$CATI let’s pump it and be rich together! Let’s pump it to 1000%

2024.11.30 06:22 See_me_7777 $CATI let’s pump it and be rich together! Let’s pump it to 1000%

$CATI let’s pump it and be rich together! Let’s pump it to 1000% submitted by See_me_7777 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 nihoc003 Does this look concerning? I'm panicking

I just noticed this birthmark and I'm freaking out. It was evenly colored before.
I recently starting doing ipl treatments. Idk if i maybe burned it?
submitted by nihoc003 to skincancer [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 Salt_Policy9894 This might sound silly, but I have started using ChatGPT as a way to generate ideas for my video essays.

I use it as a way to have conversations with it about my ideas video essays, clarify ideas, ask it to suggest appropriate sources, which I then use to write my essay down. Once I am done writing, I ask chatgpt to clarify and strengthen the essay. Idk if this is a good thing, which is why I am looking for opinions.
submitted by Salt_Policy9894 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 IceAccomplished4011 Anyone know rupali ganguly

submitted by IceAccomplished4011 to PalakkSindhwani [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 ServiceSea5003 Offering: Native English Seeking: Chinese, Korean

Hello, I'm 21F looking for a language exchange partner who would be willing to talk 1-2 times a week for at least an hour. We could take turns speaking each language or do crosstalk. I'm interested in learning Chinese or Korean culture and want to become intermediate in both languages. I'm more comfortable with people my age but will accept 18-30 years old. Thank you.
submitted by ServiceSea5003 to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 DesignerMiddle7555 AITA for not wanting to move out of my shared flat with my ex?

Hey, First time poster and kinda desperate tbh. So my ex and i were somewhat high school sweethearts. We were longdistance for a bit (we were already together for 5 years at that point) and are now living together for over a year. While we fought a bit, i had the impression things were good now. Now i am on holidays on another continent and he just send me a 5 minutes voice memo, telling me he doesnt love me anymore and he wants to be alone. He is so cold towards me and just expects me to move out of our shared flat, because he is the one going to university in the city we live in. For same added context I had a bad burnout at the beginning of the year and couldnt move or really interact with people for a while. I am searching for a new job rn. So i am in no financial position to just up and move. I know that sounds stupid bc i am on holiday right now but it was non refundable and my friends are supporting me bc they wanted me to have fun after a horrible year. I really got used to the city we moved to and fell in love with our little home. He knows that at first i did not like the city but grew to like it and now he is using it as an argument why i should move out immediately He just completely changed over night and seemingly has no empathy towards me or my parents (he told my mum before me and her heart is shattered, she loves him like a son) How do i interact with him? Should i just give up the flat? Thank you and sorry for the rant
submitted by DesignerMiddle7555 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 coincave_xyz Cut the deck? More like cut my nerves! 🃏💀

Cut the deck? More like cut my nerves! 🃏💀 submitted by coincave_xyz to CoinCave_xyz [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 DepartmentUnusual425 (clown fish) birde fish

(clown fish) birde fish submitted by DepartmentUnusual425 to deeeepioskins [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 Wide-Hearing836 If this isn't allowed please delete

So I've got a bug where when I have a romantic hangout with Judy at the mega building apartment, when I go to sit next to Judy on the couch she teleports over to the mirror and does one of her mirror animations even though I'm over on the couch. Does anyone know any way to fix this? I'm on PS5
submitted by Wide-Hearing836 to FollowersofCyberJudy [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 EnderKrieger33 Need advice

Hello I have seen a lot of people on this subreddit get great advice on how to advance theyr profile, so I wantet to ask in what direction I should go with my profile and what I should do next.
Thank you all in advance for your answers and I wantet to appologize for my bad english since it is not my first language.
submitted by EnderKrieger33 to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 Common_Piglet_916 I Lost All My Feelings 🦑

I Lost All My Feelings 🦑 submitted by Common_Piglet_916 to pillsndchill [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 Diamonds__Emeralds Tarot readings !!

