Lily Collins

2024.11.30 06:40 LegLover56 Lily Collins

Lily Collins submitted by LegLover56 to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 _AuntieChrist_ Christmas Cockers

Christmas Cockers submitted by _AuntieChrist_ to cockerspaniel [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 BarelyBoo dreamy☁️

dreamy☁️ submitted by BarelyBoo to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 blad3mast3r The two surviving snipers in mid on Port Euler after everyone else dies:

The two surviving snipers in mid on Port Euler after everyone else dies: submitted by blad3mast3r to Strinova [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 nazith123 Spider ID?

Spider ID? S
submitted by nazith123 to NewZealandWildlife [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Afghanibananistan72 Taxes

American living in Illinois. Do we have to pay taxes on crypto profits?
submitted by Afghanibananistan72 to CryptoHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Witty_Frosting3432 Squads reload

looking for three people, 14 + with mics that can consistently play reload squads with me, you don’t have to be amazing but you have to be decent, i personally have a 22% win rate and an 8 kd, only reply if you play often
submitted by Witty_Frosting3432 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 APileOfLaundry The son of death

The son of death submitted by APileOfLaundry to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Objective_Water_1583 Citizens have 2 days to demand a recount in your precinct!!!!

Citizens have 2 days to demand a recount in your precinct!!!! In my Duty to Warn letter I outlined the impossibility of the results coming out, matching human voting. There were a lot of indications a machine was outputting the results. My first-pass calculations were not perfect, but now with time, it turns out they were pretty F-ing close in the Swings. Below is a complete spread sheet of DropOffs in PA by county. Multiple additional states will be coming out shortly. If you voted in a PA County with a drop-off ratio over 2%. Please, if you can, fill out the form below to demand a hand-recounts. A recount requires 3 voters from the same precinct to make the request. Call your neighbors. Get three of you. Do it. My friend Lulu Friestad is making a TiKToK with the steps outlines as I type this. I will add it as soon as she posts.
Sadly, it appears Harris will be doing nothing. Only she can make it happen at scale. But any PA precinct with three voters can get a hand-recount. We can see the ballots, and answer what exactly is making these numbers so ... ahistorical.
These are the county canvas final dates. Voters have 5 days after final county numbers to have 3 voters file a recount request in their election precinct. That means many of the challenge windows will close THIS WEEKEND. Others early next week.
Cross reference to this spreadsheet to see drop-off by county
Please post this google form today to have people sign up in PA to make the recount request.
Once you have three voters, the TikTok will have a link to 24/7 online Notary. You will then have to hand-deliver the challenge to your local BOE.
Save some democracy while you prep your Turkey.
By Stephen Spoonamore
submitted by Objective_Water_1583 to Pennsylvania [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 seanfromscotland 40 [M4F] Scotland. Anyone else on here looking for a longer term friendship/connection? 🙃

Hey, thanks for checking out my post.
A very quick description about myself:- My name is Sean I’m 40 I live in Scotland I like to go to the gym. I love to listen/watch/play music, create digital art, play my switch, get out on my bike and I really enjoy chatting with people online.
There are so many people on here looking for a quick hookup and then they disappear which doesn’t feel right. I’m sure that might work for the majority of people and if it works for you, that’s great!
However. I’m looking for someone to chat to longer term. I like to get to know people.. Have conversations, end up with inside jokes, flirt, make each other laugh. It just makes the whole experience a bit more worthwhile.
Do you feel the same way?
I’m full of lots of stories, clean/weird/nsfw and I love to share. If you think you’d be interested in chatting with me and seeing where things go, send me a dm. Do it. Do it now ☺️
Speak soon! Sean
submitted by seanfromscotland to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 calego13 Alright, why did it take me this long to watch meta runner?

I thi k it's because I was afraid of it not having that good of animation quality, but you do get used to it.
submitted by calego13 to GlitchProductions [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 indie_rock_album What led to you becoming a satanist/joining TST

I know that a lot of people join religions or turn to religion for guidance in their life if they are going through a rough patch or feeling lost. Is it the same for yall. I think TST's principles make sense but I'm not really "looking for guidance" or feel the need to find a religion. I know that satanism is an anti religion but I'm using the term religion bc I'm not really sure what other terms to use. How did you know that you were a satanist and not just an atheist.
submitted by indie_rock_album to SatanicTemple_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 MaryjoLowry Process of getting free drinks at the bar

Process of getting free drinks at the bar submitted by MaryjoLowry to pranks [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Sector_Pretty Hi I’ve between looking for this film for ages

here’s the Wikipedia
plz help me find it
submitted by Sector_Pretty to JapaneseMovies [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Spice_of_lifexx this can be funny actually

this can be funny actually submitted by Spice_of_lifexx to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Infamous_Run_2257 Need help with solid white VGA light

