Willing to do work for an EA key

2024.11.30 12:40 Swan420xX Willing to do work for an EA key

Saw a similar post and thought it would be a good idea.
Guy from Thailand here. Unfortunately regional pricing hasn't been in my favor and $30 is still a bit much to afford. So if there's any work I can do for a EA key, I would gladly do! My background is in software development if your looking for that sort of thing.
Also I'm completely new to the game, but it looks so fun and I plan on going in blind (someone tell me if this is a bad decision lmao).
Please DM me if you have anything I can help with!
submitted by Swan420xX to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 thier-there-theyre Had surgery a 11 days ago. Sciatic pain is back

Hi all.
I had decompression surgery of the spine L4/5 only recently.
I am noticing when I stand up straight, I am getting the same sciatic pain that I did before the surgery.
I have been told that the surgery takes time to work. However I can't help but be concerned.
Has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by thier-there-theyre to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Chispy Russia has launched 'staggeringly reckless campaign of sabotage' in Europe, says MI6 chief

submitted by Chispy to FuturologyEurope [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 ReasonableTrouble231 Which should I play first?

I’m going to play both.. I have both.
Should I play Ghost of Tsuisma or Rise of Ronin first.
Story is very important to me. But game play as well..
I don’t want to play one first and it ruin the fun of the other after.. if that makes sense
submitted by ReasonableTrouble231 to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Winter-Ad-4411 Concern regarding DBA in LLC Company

Hello all, I have a concern regarding the DBA. I created a construction company two partners. I named it XYZ Construction services LLC and I want to have my advertising and branding or legal documents to be XYZ Construction LLC do I need to file for DBA or not because it's very similar to the actual name. Thanks in advance
submitted by Winter-Ad-4411 to llc [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Common-Blacksmith400 Kasa tp link and alexa

I set up a bunch of Christmas lights over the weekend. He's casa smart plugs with all of them. About half are showing up in the Alexa app and able to be controlled by voice through the Alexa. Same process used for all the plugs. Anyone know how to get the rest of them to show up?
submitted by Common-Blacksmith400 to amazonecho [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 PShaggy Please help me find this song

Please help me find this song I Remember finding and listening to this song on itunes, but it has been removed and it seems that it has been cleansed from the internet. Does anybody have it or know where to find it?
OTW! by DoN, D4VD
submitted by PShaggy to d4vd [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 OddAd7778 una compañera de la facultad tiene interés en mi?

hace unas semanas a la salida de la facultad me fui hablando con una compañera, tuvimos buena onda o al menos eso noté yo, después la siguiente clase la saludo y al terminar la clase ella se va antes q yo y no me saluda, a la otra clase le pregunto como se prepara para el parcial y me dice: estoy media perdida, no entiendo nada. y yo le digo q yo igual, pero no noté interés porq no me repreguntó. y después al irse de la clase tampoco me saludó. asique lo q hice fue cambiarme de lugar y no hablarle y en la última clase, cuando fui a dejar el parcial en la mesa de la profesora, noté q ella me miró, pero yo no la miré ni le hablé, porq no quiero ser un arrastrado, quiero q las cosas se den de forma natural y que sea recíproco
submitted by OddAd7778 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 lebie_ Cause for isopod eating mancae

What can be the cause for adult isopod to eat the mancae? A newly discovered species that I'm keeping have been observed by many keepers in my circle to love "having lunch" with their new bebes and when the bebes are molting. Thus have very low adulting rate depite the very big clutch. Theyre cave dwellers. Mine havent spawn any younglings yet but I cant help but think that perhaps in captivity theyre missing something that cause them to eat the youngs?
Picture of said species.
submitted by lebie_ to isopods [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Nani9613 So I drew this

So I drew this WHEE-HEE
submitted by Nani9613 to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 P0k3Banana What’s the most obvious girl sign you didn’t know about then, but realised years later?

submitted by P0k3Banana to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 yooddo Need help with my Switch

Hello, i'm new to modding the switch, so please excuse me, but i've already modded my 3DS i've bough a switch yesterday, that was already modded, but with some "shady" CFWs, so i've decided i want to mod it myself. i could only load / start the Switch with an RCM-Loader (it was also included when i bought the switch). So after i reset the switch, it said that the SD-card was configurated to an other Switch and needed to be re-configurated aswell. as i did it, the switch turned itself down and now doesnt start properly anymore. when i load the switch, with the rcm-loader, the screen looks like this:https://prnt.sc/REOaXCNe_5bS if i click " reboot normally" it doesn't start. Does Someone got an Idea?
submitted by yooddo to homebrew [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 FederalDebt8036 Trading!

Trading! LF mega vampire dragon and adds for one of my owls
submitted by FederalDebt8036 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 th333o I (18F) want to contact my ex (18F) after a breakup. What is the correct approach?

