Instead of turkey, maybe eat a milf today F41

2024.11.30 06:40 SensualLady22 Instead of turkey, maybe eat a milf today F41

submitted by SensualLady22 to TheLustygrandmas [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 WasteofK3 Nobody told me Adam Sandler and Willem Dafoe made a cameo in Season 1

Nobody told me Adam Sandler and Willem Dafoe made a cameo in Season 1 submitted by WasteofK3 to TheChosenSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 motif-game Do you see the motif?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by motif-game to MotifGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 fugetooboutit The packaging is longer than the chocolate

Has it always been like this? The small size is like an inch smaller
submitted by fugetooboutit to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 wankerzoo Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Flies To Florida To Meet With Trump | Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has flown to Florida to meet with President-elect Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago club.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Flies To Florida To Meet With Trump | Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has flown to Florida to meet with President-elect Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago club. submitted by wankerzoo to worldpolitics2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Rkillerx221 Feeling cute and smiley selfie dump

Feeling cute and smiley selfie dump submitted by Rkillerx221 to SelfieDump [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 quixotic_whisker Has anyone bought the “Tineeowl” phone cases ?

Thoughts on them?
submitted by quixotic_whisker to iPhone16ProMax [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Primary-Sherbert-201 Restaurant recommendations for company social event $50 ish

I'm organising a social dinner for around 10 people, aged around 35.
Any recommendations for a place in city centre that is vibrant, has good beedrink, and main meals don't cost over $35 so we can stay in budget?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Primary-Sherbert-201 to chch [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 southsideserpent18 Rachel Zegler

Rachel Zegler submitted by southsideserpent18 to ladyladyboners [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 GreenOutBoy182 My Wars? Holy

My Wars? Holy submitted by GreenOutBoy182 to Megadeth [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 FuzzySpecial5312 ¿Cual fue para vos el mejor metodo para bajar de peso?

Obviamente lo principal es cambiar la forma en la que comes y todo eso.. pero yo quiero saber que rutinas hacian o hacen a la semana y ven que les funciona.
Agradezco a todos los que dejan sus consejos :)
submitted by FuzzySpecial5312 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 noodlewithsoysauce No... No no no no no no.... NOOOOOOOOOO !!!!

No... No no no no no no.... NOOOOOOOOOO !!!! submitted by noodlewithsoysauce to MyHeroUltraImpactGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 TeachFar4695 24 XRT Where it belongs

24 XRT Where it belongs submitted by TeachFar4695 to HyundaiSantaFe [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Sylvania-Joice8 Which batch ?Jordan 4 Retro Black Cat from Letsgokick

Which batch ?Jordan 4 Retro Black Cat from Letsgokick submitted by Sylvania-Joice8 to RepsneakersDogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Sad_Cow_577 My father abused my mother and i promised myself I would never raise a _____ to a woman when i grow up.

submitted by Sad_Cow_577 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Hauptman_Willy Any idea what this centenary medallion is worth or made of? I got it from my grandpa, and I was just curious of its worth. I intend to keep it, and not sell it, FYI. I'm just curious of its possible worth.

Any idea what this centenary medallion is worth or made of? I got it from my grandpa, and I was just curious of its worth. I intend to keep it, and not sell it, FYI. I'm just curious of its possible worth. submitted by Hauptman_Willy to Medals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 floppyhair Gotta love the lobby simulator

Gotta love the lobby simulator Feels like I am back playing Texas chainsaw….takes anywhere from 3-5 minutes to find a match tonight….
submitted by floppyhair to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 BedeCotu Bức thư con gái viết dành tặng người cha mắc bệnh Down lấy nước mắt hàng triệu người

