2024.11.30 10:40 notyourlands When I knew my girl is in trouble
submitted by notyourlands to gameofthrones [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Some_Ad3249 [For Hire] A Student (Full Stack Dev and Graphic Designer) offering services at best prices!
Im Jenn, a student who is a graphic designer+full stack developer been in this for good 5 years. I am capable to create unique websites whether Custom or CMS. I also do NDA if its required.
I can design and develop premium quality logos, websites, mobile/web UI, flyers, brochures and much more check feedback of my previous clients below.
Check my client's reviews: testimonials
Design Portfolio: HERE IS MY PORTFOLIO
Fixed Rate:
$55-$60 for (logos/flyers/business cards). $189 for website.
Hourly Rate: Hourly rate is $15/hr
My expertise are: •Adobe illustrator - 4 years2024.11.30 10:40 The_worlds_doomed Can you get a pick up van ie a ford ranger on the nhs leasing scheme?
On a salary sacrifice, I know it’s classed as a van so I’m not sure?
submitted by The_worlds_doomed to nhs [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Loukaret47 Is there any positive post about ml here?
Is there???
submitted by Loukaret47 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Bored_Reddit-Guy Strength of people in the cardinal world
How strong are people in tensura exactly for eg the crusaders , temple knights or harpies , beastmen hobgoblins etc where do they scale and what human weaponry would be needed to kill or beat each rank/threat level of tensura guns,missiles etc submitted by Bored_Reddit-Guy to TenseiSlime [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:40 atiifqadri Industry blackballing SOS?
One thing I understood today is that everything you see and follow is biased.
SOS dropped a masterpiece, but how many reaction channels, news channels, and hip-hop pages covered it? I think close to zero.
This is completely because they're biased and will pull their pants down for the mainstream artists who give me good money to stay biased for them.
Clearly, these big artists don't want underdogs to grow. Just want to stay relevant in this scene and show their monopoly.
submitted by atiifqadri to IndianHipHopHeads [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 bustedyeti [ENTRY] Springbok - Crazy Crop - 500+ Pieces
Scrambling to get away from the Thanksgiving feast 🤣 Fun and quick puzzle! submitted by bustedyeti to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:40 feetyourlick Make me your bitch
submitted by feetyourlick to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Harry_GMR Woah!!!! Series &!! I LOVE THEM. I called them Ticky and BimbleGrub :)
submitted by Harry_GMR to itemLabel [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Luz-Sheppard Neighbor kid started a new business and I’m his first customer.
submitted by Luz-Sheppard to spreadsmile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:40 SussyHotDawg Fortnite players be grateful edition
Just checked ch6 and it will be an awesome season theres like cool features boss are in it and WHY ARE THEY SAYING ItS NoT OgG FoRtNiTe
Like bro....
submitted by SussyHotDawg to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 LividCaterpillar1288 Evangelion reference 🫢
It’s the song Komm Susser Tod :pp submitted by LividCaterpillar1288 to NineSols [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:40 bruehdiger Muh royal blue interior
Finally found a steering wheel in the right colour with wood, that didn't cost a house.
submitted by bruehdiger to MercedesW220 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Evtime-Better31 First apple watch ever, can't decide between the S10 and S9
It's the first time I'm gonna purchase an apple watch, I'm I can't decide whether to go for the S10 or the S9. I understand, that it's better to go for the latest product, to get some extra years of support, since an apple watch is not something you every other month.
But I can't see much difference between the two models. Also right night, where I live the S9 GPS + Cellular is at 400 euros while S9 GPS only is at 480 euros.
I don't have the budget to go for titanium etc .. so what would you do if you were in my place ?
submitted by Evtime-Better31 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Dangerous-Soup-5875 November book-haul part 2
submitted by Dangerous-Soup-5875 to Indianbooks [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 PukeyOwlPellet Night of Hecate at the Crossroads
My alter for Mother, probably the last time I’ll have it set up at this house. I’m moving soon & I’ll miss the beautiful energy of this rural place between a forest & a crossroad/suburbia. This house is between the natural and unnatural worlds.