Me (18F) and my ex girlfriend (18F) had only been together for 4 months before i broke up with her but we used to be best friends for 1+ year prior our relationship. When I broke up with her we were both working at a camp and we lived together. Needless to say we kept having regular contact during that time and we basically were still “friends”. She took the breakup pretty badly, crying in my arms the first few nights. I broke up with her because i couldn’t deal with her psychological issues (she is bipolar, something i learned about her later on) since i already have a lot of issues myself. I was pretty heartbroken myself since making the decision of breaking up with her tore my soul, but i knew i couldn’t deal with it anymore. I tolf her i wanted to stay friends(because of our past), if that was ok with her of course. 2 weeks later I hooked up with a guy. She learned about it, I told her i didn’t like him, she found that okay-ish. She left the camp that night to go to her home, which ended up in a trip to the psych ward where they prescribed her some “calming” drugs. She returned the next day. 3 weeks passed without a problem. In the meantime I also made out with one of my old crushes(current friend) thing i never wanted her to find out since she would be heartbroken. I leave the camp, she stays there. My first night back I get a call from her asking me if i actually made out with that friend, since someone from the camp told her about it. I denied it(sadly) and she believed me. Next day, at a party my friend gets a call from her, calling her a lot of names. Long story short someone confirmed that we actually hooked up, THE DAY i broke up with her. This never happened. That night we fought very hard(both drunk) and the next day she ended up on the psych ward for real this time and she got diagnosed with bipolar. We never spoke again and I still can’t get over all this. This all happened in august after our break up in july.
P.S we go to the same school.
If anyone wants more info, i’m willing to share. I really need advice on how and if i should or not actually approach her. We never had real closure and I don’t think i’ll ever get over this if i don’t talk to her, atleast one last time.
submitted by th333o to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Hacomeback 😹

😹 submitted by Hacomeback to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 sh5I Sub للمتداولين فقط!!

والى اي شخص متأكد من الاجابة،
انا عندي ارباح في بايننس تعتبر كبيرة
الآن انا متجهز اني ابيعهم واحطهم في بنكي، لكن متخوف من سالفة المخابرات واذا راح تصير علي مسائلة من وين جاييتك الفلوس
شو اسوي بهذي الحالة؟
افكر اني اسحبهم تدريج كل اسبوع بس جاوبوني اذا راح تصير مسائلة او لا
submitted by sh5I to jordan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Jazzlike_Rice7833 Oh noooo

Oh noooo submitted by Jazzlike_Rice7833 to TerrifyingAsFuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 confidentialfiles AUFCAT Tips and Topics

hi everyone! i just wanted to ask if you guys have any tips for the aufcat or if you have any idea what should i be reviewing for it? cause i am also actually planning on taking it on the 14th of December. thank youu!!
submitted by confidentialfiles to Pampanga [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 mgl298 How Conservative Talk Radio Came to Dominate the Airwaves

How Conservative Talk Radio Came to Dominate the Airwaves submitted by mgl298 to onthemedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 mans1e Lite sen på bollen (pappaskämt avsett) men såg nyheten och fick inspiration

Lite sen på bollen (pappaskämt avsett) men såg nyheten och fick inspiration submitted by mans1e to unket [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 CityLad21 What the fuck is going on in the Cellar Door breakdown? 😅

The timing and feel while trying to play the breakdown is something I’m struggling with, I can’t seem to get it right when I’m playing it on bass. Does anyone have any advice or info on how to count it and play it with the right feel and cadence?
submitted by CityLad21 to spiritbox [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 chocoladesoesje Op zoek naar lhbti gemeenschap

Hallo allemaal, ik ben een vrouw van 27 jaar en heb een relatie met een vrouw (ook 27 jaar). Ik merk dat ik erg behoefte heb aan gesprekken en ontmoetingen met andere vrouwen die bi of lesbi zijn.
Echter vind ik dit heel lastig om te vinden. Veel groepen zijn of voor jongeren of voor ouderen. Ik voel me een beetje tussen wal en schip vallen.
Mijn omgeving is voornamelijk hetro en in mijn woonplaats zie ik ook niet heel veel regenboog stellen. Ik mis het om met andere vrouwen te praten over bijvoorbeeld een kinderwens.
Hebben jullie tips? Ik sta open voor zowel online platforms als fysieke bijeenkomsten.
submitted by chocoladesoesje to LHBTI [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Necessary_Host_4936 Ano ang top 3 reasons mo bakit ayaw mo mag settle sa pinas?

Nung una gustong gusto ko mag retire sa pinas pero nung na try ko mag England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 napaisip ako. Ang daming solid reasons why not ph but my Top 3 would be; 1. Dirty politics- puro away and pag hihiganti ang mga leaders ng bansa 2. Work - unreasonably full of requirements, and restrictions 3. Toxic Culture -alam nyu na
Kahit laging may bagyo bet ko pa din ang pinas pero I’m so hopeless na may pagbabago pa.
submitted by Necessary_Host_4936 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Andrewjohn0813 Rf 28-75 f2.8 vs EF 24-70 f2.8 Mark II

Hello, I couldn't find this question, but I'm sorry if it already exists.
I recently purchased an R5 and I saw the rf 28-75 just came out so I was considering that, but then I noticed I can probably get. The EF 24-70 Mrk II for a similar price used.
Does anyone have experience with both lenses and would recommend why I should get one over the other?
Thank you.
submitted by Andrewjohn0813 to canon [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Fresh-Jello9457 Is it still possible to get an entry level job at 40?

I am a high school dropout, low IQ(learning things is a struggle) no previous job experience. Every job posting requires at least a high school diploma. The only skill I have is I know how to google for solutions(if that is even a skill) because coming up with a solution on my own is impossible due to my intelligence level.
Heck, I applied on an job posting with no pay for 1 month and there’s only 4 applicants and I was still not selected.
submitted by Fresh-Jello9457 to PHJobs [link] [comments]
