My Facebook was suspended, then disabled... someone attached their insta to my facebook

2024.11.30 10:40 Titmando My Facebook was suspended, then disabled... someone attached their insta to my facebook

My Facebook account wasn't connected to my Instagram account, someone was able to add their Instagram to my Facebook with out me so much as getting a notification to warn me or ask me if this was me.
I've emailed several addresses most return did not receive messages, some of them just give you an automated response and one or two a human replies with generic "this is not out department" use the self help guides... which just give you the run around, I did get the appeal button once when I tried to add my Facebook to my actual Instagram, that button has now gone again presumably because my account is now disabled, hopefully not permanently.
I filed with small claims court in the UK and contacted the ICO the other day to inform them of Facebooks breach of data laws regarding subject access request, I was able to log into a suspended message and a timer, now all I get is disabled account messages. I don't have META verified and I'm in a queue to get it apparently, I think they might of realised the shit show they have and decided to not give out META anymore who knows.
But any way fingers crossed I get a response, will update asap.
submitted by Titmando to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Suspicious_Front_477 Zacian on me 131217126892

submitted by Suspicious_Front_477 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 r1cko Stalker 2 game pass on geforce now - crashing when loading save.

I tried lowering my settings, disabling dlss and lowering res, nothing works always the same result. I only had 2 of my saves because if i had any more then it wont even sync. 20 hours shat down the drain
submitted by r1cko to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 favorite-white Collaboration with a convenience store called Family Mart.

Collaboration with a convenience store called Family Mart. submitted by favorite-white to GojoSatoruFanclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Nerofin Tür Kette entfernen

Tür Kette entfernen Hier wurde vor einiger Zeit diese Türkette professionell zerstört. Habt ihr eine Idee wie ich das ganze am besten/einfachsten entferne?
submitted by Nerofin to selbermachen [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Big-Shopping6233 Planning to visit Church Street

Hey, we are a group of 4-5 college boys (aged 19-20) visiting Church Street. If any group of girls visiting there,could do us a favor by helping us get a couple entry, it would be greatly appreciated. Time around 7-8 pm
submitted by Big-Shopping6233 to bangalore [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Greene_Gatsby Overlord: The sacred kingdom

I have the movie and those who wants to watch , esewa me than I will sent you the link ..
submitted by Greene_Gatsby to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Estuary_Accent Mephone's future

I feel like he could get into writing books, cause he clearly is very creative when it comes to making characters with story arcs. Maybe 3GS is an illustrator and they could do it together.
submitted by Estuary_Accent to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 FLNguy Já?

Já? submitted by FLNguy to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Attempt_pe_attempt Kya iss community m aisa koi h jiski AIR aai ho ya who think they could get in coming exam?

Share ur experience or thoughts.
submitted by Attempt_pe_attempt to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 DependentComplete5 how it started and how it’s going

 how it started and how it’s going Pls don’t judge my balcony they make a mess
submitted by DependentComplete5 to pigeon [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Angelosaba9 Non so più come svoltare la mia vita

Compio 26 anni oggi, lavoro insieme ai miei genitori in ristorante e mi ritengo bravo in ciò che faccio, ma da due anni a questa parte ho capito di non voler fare questo mestiere per tutta la vita perché tra pandemia e lavoro ho perso quelli che potevano essere gli ultimi anni da persona “non adulta”. Ho provato a fare per due volte il concorso per la polizia (era un mio sogno nel cassetto),ma ho sempre fallito buttandomi a terra col morale e facendomi sentire il primo degli stupidi. Fuori dal lavoro sono una persona molto introversa, non sono il massimo della socialità, ho una ragazza che è l’opposto di me, ha problemi con l’alcool e una sorta di dipendenza dalla discoteca (è andata a ballare anche la notte del mio compleanno mentre io me ne tornavo a casa da solo). Non è facile la situazione con lei perché minaccia sempre velatamente che senza di me lei si toglierebbe la vita. Ho la convinzione che i nostri amici siano amici miei solo perché sono il suo ragazzo, ho paura che mi vedano come quello che la tiene legata al guinzaglio nonostante io le faccia fare tutto quello che vuole e mi fido di lei. In tutto ciò ho una paura matta di deludere i miei genitori e dirgli che non riesco più a continuare con questa vita. Mi sento in trappola, a 26 anni mi sento vecchio per tutto, per iniziare l’università, per trovare un nuovo lavoro che mi sostenga, mi sento vecchio per cambiare vita drasticamente.
submitted by Angelosaba9 to psicologia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 TwinklingCupcakes help us name our newly adopted baby boy

