
2024.11.30 12:50 poisonthesteve Mods?

Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to the game. I've familiarized myself with the game enough now that I'm looking to create something for me and a couple buddies in Game Master, but I'd like to try to bring it into the 21st century. Looking for opinions on decent mods for this. Cheers everyone!
submitted by poisonthesteve to ArmaReforgerXbox [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Professional_Row1564 How good is Thomas

I already have a 7* cha with 5* weapon and I’m hesitant to heavy invest in double light attackers, is he that much better is my question
submitted by Professional_Row1564 to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Icosaedro42 Jogo do Tigrinho e similares ajudam a sociedade

Chame de casas apostas, bets, cassinos onlines ou como quiser pois a importância deles para a sociedade independe de nomenclatura. Você deve estar se perguntando "mas como um lugar para lavar dinheiro pode ajudar a sociedade?" E a resposta é simples: seleção natural.
Tendo em mente que a seleção natural é a ideia de que os mais aptos vão sobreviver e gerar descendentes com determinadas e o menos aptos apenas desaparecem, o Tigrinho está forçando pessoas ignorantes a se adaptarem a sociedade e poupando os "inteligentes". Afinal, qualquer pessoa com o mínimo de inteligência evita situações como apostas onde os riscos de perder dinheiro são muito altos, já os com baixa ou nenhuma inteligência acreditam que são especiais e decidem apostar o dinheiro que tem (e o que não tem) na vã esperança de que irão aumentar os lucros. Se os ignorantes continuarem com essas práticas, eles vão acabar ferrando com suas próprias vidas e as vidas das pessoas ao redor deles, então só há 2 caminhos: se adaptar logo, aceitando que nenhum apostador ganha dinheiro com apostas e para de depender de algo tão inconsistente que é a sorte ou continuar com a crença tola de que cassino é para fazer dinheiro extra e que um dia eles serão sorteados.
O efeito do Tigrinho foi tão positivo que o governo foi capaz de perceber que parte da população é irresponsável demais para receber auxílios porque os irresponsáveis pegavam o pouco dinheiro que lhes era dado, apostavam e faziam a conta bancária de alguém em algum paraíso fiscal ficar ainda mais gorda. A solução encontrada foi tirar o CPF do (a) apostador (a) do cadastro e mandar o dinheiro para outra pessoa. Não é algo perfeito, pois o (a) apostador (a) ainda pode ter acesso a esse dinheiro por outros meios, mas já um começo. O Tigrinho e similares são grandes experimentos sociais que estão aí para melhorar a sociedade porque estão mostrando que: 1) existe muitas pessoas irresponsáveis recebendo dinheiro do governo; 2) é muito fácil se viciar em algo, logo proibições/restrições são necessárias para evitar o pior; 3) se o Estado não agir como um pai e tratar os cidadãos como crianças indefesas, algumas pessoas vão morrer de fome, depressão ou coisa pior; 4) não é preciso que malandro saia de casa para tirar dinheiro de otário; 5) a ambição é nociva quando não é usada para a finalidade certa ou não é controlada.
A sociedade após a popularização de cassinos onlines pode se tornar um lugar magnífico onde só pessoas com o mínimo de inteligência habitam nela, pois os ignorantes sumiram naturalmente, foram forçados a evoluir ou foram afastados do convívio em sociedade. Mas, também pode ser que o número de ignorantes permaneça o mesmo ou aumente, então teremos que aceitar que baixa inteligência é algo que não pode ser superado, que a tendência de pessoas portadoras dela tem tendência a repetir autodestrutivas mesmo sabendo dos resultados desagradáveis que suas próprias atitudes geram. Caso a segunda situação ocorra, espero que as pessoas que vivem ao redor dos portadores de baixa inteligência possam encontrar meios de se afastar ou controlar esses indivíduos para não terem suas vidas destruídas por eles.
submitted by Icosaedro42 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 PsyconicX Trying to build for my SM-A256B. Cannot find device specific code.

