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2024.11.30 04:41 supremecrowbar [USA-VA] [H] WALLHACK SP-004 Twins [W] PayPal
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/oEf5iRo
$150 Shipped
$160 to West Coast
Picked up as a gift but no longer need it, still sealed. Comment before PMing.
submitted by supremecrowbar to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:41 SympathyMedium Girls who feel like the guy should still pay, why still in 2024?
I’m confused ngl. Is it because you were taught like that when u were younger?
It just seems like a joke when going in a date with someone and we have to play this outdated silly game.
And at the end of the day, the whole gender role scene really isn’t a great deal for you? Like on your end your expected to not sleep around much, be nurturing 24/7, submissive to men, and lacking independence.
It’s like a bad game to play, but we still play it?
Im specifically referring to the girls tho either still believe this, or had the mentality and grew out of it - but still have insight.
submitted by SympathyMedium to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:41 Original-Sweet741 Fresh SHS grad looking for a VA job
Hi! I recently graduated SHS and currently on a gap year since I'll be studying abroad next year and want to use this time by earning extra cash for myself. But the problem is I dont know where to look or what to look out for in jobs like literal my brain goes blank when I hear "go find a job" and then I came across posts for Virtual Assistants. I generally dont have any idea what a VA does as well, would it be fine for a fresh grad shs like me who has no experience at all to apply for jobs like these? genuinely asking pls be nice :'))))
submitted by Original-Sweet741 to VirtualAssistantPH [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 KejonDTM Can we bring this sub back 😭
Like please 🙏🏾
submitted by KejonDTM to popheadssurvivor [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 Patient_Breadfruit35 A man of culture
submitted by Patient_Breadfruit35 to SolCoins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 DataTrailBlazer Love this thing, what is it
Found this in an antique store over a decade ago. I'm pretty sure it's fossilized red coral, but I can't find many pics like it. Somewhat interested in what it's worth but would never sell it as it is one of my most favorite pieces. Very curious to know more about it and if I can find more. submitted by DataTrailBlazer to fossils [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 PleasantReach5821 HIKING
So after missing a bus transporting us for a hike, I am planning to do the hike alone (might need company).If anyone is interested you can DM we arrange(self sponsored).
submitted by PleasantReach5821 to nairobi [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 Unusual-Hearing-4661 Super oily skin.
I have very oily skin. What is a good makeup? I am currently using tarte it seemed to do ok at first but my skin is just a complete oil mess. I’ve also used double wear as well. Definitely appreciate the advice and tips :)
submitted by Unusual-Hearing-4661 to makeuptips [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 yoflamocardsrm Please help me figure out what band name is on this shirt from 2008.
I was going through pictures from high school and this is a shirt I was wearing in one. But it’s cut off and I can’t for the life of me figure out what the name of the band was. I need to know so I can sleep tonight. submitted by yoflamocardsrm to Emo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 YuvrajJuneja-29 Why Sony's Venom is Not in the Game whereas other's different versions are? That Venom is The Most Important to Us
I bought this “King In Black” version because it looks similar to the Sony one. It's Too Good, I just upgraded it totally. It's Max now submitted by YuvrajJuneja-29 to MarvelFuture_Fight [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 wolfmem1 Same same but different
submitted by wolfmem1 to indiameme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 Aut_changeling Does anyone know if there's a graphics setting I should tweak to avoid this visual glitch?
submitted by Aut_changeling to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 masondean2 Every time i go to play hard bullet as soon as i choose a map it crashes the game and won’t let me play
submitted by masondean2 to Hardbullet [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 Jaramma9 Felt pretty cool till I tried to roll
submitted by Jaramma9 to remnantgame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 J94x825 Ayuda, Dermatitis??
Hola a todos. Les comparto mi preocupación, hace unos días me percate de que tenía un grano que parecía una picadura de mosquito, pero últimamente este "granito" ha ido creciendo y ahora se me ve como una marca roja gigante. Pensé que podría deberse a la resequedad, pero este no es el caso, esta marca/mancha cada vez la veo mas grande, no he tenido picazón o algún malestar con esta mancha, pero me estoy empezando a preocupar por que cada día se hace más grande. A alguien le ha pasado algo similar? O saben que podrá ser? Anexo foto (se que no se ve tan fatal, pero en persona esa marca se ve demasiado irritada) submitted by J94x825 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 FloridaOutdoorsman1 TWO For One Special Duck Hunting (Catch Clean and Cook)
submitted by FloridaOutdoorsman1 to Huntingdogs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 Hayley182_ Canada Today News - NDC Remarkably Silent in Press
This article is a transcript of an interview from the Canada Today News Segment ‘The Smith Report with Christine Smith’. Smith: “Good evening and thank you for tuning in to the Smith Report, I’m your host Christine Smith. Today we start off with the return of Parliament following a week long Prorogation from the government. This abrupt decision has left many Canadians confused, and the Prime Minister’s noticeable absence from the public eye has left many scratching their heads. Today I am joined by John Bobber, one of our top political analysts. Thank you for joining the program tonight John.” Bobber: “Thank you Christine. The one thing that has stuck out like a sore thumb to me has been the absence of the Prime Minister during all of this. It was his decision to prorogue Parliament, and his failure to state the reasons why has indeed confused all of Canada. If I had to guess, I’d say that this falls in line with his avoidance of accountability for his actions. The prorogation obviously happened for one reason only: to avoid having to govern. The Prime Minister’s silence speaks louder than words.” Smith: “I’d like to give the benefit of the doubt, maybe the Prime Minister was busy or was unwell?” Bobber: “Even if that was the case, there’s much more to the story. Besides the noticeable absence of the Prime Minister, we have also seen complete radio silence from the New Dawn Coalition over the last few days in the media. There have been numerous stories and press releases involving Tory politicians, and not a single simple statement from any government members. Their silence is deafening, and their refusal to speak before the press is a slap in the face to Canadians. The people of Canada deserve the right to hold the government to account, and proroguing Parliament and running to the hills is an insult to the democratic process. To make matters worse, it seems this government is more interested in legislating by decree than through Parliament.” Smith: “By decree? When have they done that?” Bobber: “Well, I might be a little dramatic with my vocabulary, but let’s take a look at this last week in politics. Following the sudden prorogation of Parliament, a blizzard of Orders in Council came in. While Orders in Council are an essential part of governance, the NDC’s reliance on them instead of traditional legislation highlights their disinterest in Parliamentary processes and their desire to avoid accountability. One thing is very clear to me and millions of Canadians: this government cannot be trusted. Both parties has been selling out the Canadian people for the past 9 years, and they will continue until they can’t squeeze Canada more.” Smith: “Thank you John, but I’m afraid this is all the time we have today. Thank you for tuning into the Smith Report. I’m your host Christine Smith, and this is Canada Today News- your voice for the truth!”