help us name our newly adopted baby boy submitted by TwinklingCupcakes to NameMyDog [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Gremlyn99 Looking for some advice

One of our lovely cats has gotten bowel cancer. Went in for surgery and they said he was too far gone and only had a week to live. 3 months have gone by since then and he’s still going, which is great! But the guy has constant diarrhoea and just dribbles everywhere he goes, it runs down his legs and he smells awful, the house is constantly mopped up because he’s leaking. I’m sure there’s gotta be something that could help, some way of keeping him clean, anyone got anything?
submitted by Gremlyn99 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 E1331 YOOOOOOOO THIS IS SO EPIC 💪💪

YOOOOOOOO THIS IS SO EPIC 💪💪 submitted by E1331 to Silksong [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 ChickenBeautiful7912 Help

Can i get discord link of "the detective is already dead"
submitted by ChickenBeautiful7912 to DetectiveAlreadyDead [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 highlander145 Is realiable for medical donations in India?

submitted by highlander145 to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 SD_19xx Swan Irene (by Jacknife, you know who)

Swan Irene (by Jacknife, you know who) submitted by SD_19xx to arknights [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 Striking_Aspargus Garmin Sweden has sweet deals on Epix Pro Gen 2 line up.

Garmin Sweden has sweet deals on Epix Pro Gen 2 line up. submitted by Striking_Aspargus to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 V-Annexin Pushpa 2 ticket prices are gonna be too costly

Pushpa 2 ticket prices are gonna be too costly submitted by V-Annexin to tollywood [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 AdBudget6788 ASK

Hej everyone, hope English is ok while I still learn danish.
I have setup Nordnet recently to invest using ASK, I have my approved ETF picked.
Can I just purchase the maximum allowable amount straight from the ETF section on Nordnet? I want to obviously avail of the tax benefits of ASK but of course want to do it right. I cannot get the app to translate from danish so, it’s not much help. Thanks
submitted by AdBudget6788 to dkfinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 BadAccomplished165 Video of me on social media now can't sleep

2 weeks ago we had a function, I helped people get organized and our main speaker was gone so I offered to take over as all other workers were arguing over it. During this speech the odd child ran up and was just there so people began recording. I am so embarrassed, I have spent 8 years not having facebook, not having photos taken, and avoiding all social functions. Taking measures to avoid facebook. Then this happens. I keep waking up at night feeling incredibly stressed.
submitted by BadAccomplished165 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 wgamerxt Why the fk every song from mainstream rappers need to be about how they are so good/rich and their ops are losers what about songs like these

Why the fk every song from mainstream rappers need to be about how they are so good/rich and their ops are losers what about songs like these submitted by wgamerxt to IndianHipHopHeads [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 LiveYourLifeNerd Projectile Invalid

For some reason i will never understand the project invalids in this game, they did use to be even more common & horrible but I've noticed if you shoot someone and in the process of hitting them you get downed, for some reason the bullets you shot don't register?
It happened to me on many occasions i have a clip of myself db'ing a guy TWICE before dropping but all shots from 2nd bullet were projectile invalid because i got downed? (In the clip all of the shots, sound everything was before i got downed)
submitted by LiveYourLifeNerd to playrust [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:39 PedroPCX Does anyone know if I can run Marvel Rivals with an MX130? (I have 16 RAM and an 8th generation i5)

submitted by PedroPCX to marvelrivals [link] [comments]