Bức thư con gái viết dành tặng người cha mắc bệnh Down lấy nước mắt hàng triệu người Bức thư con gái viết dành tặng người cha mắc bệnh Down lấy nước mắt hàng triệu người
“Cha kính yêu. Hôm nay là ngày đánh dấu một khoảnh khắc rất đặc biệt và rất kỳ diệu trong cuộc sống của cha. Đó là cha đã bước sang tuổi 50 hôm nay và con thật may mắn làm sao khi được nhìn thấy cha vẫn đang tiếp tục sống một cuộc đời dài và đẹp như vậy. Các bác sĩ cũng không khỏi ngạc nhiên về điều đó! Con biết cha không thể đọc được những dòng thư này đâu bởi vì cha đâu có Facebook, nhưng con muốn cả thế giới biết rằng con tự hào như thế nào khi con được làm con của cha. Con muốn cả thế giới biết rằng cha là một người vĩ đại từ trong nhân cách lẫn vẻ bề ngoài
Khi con còn nhỏ, con không hề cảm thấy cha không bình thường chút nào cả, con chỉ biết cha là cha của con. Con đã không hiểu tại sao họ lại trêu chọc con và gọi con là kẻ dị thường
Sau đó con dần hiểu ra vấn đề và nó khiến con trở thành một kẻ hèn nhát. Nhưng cha xứng đáng nhận được nhiều thứ tốt đẹp hơn là đứa con gái hèn nhát này. Đáng nhẽ ra cha phải được nhận những yêu thương, sự thấu hiểu, lòng kiên nhẫn và được chấp nhận như bất kỳ cá nhân nào mắc Hội chứng Down nào nên nhận. Giờ đây, con đang soạn một lời chúc mừng sinh nhật cho cha bởi vì con chưa bao giờ làm điều đó cho cha trước đây cả. Cha xứng đáng nhận được nhiều hơn thế Hầu như cả đời cha, cha đã phải chấp nhận để cho các bác sĩ đưa kim tiêm vào cơ thể mình, phẫu thuật ở chỗ này chỗ kia, làm thủ thuật lọc máu cả đời và một danh sách dài những điều phải hạn chế. Nhưng hiếm khi con nghe thấy cha phàn nàn về điều đóCon đã từng chứng kiến lúc cha cảm thấy tồi tệ nhất, cha suy sụp và nói rằng cha thật sự rất mệt mỏi. Nghe những lời đó đã làm con khóc nhiều ngày mà con thì không thể chịu đựng được việc phải đưa cha vào bệnh viện lần nữa. Con đã thấy cha khóc vì đầu gối của cha bị đau do truyền chất lỏng. Con không thể cảm nhận được nỗi đau của cha nhưng con ước gì con có thể thay cha chịu những đau đớn giày vò đó để cha không còn cảm thấy đau nữa.
Cha à, dù cho con có nói gì đi chăng nữa thì cũng không từ ngữ nào có thể gói ghém hết được nỗi lòng mong được cha tha thứ vì sự thờ ơ của con. Con xin lỗi vì đã không đưa cha đi đón gió biển nhiều hơn hay mang cho cha món dimsum mà cha yêu thích nhất hoặc chỉ đơn giản là con đã không đến thăm cha nhiều như những gì đáng nhẽ ra con nên làm. Nếu như có một điều mà con nuối tiếc và ân hận nhất, đó chính là việc đã che giấu sự tồn tại của cha trong cuộc sống của mình vì con vẫn là đứa bé ngày nào sợ bị bạn bè trêu chọc, khinh thường. Nhưng cha à, con yêu cha nhiều hơn những gì cha thấy và cha vẫn luôn là nguồn cảm hứng, là động lực của con mỗi ngày”
“Mọi người ai cũng đều ngưỡng mộ cha và cha biết điều đó. Cha luôn nở nụ cười trên môi và cười vào mặt mọi người nữa. Cha làm phiền mọi người rất nhiều nhưng dù thế nào đi nữa chúng con cũng yêu cha. Con hiểu rằng cha có những ngày tâm trạng tốt và những ngày tồi tệ. Những lúc như vật, cha chỉ muốn một mình, không cần ai cả, kể cả con. Nhưng mà đó mới chính là cha, cha là như vậy và điều đó thì chẳng sao cảCon có thể tiếp tục nói nhiều hơn nữa về cha nhưng nó sẽ quá dài. Chúc mừng sinh nhật lần thứ 50, cha ơi! Cảm ơn vì đã luôn gọi con là bé con duy nhất của cha bởi vì con sẽ luôn như vậy. Con mạnh mẽ và dũng cảm vì cha và con yêu cha nhiều lắm. Con nghĩ bây giờ con đã đủ lớn để bảo vệ mình trước những kẻ bắt nạt. Với tất cả tình yêu này, con gái của cha
**Người mắc hội chứng Down là người có dư Nhiễm sắc thể, nên họ hoàn toàn không thể có con. Cô con gái này là nhờ người mẹ cầu tự trên chùa Bề Đề, nhờ sư trụ trì làm phép mới có được. Phật pháp thật nhiệm màu mà công đức của sư ông thật vô lượng. Nam mô bổn sư đồng chí Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật
submitted by BedeCotu to VietNamNation [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Catsdonotfly What is the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone do in public?

