More blood for the Blood ̶G̶o̶d̶ Astronomia (and someone bring me Brauner's head)

2024.11.30 10:30 Alexb_j More blood for the Blood ̶G̶o̶d̶ Astronomia (and someone bring me Brauner's head)

More blood for the Blood ̶G̶o̶d̶ Astronomia (and someone bring me Brauner's head) submitted by Alexb_j to VampireSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Pure_Pea2361 Random Lumi Nate Kaimics

Random Lumi Nate Kaimics submitted by Pure_Pea2361 to yokaiwatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 FluidScreen3249 Does someone have tickets to Abhishek Upmanyu's Delhi show for next week (6th to 8th December)?

submitted by FluidScreen3249 to IndianStandUpComedy [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Calvy Daisy was found in Vasant Kunj, Delhi and is looking for her human.

Daisy was found in Vasant Kunj, Delhi and is looking for her human. submitted by Calvy to IndianPets [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Moist-Complaint-7578 For Winterfest 2024, they should add KFC into the game

For Winterfest 2024, they should add KFC into the game If your wondering why, in Japan they like to eat KFC on Christmas, and since CH6S1 is Japanese themed with Christmas upcoming, why not add a KFC poi into the game for this years Winter fest.
submitted by Moist-Complaint-7578 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Schmohn Probezeit verlängert durch Kündigung - rechtens?

Hey Leute,
Eine Freundin hat am Mittwoch ihre Kündigung zum 31.03.2025 erhalten, da Ihre Leistung in Augen der Geschäftsführung nicht ausreichend sei. Ihre Probezeit endete gestern (29.11.2024). Im Gespräch, in dem ihr die Kündigung übergeben wurde, sagte man ihr, dass man die Kündigung aufhebe, sofern sie sich bis Ende März verbessert. Davon steht allerdings nichts in der Kündigung. Schriftlich festhalten wollte der Chef dies auch nicht.
Ist das rechtens? Wie soll weiter vorgegangen werden?
Danke euch im Voraus
submitted by Schmohn to arbeitsunrecht [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 66626364 Looks like vitiligo? Thank you 🙏🏾

submitted by 66626364 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Turbulent-Draw-1354 The Flash in its 9th season closed out its show with more average viewers than superman and lois in its 4th and final season((495k vs 450 k so far). Shows just how popular the flash was

The Flash in its 9th season closed out its show with more average viewers than superman and lois in its 4th and final season((495k vs 450 k so far). Shows just how popular the flash was submitted by Turbulent-Draw-1354 to FlashTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 warm_chocolate_5090 What is the worst station to be stuck at?

Curious to know
submitted by warm_chocolate_5090 to uktrains [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 wohen «Honkai: Star Rail»: Hacia las estrellas - "Sunday: ¿Cómo que recién es ...

«Honkai: Star Rail»: Hacia las estrellas - submitted by wohen to JuegosMovil [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Sohrabb229 Shoes

submitted by Sohrabb229 to Repsproduct [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 matcha_rollcake Career liquidity
Found this article floating around LinkedIn (I am not the author).
In essence, "liquidity" is suggested as a dimension to assess career paths, referring to how easy it is for potential employers to gauge your value. For example, employers would find it easier to assess a bulge bracket bankebiglaw lawyeMBB consultant's resume, compared to another candidate from lesser known but not necessarily less prestigious backgrounds. The name value factor holds even when switching industries, suggesting more is at play than quality of hard skills training or work exposure.
Drawing a comparison to financial markets, it is reasoned that there may be an illiquidity premium.
Anecdotally, do you find this to be the case (especially outside of startups, as founding your own company is arguably a different ballpark)? e.g. do smaller boutiques with less name value pay more than blue chip incumbents?
submitted by matcha_rollcake to HENRYUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 ZealousidealCheek946 Thick nuchal translucency or nuchal fold experiences?

