After taking a year off painting, this was today

2024.11.29 23:50 Njeeoann After taking a year off painting, this was today

After taking a year off painting, this was today submitted by Njeeoann to oilpainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 No_Translator6780 I dont know if im sexuality attracted to men or anyone for that matter

I [21F]just have no idea why Im never into doing anything sexual. I fantasise about sex a lot, I really love the idea of it but ive never ever done it with anyone without being absolutely numb and bored the whole time. I never came, I never even enjoyed it slightly no matter what. Even if I try the exact things I fantasise about, they just dont make me feel anything.
I just wanna be a normal person who can have sex with their partner. I had a very serious, loving long term relationship to a man I was in love with and was attracted to and I never actually enjoyed having sex even if he was doing everything I liked thinking about. To me even kissing was just "alright lets get this over with". And I just feel so dirty and disgusted about it afterwards. It never sits right with me. Not during, not afterwards.
Im bisexual and this whole thing really made me question my sexuality since I've NEVER had an enjoyable sexual experience with any man. (But I've also never had sex with a woman but I have been in love) I thought maybe I'm just not attracted to men because thats actually how I feel in the act, I iust feel like im not into him or what we're doing at all, but I always fantasise about men too, even about the guys I'm about to have sex with, but whatever they do, my mind and body just go numb and I get kinda disgusted and uncomfortable.
Why is that? It genuinely feels like I'm not into men, but then why am I thinking about them?
submitted by No_Translator6780 to Sexualityadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Salty_Possible_4705 Last one on shelf.. hoping things go well🥹

Last one on shelf.. hoping things go well🥹 Homie employee was trying to convince me to change my mind saying PlayStation 5 plays 4ks and how he just got one I was kinda thinking I came here for this one thing and was not changing my mind let alone last minute dude helped a lot prolly wouldn’t of found the player without but was pretty dazed had to drive lil over hour away before my shift early morning but worth every effort
submitted by Salty_Possible_4705 to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Positive_Homework282 Need Pokémon Go Friends for Gifts add me. 887710984918

Need Pokémon Go Friends for Gifts add me. 887710984918
submitted by Positive_Homework282 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Aggressive_Ad7735 is there really girls out there that like this?

is there really girls out there that like this? submitted by Aggressive_Ad7735 to StraightFemboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Sad-Celebration-4245 Wer will meine Freundin bewerten ?

submitted by Sad-Celebration-4245 to melinamsxouoffc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Sqauttingslav I think i'm starting to regret not siding with the Ward now...

I think i'm starting to regret not siding with the Ward now... submitted by Sqauttingslav to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Same_Ad_9041 Madden 25 fantasy draft with one legend from your team starting Saturday active commish potw gotw all that good stuff
submitted by Same_Ad_9041 to MaddenFranchise [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Lamothernaturex Lucikiel 😍💙

Lucikiel 😍💙 My Anime Yandere Heart just can’t get enough of him 😍💙💙💙 definitely recommend getting this mod
submitted by Lamothernaturex to StardewValleyMods [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Mammoth-Plant1046 Lost Jacket Joe DiMaggio Basketball Courts

Hi all,
It's a long shot but I lost a black Patagonia quarter-zip and a black Nike hat at the Joe DiMaggio basketball courts yesterday in North Beach. If anyone found it (long-shot) I've got some cash for you. Please DM me. Thanks!
submitted by Mammoth-Plant1046 to sanfrancisco [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 dewpetal What day did you stop getting headaches?

Day 7 and still facing migraines and earaches. Literally no pain inside of mouth. My oral surgeon gave me antibiotics he suspects infection but I just don’t understand how or why? I have been very religious about keeping my mouth clean daily. This sucks so bad.
submitted by dewpetal to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Blackthorn20 Need Help Identifying a Loco

Friend recently saw a Loco whilst working and can't remember what it was so trying to track down what it might be.
Loco was spotted at Burton on Trent New Wetmore Sidings down East Yard probably in the Nemesis Rail yard. Claims its number started with an 8 and it was in a completely White livery with the word Testing on the side.
Sorry its not much to go on but its all we have, hope y'all can help.
submitted by Blackthorn20 to uktrains [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 SunderedValley Zelensky says he would be willing to cede Ukrainian territory to Russia for first time

Zelensky says he would be willing to cede Ukrainian territory to Russia for first time submitted by SunderedValley to anime_titties [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Exciting_Picture3079 X870 Aorus Elite and Crucial T705, slow

