

[Artst for hiring] welcome I do anime like art, Legal ships, Fandom art, I'm the type of person you hired if you like genshin, undertale, sallyface etc submitted by Present_Seesaw5309 to artcommission [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 sekswal Mystery pool party posted by Pheel and reposted by Cloud D 👀👀👀

 Mystery pool party posted by Pheel and reposted by Cloud D 👀👀👀 submitted by sekswal to Tipper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Doedel51 New to the game, question about recoil stat

Is a lower or higher value in recoil stats of a weapon better?
submitted by Doedel51 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Packeagle1 XS sights for this 870p

XS sights for this 870p Are these the correct sights for this shotgun? I’ve got one in jail and want to take advantage of the BF sale if so.
submitted by Packeagle1 to 870 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 CuriousPineapple1579 Pants

Pants Does anyone know what pants these are?
submitted by CuriousPineapple1579 to Madewell [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 KiddIsAlive Feeling bad after Thanksgiving..Make me feel good please

Feeling bad after Thanksgiving..Make me feel good please submitted by KiddIsAlive to MakeMeFeelGood [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Following-Signal You know what I would pay for?

A cafe/ library/ therapy ish place, where you go get coffee, read books, and where they offer you the option to lay your head in designated employees laps where you can read or just talk to them. Sounds like something from an anime now that I’m typing it out 😅
submitted by Following-Signal to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Pinktiger11 *crunch*

*crunch* submitted by Pinktiger11 to Rarethreats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Bruh1232122 My Remix to Comfort You

My Remix to Comfort You submitted by Bruh1232122 to AkumaNihmune [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 lilpopdenkar Used ice skates

Hello, I’m looking for used ice skates for my kids (a variety of sizes). They are getting into skating, and coming from North America I am used to lots of options for buying used skates. There don’t seem to be any obvious options in Aberdeen or the Shire. Beyond gumtree/FB and online shops are there any in-person stores?
submitted by lilpopdenkar to Aberdeen [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 SoggyHomework8498 Ocenie, wymienię, zeszmace, zcuckuje, popisze itp. Pisać pv

submitted by SoggyHomework8498 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 BillyMcSaggyTits Is the current patch currently unstable or do any of these mods have known issues at the moment?

I don’t use very many mods, just WW, Basemental, and MCCC, and my game has been extremely unstable lately. Random interactions breaking, Sims unable to interact with toddlers (way more than usual), large amounts of simulation freeze and slowdown, unable to finish writing novels (the interact just cancels itself), and just overall way less functional gameplay.
Repairing the game through the EA App usually temporarily fixes these issues, but they come back quickly after a few ingame days. Is the current patch bad or are any of these mods currently broken?
submitted by BillyMcSaggyTits to TheSims4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Brief-Example-2111 🍑

🍑 submitted by Brief-Example-2111 to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Grey-Jedi185 H: Responders Fireman Set W: Offers Mix of Lead, Steel, Acid, or Cobalt Flux Offers

H: Responders Fireman Set W: Offers Mix of Lead, Steel, Acid, or Cobalt Flux Offers submitted by Grey-Jedi185 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 dirtymistressesclub 22 [F4M] UK (south east); looking for good flirty conversations

please, for the love of god, send me a message that is longer than 3 sentences
I’d really like someone to chat and flirt with - ideally longer term. Tell me something funny / weird / interesting, please!
i’m 22, live in the south of the UK, i love animals, art galleries, travelling and feel very strongly about politics (left!)
tell me all the weird and funny things you know about animals and birds and everything else, what’s your favourite animal? what do you nerd out on? do you enjoy your job? what’s your favourite drink?
basically, i’d love to chat and get to know someone long term, have someone i can chat to about my day, talk to about anything and everything, argue about why vanilla is or isn’t the best ice cream flavour.
someone, talk to me, please!
submitted by dirtymistressesclub to r4r [link] [comments]