Day & Night

2024.11.30 06:29 Wandkasha Day & Night

Day & Night submitted by Wandkasha to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Amazing_Walrus_7483 Una ayudita con el nombre para mi gatito ¿Cual le quedaria mejor?

She tengo a mi gatito, se lo topo alguien en la calle y estaba buscando a su mama, no paraba de caminar y maullar, yo ando en una ruptura, que jum, me dejo el corazoncito removido y la vida hecha un caos, pero siempre he sentido un amor super fuerte por los animales, solo que no habia tenido la oportunidad de darles un hogar estable, como puedo ahora.
En ese contexto, sabiendo que es un animalito que perdio alguien importante y yo igual ¿Como lo apodarian?
Solo referencias artisticas <3
Siento que el no lo sabe, pero en la soledad laboral (trabajo desde casa y vivo solo) de una casa que antes era familiar y en la que solo quedo yo por no decidir migrar, es una pequeña alma peludita y toda regordeta que me esta haciendo la vida mas hermosa de lo que pude llegar a pensar, ya que todo el amor que era para mi ahora tambien lo comparto con el.
gracias reddit, un hogar dentro de mi hogar y gracias lector por tomarte el tiempo de leer esto <3
submitted by Amazing_Walrus_7483 to vzla [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 superraredonut 44 m Can’t sleep. Hope to find someone to pass the time with [chat]

Wide awake here and can't seem to be able to sleep. Not sure if that's gonna happen anytime soon.
So here I am on Reddit to hopefully find someone to talk to so l can pass the time till my sleepiness sets in.
Open to talk to anyone. Just have a good sense of humor and we can figure out the rest.
Ask me anything you want.
Hope to hear from you
submitted by superraredonut to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 easylearn__ing Test Course (0.0 stars)- Master Advanced Python: PCPP2 Certification Prep

submitted by easylearn__ing to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 4r530n I was clearing my SD cards and almost deleted the photos from this drone flight...yikes. Here's a lovely drone shot of the Grand Tetons mountains in Wyoming, taken with my Mavic 2 Pro. I love the warm colors and wild terrain in this incredible landscape.

I was clearing my SD cards and almost deleted the photos from this drone flight...yikes. Here's a lovely drone shot of the Grand Tetons mountains in Wyoming, taken with my Mavic 2 Pro. I love the warm colors and wild terrain in this incredible landscape. submitted by 4r530n to ProjectivyUnsplash [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Sorin61 Effectiveness of turmeric extract (Curcuma Longa) on Mitosis of breast cancer mice

submitted by Sorin61 to CurcuminSupplements [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Active-Design8527 Fyret - rådgiver til at raskmelde mig hos jobcenter, men stadig sygemeldt hos arbejdsgiver

Jeg er sygemeldt med stress og en stress udløst depression. Jeg er blevet fyret, og har nu 3 måneder opsigelsesperiode. Jeg havde første samtale med jobcenter i sidste uge, som vejledede mig om, at jeg ikke har pligt til at være sygemeldt hos jobcenteret, og at jeg altså kan raskmelde mig hos dem for ikke at være nødsaget til under min opsigelsesperiode at følge deres procedurer og i stedet bare få ro til at få det bedre. Vel at mærke forsat stadig at være sygemeldt hos arbjedsgiver, som dog så ikke længere får refusion fra kommunen, men som under min opsigelsesperiode alligevel er forpligtet til at betale mig fuld løn. Er der nogen, der har hørt noget lignende? Jeg vil jo gerne være fri for at være forpligtet til at være i dialog med jobcenteret, men jeg synes det lyder lidt kompliceret og risikabelt det hele, og er bange for min arbejdsgiver kan stoppe min løn, hvis jeg pludselig er rask hos jobcenteret, men syg hos arbejdsgiver. Håber det giver mening.
submitted by Active-Design8527 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Glittering_One9359 Varadero

Going to Veradero second week February Planning to be off resort a lot, looking for suggestions and anyone there same time 40 yrs old. Solo trip
submitted by Glittering_One9359 to cuba [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 MastodonOk8087 Southern California Art Teacher Dies After Being Bitten by Bat in Classroom

submitted by MastodonOk8087 to fresno [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 optifree1 $HEGE - Listings on GateIO and LBank Announced!

$HEGE has been building and building for the past 7 months, leading the memecoin space with innovation after innovation including:

Our latest innovation was just deployed and should start impacting the price soon:
From launch 7 months ago at $60 K market cap, all funds were deposited into the LP and tokens distributed to presalers. With NO token allocation to build the project, the team and community was able to rally together to organically grow the project up to an ATH of $50 M market cap and is currently sitting at $35 M market cap.
With a strong community that has donated over $250,000 USD, NFT sales that has recently raised an additional $200,000 USD, and a team full of entrepreneurs, management consultants, graphic designers, and finance leaders, this project has everything it takes to moon.
$HEGE has been on absolute fire adding over 7000 new holders in the last week alone. Yesterday, big announcements were made including CEX listings on LBank and GateIO. Fortunately for potential investors, a whale sold his share right before the announcement giving anyone who wants to buy a great discount to get in before GateIO brings $HEGE to the moon! First time holders are still flooding in faster than ever, and as we mentioned previously, there is typically a 4-5 day delay between first time investors coming in and the price really pumping. Get in before it is too late.
As always, DYOR, but don't wait too long or you will miss your opportunity.
CA: ULwSJmmpxmnRfpu6BjnK6rprKXqD5jXUmPpS1FxHXFy
submitted by optifree1 to CryptoStock [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 FuckYourFeelings_Ho Slamwich - Grima (Official Music Video)

