2024.11.30 10:50 eddino55 Marchment gets 3 points, Stars hold off Avalanche | NHL.com
submitted by eddino55 to freefantasylgueswchat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 Agent_Kozak [IIL] True Crime YT Channels with a creepy vibe and good narration like Lazy Masquerade, Cadaber, Real Horror & Scary Interesting
Hi all, my insatiable quest for new channels has lead me here haha. I'm looking for YT channels that discuss true crime, mysterious disappearrances and other strange occurrences (No Paranormal stuff though!!!!!) in the vain of the channels above, with a specific focus on channels that a are similar to Lazy Masquerade. Lazy, for me the OG channel for this type of content - the cases, the manner in which the material is presented, excellent narration and unnerving music in the background.
I understand this is quite specific but any help would be much appreciated.
submitted by Agent_Kozak to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 AutoModerator Welcome Newcomers! Introduce yourselves :)
Tell the brand new community a little bit about yourself and and what you hope or expect to see on this sub. What are your favorite trends and what are you hoping to see in the future?
submitted by AutoModerator to futuristicfaces [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 Wis_eMAN Fuck
submitted by Wis_eMAN to CartelKills [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 PatatMetPindakaas Wie zou dit gevecht winnen?
submitted by PatatMetPindakaas to cirkeltrek [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 Zealousideal_Row_562 Why do people not like bullet drop? Is it really so bad to quit the game?
I started in Chp 5 S1 and have been loving the game since then, but people keep saying that the chapter sucks just because of bullet drop? I have asked and people just say its bad because its different than other chapters, so is there an actual reason or do people just wanna play OG?
submitted by Zealousideal_Row_562 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 Nnobods I need money
Hello i want to get a service pet and i need money i am asking for gigs i have all social media platforms (tiktok facebook instagram twitter messenger reddit) i have a lot of free time i do digital portraits i speak atabic english and french all FLUENTLY if you need a social media manager somebody to post for you ill do anything
submitted by Nnobods to RemoteJobHunters [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 LongFarmer1810 Are there import tarrifs from Australia to the UK for clothes?
As the title says. I've spent >200 on come clothes from an Aussie brand and totally forgot about import tarrifs. I vaguely remember there being a free trade agreement signed but I don't know any specifics. Id appreciate any help
submitted by LongFarmer1810 to AskUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 Exostrike Is there any point to actually signing up to an estate agent?
All they seem to do is add you to a generic mailing list showing places you can't afford in places you don't want.
Am I missing something here or am I just not worth it for EA to bother with?
submitted by Exostrike to HousingUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 InternationalMouse30 28f
My recent post got deleted and the mods said to upload without makeup.i uploaded without makeup and with makeup . I'm struggling with body dysmorphia. Is there something wrong in me? submitted by InternationalMouse30 to amiugly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 Flamyngoo It's so annoying CS is one of the hardest industries to "get out of the 9-5"
Hello, what I mean by the title is:
if you are an electrician, or plumber or similar, you will usually start working for someone, then years later you probably will try to go on your own and start your own business, doing mostly the same but on your terms, with this of course come sacrifices and shitton of work, but also rewards if everything goes correctly. Atleast thats how it looks from my perspective when I look at my friends in those fields.
But fuck how do you even do this in CS. The only way i see it is becoming the next Zuckerberg and trying to solo or almost solo release an app that goes big. The chances of that happening tho especially nowdays are basically 0.
You could start a company and offer integration with something to other businesses or some SaaS programs but also whatever you come up with it probably already exists.
As someone years in the industry I am starting to get sick of working for the suits who are getting richer on me . I really shouldn't complain, I do my job, I get paid decently, But it feels so soulless and worthless. Like a cog in the machine that ultimately doesn't matter. With 0 footprint around me.
Has anyone here tried going on their own? Did it work out?
submitted by Flamyngoo to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 Apprehensive_Day212 Dragon Age Morrigan by Mureh
I looked and it seems the source is no longer available. submitted by Apprehensive_Day212 to FemaleFantasyArt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 tianacolonn Laptop or iPad
I am a prospective student of USYD 2025 studying a Bachelor of Veterinary Bioscience and am debating whether I should get the MacBook Pro or an iPad?
submitted by tianacolonn to usyd [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 Nervous-Amoeba9315 Can we please acknowledge SpongeBobs pet clam “Shelley”?
