Oldest and newest update

I disagree. I'd say they are for the most part equivalent. "Can you walk with me to my car" or, "Could you walk with me to my car" - equivalent. HiNative is a global Q&A platform where you can ask people from all over the world questions about language and culture. 9 out of 10 times you should use "interest in." I've heard "interest for" only a few times. The only examples I can think of would be "This credit card account will accumulate 13% interest for the first six months," or "The new discovery holds interest for scientists." I'm looking for a formal way to request for updated information (I call it "seeking the updated things") in business email writing. I'm thinking when you ask for information, you are actu... My friend is writing some documentation and asked me an English question I don't know the answer to. In this case which would it be? CCleaner has been run. or CCleaner has been ran. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. When the verb in a statement is neither a primary auxiliary verb (be, have, do) nor a modal auxiliary verb (will, would, can, could, may, might, shall, should, must, ought to, used to), do is used to form a question from it. According to the online dictionaries I checked, “latest” = “most recent” and “newest” = “of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.” So just wondering which one is the right one when describing a video that just came out. Here's how it goes: You're interested in.... buying a house = you're seriously considering whether to buy a house. The spelling centre is standard in UK English. In Canada it is typical in proper names, e.g. Toronto Centre for the Arts, but "center" is also commonly used otherwise, e.g. shopping center, center of town.

2024.11.30 05:50 Mothely Oldest and newest update

Oldest and newest update Tx andrea
submitted by Mothely to SavageGarden [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 xilentkha0s aRGB fans spin/no light

I replaced some malfunctioning fan with a set of Corsair fans with aRGB connectors but the RGB does not work. The fans do function except the lights. Mobo is a Asus X570 TUF pro mounted in Lian Li mesh II case.
Mobo does have aRGB pins which I previously had the female end from the case connected to since the previous fans used a different connector for the RGB and was able to control the colomode using the buttons on the case.
submitted by xilentkha0s to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 boobiefanatic Any affordable places to get my cat neutered/sprayed?

My cat is in heat right now and I was looking for afforable places where I can get my cat sprayed, any suggestions? Any clinic or NGO camp would work.
submitted by boobiefanatic to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 CorrectPay9615 Jake never listens

Jake never listens submitted by CorrectPay9615 to Brooklyn99Memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Hot-Influence-6264 Duality of man

submitted by Hot-Influence-6264 to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 LegitimateAddress854 Help ...can anyone tell me we hat this is? Found in northern Nevada not to far from peacock mine. I am just getting led down a bunch of rabbit holes. have collected cool looking rocks and crystals my whole life . Now I want to know what they all are.

Help ...can anyone tell me we hat this is? Found in northern Nevada not to far from peacock mine. I am just getting led down a bunch of rabbit holes. have collected cool looking rocks and crystals my whole life . Now I want to know what they all are. submitted by LegitimateAddress854 to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 BwittonRose RESULTS: testing the "every Beatles song is someone's favorite" hypothesis

Wow, 425 responses! Thank you everyone for participating, I had a really good time analyzing the answers! If you want to skip my analysis and look at the data for yourself, scroll to the bottom where I linked the spreadsheet. But if you want to look at my conclusions, keep reading!
How I counted the data:
First place vote got 3 points. Second vote gets 2. Third place gets 1. Add them all up to get a point value.
Top 15 Songs! (all votes added)
|| || |Song|Points| |A Day in the Life|132| |Strawberry Fields Forever|123| |In My Life|108| |While My Guitar Gently Weeps|85| |Happiness is a Warm Gun|76| |Something/I'm Only Sleeping (tie)|68 | |I Want You (She's So Heavy)|64| |Here, There, and Everywhere|55| |Dear Prudence|52| |Across the Universe|50| |Don't Let Me Down|48| |Tomorrow Never Knows|44| |You Never Give Me Your Money|42| |Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)|40|
Honestly, I am not surprised by anything in the top 15. If anything, I am surprised about what’s not in there. There’s some songs I would have expected to be higher up, like Come Together and Help!, at #51 and #64, respectively.
Most Voted Song From Each Album

