day vs night date 🌸

2024.11.30 06:39 nolimetanginaa day vs night date 🌸

pink flatlay
submitted by nolimetanginaa to makeupflatlays [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Large_Tailor2410 you stare at me like you have never seen a walking Goddess before

you stare at me like you have never seen a walking Goddess before submitted by Large_Tailor2410 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 lucazismo [FOR HIRE] Commissions open! Half body character is $30 and a full body is $35! Please dm me for more info! ♥

[FOR HIRE] Commissions open! Half body character is $30 and a full body is $35! Please dm me for more info! ♥ submitted by lucazismo to ArtSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Creepy-Percentage792 Házak miért ilyen hatalmas ár különbséggel vannak?

Vásárhelyre költözünk és nagyon fontos nekünk,hogy a szék utcai iskola közelében vegyünk házat mert a feleségem nem vezet így az iskola 20perces séta távolságban legyen. Voltunk nézni pár házat de szinte ugyanazon áron lehet venni lakható vagy felújítandót! Viszont nagyon sok túl van árazva szerintünk. Rengeteg ház süllyed vagy repedezik és még is azon az áron adják amiért jobbat is lehet kapni. Sajnos nekünk is véges a keret mert max 35m-ért szeretnénk venni de már kezdjük feladni. Nem lehet olyan házat venni ami nem akar szét esni vagy a tető nem esne le? 40-50 között nagyon szépek vannak de nem hiszem el, hogy csak nagyon hibás vagy nagyon jók vannak. Előre is köszönöm a segítő hozzászólásokat.
submitted by Creepy-Percentage792 to Hodmezovasarhely [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 micayla503 This is so embarrassing but can someone fix my double chin lol

This is so embarrassing but can someone fix my double chin lol I’m the one on the left of Santa. My face looks terrible and I just want to see if someone could fix my double chin in the picture.
submitted by micayla503 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 gcordoves Looking for Toxel. Offering regionals or special edition pokemon

Looking for a Toxel. Can offer regionals or special event ones. If I have a spare I'm 100% willing to let it go
submitted by gcordoves to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 AlarmingAd6289 How much is my legs worth without the p226?

How much is my legs worth without the p226? submitted by AlarmingAd6289 to IGunPro2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Over-Maintenance9423 Consensus Manifold using an aggregate explicit/random/tagged list of models!
Didn't care for my Reasoning Manifold =>
... Fair enough. Now I create a UX that goes beyond imitating ChatGPT-o1. ie: it chooses whatever models you want (default is random =might cost you money), be it explicit model id's or chosen by tagging. Then the outputs of those models are aggregated into a single response (using the model of your choice).
Find it here =>
Wanna provide feedback to me in real time? Then join the open-webui discord and say, `I vote drinko`.
submitted by Over-Maintenance9423 to OpenWebUI [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Bourbonaddicted Hombre got unlimited CC limit

Hombre got unlimited CC limit submitted by Bourbonaddicted to formuladank [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 skibidiminion815 Why the hate

Why do people hate on bishop I honestly loved her as a character
submitted by skibidiminion815 to TheRookie [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Ragman1985 Uh oh! 🫢

Uh oh! 🫢 submitted by Ragman1985 to RedLetterMedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Pure_Option_1733 Do you generally care if someone makes eye contact when someone tries to make eye contact when you talk to them or if someone says “Thank you” when you do something nice for someone?

I was wondering if Autistic people in general are more flexible about whether or not a person they’re talking to makes eye contact or whether a person they are nice to says “thank you.” I feel like I don’t naturally mind if someone I do something nice for says “thank you,” and don’t really mind whether or not someone I’m talking to makes eye contact.
submitted by Pure_Option_1733 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 amiibo_card In shock.. Caught Raikou with one Poke ball

So I was running through route 37 to get back to Ecruteak City, and I ran into Raikou in the grass. Was totally unprepared, with around 6 pokeballs and a premier ball, and I had just made my Gengar forget mean look. Looked up the catch rate to see it was 0.4% to catch a Raikou at full health with a pokeball, so I just threw one for the hell of it. To my surprise, it catches in one regular pokeball.
submitted by amiibo_card to PokemonHGSS [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Certain_Ice_7903 Cập nhật tin về BRICS: đang rời xa chương trình nghị sự phi đô la hóa