However I’m co-habbing with my abusive ex & get to move out in 3 weeks! I’m very much looking forward to the path that lies ahead of me & my child. I placed the tea lights on the left to represent all I’ve been through & the lights on the right for the path ahead. Funny the ones ‘behind’ me are quite dim!
🖤🖤🖤 Hail Hecate 🖤🖤🖤
Here is my prayer to Her for this night:
Hecate Enodia, by your will and guidance, may i walk down the right life path. Hecate Lampadios, by your light and direction, may i be on my way. Hecate Brimô, may you kick my ass if i deviate from the path and turn a blind eye to my way out of ignorance and fear. Hecate Pasikrateia, by your grace and strength, may i stand unshaken. Hecate Tartarouchos, by your depth and might, may i consume and restrain those who would do harm onto my child. Hecate my Mother, these are my prayers and hopes for the year to come.
submitted by PukeyOwlPellet to Hecate [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Jonathan_B52 [Identity] What is Jamie Carragher wearing?
submitted by Jonathan_B52 to Watches [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:40 ilySyl Han soñado con su propia muerte o con la de algún familiar?
Bueno no se si sea algo raro o poco común pero en mi familia algunos han soñado con parientes, amigos y conocidos días antes de su fallecimiento.
Es un poco difícil de explicar ya que hablar de esto me pone un poco mal, no suelo hablar mucho de esto ya que cuando lo hago siento frío, miedo, ansiedad e incomodidad. Bueno hace unos años comencé a soñar con personas cercanas a mi y todo bastante tranquilo, hasta que inicio la pandemia de covid, estar tiempo encerrado me afecto un poco en todo pero me trajo estos sueños donde veia a una persona que estaba pasando por un momento crítico o su salud está muy mal, estos se volvieron muy frecuentes despues de que mi abuela falleciera. Pensé que era algo pasajero pero hoy en día sigo teniendo ese tipo de "sueños" donde la paso pésimo ya que siempre me despertaba de golpe con lagrimas en los ojos, temblando, sintiendo miedo, sintiendo a algo o a alguien a mi lado, hace no más de 4 semanas soñé con un familiar y por desgracia fallecio. Cuando me enteré de lo que paso me sentí pésimo por que era una persona que recuerdo desde que iba a la primaria ya que como tenía locales de juguetes siempre me regalaba algún juguete pequeño cuando pasaba con mi mamá, fue una persona muy importante a la que siempre recordaré con muchísimo cariño, el día que falleció ella le dijo a su hermana que mi abuelita había ido por ella, esto me lo contó mi mamá ya que ella le estaba ayudando con lpercibir.
Algo que añadir fue que el día que le dieron santa sepultura al llevarse el cajón (caja funebre), la cruz de rosas y las coronas, las personas que se quedaron a hacer comida para las personas que asistieron, entre ellas mi mamá y mi madrina dijeron que escucharon un quejido suave pero fácil de persivir.
También me llego a pasar en reiteradas ocasiones fue soñar con mi propia muerte y esta la tengo bien grabada ya que al soñar con mucha frecuencia sobre ella me la aprendí de memoria y aquí se las cuento.
Todo inicia en la tarde noche yo estoy saliendo de mi casa para ir a un bar con unos amigos ya que es mi cumpleaños, al pasar el rato yo me retiro ya que había quedado de ir con mi mamá para cenar, al salir del bar comienzo a sentir dolores en el corazón pero sigo con mi camino solo que en un abrir y cerrar de ojos me caigo al suelo pero tengo algo clavado en el abdomen. Ahí siempre terminaba el sueño, por tantos sueños así yo comencé a dejar de salir tanto por miedo ya que ver tu muerte o sentir que te mueres da miedo y es algo que no puedes evitar.