Album Song Points Overall Rank
Please Please Me I Saw Her Standing There 13 #50
With The Beatles All My Loving 26 #26
A Hard Day's Night You Can't Do That 15 #43
Beatles For Sale No Reply 7 #72
Help! I've Just Seen a Face 36 #16
Rubber Soul In My Life 108 #3
Revolver I'm Only Sleeping 68 #6
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band A Day in the Life 132 #1
Magical Mystery Tour Strawberry Fields Forever 123 #2
White Album While My Guitar Gently Weeps 85 #4
Yellow Submarine Hey Bulldog 31 #19
Abbey Road Something 68 #6
Let It Be Across the Universe 50 #11
singles/other Don't Let Me Down 48 #12
Fun (and surprising) Facts
Songwriting Statistics
Instead of the classic Lennon/McCartney credit I used https://www.myrsten.nu/worldnet/beatlesongs.htm list to break it down for some more interesting data analysis.
Of the 215 songs counted…
Now some fun calculations using the top 50 songs (because after the top 50, votes start to drop off).
Of the top 50 songs…
BUT! If you are thinking “That’s not fair, George and Ringo wrote way less, so of course they won’t have as many in the top 50…” You are right! That’s why I determined the weighted percentages. What percentage of the songs they wrote reached the top 50? Read below.
Most successful songwriter…
Therefore, Ringo is the most successful songwriter, because HALF of all the songs he wrote were ranked in the top 50. Less than ⅓ of Paul McCartney’s songs made it to the top 50, for reference (way less talented). #peaceandlove
Funniest Answers!
To look at the data yourself here HERE are the results. You can sort alphabetically, chronologically, by composer, and by album, by clicking on the top of the relevant column and selecting Sort sheet A to Z. To see total scores and ranking high-low, select sort Z to A. You can also right click on columns that you want to hide if you want to only compare rankings with composer, for example.
Thank you again everyone!
submitted by BwittonRose to beatles [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Open_Aide2014 What are the best colleges for bcom in ahmedabad?

submitted by Open_Aide2014 to ahmedabad [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Fluffy_Pair_794 Have someone have a plan of the Cantor Fitzgerald office on 105th floor of the WTC 1

However, the Minoru's empty plan is good so
submitted by Fluffy_Pair_794 to TwinTowersInPhotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 mad_gameboy Title

Title submitted by mad_gameboy to OKbuddyHalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Kazushlge Aio fans not spinning

Aio fans not spinning Booted up for the first time. Super excited until realized that the aio fans weren't spinning.
Originally thought it was because plugged the aio into the aio_pump header. So moved it to the cpu_fan. Still nothing. Then tried unplugging my rear exhaust fan that I plugged into the cpu _opt header. Still nothing.
I think for a brief moment when the liquid temp was above 40, the fans were spinning. But I'm not sure. Do the fans only turn on when the liquid gets too hot ??
In the bios, it shows that it's spinning. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Kazushlge to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 djd32019 Will the postal strike in Canada affect shipments from LTTstore?

I scanned the past few hours of posts so sorry if this has been posted to death already but ..
As the title says .. I read reports that Canada post won’t allow any new shipments into the network as long as the strike lasts
Does that mean nothing is leaving Canada ?
Or is Ltt using something different than Canada post ?
submitted by djd32019 to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 _II_I_I__I__I_I_II_ In a clip from Israeli journalist Avi Amit's Kan 11 report on Israel's plans to colonize Gaza, the daughter of a settler is asked about what will happen to the Palestinians: "I think he will go to another country, this is our land."

submitted by _II_I_I__I__I_I_II_ to AskMiddleEast [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 scrimp212 BCBS at the barcade

BCBS at the barcade I love this time of the year.
submitted by scrimp212 to CraftBeer [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Empty_Helicopter3209 STD check and status

I saw some old posts about being on a resident permit and getting an STD check. What if anything happens if you test positive for things like Chlamydia or gonorrhea? I've seen a range from nothing happens to you lose your residence permit and get deported.
submitted by Empty_Helicopter3209 to Chinavisa [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 AajTak K.P. Sharma Oli China Visit: Nepal के PM K.P. Sharma 2 से 5 December तक China की यात्रा पर जाएंगे. इस यात्रा के दौरान वे चीनी President Xi Jinping से मुलाकात करेंगे. यह Oli का इस कार्यकाल में पहला पड़ोसी देश दौरा है, जो भारत के बजाय चीन को प्राथमिकता देने का संकेत है.

