2024.11.30 12:41 Siferion Network Adapter problem after reinstalling Windows
Hello everyone,
I don't know where to ask anymore since results arleady posted online did not help me so maybe someone else had the same problem and could shed some light over my case as well.
So I just upgraded my build by replacing some old hardware with the X870E AORUS MASTER MoBo and Ryzen 9800X3D CPU. Everything loaded up just as the old build, smooth and all right last night but this morning I went ahead and had a clean fresh Windows (10) reinstall and SSD format.
After reinstalling windows I was unable to connect to the internet anymore. The ethernet cable has not been moved from the MoBo since shutting it down so I thought it 100% something software related. I installed everyhing from Gigabyte Control Center, tried all of the fixes that I found on Reddit, Google and Gemini.
Reinstalled drivers, eventually ended up reinstalling Windows for the second time in a row and same problem. I even plugged in the Wi-Fi antena this time but it's not recognized as well. I have also added a copy of the Device Manager screen shot for a bit more context.
So the only way I have internet is by connecting my Pixel phone by USB and tethering.
I have found 0 ways of enabling my ethernet port or Wi-Fi and it's really frustrating, it's such a "high-end" build with fresh Windows and it's bloody unable to connect to the internet via it's own network hardware.
Did anyone else come up to this problem as well or has any ideas of what could be done since I've been struggling for the past 7 hours and I feel like giving up...
Thank you so much!
submitted by Siferion to pchelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 FoxAdmirable9336 Best way to ask for referrals, over linked in or any platform
Basically the title, Please put out the templates you guys generally use and had been practically useful for you guys amd landed the interviews
Will make tha list, So It will be helpful to everyone
submitted by FoxAdmirable9336 to Btechtards [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 FinnOtron Any sale?
My friend and I really want to play but you could say we aren't the richest we've ever been, so is there any sale soon?
submitted by FinnOtron to Unrailed [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 kacperk_ Walking alone in 800-years-old “Tomb Raider Temple” (Ta Prohm)
submitted by kacperk_ to AbandonedVideo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 DaRedditNuke Remember, if you're doing a themed team like I am. Still have fun with the game even if it means breaking the theme
Not saying chase the really good players that don't fit the theme. Just saying no ones gonna judge you if you do get a really good player and decide to use them over a themed player submitted by DaRedditNuke to fut [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 Whothefuckcares999 Ekonomist zašto su proizvodi u Njemačkoj jeftini a kod nas skupi
submitted by Whothefuckcares999 to hrvatska [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 Lopsided-Associate60 Opamp Big Muff mod
2024.11.30 12:41 TheUglyHipster How am I doing?
I'm growing some blue/ grey oyster, it's my first time growing any mushroom. I'm not sure when the best time to harvest is. I know sooner is better than later but they still seem quite small so I'm going to wait another day or two. It is my understanding that the long stalks are caused from lack of oxygen. Any advice on improving grow conditions inside the house? Any advice is massively appreciated. This sub got me appreciating mushrooms, where I was previously freaked out by them. Thank you! submitted by TheUglyHipster to mycology [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 havefuck19 bi keresinde...
ilk okul 1 yada 2. sınıfım öğretmen geldi herkes dışarı dedi sonra bütün erkekleri topladı kızları bahçeye saldı bizi tek sıra yapıp müdür yardımcısının odasının önüne götürdü ondan sonra odadan 5 tane çocuk çıktı sonra bizden 5 kişi girdi 10dk sonra onlarda çıktı hepsinin yüzünde garip bi ifade vardı, sonra ben dahil 5 kişi daha girdik müdür yardımcısı ayakta masa başında bi doktor ve koltukta bi tane hemşire vardı müdür yardımcısı çocuklar biriniz gelin diğerleriniz arkasını dönsün dedi diğerleri arkasını döndü ben gittim hemşire karının yanına hala aklımda offff siyah saçlı beyaz tenli bişeydi hemen haşufmanımı indirdi sonra donumu indirdi pipime baktı biraz dokundu inceledi buda tamam hocam dedi doktor not aldı ben dışarı çıktım ilk defa bi kadının eline vermiştim...
submitted by havefuck19 to dewrim [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 gymfoodie Getting off TRT
What do you guys do, for whatever reason, when you have to get off TRT?