Need help with solid white VGA light
Hi all,
Desperately need some help with my PC.
MSI MPG B550 gaming plus AMD Ryzen 5 5600 AMD Radeon RX 5700XT 32 GB RAM G Skill 3600 Thermalright Assasing King 90 cooler Corsair 750W PSU
Basically every now and then when I start up my PC I get a VGA solid white light.
Things I’ve done: Resetting RAM and GPU Swapping PSU cables to GPU Disconnecting GPU and starting up without it just with the CPU and HDMI connected to it (still solid white light so presume doesn’t have integ graphics?) I’ve tried leaving it on for a while and then restarting and see how it goes still same thing.
Recently I’ve updated my bios to the latest version and that didn’t cause issues while I was using it. I’ve also recently undervolted my CPU to 1.115v which also didn’t cause issues at the time, actually made the games feel better but I’m unsure if that’s the cause because…
This has been happening for a while even before I updated BIOS and undervolted CPU. It was happening before I bought the PC 2nd hand from a guy which is why he said he was selling it so I got it pretty cheap. He’s unsure why it was doing that, I bought it because I reckoned it was happening to him because he was overclocking the GPU like crazy so when I got it I just kept everything stock settings other than the fans and it worked well for the most part. At times this VGA light thing would happen and all I would do is turn it on and off a few times with no devices plugged in and I’d reset the ram and GPU a few times and it would then start working. But rn it isn’t working and nothing is working even starting it with no devices plugged in.
Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Infamous_Run_2257 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Civil-Film7559 Ala kaadhu ra...

Ala kaadhu ra... submitted by Civil-Film7559 to Ni_Bondha [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 NoAlternative553 open for commissions! starts at Php300 :]]]

open for commissions! starts at Php300 :]]] submitted by NoAlternative553 to onlineservicesPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Korundur Inventory clutter improvements

So a while back devs made a small effort at reducing inventory clutter by removing most modifiers from seeds. Noticed they still get the "Thorns" modifier from the miasmic sickle, which reminded me of the inventory clutter for plants that do not spoil, and noticed no one had upvoted it on Feature Upvote! If you're like me and hate unnecessary inventory clutter, can you help upvote it?
submitted by Korundur to ICARUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 GirldadSports Which UNRIVALED roster has the best cards in Select? (a fun "break" format for fans who enjoy the chat)

We've got a debut whatnot stream tonight (Nov 30 at 7 PM Pacific) breaking 3 blaster boxes of WNBA Select with a fun format for all the women's hoops fans who can't wait for Unrivaled! Team spots are based on Unrivaled rosters, with CC and Brink hits (and anyone else who's not in Unrivaled) going up for auction starting at $1. We hope it's a fun way for card heads to chat about the sport, and for women's sports fans to dip their toes into "the hobby"! If you're not on whatnot already, use our referral link for a $15 credit.
I've been running a site for the past couple of years to help other girlparents and allies keep up with the awesomeness and joy of women's sports to share with their families--we've done a newsletter, a podcast, and now we're leaning into the trading card space because our 6 y/o has fallen in love with cards!
So we want to help other "newcomers" to the hobby, women's sports fans who are curious about cards, and parents or allies who want to share with their kids a fun way to engage with women's sports! We got some other things in the works but please join the stream or share if you're at all interested!
View Poll
submitted by GirldadSports to WNBACards [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Slow-Pie147 Panthera gombaszoegensis vs giant pangolin by hodarinundu

Panthera gombaszoegensis vs giant pangolin by hodarinundu submitted by Slow-Pie147 to Naturewasmetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 ExoticMarsupial3726 Changing Roommate Question Answers after submitting Housing Application?

Ok so I submitted my housing application like a week ago, and while I was filling it out I kinda rushed through the part with the roommate questions like abt like how u organize ur room and ur sleep schedule, and the paragraph where u talk abt urself, so I lowkey wrote something that didn’t make much sense now that I’m looking at it and I had a bunch of typos and grammar mistakes and it was like only halfway done, and when I tried to go back to change it to fix it, I realized that I couldn’t go back and change it once I moved past that part of the application. Do y’all know if I can change my answers to those questions when the roommate selection rolls around? If not I’m so cooked😭.
submitted by ExoticMarsupial3726 to unr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Sufficient_Dress9440 Thomas Andre VS SJW Simulation Lv.15

Thomas Andre VS SJW Simulation Lv.15 submitted by Sufficient_Dress9440 to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 sianyaka 암보험 추천 가입시 주의사항보다는 이걸 비교해야됩니다!!(기막힌 플랜!!)

암보험 추천 가입시 주의사항보다는 이걸 비교해야됩니다!!(기막힌 플랜!!) submitted by sianyaka to bestmobilebanks [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Far-Tomatillo7893 Wacom one pen without Wacom tablet

Hi so my sister recently got the Wacom one pen for her Samsung galaxy book flex computer that I think is supposed to have emr technology. We assume it should just start working but nothing is happening. Just wanted to check here in case anyone has ideas. Thanks!
submitted by Far-Tomatillo7893 to wacom [link] [comments]