I made a new club

Английские инвестиции – сколько инвестировал ICLUB от TA Ventures Виктории Тигипко и какие стартапы получили средства Інвестуй онлайн з ICLUB | Венчурні інвестиції у стартапи України, Європи, США через ангельський синдикат ICLUB від TA Ventures | мінімальний розмір квитка $10 000 на угоду | Понад 50 успішних стартапів Ангельський синдикат ICLUB проінвестував $10 млн у 25 нових стартапів у 2023-му. Forbes поспілкувався із CEO Юрієм Романюхою про другу спробу на ринку США, списані стартапи та екзити. Ангельский синдикат ICLUB проинвестировал $10 млн в 25 новых стартапов в 2023 году. Forbes пообщался с CEO Юрием Романюхой о второй попытке на рынке США, списанных стартапах и экзитах. С помощью данной платформы каждый желающий сможет инвестировать от $10 тыс. в стартапы на стадии early-stage ICLUB — дочірній проект фонду TA Ventures, запущений у 2018-у. Ідея полягала у тому, аби залучити більше людей до інвестування. Проінвестували у 80 стартапів. - AIN iClub Ukraine предоставляет возможность инвестировать в лучшие стартапы по всему миру, недоступные большинству инвесторов, отсутствие членского взноса для активных инвесторов, 0% - management fee/carry при и вложениях в украинские ... Платформа ICLUB Online відкриває доступ до ранніх венчурних інвестицій широкої аудиторії. По суті, це венчур в онлайні", — зазначили в ICLUB Global. Серед недавніх екзитів учасників клубу — розробник ортодонтичної технології ... Клуб приватних інвесторів ICLUB Global запускає онлайн-платформу ICLUB Online. З її допомогою кожен охочий зможе інвестувати у стартапи на стадії early-stage разом із венчурним фондом TA Ventures та іншими учасниками клубу. Доступ до ... В Украине запустили онлайн-платформу для инвестиций в стартапы ICLUB Online на сумму от $10 000.

2024.11.30 00:51 Fun_Treat8878 I made a new club

I made a club for ppl who play dress to impress im looking for mods and such !!
submitted by Fun_Treat8878 to Everskies_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 EntranceNew2312 Selling Loaded Onlyfans Accounts With Balance | 100$ / 200$ / Auto Rechargeable

* Notes :
- Account will be fresh handmade for you ( not stolen or cracked )
- You can spend the balance on whatever you wants ( subscribe to models , purchase videos and content , send tips .... )
Prices :
Comes With Warranty As Well !
Interested ? Contact Me On :
Telegram : @ IZI4Shop
Discord : Darkness_L#8657
submitted by EntranceNew2312 to stream [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 MountainbikingOrSex The WORST OF THE WORST - A Thanksgiving Family Viewing Compilation from Vic Berger IV

The WORST OF THE WORST - A Thanksgiving Family Viewing Compilation from Vic Berger IV submitted by MountainbikingOrSex to officehourslive [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 medusa3 Relaxed to the Max Outfit

Does anyone know why the Relaxed to the Max outfit isn’t on the CYO options anymore but the accessories are? Is it just because they’re sold out (I can only imagine how many they sell this time of year).
I want to get a CYO for myself and get that specific outfit, but since it’s for me I have no issues waiting however long until they’re still in stock!
submitted by medusa3 to americangirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 realhouseplantsofoc Gallery Wall Purse - DIY with Brooches

Gallery Wall Purse - DIY with Brooches I decorated a vintage purse with brooches and customized mini dollhouse wall art to make a gallery wall purse. I also used rhinestone cup chains to make a custom mat for the large gold frame in the middle (which was initially a fridge magnet.) I had so much fun making this! Inspired by the work of History Time Travel
submitted by realhouseplantsofoc to jewelry [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 Available_Bug_1712 HELP!