En ese tiempo estuve saliendo por las noches a caminar también que eso me calmaba y por alguna extraña razón ir a un campo santo (panteon,cementerio) me hacía sentir tranquilo pero al salir del campo santo me sentía observando, cada que volteaba no veía a nadie y siempre estaba solo. Al llegar a mi casa mi mamá siempre me preguntaba a donde iba y siempre le decía que salía a caminar con jairo (un amigo de ese entonces) por lo que se quedaba más tranquila, solo que una noche yo llegue pero estaba pálido, mi mamá no estaba por que había salido el que me vio así fue mi hermano el me pregunto que si estaba bien pero el dice que no le respondí ninguna de las preguntas que me hizo, me dijo que solo tome un bvaso de agua y me fui a mi cuarto a dormir. Al día siguiente yo no recordaba nada, solo me acuerdo que entre al campo santo y alguien me hablaba pero solo eso, mi mamá me regaño por que tenía marcas de una mano en mi ante brazo. Le conté muchas cosas omitiendo algunas otras, ella me dijo que no me dejaría salir de nuevo por miedo a que me pasara algo y la entiendo.
Hay muchas cosas que quiero añadir pero con eso será suficiente.
submitted by ilySyl to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 editiontom Forklift operator (IELTS 6.5) from China—any job advice?
I’m a Chinese national considering moving to Singapore for work, and I’m eligible for a Work Permit (WP). Here’s my background:
2024.11.30 10:40 obi-wan-quixote Arc sounds anemic, will a sub help?
So I bought an Arc without realizing that the Arc Ultra was coming in just a few months. I’ve been moderately disappointed ever since. The sound, while I’m sure better than my TV speaker (Samsung S90C), just sounds thin.
It doesn’t sound bad, just not full or rich. Like listening to a song on YouTube instead of on CD. I’m wondering if I need to get a sub or sub mini or if it’s an issue of tuning?
It’s hard to describe the room I’m in. It’s a finished basement. The room is an open space with the TV facing a roughly 20x28 foot area. Carpeted with acoustic panels. And some drywall columns that hold up the ceiling and split up the space. The actual TV watching area is 20x14.
submitted by obi-wan-quixote to sonos [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Findombaby92 Seeking real life seasonal sugar daddy 🇿🇦
Hey all! I verify with my main 18+ account u/domsquirtfeet , started a new reddit to start fresh. No 18+ content etc. I am seeking a business local or international daddy in real life. Can meet weekly, monthly or quarterly. Long term, only one man I'm seeking..white clean male 30-60. Exchange for my company & more on discussion , no holidays etc until we know another! Please email [email protected]
submitted by Findombaby92 to Meet_SugarDaddy [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Competitive_Ad_7372 Crapiest update of et money
After a long day at work, I sat on my bed to check my investments in the ET Money app. But guess what? The app needed an update. After updating, I couldn’t find my portfolio anywhere! I went through all the settings and pages, only to discover that I had to redo my KYC with my Aadhaar.
Even after completing that, the app started asking me 19 random questions. When I tried to answer quickly, it stopped me with a message saying, 'Sorry, we can’t process further like this,' and wouldn’t let me continue. Now I’m stuck and have no idea what to do. I’ll probably have to call customer care and hope they can help!
submitted by Competitive_Ad_7372 to mutualfunds [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 Substantial_Can_4535 I like to peel my oranges in one go, I never in a million years would've expected it to turn out like this
I genuinely never expected this😭 submitted by Substantial_Can_4535 to mildlypenis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 10:40 HelotOcelot External MIDI only to currently selected track?
I'm trying to sequence instruments within Logic Pro with an external sequencer through USB. In the track options I'm setting up my external MIDI controller as MIDI input and also the MIDI in channel.
It works perfectly, but only as long as I have the track selected in Logic. As soon as I select another track, the original track stops receiving MIDI.
Is there a way to consistently sequence multiple tracks with external MIDI input on different channels?
submitted by HelotOcelot to logic_pro_ipad [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 10:40 guruji916 Can someone please help to verify my results of the omtimization i had done?
Hey, all... i built my first full AMD system last week and so far i'm impressed with it... so today i saw some YT videos of optimising AMD processors by changing some settings in BIOS... The stupid thing i did was not doing a Cinebench benchmark before applying the settings, so now i don't kw if i had gained or lose performance... Can someone please take a look at the screenshot i had attached and tell me how good/bad my performance is? CPU: Ryzen 5 7600
GPU: Radeon RX 7600
Memory: Gskill 6000 CL30
The settings i changed according to YT video are:
EXPO ---> Enabled
PBO ---> Manual
Curve Optimizer ---> Negative ---> 25
submitted by guruji916 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]