Snowy Night in Bleak Midwinter

2024.11.30 03:45 MsPaganPoetry Snowy Night in Bleak Midwinter

Snowy Night in Bleak Midwinter submitted by MsPaganPoetry to UnusualArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 BurgershotMF Yuh 🍔✅

Yuh 🍔✅ submitted by BurgershotMF to Betrapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 LivRay1922 Trying to quit smoking

Serious advice needed. I 29F have smoked off and on since the age of 13. I’ve tried to quit numerous times in the last two years and the closest I got was cutting down to 2-3 a day. But no matter what I seem to backtrack, I really wanna be over this. And no I’m not going to vape- the first time I “quit” I picked up vaping for 4yrs 🙃 I’ll try anything at this point. Ngl I definitely don’t have the best coping mechanisms, so they first sign of stress I lean towards something to calm me down.
submitted by LivRay1922 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 hotdogsmakemecum Dragonfly [iPhone 16 PM Macro, Rose Gold Photographic Style]

Dragonfly [iPhone 16 PM Macro, Rose Gold Photographic Style] submitted by hotdogsmakemecum to iPhoneography [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 bluebetta05 Going to be listening to Meshuggah crying every day until I get to see them on the snw lineup again..

submitted by bluebetta05 to SickNewWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Animeramen13 Is Anna mcnulty a good person to watch to get the splits

I have tried to do her stretches before and it helped me get more flexible and helped me touch my toes even (I wasn't flexible at all) however I have been doing her stretches to get the splits for quite some time now and can't get them and I'm not improving much she only really does passive stretches. What do you think?
submitted by Animeramen13 to flexibility [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Sea-Item5127 Trabajo

Duda, tengo 18 años y aĂșn no he trabajado en algĂșn lugar con un contrato formal o con todas las de la ley como suelen decir, en quĂ© me recomiendan trabajar para una primera vez, Obviamente estoy estudiando y estarĂ­a chvre algĂșn trabajo que ayude con esos de los horarios Q recomiendan?
submitted by Sea-Item5127 to Lima_Peru [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Resident-Date4680 Which one and why?

Which one and why? submitted by Resident-Date4680 to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 N1cky_65 Ending of Interstellar question..

Alright so first, this is not my first watch but still so dam confusing lol
So it shows Brand on a new planet, but obviously she didnt wait till cooper got out the blackhole. So she gets to the planet, and she does whatever in the time coopers in the blackhole. So is the final scene switching in between Cooper and Brand switching between decades on time? So in coopers time decades later brand is old or dead?
If this is too hard to understand cause i can barely. Basically is the final scene showing cooper in the ship hanger and Brand on the new planet 40+ years apart?
submitted by N1cky_65 to interstellar [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Dancelifeaway Gonal Stim

Slightly confused as I have to take Gonal 150 iu nightly. However I have two boxes of it but if I’m taking it for 4 days don’t I need 2 extra prefilled syringes of the water for injection? Did I mess up? I will call my clinic tomorrow and I see I can order extra meds on my Alto app
submitted by Dancelifeaway to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Impressive-Dot1687 Everybody selling sugarcane huh

Everybody selling sugarcane huh submitted by Impressive-Dot1687 to HayDay [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Popular_Ad_7944 Why is there no toilet paper in ANY washroom of the new Sam Ibrahim Building??

I’ve done all 3 floors looking to get my coffee out of my system this morning and couldn’t find one washroom with toilet paper in it
 Is our school so poor that it can’t afford toilet paper
submitted by Popular_Ad_7944 to UTSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 SunsetChaser422 Least touristy countries you’ve visited

For me it's been Zambia, N. Macedonia and Cuba.
Wondering about other's experiences
submitted by SunsetChaser422 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 mije8Ita How to play

How to play submitted by mije8Ita to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Ornery_Resolution_15 applying decals to prints

applying decals to prints
(tally hall mentioned!!!!!!) hi do yall know how i can print this and get the face decal any methods with like stickers or painting?
submitted by Ornery_Resolution_15 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 chrisrayn Which VR shooter slayer mode feels most like Halo 2 Multiplayer? Fast, cartoonish, bombastic, smooth, frenetic (not realistic).

