2024.11.30 12:47 msltegretol Caravana de Natal da Coca-Cola
https://preview.redd.it/rcizfuhqb14e1.png?width=1137&format=png&auto=webp&s=08c118be64599279f47542a7fde1c77a3bb6d0f7 01/12 03/12 22/12 A já tradicional Caravana de Natal da Coca-Cola passará mais uma vez pelos bairros de Ribeirão em pelo menos 3 datas - 01/12, 13/12 e 22/12, sempre com saída às 19:00. Os itinerários já estão definidos e podem ser consultados nas imagens do post ou através do link abaixo. Levem as cranças e curtam a magia do Natal! https://www.coca-cola.com/bpt/offerings/christmas/coca-cola-truck submitted by msltegretol to ribeiraopreto [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:47 Bitter-Penalty9653 The 13 keys were certainly wrong in 1856.
For those saying "The keys didn't fail, America fail the Keys due to misinformation" or that "The keys predicted a Trump victory, Lictman was biased" l will like to add that in retrospect the keys were also wrong in 1856 because the 1. Party mandate key (Republicans gained seats) 2. No primary contest key (Buchanan wasn’t nominated until the 15th ballot) 3. Incumbent running really election (Buchanan was the nominee no Pierce) 4. No third party (Filmore) Social unrest key (Bleeding Kansas) 5. No foreign policy failure (Pierce failed to strengthen relations with UK and he also failed to annex Cuba) 6. Incumbent charisma (I don’t think I need to explain this) would be turned false and in favour of Fremont.
So yeah the 13 keys is just not good model, it wasn't just because of misinformation or Lictman being biased.
submitted by Bitter-Penalty9653 to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 Comfortable-Kori-79 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Comfortable-Kori-79 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 Senior_Fisherman_851 AirTM cashier - worth it?
I was recently approved to be a cashier at AirTM. I completed my first cashier transaction, and as it stands, I probably got around 5% commission, which is not bad. After the transaction was successful, I got some USDC back from AirTM. Now my question is, how do I use this USDC? Do I send it to my USD account? This means I will probably lose around 5% in transactions. Then what's the point really, earning 5% and then losing 5%, just extra efforts in the middle? Can anyone give me some idea on how to capitalize on this?
submitted by Senior_Fisherman_851 to AirTM [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 Dev_Dakota Go Cocks
Cluck Femson and Fennessee (let’s go Vandy!) 🤙 submitted by Dev_Dakota to Gamecocks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:47 Cultural-Target Looking for Christmas presents and need help!!
As the title stated, I’m looking for a Christmas present for my boyfriend. I don’t know too much about Baldur’s Gate 3, I’ve only started playing recently (and love everything so far). He does also play D:OS2 and I promised that he can teach me both over the holidays. He LOVES the game and plays with his friends + alone. I’m open to anything from keycaps to weapons/masks/potion bottles (?) lol
If you’re a guy who loves BG3 and D:OS2 what would be a great present to receive? We do share a love for DnD and he has all the books, so I can’t get those.
submitted by Cultural-Target to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 Disastrous_Ad_8266 Regieleki raid add me 051109557796
submitted by Disastrous_Ad_8266 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 aikodraws1 Comisson abertas !!! Tokens detalhados por 20, também faço portraits de personagens de RPG por 20 :> chamar dm // ( não aceito encomendas urgentes, no caso, com prazo para dezembro, esse mês tá corrido )
submitted by aikodraws1 to OrdemParanormalRPG [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:47 BrightBlueberry1471 В "Между Две Луни" се пее за това ,че не й се прави докато е в цикъл
"Няма да е сън, ако спиш до мен, няма, щом си нощ и ден виждам между две луни твоите очи" - то даже почти директно си е казано..