Tổng thống Nga Vladimir Putin đã tự hào trưng bày một tờ tiền giả tại hội nghị thượng đỉnh lần thứ 16 ở Kazan năm nay. Liên minh BRICS đã làm rõ rằng tờ tiền này không chính thức và chỉ là một màn trình diễn do Putin trình bày. Màn kịch của một loại tiền tệ BRICS theo sau chương trình nghị sự phi đô la hóa của Nga để trốn tránh lệnh trừng phạt.
Tuy nhiên, chương trình nghị sự phi đô la hóa không có người hưởng ứng ngay cả trong số các thành viên BRICS hiện tại. Các quốc gia như Ấn Độ, Nam Phi và Brazil đang dần lùi bước khi bụi lắng xuống sau hội nghị thượng đỉnh. Chỉ có các quốc gia tuyệt vọng như Nga, Trung Quốc và Iran đang thúc đẩy phi đô la hóa bằng cách sử dụng BRICS làm bàn đạp.
BRICS: Kế hoạch phi đô la hóa của Nga và Trung Quốc không tìm được người hưởng lợi Không có sự phát triển nghiêm túc nào về việc ra mắt một loại tiền tệ BRICS mới đang hình thành trong khối. Việc hình thành một loại tiền tệ BRICS dựa trên sự đồng thuận và cần sự chấp thuận của tất cả các thành viên trước khi hình thành. Ấn Độ đã tách mình khỏi chương trình nghị sự phi đô la hóa mặc dù là thành viên của liên minh BRICS.
Ấn Độ cần đồng đô la Mỹ để tồn tại, vì nếu không có nó, mục tiêu trở thành nền kinh tế lớn thứ ba của nước này sẽ bị đình trệ. Nền kinh tế Ấn Độ gắn chặt với các doanh nghiệp tại Hoa Kỳ trong lĩnh vực CNTT, chứ không phải các nước BRICS khác. Sáng kiến ​​phi đô la hóa do các thành viên BRICS là Nga và Trung Quốc thúc đẩy sẽ chỉ cản trở nền kinh tế và doanh nghiệp của Ấn Độ.
Trung Quốc và Nga chỉ sử dụng khối BRICS để thúc đẩy chương trình nghị sự thống trị tài chính toàn cầu của họ. Ngay cả Iran cũng tham gia vào cuộc chơi khi nền kinh tế của họ bị ảnh hưởng bởi lệnh trừng phạt của Hoa Kỳ. Trong khi quá trình phi đô la hóa BRICS đang diễn ra chậm chạp, thì giờ đây nó đã trở thành một cách tiếp cận theo kiểu ‘tiến một bước và lùi hai bước’.
Các bước để phi đô la hóa là dài và khó khăn và nếu không có sự thống nhất từ ​​các thành viên, nó sẽ vẫn là một giấc mơ xa vời. Đồng đô la Mỹ có nhiều lợi ích hơn các loại tiền tệ khác vì nó có thể duy trì thị trường tiền tệ khắc nghiệt nhưng cạnh tranh.
Đúng là lũ độc tài anh em cây khế làm trò với nhau, thằng bang chủ bị thằng đàn em phản đúng nhục như chó :)))
ditme mod lồn giới hạn tự do ngôn luận bằng cách hạn chế đăng 1 bài/24h
submitted by Certain_Ice_7903 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Fezcansado Freshman-senior year wg

Freshman-senior year wg submitted by Fezcansado to slightwg [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Haze064 Need help with MG Zaku 2.0 Assembly

Need help with MG Zaku 2.0 Assembly First MG kit. These parts aren’t pushing all the way down, have I put them together wrong?
submitted by Haze064 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 NoDragonfly9921 35% Rule for Buying a Car Applicable in PH?