I am running a Ryzen 9 9950x , 100gbs network, a single T705 in the A slot and Ubuntu22.04. I have two identical machines and am copying large files (40-60 gig) between them. Pfsense, tells me the machines are connected with 100gb ethernet but when I copy these large files the fastest speed I see are 1GB/s. I would have expected to see much faster speeds. I figured the network was the issue so I made a copy of a 60 gig file on the same machine and the speed was still about 1GB/s. I was expecting to see 5-8GB/s given the Gen 5 drive.
Any ideas why it's slow?
submitted by Exciting_Picture3079 to gigabyte [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Agowil I "social"

Mi è sempre capitato di leggere sui social (facebook,Instagram ecc) di ragazze/i (più ragazze che ragazzi) che si lamentavano del fatto che il proprio partner mettesse like a qualche culo sui social... Volendo capire se hanno ragione o meno ho iniziato a pensare che forse sui social ci sentiamo tutti più "libertini" quando alla fine mettere un like ad un culo sarebbe l'equivalente di andare a passeggio con la propria compagna e quando ti passa davanti una donna con un bel culo girarsi e gridare 'bel culo!'. Quindi mi chiedo sempre se effettivamente chi si lamenta che il proprio partner cominci a mettere like a destra e sinistra quando sta in una relazione forse non ha tutti i torti... Voi cosa ne pensate? Ovviamente non è una situazione nella quale mi ritrovo è giusto per sentire pareri... Voi vi lamentereste con il vostro partner per questo? E se vi desse fastidio solo quando siete di presenza uno vicino all'altro cosa vi cambia se poi lo fa comunque da solo (con tanto di notifica certe volte) sui social?
submitted by Agowil to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 xoxefo3952 The Austin Arrangement by Natalie Roche to Read for Free - Billionaire Stories

When Vanessa Garcia married Billionaire Business Man Jeremy Austin,it was her last desperate attempt to save her family from ruin. A year of pretending to be his wife,living in his home and playing a role in the luxury lifestyle that he lives. A marriage based on lies and full of hatred,the pair soon become closer than they had ever imagined. Within a year of marriage Vanessa and Jeremy will come to learn of the ties that bound them together long before the talk of the Arrangement ever began. Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Joey735339 Come be accepted

submitted by Joey735339 to femmecucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Gullible_Use1565 Ribbon like poop, need advice

I'm 24 and I have had two great uncles diagnosed with colon cancer. Not necessarily my immediate family but still concerning. Ever since I took adderall 7 months ago and had a horrible reaction to it (shivers, severe depression, insane diarrhea), my bowel movements have not been normal. I usually either have constipation or diarrhea. Before that though they were very normal. Anyways, I always kind of just assumed it was my body still recovering from the adderall but just today I had a clearly ribbon shaped poop which scares the shit out of me.
Here's a pic, the first movement is like, a normal log shape but the second is very very thin:
I know I'm considered too young for it, but my mom's best friends brother died of colon cancer at the age of 30. So I've seen personally that the age thing is not always accurate
submitted by Gullible_Use1565 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Sylvee_1 Anyone know what type of guitar this is ?

Anyone know what type of guitar this is ? submitted by Sylvee_1 to guitars [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 idkmynamemon What are your thoughts on Canada

submitted by idkmynamemon to CannadaIsFake [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Tall-Contribution193 Any F fancy keeping a 29m from Ireland company on the slopes?

submitted by Tall-Contribution193 to Cokeheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Maleficent-Hawk-8711 First pc build- suggestions?

This Christmas, I’m planning to start building my PC and I’d like to know if everything will work together. Here are the specifications:

Other components: - DIY-PC Q3 V2 case - KTC H24T09P 24-inch 1080p monitor
Here’s the link to my PCPartPicker list:
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or recommendations. Thanks!
submitted by Maleficent-Hawk-8711 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 SophiePuffs And again, I LOVE the new height adjustment option 😍

And again, I LOVE the new height adjustment option 😍 Still so surprised at how many people don’t want this set. It’s gorgeous and also fun to dye 💓
submitted by SophiePuffs to lifemakeover [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 Otherwise-Sample8261 Do you dream at all and what was last thing u dreamed of ?

submitted by Otherwise-Sample8261 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:50 LiterallyThatGuy_07 My shower smells like free birds

My shower smells like free birds submitted by LiterallyThatGuy_07 to myshowersmellspurple [link] [comments]