HELP! Does anyone know where I can possibly thrift or buy authentic fur hooded jackets or sweater like these??!! I've tried all thrift stores and depop is very expensive ifykyk. my next search will be ebay!!
submitted by Available_Bug_1712 to Mcbling [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 okbyeseeyouagain Opened the app after 3 years

Opened the app after 3 years Max return I have ever received on any investment lol
submitted by okbyeseeyouagain to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 HeyLarry158 Am I thinking about the USMC over the Coast Guard for the wrong reasons?

Hey guys, so this past Monday I took the ASVAB under a coast guard recruiter (idk if that matters). I’m currently 23 and have been an electrician since high school but the coast guard interested me because I have always wanted to save lives and the whole Search and Rescue aspect of it seems like a calling, especially since my dream job is to be a firefighter. My recruiter was telling me MK rate would give me the best chance to do SAR stuff while also continuing my mechanical knowledge.
The thing is the whole dangerous operations and being “in the shit” aspect of it seems like it’d be great to look back on when I’m 50 if that makes sense. I’ve done enough dirty and dangerous shit as an electrician so I don’t mean to sound corny or like hot shit but basically I don’t want a desk job, I want something that’s hands on saving people etc. . Problem is I’ve heard the coast guard is more so a 9-5 job.
When I was at NY MEPS taking the ASVAB I gotta give it to you guys. There’s just something different about Marines, I guess the way you guys carry yourselves it just comes off as professional and real. Am I insane for kind of thinking about the Marine Corps instead of the Coast Guard for the sake of the “embrace the military suck” and “uniform professionalism and pride” kind of stuff?
submitted by HeyLarry158 to USMCboot [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 Jrjb_1292 Unpopular opinion : the show did not lose its spark after Toni left 🤷🏽‍♂️

Okay, I know a lot of y’all don’t agree , and let’s be real, some of y’all are just jumping on the hate train! But as someone who's been watching this show since day one and knows it inside and out, I actually liked seasons 7 and 8! Anyone else feel me? Sure, Toni leaving was a tough one, but after a while, the dynamic between Joan, Mya, and Lynn shifted in a good way. They stopped leaning so hard on Joan, stopped basically using her, & started growing on their own. They each went through some serious life changes, and they were there for each other through all of it—from Mya’s miscarriage to Joan and Aaron’s relationship, and Lynn finally getting serious about her music.
I get that everyone has their own opinion, and Toni was a great character who brought a lot to the show, but I still enjoyed the seasons without her. The humor didn’t stop and honestly, Monica was a solid addition. Her interactions with the group were always hilarious!
Any fans of season 7 and 8 here?
submitted by Jrjb_1292 to GirlfriendsTVshow [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 solidgaunt Never noticed these outlets underneath the driver and front passenger seats - are these air conditioning outlets for the passengers? Or are they supposed to be capped off? Thx - T-Cross 2023

Never noticed these outlets underneath the driver and front passenger seats - are these air conditioning outlets for the passengers? Or are they supposed to be capped off? Thx - T-Cross 2023 submitted by solidgaunt to Volkswagen [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 PuzzleheadedTry9917 Canon EOS R50 vs Sony a6400?

Hello! I’m not new to photography but i’ve had the same camera (canon t2i) for over 5 years and the autofocus no longer works. I’m trying to decide between the Canon EOS R50 vs the Sony a6400. I’m very familiar with canon and would prefer canon but i’m just wondering in terms of autofocus which would be a better investment. I do senior portrait type photography.
submitted by PuzzleheadedTry9917 to AskPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 Al_cran LF: Shiny Regidrago and Regileiki FT: Pics

LF: Shiny Regidrago and Regileiki FT: Pics submitted by Al_cran to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 The_Polish_Explorer Nissan Z LB⭐️National works (Mini GT)

Nissan Z LB⭐️National works (Mini GT) submitted by The_Polish_Explorer to Diecast [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 Mordin_Solas Cenk puts his finger on his greater optimism after Trumps win