Most US-centric guides often recommend limiting your car budget to around 35% of your gross annual income. This means for me to comfortably afford a car worth 1M PHP (including costs like maintenance, fuel, insurance, etc.), I'd need to be earning roughly 220k PHP per month (220x13x.35 = ~1M).
Given how car prices here in the Philippines are significantly higher relative to average incomes, that figure feels pretty out of reach for most of us. What rule of thumb do you personally follow when deciding how much to spend on a car?
PS: there's also the 20-10-4 rule (20% DP, 10% of your income monthly, 4 years max) - but again, this might not be realistic based on my quick maffs.
submitted by NoDragonfly9921 to CarsPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 crystalquartz8 Dentist keeps pushing LANAP/gum surgery and will not do a deep cleaning

Hello. My dentist is hard pushing LANAP and/or LANAP. I don’t have the funds for it right now so I asked if we could do a deep cleaning because I never did one before and I feel like my gums would benefit from it regardless. However she disagreed and says it’s not enough to treat my problem. Should I go elsewhere?? Or is what she’s saying valid is it pointless for me to do a deep cleaning?
submitted by crystalquartz8 to PeriodontalDisease [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Sug1258 I successfully cleared my professional exam while dressed as a G-man ✅ 🏆💼

I successfully cleared my professional exam while dressed as a G-man ✅ 🏆💼 I'm happy to announce that I passed my professional exam wearing the outfit of G-man I wasn't planning to wear that but at the end, I succeeded
submitted by Sug1258 to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 PuzzleheadedLake6898 I would love some suggestions

I would love suggestions on what I should build in my town I want try my luck on extra large lot I appreciate any feedback on pictures for inspiration 😊
submitted by PuzzleheadedLake6898 to simsfreeplay [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 InevitableCold9872 MAKE. IT. FAMOOOOUUSUS!

submitted by InevitableCold9872 to repost [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Nexdro Working from home with a 10 month old feeling trapped and bored

Hi dads,
I am a 39 y old guy who has been working full time for the past 3 years and now I/we have a little precious 10 month old baby girl.
I gotta say, I am f-ing bored our of my f-ing skull and now, the bad weather has made it worse.
I work from Monday to Friday...I wake up, drink coffee...start wakes up...take over for a bit so the wife can eat and have coffee in peace...go back to the evening after work I'm pretty wiped cause we have insane work volume. I stay with the baby some more and at 7 PM we do her bath time stuff...8 PM I'm technically free. At that time I either play some games for a while on my PS in bed or watch a movie with my wife and the sleep and rinse and repeat.
During weekends...we usually did some barbeques and had friends over but the past months we got all increasingly busy and now the bad weather makes it even harder to see them.
I also gave up alcohol two months ago to be more healthy. Before when the weekend came, I would pour some bourbon, light a fire in my brick barbeque, watch the fire, have my drink while listening to some old music but now I don't have that. (tried it without the just doesn't do it for me anymore)
Then I said, ok...I need to find something else to do during the weekend so I got a friend and we started going to play ping pong (we used to play a lot before babies and stuff) but he recently started being busy over the weekend so we kind of stopped doing that as well.
I am increasingly starting to feel more like a drone and while I don't forget that I am blessed for having my job, my house, my wife and my baby...I am bored as shit.
Used to be active, working out, dropping by my friends to see them, had BBQs etc. I wasn't going to bars or clubs or whatever...but was active and now I feel like I might as well be on a f-ing island. (we live outside the city too).
I wanted to start going to the office but wife needs me at home as I give her breaks from the baby during the day so she can go to the bathroom and do some quick chores. And I don't blame her...well I kinda do. (Btw, we live in Europe and wife has 2 years paid time off to take care of the baby)
Is anyone else in a similar position and if yes, how did you make it better?
TL:DR - Dad working from home for past 3 years feeling increasingly bored and saturated with the routine consisting of WFH, baby, house chores, rinse and repeat.
submitted by Nexdro to AskDad [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 cerberus_210 He understood the assignment!

submitted by cerberus_210 to Entomology [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 lucazismo [FOR HIRE] Commissions open! Half body character is $30 and a full body is $35! Please dm me for more info! ♥

[FOR HIRE] Commissions open! Half body character is $30 and a full body is $35! Please dm me for more info! ♥ submitted by lucazismo to Artistsforhire [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:39 Yada_Yada1 Want to post something besides mushrooms but 🤷‍♀️

submitted by Yada_Yada1 to ghiblivibes [link] [comments]