submitted by Hayley182_ to cmhocpress [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 RakonHenri hmmm
submitted by RakonHenri to InesperadoCu [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 No-Health-5857 chance me for UT Austin McCombs School(out of state)
Demographics: Female, Asian, South Korea(US Dual Citizenship), public boarding school(specialized high school for global education), low-income<$30,000, needs financial aid
DSAT: R&W: 690, Math: 790
TOEFL: R:29, L: 27, S:21, W:25
UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.98 UW/school does not rank
Coursework: AP Human Geography, Microeconomic, Macroeconomics, Calculus, World History:Modern(all 5 that are provided at our school)
- Odyssey of the Mind Korea Tournaments Gold Award(national)
- Grand Prize – Seoul Youth Organizations' Policy Proposal Competition(state/regional)
- Odyssey of the Mind International Finals Spontaneous Problem Excellence Award(national)
- Model Student Award - Diligence(school)
- Academic Excellence Award(top 6%) - Music(school)
- Odyssey of the Mind/Team Founder, LeadeManaged team schedules & finance;Interviewed by Korean documentary team(YTN)
- Policy Development(Seoul Youth Council, Seoul Children and Youth Participation Committee)/Developed policies to enhance career mentoring, sex education, & reading engagement, Presented proposals to government officials at City Hall and won Grand Award
- School Coding Club, School Student Website Development/co-president, project manager
- Tour for Korean Students at Hong Kong/Tour organizer, guide/Recruitment of Hong Kong students, arranging cultural exchange meetings with Hong Kong students
- Internship/Abacus/Mental Calculation Center/Taught 40+ elementary students per season for five seasons/help students prepare for exams and competitions, with over 94% passing credential exams
- Embassy Interview Club/Vice President/interview with the Norwegian embassy to discuss government support for startups and the educational systems in both countries
- English Mentoring for Elementary School Students/VolunteeEnglish activities for 100+ elementary school children
- Entrepreneurship Contests(GYEC, JA Company of the Year)/Finalist/Developed business plans tackling global issues/Managed campaign, product trials, and interviews
submitted by No-Health-5857 to chanceme [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 Antique-Property5333 Tarrian Soulcleaver noncreature boardwipe ruling
So there's a [[Tarrian's Soulcleaver]] and 5 artifacts are on the board. The opponent casts [[fade from history]]
Does the soulcleaver still put the counters on the creature, or no?
submitted by Antique-Property5333 to mtgrules [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 frba222 [REQ] $260 (PayPal) Repay $320 on 27/12/24 (KL, Malaysia)
Hello, Requesting again.
I need some help with vehicle expenses. I will bear the transaction cost.
DM me if you have different arrangement
submitted by frba222 to SimpleLoans [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 Mediocre_Honeydew_43 I’m new here. Wanna tell me which one you like more?
submitted by Mediocre_Honeydew_43 to crossdressing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 04:40 its_still_lynn What would World War 1 look like if France won the Napoleonic Wars
This is something I’ve been thinking about for a few days now, being what exactly would the Great War look like if Napoleon was triumphant in the Napoleonic Wars. Just to simplify things, let’s go with the outcomes made by AlternateHistoryHub and Possible History. The two big things from those being that Napoleon successfully invades Britain and that Napoleon manages to escape the cycle of infinite coalitions.
With that being said, I feel as like it is fair to say that the First World War, in one way or another, was inevitable. What happens between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the start of the Great War is up to you, but what do you think the war would look like when it arrives?
submitted by its_still_lynn to HistoryWhatIf [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 Affectionate-Edge231 Data corrupted?
Ight so I just like changed my gems with quick edit to buy blood reaper and now after the eclipse it says that? Any fixes? Ion really care about I'm just messing around and its annoying
submitted by Affectionate-Edge231 to ShadowFight2dojo [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 04:40 Dense-Requirement-51 Stuck on this level and don’t know how to find a walk through
As the title says lol idk the level name or anything and I haven’t needed help until this point. Does anyone have a walk through or at least the level title so I can find one lmao Also please don’t make fun of me for being stuck😭 I’m already so mad about it lmao submitted by Dense-Requirement-51 to Portal [link] [comments] |