submitted by Nervous-Amoeba9315 to spongebob [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 Major-Cheetah8030 Yoo I am bored let's talk
I always wondered do people even respond back like I have replied to many comments when people ask like "let's talk" or something like that but I never got their response back so I was wondering do people even response,dm me any time I M19 love reading manga,novel/anime, sketching waiting to have a good and fun talk
submitted by Major-Cheetah8030 to chat [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 SkyhunterPL Paul Aron will be our Reserve Driver for 2025 season!
submitted by SkyhunterPL to AlpineF1Team [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 Possible-Lost289 Das schlimmste an Sozialphobie mit möglichem Autismus ist, dass man bei jedem Menschen wieder bei 0 anfängt
Ich habe die Ansicht, dass soziale Phobie wie ein Feuer ist, an dem man sich nur verbrennen kann. Ich kann versuchen, zu den zu mir schädlichen Menschen so viel Abstand wie möglich zu halten und eine gewisse Distanz zu schaffen, aber bei jedem neuen Menschen oder jedem neuen Versuch, den ich einem Menschen gebe, fängt alles wieder von vorne an. Und durch meine ungeklärte Störung (eventuell ist es Autismus, der Vordiagnose habe ich schon mehrmals erhalten) bringe ich mich spätestens nach wenigen Monaten immer wieder in die gleiche Lage. Ein positiven Verhältnis zu einem Menschen zu haben, dass über Monate geht, sofern man die Person mehrmals die Woche sieht, ist ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit bei mir. Aus vergangenen Situationen lerne ich/werde nicht abgehärteter.
submitted by Possible-Lost289 to autismus [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 Jumpy-Reindeer4103 New subliminal channel
Hey guys, i just started a new subliminal channel. ( https://youtube.com/@pahiii222?si=j6fKKRZ3QYhPHaFh )I put in a lot of effort and was as specific with the affirmations as possible so you can manifest them easily and quickly. I need feedback on my videos so please kindly check them out <3 lemme know if they helped XOXO
submitted by Jumpy-Reindeer4103 to Subliminalmarketing [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 uwuguccigang Playing some Atlyss
submitted by uwuguccigang to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 _WETLOOK_ Wetlook girl in jeans and sweatshirt gets wet in the pool
submitted by _WETLOOK_ to WetlookVideo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 EconomicsStrange1854 Oh no
submitted by EconomicsStrange1854 to agedlikemilk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 EmmaT06 Is my face lovely?
submitted by EmmaT06 to LovelyFace [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:50 omidcrfx Issue with TradingView Subscription Payment and Poor Support Access
Hi everyone,
I recently tried to purchase a TradingView Premium subscription using Tether (USDT), but I ran into a serious issue. After completing the payment, I received an error saying:
"Your payment has expired. Please return to the previous page to make a new payment."
However, the transaction was fully processed, and the amount was successfully transferred.
The payment system used on TradingView's site is Triple-A, and they’ve been completely unresponsive to my emails. On top of that, TradingView’s support system is frustrating. You can’t submit a ticket unless you already have a subscription! So, if your issue is with subscribing, you’re stuck.
This situation is incredibly disappointing. I’ve been trying to get this resolved, but there’s no clear way to reach support for help. For a platform as big as TradingView, this kind of user experience is unacceptable.
submitted by omidcrfx to TradingView [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 Null_Disaster DM here, need some assistance with brainstorming a puzzle for a low-level party.
I'm currently DMing a level 4 campaign with a decently large party. Last session, they locked themselves in a cellar - alongside 2 mid-range NPCs - in order to escape dying to an undead plague stuck on the surface. The building whose cellar they have locked themselves into is within a fairly populated city.
Assume that the cellar has the following aspects within it: A large pile of crates, a number of stacked bottles, some smashed furniture, and various barrels. Dim lighting comes from a lantern attached from the ceiling, and a winding staircase in the corner provides an exit outside. A device (as of yet not described) sits at the far end, which I plan to use for the party to get out. The issue is that I'm not quite sure what type of puzzle I should present, so looking for ideas.
One extra piece of info. Unknown to the party and NPCs, there is a secret study / room behind one of the cellar's walls. This can lead off to other escape paths / tunnels under the city.
Any assistance/ideas appreciated, no matter if they don't exactly fit.
submitted by Null_Disaster to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:50 sunbather124 What are your thoughts when looking at this composite? Good and the bad are welcome!
https://preview.redd.it/vex7ldt3r04e1.png?width=1394&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa589576f74b98318bfd6410c4e91da4e4393435 submitted by sunbather124 to AstroSynastry [link] [comments] |