Is this way of taking pics stupid

2024.11.30 05:40 LoadedGun1306 Is this way of taking pics stupid

according to my dad and mom i look diabolical whenever i take pics without smiling. is this true? they also say my eyes look blown wide but i dont think so?
submitted by LoadedGun1306 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 path_of_arxhery What's your favourite song to listen to ?

submitted by path_of_arxhery to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 BasicSwiftie13 How Do I Find An Analytics Internship As A College Student?

I'm currently a college student that is studying marketing analytics and I'm wondering where I can find internships for the summer. I'm honestly worried about finding one. I got invited to an interview where I record my answers but I completely bombed it and now I'm worried I won't be able to find anything. I seriously need help.
submitted by BasicSwiftie13 to analytics [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 MrCheeesecakes selling fr parrot in adopt me for robux (must include tax)

gotta have trusted flair if you want me to go first
submitted by MrCheeesecakes to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 BasketBallxFeelings Turnovers

Ouch, I’m on an airplane on the way back to Los Angeles from Charlotte and more than a few people were watching the game, oohing and ahhing through these turnovers that killed us tonight. That Reaves one got the biggest gasp but the Lebron TOs are becoming hard to witness. With Lebron TO’ing as much as this the Lakers have no shot against oily clean teams like the Thunder. Ditto Denver or Boston or any other team that executes at a high level. What do you guys think can realistically happen to help this TO problem? Is it something Lebron can self-correct? Or are we gonna have to live with it?
submitted by BasketBallxFeelings to lakers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Fahad__0 Beauty

Beauty submitted by Fahad__0 to GenesisG70 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 thecafe994 Is it still possible to host small friend only coop servers in Evolved?

I have a friend who has gotton into ARK recently, but he only has a Xbox One and cant download Acended. I havent played Evolved in a while so i was still wondering if you could host a small server in Evolved.
I couldn't find any answers on google, and im sorry for the stupid question. Thank you in advance 🙏
submitted by thecafe994 to ARKSurvivalEvolved [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 FeignNewb Growth and Dividends…

Yield chasing, yadda yadda. I reinvest all dividends currently. Could optimize way better, but don’t really care. I’ll most likely be adding to FEPI and JEPQ going forward.
submitted by FeignNewb to dividends [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Bright_Hyena_8199 Italian mafias in the soil of the Kaiser?

Italian mafias in the soil of the Kaiser? What the fuck?
Context: I was playing the German Empire and rushed to conquer Italy after they got into a Mussolini vs Republic civil war. After I annexed and released them as a puppet, this modifier popped up sometime after that for some reason.
I know it was something supposedly for the Italians, but now it's on me. Does it actually have any negative impact on me or is it just a buggy decoration? If it is an actual debuff given to me for who knows what reason, is there any way I could remove it? Because this debuff sucks AF.
submitted by Bright_Hyena_8199 to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Independent_End_381 [H] Slaves to Darkness [W] $$$ [Loc] NC USA
Lot includes 10 Knights 20 warriors 1 lord 1 lord on demonic mount 1 lord on karkadrak
Asking 190 shipped in the US. Well under half retail.
submitted by Independent_End_381 to Miniswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 theakkid So cold my boots need boots...

So cold my boots need boots... -25⁰F this morning. I won't let it stop me from wearing my tankers...
submitted by theakkid to NicksHandmadeBoots [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 BronsenAU RACQ Selling Out To Coporate Grubs
RACQ has always been a trusted brand in Queensland with profits being returned to members as they are not chasing profits.
Well that has now changed. RACQ is selling out to a 'for profit' grubby and deceitful business which they will partner with. The partner they are selling out to (IAG), are so deceitful that their actions recently cost their group $500 million dollars including a record fine of $40 million dollars from the federal court.
Ive supported the RACQ for many many years (Silver), as I always viewed the brand as trustworthy and working for QLD'ers. This deal, in my opinion, completely destroys the whole integrity of the RACQ brand. I have voiced my concerns to RACQ and I implore other members to do the same.
You can lodge your opinion here:
submitted by BronsenAU to brisbane [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Specific_Hall8184 2 Combos vs 2 Separate Rods and One Reel?

To preface this: I don't fish often as it isn't suitable for where I live, but I do so a lot on vacation (South Carolina coast).
I am currently looking to buy a combo rod & reel for surf fishing for simplicity (from PENN), but if I go in/offshore I feel like it won't be feasible due to the lengthier rod and different casting. So my question is, should I buy one reel and two rods (one long rod for surf and one shorter for non-surf) separately so I can attach the reel to the rod that suits the type of fishing I plan to do?
I'm still learning all that goes into the sport, so I wasn't sure if what I described seems logical. I know the reels should probably be different too, but I assume they aren't as important as the rod itself? TIA
submitted by Specific_Hall8184 to SurfFishing [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 bigbusta To get in the holiday spirit. I relate

To get in the holiday spirit. I relate submitted by bigbusta to therewasanattempt [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 MemeHood_ Massao is so relatable........

Massao is so relatable........ submitted by MemeHood_ to funnyIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Altrion001 How did we subconsciously know?

So something has been bothering me for a while now and it's not an argument for or against any form of religion. So here it is:
How did our ancestors know the universe came from nothing? If you look at a lot of creation myths, quite a few start from a void. Whether it's Gaia and ouranos emerging from chaos, or the Hebrew god saying "let there be light". Our ancestors used religion to explain the world around them. Sure some stories are out of order and my honest opinion the Bible is the closest to the big bang. But what the actual heck is this phenomenon?
submitted by Altrion001 to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Accomplished_Ad4935 RTX 4080 Super

Thoughts on which version of the 4080 super I should get. I was looking at the gigabyte windforce v2 since it seemed to be the cheapest but havent seen too many reviews on that one. Any suggestions?
submitted by Accomplished_Ad4935 to pcpartpickerbuilds [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Pirate2002Capn "Pioneer Mill Company Hohenzollern 2-4-0T "Kaanapali" Resting near the Sugar Mill at Lahaina, Maui. Taken sometime in 1906"

submitted by Pirate2002Capn to BlastToMauisPast [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Beariana1007 my ex and i are talking again

submitted by Beariana1007 to AstroSynastry [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Qanoria Expanse vs Arrastra - Refining

So in the title I said Expanse vs Arrasta, what I mean by that is from what we know would the Arrastra be a better refiner than the expanse even though the expanse is a mainly refining ship.
Would they function the same with refining if not the Arrastra a better refiner due to it being larger?
submitted by Qanoria to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 quiet_romantic Modern AU

Modern AU Modern AU but it's Hua Cheng being silly. (Who took the photo?)
submitted by quiet_romantic to tianguancifu [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 riddleman01 Musk vraagt leveranciers Space X productie van dit eiland te verplaatsen. 6 letters

Musk vraagt leveranciers Space X productie van dit eiland te verplaatsen. 6 letters
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 yeah-sure_z Too high?

submitted by yeah-sure_z to TVTooHigh [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 P1ckleboi69 Am I finished yet?

submitted by P1ckleboi69 to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:40 Rich_Test6445 What’s the most meaningful tattoo you’ve seen, and what made it unforgettable?

submitted by Rich_Test6445 to AskReddit [link] [comments]