Slamwich - Grima (Official Music Video) submitted by FuckYourFeelings_Ho to Deathcore [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 bkwak11 EV tax credit at point of sale

i’m buying a tesla with the ev tax credit passed through to the dealership. my tax liability for 2024 will be lower than 7500. will the IRS recapture the difference?
i see a lot of sources saying they won’t, but i don’t see any official irs statement saying they won’t.
i already paid the 250 order fee on the tesla and im not sure if i should follow through with the delivery tax.
any sources confirming that your tax liability won’t matter would be greatly appreciated
submitted by bkwak11 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 spinosauruspecs What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by spinosauruspecs to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 08kiw1ir i just realized something from Shiiro’s newest video

i just realized something from Shiiro’s newest video Charlie says that she wants to be in Elizabeth’s shoes? but why? well, Charlie sees Elizabeth’s and William’s relationship (RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT ALWAYS ROMANTIC) as something like- like William is mad at Elizabeth, but he also loves her and can’t live without her (because she takes care of the house) and Elizabeth, no matter how much William hurts her, she still loves her “father”.
Charlie wanted to be Elizabeth, because she is actually important to her father(and the family in general), i get it that Sammy is sick, but the amount of times Henry has to neglect Charlie to go to the hospital and help Sammy?? bro, hire a nurse or caretaker, you have the money!! and also, since Charlie doesn’t see herself as important to her family’s well being, but she always sees how messy things are if Elizabeth isn’t around, she wanted to be Elizabeth. because she wants to be important to the family as well.
ALSO ONE MORE THING!! notice how, when Charlie is talking about how Sammy is more important than her, and that she wants to be like Elizabeth… you can (obviously) see that there’s like Elizabeth and William, but like illusions. and their facial expressions matter here A LOT. because Elizabeth’s doing her daily “OwO” and “UwU” face, while William is doing a stupid-mad face, it SEEMS like he is not genuinely angry and actually cares for Elizabeth. but when their roles swap, William’s expression is serious.
the reason why both Elizabeth’s and William’s expression was like stupid-ish, is because THAT IS HOW CHARLIE SEES THEIR RELATIONSHIP.
end of story, 08kiw1ir out!
submitted by 08kiw1ir to shiirotokuurocringe [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Soldane_ Tell me who I haven't seen yet...

Tell me who I haven't seen yet... Trying to get the achievement with a fully filled museum. But I still haven't seen this enemy. Tell me where I can find him.
submitted by Soldane_ to Roboquest [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 cloudst_t Khao maa kasam🥺

Khao maa kasam🥺 submitted by cloudst_t to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Samanosuke69 I’m stumped as to what to get for my army

So I have the following for my CoS army:
Spearhead Founding Foray Tahlia Vedra Wildercorps Hunters 2 x Celestial Hurricanums Luminark of Hysh Gotrek Gurnisonn
I’m debating Callis and Toll but otherwise do I have a solid foundation? I do have dark Aelf stuff too but really not sure on whether to build them and try running them
submitted by Samanosuke69 to citiesofsigmar [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Gamerunss Super Matino Adventure - Gameplay Walkthrough Android Part 16 - World 3 Levels 31-40

submitted by Gamerunss to Gamerunss [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Other_Working3430 School Project Survey about Stress and Outdoor Time

School Project Survey about Stress and Outdoor Time submitted by Other_Working3430 to takemysurvey [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Core3game AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH submitted by Core3game to WaterfallDump [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 SayaMemoryZT-HX 这是不是属于皮炎怪的浪漫:结婚后把钻戒用口互相帮对方的鸡巴戴上

submitted by SayaMemoryZT-HX to abstractmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Upper-Watercress7747 F1 to H4

Hi everyone
I am currently holding an H-1B visa valid until 2027. My wife is currently on an F-1 post-completion OPT, which she is volunteering for her professor’s research. OPT is scheduled to expire in July 2025. We have plans to travel to India and return by April 1, 2025. If she has not secured a STEM-related job by that time, we will apply for an H-4 COS. She currently has only one week remaining on her initial F-1 grace period. If we apply for COS on April 10th, based on current processing times, will she be required to leave the United States while the COS application is pending by July 11, 2025?
submitted by Upper-Watercress7747 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 ClassicBuy7191 “oh It’s you”

Closure would rapidly cause a grand re-opening to the floodgates of my desires. I’ve tried in every way to keep that Dam Secured and time after the levies have broken down with just the simplest thought of you. Mistakes were made on both parts but i acted as if i didn’t understand the assignment. The task was simple and definitely the most important duty i ever had in my life “to make you feel like the prettiest girl in the world and love you forever”. I fumbled and lost the game of love, and have felt lost, Naked and Afraid fighting the urge to tap out since you departed. With direct communication not being something we share anymore i find solace in hoping that the universe is smiling upon you and you have been reciprocating with life by smiling back at it. Everyday i envision you being at peace and doing whatever “makes you happy” . I truly did and still have an abundance of love for you and it’s a strange undying feeling that helps me navigate thru this path of loneliness. You still make my heart flutter and instill integrity in my daily actions inspiring me to be a better human being day by day. ❤️ You were it for me …. “But, this isnt about me” 🫶🏻🫶🏽 i digress …
Continue to let your “soul glow” framer.
submitted by ClassicBuy7191 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 joyleaf Saw the other post with this! Anyone able to identify all of these? 🤭

Saw the other post with this! Anyone able to identify all of these? 🤭 submitted by joyleaf to MagicalGirlsCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:29 Cool-Ad9950 black friday

Now that’s it’s over, how was everyone’s black friday 😭🤣
submitted by Cool-Ad9950 to dickssportinggoods [link] [comments]