WLE, France 24, choice of photo much?! (see terrible photo choice in article)

2024.11.30 12:41 PatchiW WLE, France 24, choice of photo much?! (see terrible photo choice in article)

submitted by PatchiW to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:41 fullnameqwertyu Seulgi punch

Seulgi punch submitted by fullnameqwertyu to Seulgi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:41 Better-Topic-5848 Name?

submitted by Better-Topic-5848 to NameThatMovie [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:41 trashhippo2225 My Old Yugioh OC

My Old Yugioh OC Just curious if you guys have any OC’s and what custom cards do they run? I think he had a Justicer deck it didn’t really have a direction so I might try to make them again. And yes he has a “Yu” name 😅
submitted by trashhippo2225 to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 long4life My Cat playing with fish

My Cat playing with fish submitted by long4life to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Britishsheffield Please help me find this video

I want to find the video where AverageHarry says something along the lines “I will tattoo across my chest you can take (forgot what it is) but you can’t take my XL bully”
submitted by Britishsheffield to Memeulous [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 robin_f_reba Playing too many JRPGs at once

submitted by robin_f_reba to progmetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Flimsy_Employment_31 Accidentally deleted a chat

I accidentally deleted anchat with my dad. He's is the best and I am devo. How can I get it back?
submitted by Flimsy_Employment_31 to whatsapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Ivco__ Arzopa marketing scam

Arzopa marketing scam So the thing is, Arzopa team keeps deleting my Facebook comments about me exposing their fake Black Friday sale… first off, it’s very transparent to anyone that has been following your prices for a month that your sale is just fake… second off, deleting my comments won’t stop me from reposting them or making new accounts to do so until you learn
submitted by Ivco__ to ARZOPA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 celebsbootytreasure Sabrina Carpenter

submitted by celebsbootytreasure to DisneyBabes_Hot [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Ok_Celery_7885 Hello. What's the difference between those ? One is "30-60-12", another is "60-60-24", and the other is "60-60-30". I've seen that the original Rolex is "60-60-30", is the "30" for the date ?

Hello. What's the difference between those ? One is submitted by Ok_Celery_7885 to SeikoMods [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Vivid-Pain2224 Giving up

Hello, M 34 here. I'm not sure how to put this. I was single (not for lack of trying) until my mid 20s. I was in a relationship and it ended up being a nightmare scenario for 5 years. It's been 3 years and I'm better off. After a year I started trying to date again and its exactly as it was in my early and mid 20s. No women want to talk to me, online or off. I make friends with men easily. I'm at a point where I think I just want to pursue hobbies and live life alone. Once in a while I get a deep sadness that I'll live alone, and the physical urges are almost painfully insistent. I do work out regularly and pursue hobbies but how can I essentially "forget" or diminish my urges towards romantic and physical intimacy? I'll never fulfill it so essentially I'm trying to ask my brain and body to stop asking. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Vivid-Pain2224 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Narrow_Night2189 Sometimes I Need

submitted by Narrow_Night2189 to HighlySuspect [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Front-Director-449 There is a way to downgrade iPhone 6 to iOS 8.3 without blobs?

There is a way to downgrade iPhone 6 to iOS 8.3 without blobs? Thanks you guys!
submitted by Front-Director-449 to LegacyJailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Altruistic_Back_7 1 year old cat sick

Sick 1 year old Cat
Starting 2 nights ago my 1 year old cat was starting to look a little under the weather (more tired, not as playful and energetic). He is usually extremely playful and hyper. Yesterday he did not eat or drink at all and spent the whole day laying around and barely grooming himself and seemed feverish. This morning he was taken to the vet by my mother (I'm out of town) and the vet stated "stress" which is absolutely ridiculous considering that upon palpation of the abdomen he has pain which leaves me concerned for some sort of blockage or he ate something he shouldn't have.
My mother convinced him to give antibiotics and some kind of NSAID shot to calm the fever. He said if he doesn't improve in a few days to bring him back to get blood and imaging which would cost 600 dollars (absolutely ridiculous we will find somewhere else).
What should I be suspecting, he was able to eat a can of his wet food and treats after the NSAID shot but is still not feeling well at all.
He is urinating but has not had a bowel movement, I am not sure if that's partly due to him not eating.
submitted by Altruistic_Back_7 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Jorge_ln10 Δεν χρειάζομαι συγχαρητήρια

Δεν χρειάζομαι συγχαρητήρια Ο,τι κάνω, το κάνω για την υγεία του κυκλοαυνανισμου και το ευ αγωνίζεσθαι
submitted by Jorge_ln10 to greececirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 curtiss01 Dead LABs?

Pretty new to this (second ferment - first one was a success). Are the white fuzzy bits mould or dead LABs?
submitted by curtiss01 to FermentedHotSauce [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 EpicRail what am i looking at

what am i looking at submitted by EpicRail to TDS_Roblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 SilentvolkVon Digital AC 5 Code

Hi new too this sub. Recently I remembered that when AC 7 was coming out was there a version that included a download code for AC 5? I've preordered the game, got it and nothing, and after I send a email to the store they replied "we don't have any information on such a version sorry"
submitted by SilentvolkVon to acecombat [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 ApprehensiveLocal432 Last day of November, let's mark it with a glare.

Last day of November, let's mark it with a glare. submitted by ApprehensiveLocal432 to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 mchef3716 Hi Jerry!!!

submitted by mchef3716 to seinfeld [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Expensive-Cow475 How do you spot a chaser

What if he says all the right things, makes you feel like he sees you as a man, but for example hasn't dated cis men before? Maybe he's just not experienced, but what if he wouldn't even want to?
I'm asexual so I'd have to find someone who's only there for the romance and partnership as well, but how do I know he's not just settling for a trans man because he can't find himself anything better?
I'm pre everything but I'll only get to start T when I'm like 25 so who knows if I'll be stuck looking and sounding like a 13yo, and I can't have surgery or bind often because of health reasons. But if I start passing at least voice-wise, how do I know who's genuine and who's not?
submitted by Expensive-Cow475 to FTMMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 Dismal-Aside7900 Pass Royale Hog Rider

Pass Royale Hog Rider submitted by Dismal-Aside7900 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 BrrBurr DS224 has been indexing for a week?

I copied about 6 GB of date to my DS224 and it's been ( I think) indexing for a week. Is this normal? It's in the living room behind the TV, so it's driving us a bit nuts at this point. It's hooked up to our Verizon router for streaming
Also, is that even secure?
submitted by BrrBurr to synology [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:40 mr_rubbish27 Possible Changes in Circumstances? - Help Needed

Hi everyone,
I receive PIP and have been since the start of the year, since this claim and receiving funds I have been diagnosed with ADHD and am now taking daily medication for it which causes a change in how I function and there are also some side effects, one of which is that it reduces appetite so I am not eating as I should or I'm unable to make food and rely on takeaways. I have also started full-time education and now receive DSA from which I have been appointed non-medical helpers in the form of someone helping me with study skills and a mentor.
Can someone tell me whether or not I should let PIP know about these changes?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
submitted by mr_rubbish27 to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]
