The NFL: Where the Refs make shit up, and rules don't matter.

2024.11.30 05:29 ex_sanguination The NFL: Where the Refs make shit up, and rules don't matter.

submitted by ex_sanguination to raiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 EinsamerWolf2000 3 tanks at the same time?

3 tanks at the same time? Is that new or a glitch?
submitted by EinsamerWolf2000 to enlistedgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 Autumn_Fire 111929

submitted by Autumn_Fire to CountOnceADay [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 wells_fargo1997 CORONER Announces 2025 North American Tour With DECEASED

CORONER Announces 2025 North American Tour With DECEASED submitted by wells_fargo1997 to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 DragonTypelover9000 Never bet with Lily (Art by IEddy-XI)

submitted by DragonTypelover9000 to theloudhouse [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 rusty518 Not well I’m going to vomit

submitted by rusty518 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 pabaleh Sayur goreng jawa

submitted by pabaleh to MalaysianFood [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 ahhhhhgreatbigballs help with making boundary / barrier boxes for game (explained in comments)

help with making boundary / barrier boxes for game (explained in comments) submitted by ahhhhhgreatbigballs to turbowarp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 Dogdaysareover365 Why is the word wife censored?

Like I tried to dress like Anne Boelyn for Royal and tried to explain who she was, but I couldn’t call her the second wife of Henry the 8th.
Or I couldn’t call my 50s character a house wife. I had to say house bride
What’s wrong with the word wife?
submitted by Dogdaysareover365 to DTI [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 Away-Sky3548 A Samsung T7 SSD bracket for Tesla

A Samsung T7 SSD bracket for Tesla Ordered a Samsung T7 SSD for my model y. However, unlike the original USB drive, the SSD is not fixed and will move around so I designed this bracket. Warning: It sorta works but not a very successful because the interior material doesn't work well with my double sided tape.
submitted by Away-Sky3548 to functionalprint [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 SumGuyMike New additions

Got these delivered today😎
I think I’m at 24 City Pop records with 3 more in my cart 😅
When do I admit I have a problem? Asking for a friend.
submitted by SumGuyMike to citypop [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 DizzyAnalysis8559 Question about sign names!

I'm profoundly deaf in one ear and always have been. I've been apart of the deaf community for a hot minute and have been learning ASL from my deaf teacher for 3 years. He hasn't given me a name sign, but briefly has spoken about how they work. Of course I've done my own research and understand that they are preferably from someone apart of the deaf community (but exceptions can occur as I've seen in many occasions and some don't care too much). My teacher has made it seem like out of him and all his students, he is the only one who can give a sign name. I've mentioned to him that I'm half deaf but that was about it. He's given my sister one as she was his student prior to me and is pretty fluent in ASL and I understand that they're personal. Of course my sister is hearing and can't give me one, but I was wondering if I'm actually able to give one as someone who's half deaf? He (my teacher) has never really gone into depth about it. But gives me the impression that you must be fully deaf to do that?
submitted by DizzyAnalysis8559 to deaf [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 ColorBananas Was Allowed To Order Parts That Show Out of Stock

Just placed a custom pc build order to soon realize that some of the parts in it are were out of stock when I ordered it. I'm guessing that it saved a previous build I had made and ordered that one instead of the one that was actually in my cart. Mostly just worried about having mismatching case and aio/fans color.
submitted by ColorBananas to NZXT [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 sthrnbelle_xo keeping it sweet and simple, just like this

keeping it sweet and simple, just like this submitted by sthrnbelle_xo to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 Humble-West3117 Three days ago...