submitted by Catsdonotfly to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 zoethesteamedbun Just landed a Retail Operations Manager role, any advice as someone starting in the busiest season?

Hi there! I went through 3 rounds of interviews and landed this job this week. I am excited but also a bit nervous. My last job I was an assistant associate manager for a large luxury retail company for about 2 years, I struggled if I’m being honest. I suffer from bad insomnia and I made a some small mistakes that lead to me being fired. (I forgot to seal the bag to the cash deposit one night and upon collection my director reported my mistake to the district manager, even though everything was accounted for). My associates also favored me over my management team because I corrected them in an empathetic and friendly manner, which I’ve been told comes off as “unconfident”. My management team thought I got the job because of pretty privilege and it was hard to get respect from them because of this.
I am now medicated for my insomnia and have worked on myself during my short break from work, I was honest about this with my new employer. I want to do the best I can do and not let my team down, I am basically the GM’s number 2 and I really want to be successful and prove to myself that I can do it this time. I’ll be working 50 hours a week and didn’t realize this until after they hired me, I am a bit daunted by that number.
Are there any habits I should really focus on in order to be most successful and productive at work? I do struggle with my adhd at times and I wonder if anyone else here has the same problem? My ex boss knew I am autistic and basically eluded to that fact on why I was unsuccessful… which isn’t something I can’t really change, but I’m always willing to work on. I don’t want my disorders to define me and the level of success I can achieve. Just really looking for some empathetic but realistic advice on the matter, it’s a huge company for 2nd hand retail and it will be their most successful store I will be managing in, I’m having a bit of imposter syndrome and just really want to get it right this time. Thank you for any and all advice!
submitted by zoethesteamedbun to managers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 halefish Does the game Mouthwashing work on whisky?

Just wanna maker sure since i read somewhere that whisky doesn’t run all steam games
submitted by halefish to macgaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Miserable-To-Be 25 M Germany/Europe - Looking for a fellow Seeker of the Truth

