The Science Behind Smoke Dispersion in Airport Smoking Lounges

2024.11.30 10:40 RelativisticReporter The Science Behind Smoke Dispersion in Airport Smoking Lounges

submitted by RelativisticReporter to science_tldr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Icy_Sector3183 SRD attributes

My 15 July 2022 SRD says to start each attribute at 6, and then spend 15 points to improve them, or just pick the standard array of 11, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8
The first adds up to 51 points, the second adds up to 57.
It seems to me like there's an error, that the base value for the first option should be 7 instead of 6.
Anyone know something about this?
submitted by Icy_Sector3183 to 2d20games [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Additional-Fly-7567 Carrer Advice

hey folks,Im 21M graduated in july B.Tech Cse umemployed as i never had interest in it/cs roles,but i thought to get a job as a backup for upsc but couldnt get a job due to recession. From july,i started preparing for cat as a backup,got around 61 marks(90-95 percentile),idk if i will be able to convert a decent college or not. i want to prepare for upsc but i also want to be financially independent or i want to have a good backup like mba. idk what to do ,i dont want to waste my time,should i prepare for cat only then move to upsc? or i can do both at the same time,as im mostly donw with the cat syllabus just keep practising it. 4-4 for cat and upsc.ik its tough and it will be take me longer to crack upsc but im with it if it provides me a good backup. what you can say guyz. any suggestions will be appreciated !
submitted by Additional-Fly-7567 to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 ETFurture Deck Help #2

This is my main account at 8500, still tryna main evo pekka or evo megaknight, anything I should change?
submitted by ETFurture to RoyaleAPI [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 cindarblock What is wrong witb my modpack?

What is wrong witb my modpack? Modpack keeps crashing on "exit code 1" which previously didn't happen, I know this happens when a fabric mod is used on forge but I do not know which of these causes that. Allocating more ram doesn't help too. Modlist is included in the photos.
submitted by cindarblock to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Yeaboiyaaa Jbl tour pro 2 best eq settings?

Hi i was wondering if any best eq setting recommendations for these pair of earbuds? Music genre: edm, piano, uploft music thanks!
submitted by Yeaboiyaaa to Earbuds [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Admirable-Reality-62 If you don’t delete mods or update mods before update.

Or it did to me, I about had a panic attack thinking I fucked the game up. Then I uninstalled my mods and boom everything booted up fine even my save file wasn’t broken.
submitted by Admirable-Reality-62 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 nullitybuddy A random sight i saw in my dorm grounds

A random sight i saw in my dorm grounds submitted by nullitybuddy to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 itinerant_me 76% of Candidates Ghosted by Employers - Time to call them out. Introducing iwasghosted

76% of Candidates Ghosted by Employers - Time to call them out. Introducing iwasghosted submitted by itinerant_me to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 GhostMan70 Me watching you guys plays the game and i can't afford it:(

submitted by GhostMan70 to MetaphorReFantazio [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Wonderful_Art_7671 For every 500 PEPE I receive I'll try to teach my cat economics

submitted by Wonderful_Art_7671 to PEPE_COIN [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 CGHawk3D Bathroom Sink 3D Model by CGHawk

Bathroom Sink 3D Model by CGHawk submitted by CGHawk3D to artstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 daeuser Animal crossing amiibo figures

Can anyone remember which amiibo figures work as campers too, I know it’s only like a few like Reece and others, just can’t remember who they are
submitted by daeuser to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Prestigious_Ad_3821 Got my first items

Got my first package from cnfans and I am impressed . I didn't expect the quality of the shirt and the beanie to be this good
submitted by Prestigious_Ad_3821 to CNfans [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 MentalGrowth632 So....what happened to the back scar? Her front side is healing as badly as it is, but the back vanished???

So....what happened to the back scar? Her front side is healing as badly as it is, but the back vanished??? submitted by MentalGrowth632 to ECStilsonFakingCancer [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Legal-Fail-4134 Am I a right Candidate for botox?

Am I a right Candidate for botox? Is there any way to improve the lower half of my face? Should I get botox to relax the masseters and get fillers on chin, would it also help with the asymmetry? I’m extremely insecure about my facial asymmetry, particularly in the lower face. When I speak, my upper lip curls inward, and my mouth area appears claw-like, with limited lateral movement, resulting in awkward smile lines. It also seems like the weight of my jaw and chin is causing the skin around my lips to sag, which exaggerates the smile lines and makes them look unflattering.
submitted by Legal-Fail-4134 to cosmeticsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 SweetSodaStream Quelle est votre relation avec l'état Belge?