Не може да се сравни с фината иносказателност на "Топъл Дъжд" на Силвия Кацарова. Да не говорим за класиката на Ваня Костова - "Нека бъда твоята есен". Само вижте какви намеци: "ще тежа във ръцете ти златна и зряла" , "Не можах да бъда твоята пролет - друг окърши клоните нацъфтели" , "Не можах да бъда твоето лято друг се къпа в реките горещи и бели" (като последното май използва същата метафора като топлият дъжд на Силвия Кацарова"
submitted by BrightBlueberry1471 to bulgaria [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 RaiseAffectionate117 Looking for Darth Vader fics where he finds a way to heal himself
Like it says in title, Looking for Darth Vader fics where he finds a way to heal himself
2024.11.30 12:47 ANewsHubBot Vote counting underway in Ireland in tight, three-way race
submitted by ANewsHubBot to WorldNewsHeadlines [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 ANewsHubBot Vote counting underway in Ireland in tight, three-way race
submitted by ANewsHubBot to NewsHub [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 AdMiddle6652 looking back on this what were these niggas doing in north dallas
submitted by AdMiddle6652 to Afdallastan [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:47 Adorable-Raisin-8643 Just finished sleep test. Was awake for at least 5 hours of it. Slept less then 4 hours
This was my 2nd time attempting the test. I was unable to do the first one because putting on the test gave me a panic attack. My doctor then prescribed me a 1 time dose of sonata to help me fall asleep for this second test and that medicine did NOTHING for me. I was tossing and turning due to anxiety and 4 1/2 hours in I got up and took a double dose of over the counter sleeping pills (I took 2 pills, dosage is supposed to be 1 pill) I tossed and turned some more and then woke up 9 hours and 50 mins into the test so I slept for less then 4 hours and those 3ish hours were under a double dose of sleep meds. Did I ruin this 2nd test? I'm not going to do it a 3rd time. My anxiety is too high, even with the prescribed medicine they gave me, it was too much (my anxiety) I'm not going to put myself though that again. It was a watchpat one home test if that matters.
submitted by Adorable-Raisin-8643 to SleepApnea [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 Farox223 Please help
It’s hard to see, but like the walls there’s pieces taking out of them like a bowl. I don’t know how to explain it properly but here is a photo. I’ve trained almost everything please help!!! submitted by Farox223 to UnityHelp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:47 OUmegaLUL Multiple Mega Altaria now 118969510113
Join fast 118969510113
submitted by OUmegaLUL to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 Aggressive_Mode_1614 I need some help with an ability
I'm trying to come up with a JoJo Stand ability that revolves around gambling for my main Joestar. It could involve elements like risk, chance, or games of luck. Does anyone have any creative ideas or concepts for something like this?
Here are some stats to kinda help :) Power: D Speed: C Range: B Durability: B Precision: A Potential: A
submitted by Aggressive_Mode_1614 to fanStands [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 Nani9613 So I drew this
WHEE-HEE submitted by Nani9613 to MichaelJackson [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:47 honeyareucoming Activity level whilst on Mounjaro
Hi all,
I’m looking to start Mounjaro and before I request my first order I wondered if anyone can share their experience on what taking Mounjaro has had on their physical health and activity levels.
I’ve mostly seen people commenting on the obvious physical aspects and the numbers on the scale, but I’m wanting to know more on people who take the medical whilst trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Is it possible to maintain an active lifestyle whilst on so few calories? I’ve seen some people talking about fatigue and tiredness whilst taking MJ and would love to hear from someone who has used it alongside the gym and walking/running.
Thanks in advance x
submitted by honeyareucoming to mounjarouk [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 Albaldo “Excuse me mate, do you have any Christmas?”
submitted by Albaldo to Anticonsumption [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 all-park Packout Tough Case
Klein have Knect and Dewalt have Tough Case. Modular small bits cases. Should Packout get its own small interconnected system ?
submitted by all-park to Packout [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 ArtichokeCalm3687 Criteria for ISB admission via CAT? Any sectional or overall cut off?
submitted by ArtichokeCalm3687 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 -happycow- Do US americans consider latin americans to be non-white ?
The descendants of europeans make up the majority of many of the central and southern american counteries. But as a european, it seems to me like the latin americans are not being viewed as 'white', although in my mind they are.
When I consider portugees, spanish, italians etc, they are White in the traditional sense.
Latin ofcourse refers to the latin speaking countries like Spain, Portugal, France and Italy pre-dominantly.
So I would really like to understand how they are being viewed, as opposed to how europeans see them
submitted by -happycow- to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 12:47 DisapprovingLlama Fuck The Washington Post and Fuck You Spez
A billionaire owning one of the most influential newspapers and using it to push anti-regulation propaganda is money manipulating democracy. Bezos benefits from minimal oversight on his empire so weaponizing The Washington Post to sway public opinion isn’t journalism it’s self-serving PR disguised as news. Fuck you Washington Post and fuck spez for good measure. 🖕 submitted by DisapprovingLlama to antiwork [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 12:47 MiracetteNytten anime_irl
submitted by MiracetteNytten to anime_irl [link] [comments]