Hello and welcome to my post. I am at a point in my life at which I find myself without much companionship. I wish to remedy this and to find someone with whom I could form a meaningful and long-lasting bond. I am introverted and neurodivergent, I dislike large social gatherings and I certainly dislike friend groups. I suppose my definition of friendship goes beyond being able to spend time together in a merry way. I am struggling with life, with mental health and yet I strive to live better. I hope to find someone around my age in a similar boat. My ideal would be to find just one friend with whom we could navigate life's cliffs but of course such a thing cannot come spontaneuosly and is rather a goal of the far future. Bellow I will list-off my interests.
History. I have had an interest in history for almost a decade now, it started back in school and developed from there. Well, now that I think about it one could argue that it started even earlier in my life as I liked watching the odd historic documentary or film aired on television but it wasn't regular back then, I never actively sought it out. I am mostly interested in European history in the period between the 18th-20th century but I sometimes branch out to other time periods and other parts of the world. I watch various channels related to history and read articles and sometimes books. I have recently got a few books on the German revolution of 1848/1849 and a historical magazine on the Thirty Years' War. Besides that I try to visit museums sometimes.
Literature. Especially old novels. I like to immerse myself in the Worlds of these books, I tend to read them while listening to thematically fitting music and take my time with them. One time you are following a troubled Youth in his quest for spiritual understanding of the world, another you see the aged and decrepit Doctor gambling his very Soul on the promises of abtaining satisfaction in earthy pleasures, then again your olfaction notices the most pleasant scent known to man even as the one eminating it has the appearance of a revolting Frog (Can you guess it in your reply?). These and many other stories open up to you once you decide to set foot into the literary World.
Languages. I know three, with one being a bit rusty. I am currently working intently on strengthening it. I believe that if I continue to apply myself in this regard then I should be able to finally conquer it. What language am I working on? Well, if you were to stack all the major works in it they would be as tall as a house... It is fun to go through different works in multiple languages, the same goes for film, games and such.
Games. I recently played Cyberpunk 2077. Well as recently as I played any major story centric game. Now that the dust has settled and the bugs mostly removed...It's not that bad. The main questline at least. Besides that I tried Fallout 76 (Very average, I'm dissapointed with what they made the "RPG" system) and I might give Deus Ex Manking Divided another spin (since it's somewhat similar to Cyberpunk when it comes to its aesthetics). Dark Souls is one of my favorite series, I still haven't beaten Elden Ring though. When it came out I wasn't in the right mindset to invest a hundred hours into it, with all those bosses and difficult locations. I think I'll only consider playing it if I am streaming it to someone. I am generally interested in either streaming games or having the person I am talking to stream them to me. To be specific I mean streaming to a single person while being on call. Besides that I'm a big fan of Paradox strategy games, especially Europa Universalis IV and Heats of Iron IV, I tend to only play single player since I find multiplayer with many people to be rather stressful but on the other hand I have nothing against a co-op game. I'm not the best player though, despite the ammount of hours I have in them. Another great game I would mention would be Dragon's Dogma. A very underrated RPG. I recently beat it again and it was an atmospheric and interesting experience. It is one of those games that feel like they have an endless ammount of depth and constant new secrets to discover.
Anime and Manga. In recent times my interest in them has waned but I still watch the occasional series here and there. Some of my favourite series include: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note, Fate;Zero, Psycho Pass, Code Geass and Attack on Titan. I wouldn't mind if you were to introduce me to some new series, maybe based on the ones I mentioned. My favourite Manga is Berserk which I still follow, althought I am still not certain on the direction that the new author is taking. I suppose it really is a matter of contention whether a somewhat (or considerably warped) vision is better than an unfinished work. One could argue that a few novels remain unfinished and possess a macabre appeal to them as such.
Music. Classical music has a very special place in my heart. A few of my favourite pieces would be: Clair de Lune, Nocturne Op. 9 No.2, Devil's Trill Sonata, Danse Macabre, Valse Sentimentale, Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92: II. Alegreto (by Beethoven) and Suite from Swan Lake, Op. 20a: I. Scene. Moderato. There are more but these ones always invoke something in me when I listen to them. Besides Classical I also enjoy listening to Synthwave, old Western pop and J-pop, both modern and from the 20th century.
Spirituality. I have long since had an interest in all things mystical, magical, supernatural and overall esoteric.
That would be my interests. I ask that you write me a DM instead of a chat and that you put ''Sunlight'' as the title. Goodbye for now, I hope to encounter you my friend.
submitted by Miserable-To-Be to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Ok_Owl9708 Lemonade And Brownies (1995) era Sugar Ray

Lemonade And Brownies (1995) era Sugar Ray submitted by Ok_Owl9708 to numetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Riverforasong What's with the dude mowing the pretend lawn at the start of the show?

Just got back from the Windsor show, which was 10/10, but at the beginning of the show, where they played in AC/DC's thunderstruck in its entirety, there was a dude mowing the fake lawn the entire time? Is it a joke I missed? A reference I don't get? A hallucination that only I saw?
submitted by Riverforasong to MarianasTrench [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:40 Vendruscolo What is this?

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submitted by Vendruscolo to Pixelary [link] [comments]