I'm trying to build LineageOS for my Samsung Galaxy A25 5G (SM-A25B, a25xeea). At the moment, running:
breakfast a25xeea

In file included from build/make/core/ In file included from build/make/core/ build/make/core/ error: Cannot locate config makefile for product "lineage_a25xeea". 11:56:43 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1 Device a25xeea not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github ( Repository for a25xeea not found in the LineageOS Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifests/roomservice.xml. In file included from build/make/core/ In file included from build/make/core/ build/make/core/ error: Cannot locate config makefile for product "lineage_a25xeea". 12:02:00 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1 In file included from build/make/core/ In file included from build/make/core/ build/make/core/ error: Cannot locate config makefile for product "lineage_a25xeea". 12:06:50 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1 ** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_a25xeea' ** Do you have the right repo manifest? 
breakfast a25x
In file included from build/make/core/ In file included from build/make/core/ build/make/core/ error: Cannot locate config makefile for product "lineage_a25x". 12:37:53 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1 Device a25x not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github ( Repository for a25x not found in the LineageOS Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifests/roomservice.xml. In file included from build/make/core/ In file included from build/make/core/ build/make/core/ error: Cannot locate config makefile for product "lineage_a25x". 12:42:42 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1 In file included from build/make/core/ In file included from build/make/core/ build/make/core/ error: Cannot locate config makefile for product "lineage_a25x". 12:47:33 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1 ** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_a25x' ** Do you have the right repo manifest? 
I'm following this guide at the moment, and stuck on stage 10. How do I go about getting the device specific code for my phone?
submitted by PsyconicX to LineageOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 EntertainmentNo6135 Just packed petit..

Is petit good or no?
submitted by EntertainmentNo6135 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 AshariShafi3i Visiting the Prophet ﷺ #shorts

Visiting the Prophet ﷺ #shorts submitted by AshariShafi3i to AshariMaturidi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 BrainstormBot 🌏 Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi: Gempa bumi - Lindu - Earthquake (3.6 M, at 12:40 UTC, from

🌑 Gempa bumi! Lindu! Earthquake! 3.6 M, registered by BMKG, 2024-11-30 12:40:48 UTC (new moon), on land, Salakan, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (-0.66, 123.41) likely felt 60 km away (
submitted by BrainstormBot to EEW [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Lurrggarr NOODLES GAME IN EDIT 😂💀

submitted by Lurrggarr to TheKM [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 KissaN_666 Coining a term!

I decided to coin a new term called vaguekin or vaguetherian. Description: Vaguekin/therian describes someone who identifies as an otherkin/therian but doesn't have clear kintypes. A vaguekin can still have a kintype but the line between what is and isn't their kintype is blurry and so they usually just go with what feels good at the moment.
A vaguekin isn't a vaguekin because they just haven't figured out their identity yet. They're a vaguekin because their identity is blurry, and its supposed to be that way. It is supposed to be vague.
A vaguekin isn't an otherkin without a kintype. Its an otherkin whos kintype is vague and they simply don't feel like or can't define themselves with a kintype. They know they're non-human, and they know how they're non-human. Their non-humanity is just vague and thats what its supposed to be.
I've been trying to find a term for this for a while but no term that i found really described what i was feeling. I'm aware of the term othervague but from what i know that describes needing multiple terms to describe ones identity and i feel like i identify more with the term that i coined. It gave me a nice, warm and comfy feeling even before i coined it.
I'd post this on otherkin or therian but theres much more people there and some can be a bit judgy towards coining micro terms. Thats also why i've been holding this back for a while.
I fr hope i don't get huge backlash about this.🙏
submitted by KissaN_666 to therianbutbetter [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 AshariShafi3i Masjid Qubaa' #madina #islam #shorts

Masjid Qubaa' #madina #islam #shorts submitted by AshariShafi3i to AshariMaturidi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 allexa1042 Looking at offers for 2 rose grey Arabians!

Looking at offers for 2 rose grey Arabians! I can max the other one if needed!
Nlf coins
submitted by allexa1042 to WildHorseIslands [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 did_they_know_me Why girls can't express their desires are they still stuck in conservative era?

submitted by did_they_know_me to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 jcarreraj I tried a spoonful of peanut butter with some kosher salt and it was rather tasty!

I tried a spoonful of peanut butter with some kosher salt and it was rather tasty! submitted by jcarreraj to PeanutButter [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Imaginary_Effort_760 2020 GLC 300 Mercedes Benz with bad injector? Or worse…

2020 GLC 300 Mercedes Benz with bad injector? Or worse… I have a 2020 GLC 300 with 4 cylinder turbo with occasional rough idle and misfire on number 4 cylinder. Sometimes it runs like a scolded dog with no rough idle at all. Most times it drives great but can feel a rough idle when parked. Then occasionally it'll completely cut off the number 4 cylinder. I can reset it by either sometimes simply turning the ignition off and back on. Other times I can go unplug the harness on top of the fuel rail and plug it back up and it resets it. Replaced all the spark plugs as well as swapped coil packs. I can't seem to find much information on how to go about replacing the injector let alone any videos. Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by Imaginary_Effort_760 to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 zebra_c4kez Small Business Saturdaily

Happy Saturday friends. What's the haps today? Are you going out shopping to support a small business? Are you still in a food coma? Are you peopled out and are staying home like the little cave beast you are? Discuss.
submitted by zebra_c4kez to rva [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 ErrorFantastic1766 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ErrorFantastic1766 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 genghiskhan-_- 1 click away.