I have a keen interest toward Tarot! I’ve been to multiple readers over the years , I’ve been to the best of them to get a reading and to get guidance and clarity about my future. Unfortunately none of them have been true for me. I see it has been true and real for others around me but not the same in my case. Any idea why this is not working for me.
submitted by Diamonds__Emeralds to TarotReadersOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 Long_Sea_5029 Reddit's general dating advice when it comes to men and women.

Man having problems with a woman: "Talk to her. Communication is key."
Woman has problems with man: "Dump his ass. He's no good."
submitted by Long_Sea_5029 to datingadviceformen [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 Dexter_glazer Order?

Order? Canna river is not strong enough and fvkd is alright but they taste horrible imo I want something different so lmk y’all’s opinion I checked coa’s and they seemed ok
submitted by Dexter_glazer to delta8resellers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 BubbleGummy79 Very nice view

submitted by BubbleGummy79 to Satisfyingasfuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 Wooden_Ad5461 Has science gone too far

Like who had this idea? And then who approved it?
submitted by Wooden_Ad5461 to melbourne [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 GoddessSparks What's a seemingly small thing in your daily routine that instantly boosts your mood?

submitted by GoddessSparks to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 somebodyplzhelpme Motherboard lights turn on and fans turn on for a millisecond when I press the power button

I just bought basically all the parts for a new rig except I’m keeping my same graphics card
850W power Z790-A Motherboard 14700kf cpu 2x32 gb ram gskill trident z5 And the existing 3070 TI
The motherboard lights stay on permanently but the when I press the power button on the tower the fans give a little flick and then nothing. The mother board lights stay on but nothing else works.
I think it could be my cpu but I can’t tell the shape of the cpu itself looks a little bent but it is brand new
I’m going to take it to microststion or somewhere else for repairs but I work monday and they probably won’t fix it before the weekend finishes
submitted by somebodyplzhelpme to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 moondust574 Canadian Rail Projects?

This would be the first time passenger rail in Alberta has been considered an since the 90's after being cut by Brian Mulroney.
https://www.alberta.ca/passenger-rail-engagement This is a viability survey. If it concerns you, provide your feedback!
submitted by moondust574 to trains [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 TonyDARK29 Assistance Please

Assistance Please If anyone can be so kind to assist me in completing these albums, as I am so close to finishing, and it’s been such a struggle as you all may know, I would greatly appreciate it.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/W7bx5lyw6GY
submitted by TonyDARK29 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 ImnotweirdamI Idk

submitted by ImnotweirdamI to fakealbumcovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 CuriousCat1331 Help for getting out of the grief cycle

Any advice for finally getting to Acceptance?
Being a "born in" means you have been in a cult your entire life. Leaving means walking away from everything and everyone you have ever known. Including your family. Instead of grieving the death of someone, it is grieving the loss of your entire existence.
I am so much happier now that I am out. But I'm still stuck. The cycle of anger, bargaining, and depression won't stop.
Things would be so much easier if my parents weren't PIMIs. They are elderly and have no friends outside the org. I have seen first hand how you are treated when a family member is disfellowshipped. Shunned, marked, ostracized. Whatever you want to call it. I can't put them through that with their current situation. I'm not close with my parents. But I'm also not a monster, throwing them to the wolves of these so-called Christians .
Trying to break free of this cult feels absolutely impossible. I'm not free to be myself. I have to hide who I am. It's exhausting.
I'm stuck in the cycle of grief. I'm angry. I want to bargain my way to freedom. I'm depressed that I can't. How can I get to acceptance? Does anyone have advice? I'm getting to my end.
submitted by CuriousCat1331 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 Sure-Possibility-414 How much would anyone pay

How much would anyone pay Hi Guys,
How much would anyone be willing to pay
submitted by Sure-Possibility-414 to pokemoncardselling [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 sacrodude Here some stuff ig

Here some stuff ig submitted by sacrodude to ActionFigures [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 06:22 peach_snowflake i’m really curious to know everyone’s top 3 tracks on this album

i’m really curious to know everyone’s top 3 tracks on this album i’ll go first 1.Space Bound 2.Cold Wind Blows 3.Not Afraid
( honourable mention Almost Famous)
submitted by peach_snowflake to Eminem [link] [comments]