Three days ago... submitted by Humble-West3117 to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 alwayslastchosen To the one I wasnt enough for

When we met years ago, I wasn't looking for anything. I was just randomly messaged by you saying our mutual friend said we would like each other. It didn't even take til the end of that night to know that I enjoyed having you in my life.
We tried too fast to date initially and it led to a 6 month hiatus of us talking....but we started again, and it left off like it never stopped.
Every morning I looked forward to texting you throughout the day, learning about what was going on with you, sharing memes, cracking jokes....even when you were dating someone else.
After that ended, it felt like we became closer. We started sharing more in depth things and day to day life events that we didn't do as deeply before. We started to learn each other's secrets and pasts.
You asked me when are we going to I asked. We set a date, talked about it frequently leading up to the day we were suppose to what I think would have been the beginning of the rest of our lives. I was disappointed we had to cancel that day since you had to go get the man that got kicked out of his house.
Ever since he moved in with you, things got different. Plans got canceled or declined, chats were just about how much you wanted him gone. Your interest in me seemed faded . But you finally kicked him out, became happier and we started to talk again, closely. We even got to hangout a couple of times and they were always the highlight of my days.
Finally I was ready to ask if you were ready to give us a go. You said you wouldn't mind still being my girl. With excitement I laid it out, Are you ready to get serious? said no. You said my time to shoot my shot had passed. You said another man has your attention that you barely knew.
My heart is broken. My mind in a back and forth fog. It's been a few weeks now and you are on my mind sunrise to when I fall asleep. I know it's best for me to move on and heal. My heart keeps hoping that you will say you actually want me...but I know it isn't going to happen. I will always wish for your happiness and safety and I will always love you.
submitted by alwayslastchosen to letters [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 ilikemynameSM من وين تشترون ماتشا في الرياض

ما اقصد جاهز لا انا ابي اسويه
submitted by ilikemynameSM to ForSaudiGirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 Pirate2002Capn "Maui Agricultural Company Baldwin 2-6-0 #3 "Haiku" Wrecked near the stores at Pā'ia, Maui. Taken sometime in 1918. Photographer unknown"

submitted by Pirate2002Capn to MauiHistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 Aggressive-Fly-2307 "Henry Martín Mexicano"

submitted by Aggressive-Fly-2307 to LigaMX [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 quiet_watercress_666 Family + pet photographer rec in LA?

I want to get holiday portraits taken of me, my boyfriend, and our dog (an American Bulldog). Any recs for LA based photographers who do these kinds of shoots?
submitted by quiet_watercress_666 to AskLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 2SOEG5 My dog is very aggressive towards other dogs.

We were camping 9 months ago and this dog showed up at our campsite. We were at a county park that was a hotspot for people dumping unwanted dogs. We have 2 young daughters and we decided to take her to the vet to see if she is chipped. She wasn't, and long story short We adopted her. She is an amazing dog around people. She has never showed any aggression to humans but when she sees other dogs she snaps. There is only about 2 or 3 dogs she knows that she somewhat gets along with. But even with those dogs she has snapped before and we've had to break them up. She has been in multiple dog fights and is the aggressor. We have spent thousands of dollars on training including group training. Well yesterday my mother in law came by with her new dog and we tried to slowly aclimate both of them to eachother. We were comfortable enough after awhile to let them off the leash. They were playing for about 1 minute before our dog snapped and violently attacked my mother in laws dog. Her dog had to go to the vet and get stitched up. We are devastated because we have bonded with her but are worried we are going to have to get rid of her some how. The liability worries us and we feel like we have tried everything possible to train it out of her but mentally she just flips a switch and goes in attack mode. I don't think it can be fixed but our kids are going to be absolutely heartbroken if we have to give her up. Advice needed please.
submitted by 2SOEG5 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 littlelionouo Peak Dragonite

Peak Dragonite submitted by littlelionouo to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 LilCuckus Here's some of my collection

Here's some of my collection submitted by LilCuckus to CraftBeer [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 Friendly-Army-8748 Erica Enders Joins Star-Studded Lineup for Drag Illustrated Winter Series Presented by J&A Service (Drag Illustrated)

Erica Enders Joins Star-Studded Lineup for Drag Illustrated Winter Series Presented by J&A Service (Drag Illustrated) submitted by Friendly-Army-8748 to NHRA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:29 ConfusionEmpty7929 DONT RELAPSE

If you are thinking about relapsing, don’t. Remind yourself why you stopped watching porn in the first place. I just relapsed tonight and it’s not worth it. Instead get off your phone and pray or meditate or spend time of your phone.
submitted by ConfusionEmpty7929 to NoFap [link] [comments]