I’m looking for which multiplayer shooter feels most like the old days of Halo 2 multiplayer. I’ve been playing Halo 2 multiplayer slayer a lot on the MCC and wish there was a fast paced VR game like it. I don’t even necessarily want realism. I’d even be okay with throwing grenades with a button press instead of throwing.
submitted by chrisrayn to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 zionhologram If you’re debating still getting a PS5 Pro, just watch this.

submitted by zionhologram to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 FantaSeaJewel I lost myself in loving you

I gave you all the things that I had wished for, but never had been given. Projected my heart onto you thinking that you were a good person who had been in difficult circumstances.
That changed when you held the gun to your head in front of me. How can you not understand this? Even the night that you pulled it out and said that you almost shot me because you thought that I was a hallucination in your head.
You sobbed that time, said you were so scared that you almost killed me. I don’t know why I didn’t run. I didn’t see the manipulation for what it was, not yet.
The day that you held the gun your head- I went silent and talked calmly. I had reconciled with the possibility of dying at your hands. You made me do that. All while pretending to love me.
“I’ll do it right now!” Your words echoed through me. I never thought you were truly a piece of shit until that moment. I didn’t want a relationship. And you had no more manipulations to use. I wasn’t falling for the suicide threats and the letters of goodbye. You were losing your grip. And it terrified you.
If I hadn’t met my friends, I’d probably have kept falling for your shit. But I did. And they haven’t given up on helping me stay the fuck away from you. I’m surrounded by people who wouldn’t even consider doing that to me.
Now- I see your profile picture is a shotgun held to your head on discord.
It was once a graphic head exploding with a gunshot. I can still see it. You counted on the effect it would have. And it did, back then.
I had nightmares of finding your dead body and not having stopped you. Ironically, I loved you even when I pushed you away.
But you were poison to me. You demolished what was left of me. And then tried to play like I destroyed you.
I hope you know that love will never be enough to justify what you did to me. The jokes you made about my daughter.
I hope you know you lost that grip on me because you abused me.
And I am no longer your prey.
Change your photo to whatever you want. I will not come running. I did that far too many times and all while you lied to my face about your entire fucking life.
Let me fucking go.
submitted by FantaSeaJewel to letters [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 motif-game Do you see the motif?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by motif-game to MotifGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Which-Bee-5661 Best Jurassic Park tour option?

I’ve never been to Hawaii - definitely never been to Jurassic Park - but I have a kiddo that is obsessed with the movies. He can basically quote them all.
We’re planning to visit in May or June. Is there a tour that is better than the others, or are they all basically the same tours to the same places with different companies?
This is probably a once in a lifetime trip for us. I want to make this super special for him, and would LOVE any help! Thanks!
submitted by Which-Bee-5661 to VisitingHawaii [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Elleswelle Do i Really have to lift close to failure in order to see muscle growth?

Ive been strength training for 2 months now and I definitely see results. I try to progressive overload but usually I stop at discomfort, I dont push myself past the burning sensation or when I struggle to do a rep. I add 5-10 lbs every week or two and I stay consistent
I started off 2 sets of 10 for every exercise I did, then increased it to 3 sets of 15 for my arms/core/glutes
I guess what im asking is am I only seeing growth because of “newbie gains” or is what Im doing a sufficient way of gaining muscle?
submitted by Elleswelle to workout [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Comprehensive-Diver1 Theyre eating the dawgs!

Too soon?
submitted by Comprehensive-Diver1 to georgiabulldogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 Matrixhunter90 To the people posting they got a free legendary

To the people posting they got a free legendary submitted by Matrixhunter90 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 C_hazz266 Digimon Custom Cards for fan series

Digimon Custom Cards for fan series After Axe Raider made a new Custom Digimon card maker. I knew I wanted to work on some custom cards and some new keywords for new and old Digimon. I'll be making a the lines for each tamer as well as cards for the Digi-Arm mechanic. Can you guys guess what these keywords do before I post them tomorrow?
(ALL ART MADE by MarcustheVisual)
submitted by C_hazz266 to DigimonCardGame2020 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:45 ButteredBreadSlice im late but holy neptunian

never could’ve expected this, sorry for ever doubting you jet<3
submitted by ButteredBreadSlice to fishtanklive [link] [comments]