Test Boosters? Enclomiphene? Clomid?
submitted by gymfoodie to trt [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 Anxiety_Fit Update #HannBombe
submitted by Anxiety_Fit to Hannover [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 Sad_Cow_577 Why do you use Ashley madison?
submitted by Sad_Cow_577 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 OrangeFortune Comic issues as unlockables
I was wondering if anyone else thinks this would be a very cool addition to the game. The ability to unlock comicbook issues you can read in-game by completing challenges, top tier battlepass rewards, or as rewards for seasonal events in the game. I'm aware Marvel wants to sell books so probably aren't to keen on just handing them out, even the old ones, but I think it'd be a great incentive to keep people playing.
submitted by OrangeFortune to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 HospitalThis223 question
can someone tell me what this cap is for
submitted by HospitalThis223 to e46 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 atmaninravi What are the reasons for wanting happiness over sorrow?
Every human being wants pleasure. Nobody wants pain. Therefore, every human being wants to be happy, nobody wants to be unhappy. Everybody wants to be glad, nobody wants to be sad. But what prevents us from being happy all the time? There are many factors. One factor is desire. Desire is a fire which creates disappointment. Then there's the mind which bombards us with toxic thoughts. It is MIND, Misery, Ignorance, Negativity and Desire. Therefore, we have to eliminate the mind. The other reason we become unhappy is the ego. The ego creates anger, hate, revenge and jealousy, just like the mind creates fear, worry, stress and anxiety. Therefore, if we transcend the mind and ego, and we realize that we are not even the body, we live a life of eternal bliss, peace and love.
submitted by atmaninravi to GetMotivatedBuddies [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 tiramisu_090 Esp during PMS 😅
submitted by tiramisu_090 to PMS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 Vast_Car_7061 Drop ud?
Dav med jer
Pt. Er jeg igang med uni uddannelse på første år. Mit spørgsmål til jer er hvad i ville gøre i min situation.
For det første har jeg fået en studiegruppe der laver nul og niks, jeg har en vejleder der ikke vejleder men blot "trøster" os med at vi nok skal bestå ligemeget hvad.
Jeg har altid været skoletræt, men valgte at give uni et forsøg trods alt. Jeg er ikke typen der slacker på nogen måde og giver den alt jeg har.
Det har så resulteret i at jeg ikke har nogen form for fritid, jeg bruger alle mine kræfter på at spekulere på opgaver, fremlæggelser og eksamener dag ind og dag ud og det påvirker mig meget mental og fysisk iform af at jeg ikke får trænet som er min store passion, jeg får ikke spist og mit humør er helt ind bund. Så har nok ramt en mindre depression.
Oven i købet er klasse fællesskabet ikke noget at komme efter, folk er flinke osv men er meget opdelt. Et af mine mål med at tage uddannelsen var også at få nogle venner man kunne lave noget andet end skole med og hjælpe hinanden gennem uddannelsen så vidt muligt..
Hvad ville i gøre ?
submitted by Vast_Car_7061 to DKstudie [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 kanyewews8 hello, what is the best beans for cold brew
im about to sell cold brew drinks, and im wondering what is the best beans to use? im from Manila btw.
cold brew + half and half (evap milk and condensed milk).
submitted by kanyewews8 to roasting [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 Comfortable-Kori-79 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Comfortable-Kori-79 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 mortdraken Meanwhile, in Luxembourg...
submitted by mortdraken to Luxembourg [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 CmonRetirement Loan Interest Rate
Anyone know why the TSP loan interest rates jumped about a half percent to above 4% again? This seemed to happen since Tuesday?
submitted by CmonRetirement to ThriftSavingsPlan [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 Capable_Wonder9911 can any1 help.me fix this when I click the chat box my email pops up and i have to click twice to fully type
submitted by Capable_Wonder9911 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 Crazy_Marionberry325 Mariada Pieridi
submitted by Crazy_Marionberry325 to GreekCelebs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:41 marchfey False baby
submitted by marchfey to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:41 Gullah_GullahIsland Breakfast sandwich
submitted by Gullah_GullahIsland to SandwichPorn [link] [comments]