For those with a history of thickened nuchal fold at 16 weeks onwards or thickened nuchal translucency during their first trimester, how are things holding up? Are there people out there who had a history of these findings and still had a normal baby at the end of it all?
I’m a FTM. Had normal scans for my pregnancy. No problems during my first trimester scans and 17 week scan. Didn’t do an NIPT yet since it wasn’t covered by our insurance.
Just did another scan at 24 weeks and we saw a thickened nuchal fold at 8.7mm. No other abnormalities were seen. Baby was growing well and wasn’t too big or small. My sugar, blood pressure, and everything else is normal.
Already did an NIPT so we’re just waiting for the results. Hoping to hear experiences from those who were in the same boat.
submitted by ZealousidealCheek946 to NIPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 PineapplesTrix Google Maps daje pogrešne upute u BiH

Nedavno sam se našao u prilici gdje nas je Google Maps naveo groznom stazom (koja dijelom ne postoji) kroz lokalna sela. Što je veći problem, nismo jedini kojima se to desilo. Nažalost, ovo je veoma česta pojava, pogotovo turistima. Da problem bude još veći, pogrešne staze nije moguće ispraviti jer "Opcija nije dostupna u našoj regiji" također i dodavanje novih puteva (kao i velikih dionica A1) također nije moguće a informacije su zaostale u vremenu. Za izmišljene puteve se ne može ni poslati zahtjev, jer taj problem brišu sa svojih leđa pod "Opcija nije dostupna u našoj regiji" izgovorom. Da li neko ima rješenje za ovaj problem, ili da generalno započnemo bojkot stranice preko društvenih mreža???
submitted by PineapplesTrix to bih [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Chemical-Twist-7256 That's a good one

That's a good one submitted by Chemical-Twist-7256 to phineasandferb [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 caprotina Welcome home!

Welcome home! I’m pretty sure he could jump the gate if he tried, but I’m avoiding giving him ideas.
submitted by caprotina to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 SaintSuperStar Kolegowie jak to jest? Wpisuje Czaskoski w gogla bo chce się cos dowiedzieć...

Kolegowie jak to jest? Wpisuje Czaskoski w gogla bo chce się cos dowiedzieć... I wyskakuje zdjęcie jak Rafał wącha paluchy. Kolegowie moderatorzy musiałem, tam nie ma żartu w tytule tam jest pytanie.
submitted by SaintSuperStar to okkolegauposledzony [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #1605

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Yaga02 Should I Use SIP investments to Pay Off a bit of my Home Loan?

I'm 25M with 7LPA, had taken a home loan of 25L, which is now down to 19L (due to some prepayments). Apart from EMI (26k/month), I have been investing in SIP with 15k/month and have managed to accumulate 6L.
Seeing the interest I have paid in the last 2 years (nearly 4L), I was wondering if I should redirect my SIP investment into paying off a part of Home Loan. Is it a good idea? Or should I continue investing?
Any advice is helpful. Thank you in advance :)
submitted by Yaga02 to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 NASH____ Reaching Level 10 Mastery in Every League of Legends champion (Day 5)

Reaching Level 10 Mastery in Every League of Legends champion (Day 5) submitted by NASH____ to League_Of_Legends_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 inb4kuriboh I poked the hag a little too hard.

I poked the hag a little too hard. This is my first time ever accidentally killing Ethel. On my first ever honour mode run. Eh no biggie, at least Mayrina is okay.
submitted by inb4kuriboh to BG3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 ConferenceFine9032 Iran blames Zionists for losing Aleppo, Everyone laughs at them.

Iran blames Zionists for losing Aleppo, Everyone laughs at them. submitted by ConferenceFine9032 to lonerbox [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 Aerumx Trading ADM for robux

1x fly potion
Low defined Kuromi house
Random pets
submitted by Aerumx to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 keyboardbuttons Accomplished a teeny tiny writing milestone. First one for me in a long, long while. I really needed this.

Wrote 9.5K words in my draft this month by creating a writing routine of penning down atleast 300 words every day for the last 30 days.
There were days when I wrote sitting in a couch at a hair dresser while waiting for my dad to get his haircut, and while waiting outside a therapist's office while my wife was undergoing treatment to fight against her severe post-partum depression, and sitting next to my new born son (2.5 months old) after I just put him to sleep at mid-night.
It didn't feel great to do this. But it felt right. It felt realistic.
Doing this, for once I felt like a real writer–with a full-time day job, and a family to take care of. I guess this is what striving towards becoming a writer feels like.
Lesson learned: Yes, consistency is indeed much superior to inspiration.
submitted by keyboardbuttons to writing [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 10:30 the_punisherr_ Diljit Blr @6th Dec, 2 Fanpit available

I have 2 extra Fanpit tickets for Diljit Concert Bengaluru on 6th Dec. DM for details.
submitted by the_punisherr_ to diljitconcert [link] [comments]