I've been watching Cenk for years and one thing comes through with crystal clarity. He has a massive chip on his shoulder when it comes to mainstream media. And in that tweet he comes out and admits as much.
For him the great enemy to be defeated and held back, is not maga, not right wing reactionaries, it's the establishment and their media. He sees their waning influence light up in flames in spectacular fashion and can't hide the smile on his face.
Needless to say I find this priority of his completely insane, it was part of why I quit supporting tyt on top of Ana's nonsense. The media landscape we have today with basically zero gatekeepers is an absolute shit show. Cenk prefers this shit show but he's deluded in terms of how outgunned he and the left is in this world. The left and progressives were held down before, but being less held down now does not guarantee they will get wins.
He's like someone who saw Pandoras box of social media opened and legions of lies and paid actors that heavily lean right due to monied interests that can just as easily back new media figures as establishment figures and he brushes it all aside because he has blinders on and all he can focus on is the single ray of hope of progressives being less stilted.
He's so lost. This does not change reality, this is the world we live in, the world Xenk wa Ted and cheers along. So no matter what we'll have to adapt to this world, but he needs to sober the fuck up about our uphill battle here.
This space breeds mistrust and strife and a blanket hostility to expertise. Expertise itself has gatekeepers for quality control but today people would rather listen to some podcast guests over their doctor if the podcast guest blows enough smoke up their ass.
If anyone is ever able to talk to Cenk directly, please try to slap the delusion out of him.
submitted by Mordin_Solas to thedavidpakmanshow [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 crazyTxxowboy New fosters !

Brother and sister from a dumped pregnant dog
submitted by crazyTxxowboy to fosterdogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 Immediate-Garlic-404 18m in new Lenox at train station hmu

submitted by Immediate-Garlic-404 to joliet_hookup [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 CaptainZackstuf Is there currently anything past the first 2 dungeons?

I 100% understand it was recently released and in early access but I was just wanted to double check if there’s some portal I’m not finding or if that’s all there is at the moment.
submitted by CaptainZackstuf to Atlyss [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 madeat1am How out of control is our information being sold?

Sorry weird title but you know how Australian private information gets stolen and sold a lot. Least I hear alot about it. All the banks, optus and one large fear with the social media ban
Compared to the rest of the world is Australia average or are we better or worse?
Obviously any of it is terrible I'm just curious if it's like yeah no Australia is so bad it's some of the worst or if its like well its better in these countries.
submitted by madeat1am to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 Vast-Wolverine5272 Drummer look like Sanji from one piece

Drummer look like Sanji from one piece submitted by Vast-Wolverine5272 to KaiCenat [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 New_Bandicoot1295 Family tax Benefit

I’m new to Centrelink , my paid parental leave has run out and I’ve not switched to the family tax benefit until my return to work in 5 months . When I go onto my Centrelink app it says that I have requested to only be paid part A for nightly and receive part B at the end of the financial year I never requested this and can’t seem to change it . Help pls
submitted by New_Bandicoot1295 to Centrelink [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 AdTrue3950 Selling New Sealed Box - Bose QuietComfort Earbuds

Bought in 2022 from Bose Store (Great India Place mall), no receipt, didn't open it. Sale Price: 5000
submitted by AdTrue3950 to delhi_marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:51 Entire-Management-41 zwale to waszych lasek ex sis itp (najlepiej nudesy)

submitted by Entire-Management-41 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Creative-Pen-2656 For what it’s worth

You pretty much confirmed that you’re not interested, so I can move on from this ✌🏻 I wish you the best & no I won’t make a big deal of this. I’m just gonna avoid you as much as possible & I hope you avoid me too 🫶🏻 thank you. Also, probably the motivation I needed to find a new job soo thank you.
submitted by Creative-Pen-2656 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Incredible-Car610 Qual a nota preferida do maestro hipocondriaco?

Ré Médio
submitted by Incredible-Car610 to tiodopave [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 00:50 Ok_Apple_9601 Anyone know what mod this is

I keep seeing YouTubers use this mod where it seems like if they hold down placement with a platform it will extend until it hits something else like with scaffolding in Minecraft. When I check their mod list it doesn’t show. Can someone find it for me
submitted by Ok_Apple_9601 to CalamityMod [link] [comments]