1 click away. submitted by genghiskhan-_- to Indiangirlsontinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 NationalJustice Polk County, Florida just casted more than 200,000 votes for a candidate for the first time ever in county history (I was hoping for Monmouth County to join this club too, not sure if it’s still possible)

Polk County, Florida just casted more than 200,000 votes for a candidate for the first time ever in county history (I was hoping for Monmouth County to join this club too, not sure if it’s still possible) submitted by NationalJustice to YAPms [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Roadrunner278 25 [TF4M] Australia/Anywhere - Stepping into the badlands again (Australia/NZ/N.America/EU only)

As the title says, trying to step into the dating world after a while and not by choice...
I'm Cassie, doing a postgrad doing International Relations, 6'1", S.E. Asian, and I write news articles on national security related topics (have written and had my first article on a China-Taiwan hypothetical conflict published by my main uni newspaper) where I hope I can secure a government job once I graduate or during my time in uni. I'm also working to create a news website targeted for a Gen Z/younger audience when it comes to reliable sources for news of international politics.
I also like playing a bit of video games like Project Zomboid, Re4 remake and American Truck Sim where I have a dedicated YT ASMR channel for relaxing sounds of truck driving. Right now, I'm playing Mass Effect 2 and Silent Hill 2 Remake.
As a straight transgirl (yes we exist), my certain preferences in guys are athletic/lean/muscular guys between 18-24 who are transfem friendly. I do find U.S. country (Southern guys with the drawl/Midwestern), Baltic and Balkan guys (Central, Southeastern, Eastern Europe, Ukrainian guys) attractive as a matter of preference.
Please note I am not interested nor attracted to camp/fem guys as there are some interested that do message turn out to be gender questioning.
May be open to dating US military guys since I've gotten a few messages of guys from the states. Also open to guys in law enforcement. Since I aim into get into being a public service for the government, it'd be a big bonus for any guys who can relate into doing occupations where they also have favorable views of serving whether in the military, law enforcement or some aspect of being a public servant.
If however you also happen to live in Brisbane regardless of my type in guys, that's another extra.
Some important tidbits...
I'm only interested in guys who are emotionally available, have no commitment issues, and who do not share conservative beliefs, wants to do regulaeveryday Facetime or do video calls. While I'm open to a LDR, I'm not going to have my time wasted by any uncommitted guys looking for a good time or anyone who puts in a minimal effort especially plans made to meet up by going here.
Personality wise, I'm very affectionate and emotionally supportive, capacity to be very vulnerable to the right guy. I can be very opinionated, passionate about what I do and would value anyone who appreciates what I do as what I'll do for you
Any interested applicants, include 'orange' in your messages. No low effort messages please. I'm not here for simple idle chats nor passing the time.
submitted by Roadrunner278 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Gungerz Stoke U18s 0-3 United U18s - Dante Plunkett 89'

Stoke U18s 0-3 United U18s - Dante Plunkett 89' submitted by Gungerz to reddevils [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 vshiru Cristina Kirchner BLACKED CFK #Cristinakirchner #CFK #Kirchnerismo #blacked

Cristina Kirchner BLACKED CFK #Cristinakirchner #CFK #Kirchnerismo #blacked submitted by vshiru to VictorHumo [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Legitimate_End7387 700x45c tire clearance on Topstone 2020 alloy

700x45c tire clearance on Topstone 2020 alloy L
submitted by Legitimate_End7387 to Topstowners [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Altruistic_Strain348 Anyone knows why this happens and how to fix this?

Sometimes this just happens and it just continues for (in this case) more that 20/30 minutes with no way of controlling when adjusts itself
submitted by Altruistic_Strain348 to Oppo [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 Bourbonwithgravy Looking For Gold+ EU Console

English speakers only please, comms are key. Current Duo, non toxic, need 3 more.
submitted by Bourbonwithgravy to Valorant_LFG [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:50 banana_man2001 Almost finished with this Git, just the skin and the power claw left to do.

Almost finished with this Git, just the skin and the power claw left to do. submitted by banana_man2001 to minipainting [link] [comments]