Sachant qu'à l'époque ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui la Wallonie était demandeuse de sa propre région pour gérer les affaires culturelles et économiques ainsi que pour protéger sa (ses) cultures de la domination flamande, on peut voir aujourd'hui que ça n'a pas franchement bien marché parce que l'état de l'économie n'est pas top et que le pays est quand même toujours plus sous domination flamande de toute façon. Brussels Airlines est un bon exemple de ça, parmi d'autre. Et l'arrivée de BDW au poste de premier ministre n'aide absolument pas la chose.
D'ailleurs, A titre personnel je pense que la législature "Arizona" qui arrive va être parsemé de tensions communautaires dans tout les sens et qu'elle ne durera jamais les 5 ans. Je pense aussi que pendant la durée de l'Arizona N-VA et compagnie vont faire leurs possible pour vendre la Flandre en tant que pays légitime au reste de l'Europe.
Ma question est donc la suivante: De quel œil voyez vous l'état Belge? Bon? Mauvais? Neutre? Rien à foutre?
submitted by SweetSodaStream to Wallonia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Im_a_chessboard Need help building red rider

submitted by Im_a_chessboard to SkullGirlsMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 FreeRecording7351 Meta Support issues

I have been unable to purchase anything from the meta store for my quest 2 for over 2 months. They seem to think I am in Iran (i am in the UK) and refuse to do anything to proactively fix the issue. So far they have asked for my details multiple times asked to reset my device ( this made it unusable as now nothing will download due to their belief and inability to change my county) and seeming instance that i am on a vpn (device is connected to my fixed ip internet connection).
Has anyone else experienced this "customer service"?
submitted by FreeRecording7351 to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Interesting_Limit624 Changement brusque de comportement chez ma fille de 16 mois : besoin d’aide

J’ai besoin de votre aide. Je suis le papa d’une fille de 16 mois. Ma femme et moi travaillons tous les deux. Elle est gardée chez une assistante maternelle. Moi, je vais la chercher à 17h30, et sa maman rentre du travail vers 18h45 environ.
Depuis une semaine, elle a un changement brusque de comportement : elle pleure très, très fort pour n’importe quoi. Par exemple, quand sa maman veut lui changer la couche, elle ne veut pas et peut pleurer pendant 15 minutes.
Autre exemple : elle aime beaucoup sa tante et jouait avec elle d’habitude, mais avant-hier, elle la regardait comme si elle ne la connaissait pas, elle ne voulait pas jouer avec elle et s’est mise à pleurer.
Ces derniers jours, elle demande aussi à être portée plus souvent. Quand sa maman rentre, elle s’accroche à elle très, très fort.
Si on la contrarie, elle pleure pendant 15 minutes.
Une autre chose que j’ai remarquée : après avoir pleuré, elle peut sourire et rigoler comme si de rien n’était.
C’est vraiment une situation très épuisante, pour nous mais aussi, j’imagine, pour elle.
Est-ce que vous avez vécu la même situation ? Avez-vous une idée des causes possibles ?
Je vous remercie d’avance.
submitted by Interesting_Limit624 to ParentingFR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 Appropriate_Detail_1 Looking for Shiny Pokemon GO toxtricity in normal ball (PB GB UB) -- Shiny Cursola -- mons in the last picture -- For Trade: All GO stamped. Will trade multiples

Looking for Shiny Pokemon GO toxtricity in normal ball (PB GB UB) -- Shiny Cursola -- mons in the last picture -- For Trade: All GO stamped. Will trade multiples Also looking at level 1 shinies and premier ball caught mons (not legends -- IN GO shiny furfrou diamond trim
submitted by Appropriate_Detail_1 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 rhi_kri towards a foggy night

towards a foggy night submitted by rhi_kri to sunset [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 denhaag135 Which GPU should I choose for a laptop?

I am confused about what GPU I should go for in a laptop for eye comfort.
I’m undecided between Intel Integrated, Intel Arc, NVidia GPUs and AMD Radeon.
Do you have good/bad experiences with either GPU?
submitted by denhaag135 to PWM_Sensitive [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 BSM911 Wet ground around water main

Hi, I am getting some work done on the house and the water main coming into the property has this wetness around it sometimes. Builder is saying it's normal condensation but the pipe is not wet to touch. This is in the UK and am I right to be concerned?
submitted by BSM911 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:40 morganwade Vortex AI Arc: Revolutionizing Smart Grid Technology🌪️

Features: - Minimum deposit $30 - DAILY revenue: 1.7% to 2.8% - Minimum withdrawal $40 - Withdrawals land within 1 to 48hrs / 5% FEE
Profit Levels: - ARC 1: $30 - $100 / Income - 1.7% - 2.0% - ARC 2: $100 - $500 / Income - 2.0% - 2.4%
Don't delay the chance of making some QUICK & EASY cash! SIGN UP ASAP.
submitted by morganwade to BeerMoneyIntl [link] [comments]