K.P. Sharma Oli China Visit: Nepal के PM K.P. Sharma 2 से 5 December तक China की यात्रा पर जाएंगे. इस यात्रा के दौरान वे चीनी President Xi Jinping से मुलाकात करेंगे. यह Oli का इस कार्यकाल में पहला पड़ोसी देश दौरा है, जो भारत के बजाय चीन को प्राथमिकता देने का संकेत है. submitted by AajTak to AajTakHindiNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 SlideSalt2571 just ranting

is it true that ugly people dont deserve to be loved because they are not pretty
submitted by SlideSalt2571 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Open-Importance4303 Good books for birding?

Good books for birding? Ok so I found this ad on Instagram for a bird feeder camera but the book in the beginning of the ad caught my eye. It only showed one part of the book but does anyone know what this book is/ could be. Or another book similar I guess? Idk I just want a nice informative birding book, doesn’t have to be the one there I just want a nice birding book
submitted by Open-Importance4303 to birding [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Frankthetank8 Just lost power

Anyone else in St.Paul lose power tonight? Hoping this doesnt last too long, would t want that turkey to go bad ya know.
submitted by Frankthetank8 to minnesota [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 ADDpillz Why can I not complete phase 4? Contract not prompting after sending materials down the elevator?

I have 3 24SCU boxes full of the right materials for Tungsten, copper, and Titanium. I am at the pyro gateway station and every time I send the materials down the elevator, they just go straight to my warehouse with no prompt to donate the materials. What am I doing wrong?
submitted by ADDpillz to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Resident_Wish_6167 what happened to the content creator house?

hi! i watched the siblings like waayyyy back during covid and stopped around the time when ashley and charles broke up. i just started binge watching them again lately when andrew joined the jungkook contest. ive also heard about ashley living in a content creator house where she also started dating kelly and was making content about kissing her roommate and shi (i dont like it, it was cringe) but now ashley and amber are living together and that content house is gone. i feel like ashley's target audience changed when she went to that house and i dont really know if people liked that content but im not a fan of it lol. imo i like the family vlogs more, sibling vlogs and cooking with mom vlogs, so i stopped watching when ashley moved with people who are strangers in her channel (and probably for the viewers too)
TLDR: i wanna know whats the reason and the beef why the content creator house was gone cuz i stopped watching them after ashley moved into a content house
submitted by Resident_Wish_6167 to urmomashley [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 arabthot Kousha setup for engagement

ASA, a family member is getting engaged and i’m looking for inspiration, connections, resources, anything possible on how to set up a kousha for her engagement. we live in southern california/los angeles/orange county/inland empire area. please let us know of any picture inspiration, details on setup, or anyone near us who can help or provide services. JAK!
*note: not everyone knows what a kousha is? it’s the bride and groom area of a wedding or engagement, set up in libyan style with a bench for the couple and decorations
submitted by arabthot to Libya [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 EquivalentCoffee8549 Stop missing out pump this shit we own this reddit HOLD YOUR $GREYPUMP DONT BE DUMB

submitted by EquivalentCoffee8549 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 Chrome2279 Kicked out of the creator rewards program due to “Security Issues” is some BS!

Kicked out of the creator rewards program due to “Security Issues” is some BS! I joined the creator rewards program 2 weeks ago... and then got this out of no where?!? I have not done any of this that this "security issue" says I post all original content and I have no idea what the hell they're talking about in this notice... I appealed it and it got auto denied.. I look up on TikTok Fyp page that others are having this same issue! What gives?!? How do we get this over turned?!? This is some BS I didn't do any of these things the error says.
Also when I see my account health I have a score of “0” which means I have no violations and am in good standing. I have no idea why this strike would be against me and the appeal denied. It makes no sense! I could really use some advice from someone that's been through this if possible.
submitted by Chrome2279 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:50 string_p Chateau cote montpezat

Chateau cote montpezat Tried it yestersay, chilled slightly, poured through an aerator. Today it was chilled slightly but decanted an hour to breathe. This is my first time trying to decant, and I'm pleased with the results.
Has a very dark/red fruit taste, vanilla and oak on the nose, dry, but with the decant it is very balanced.
4/5 stars IMO.
submitted by string_p to wine [link] [comments]
