Am I candidate for jaw surgery?

2024.11.30 12:49 Auroramarianna Am I candidate for jaw surgery?

Am I candidate for jaw surgery? Is it worth the risk? I also have an overbite. However, currently I suffer from no health conditions related to my jaw but I am afraid I might as I age up. But who knows. Are both my jaws recessed?
submitted by Auroramarianna to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Illustrious_Spare864 Cramps vs labor pains

Just curious for those who have given birth - were your cramps comparable to labor? I had back labor with my son and my contractions were literally exactly the same as my monthly period cramps up until around 6 centimeters. I have not been confirmed the have endo (very much suspected though) but after going through labor I’m 100% sure my period cramps are not normal.
submitted by Illustrious_Spare864 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 AtmosphereSelect Why did he left??

Why did he left?? Sfa4
submitted by AtmosphereSelect to ShadowFightArena [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Serious_Elk_8256 Which website is most accurate for mbti tests?

submitted by Serious_Elk_8256 to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 IndicationUnlucky394 Question about dark souls 3 hardness

So i beat sekiro, elden ring, even bloodborn on ps3. I absolutely love souls likes, but genuinely dark souls 3 is too hard for me. Like idek, but i just cannot play it. Any advice?
submitted by IndicationUnlucky394 to soulslikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Olly230 Fully tricked out classic

So I'm seriously considering a sage/breville bean-to-cup. 😱
I was looking at pid/dimmegrindenew steam valve.
Prices stack up fast.
Black Friday deals and the Barista Express does it all. And has an integrated water filter.
The convenience element is beguiling.
Counter space is at a premium - machine/grindewater jug Vs single unit.
Reading elsewhere the all in one can struggle with lighter roasts and can have temp instability.
I'm not looking for perfection at home but I do know what good tastes like.
Id take regular 75% max rather than 60/100% which is what I get from my 10 year old classic.
This is not a decision I'm taking lightly.
Has anyone got any horror stories and worst case scenarios?
submitted by Olly230 to gaggiaclassic [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 ForwardMarch1502 Is it normal for a skin tag to turn black?

I had a roommate tell me that it’s normal for a long skin tag to get twisted turn black and it will fall off by a eeek at most. Was just wondering if there’s any confirmation on this because I never experienced this and I don’t wanna be a goofball going to the doctor or emergency room for this if it’s not serious lol
submitted by ForwardMarch1502 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 GroundbreakingMain93 Is there a bodge job sub?

I decided the architrave around the kitchen archway wasn't worth stripping to paint, either replace or remove.
So, I took a look and -huge sigh- it's just a lot of air and bad packing.
Then at the bottom, I notice two wires.. one is an earth wrapped in tape.
Where's the sand that I bury my head in?
submitted by GroundbreakingMain93 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Equivalent_Award4286 I'd like to introduce yall to the greatest man who ever lived

I'd like to introduce yall to the greatest man who ever lived My grandpa, the man who raised me. Who taught me how to string barbewire fence, hay a field, and shoe a horse. But also the man who taught me how to drive and to calm the storms in my brain. It's 6am where I'm at and lm watching the sunrise with Pain sweet pain on the speaker. He's been gone so long the only times I can feel close to him are the quite times like these.
What ZB songs make you feel closer to your loved ones that are no longer here?
submitted by Equivalent_Award4286 to zachbryan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Bry_Garz1 M 21 latino anyone need their morning wood taken care of?

Lmk ;))
submitted by Bry_Garz1 to Fresnonsa559 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 TurkMisilli Kyk’da Lavaboya sıçmışlar

Oda 4 kişilik ama eğitim almamış hayvanlar arkadaşlarını getirince 6-7 kişi sigara filan kahvehane gibi oluyor şimdi bunlar tuvalete filan sıçıyorlardı pislik içinde bırakıyorlar boklar kıllar karışık oluyor tıkanmış oluyor genelde dün odaya gittiğimde odada kimse yoktu tuvalete gittim ama tıkanmıştı bende bir sinirle lavaboya sıçıp dışarıya sigara içmeye çiktim tabi önce alt katta elimi yıkadım. Sigaradan döndüğümde odaya çıktım bunlar yine 3 kişi tuvaleti açmak için toplanmıştı ama sonra lavabodaki boku gördüler ve birbirlerine suç atmaya başladılar(ben çok temiz biriyimdir yatağım bile sıfır gibidir tenim ay gibi beyazdır benden süphelenmeleri imkansızdır.) sonra bunlar bunların kavgası baya şiddetlenince ayırdık bu olaydan sonra oda hep sessiz temiz olmuştur
submitted by TurkMisilli to UniversityTR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 createitlabs SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY SPECIAL OPEN HOURS! JOIN US VIRTUALLY or IN-PERSON Sat 11/30 10am-5pm at M Galleries

submitted by createitlabs to createitlabs [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 CherryVarious3871 Not even a day in

Is it healthy to take a break from nofap? When I relapse it feels worse now that I don’t want to and am trying not to, part of me feels like it’s making me more want more and more too, as in porn and masturbating having the opposite affect of what it’s supposed to, yesterday was hard and just relapsed to “relax” but I regretted it after more than usual
submitted by CherryVarious3871 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Tall_Price2537 Dẫn đầu trong công nghệ in 3D và lan tỏa giàu tình nhân ái

Dẫn đầu trong công nghệ in 3D và lan tỏa giàu tình nhân ái Giới thiệu về công ty Seprinder Công ty Seprinder là đơn vị tiên phong trong lĩnh vực in 3D tại Việt Nam. Với kinh nghiệm nhiều năm, chúng tôi tự hào mang đến các giải pháp sáng tạo và đột phá, giúp khách hàng hiện thực hóa những ý tưởng phức tạp nhất.
Công nghệ in 3D: Đột phá trong sản xuất và thiết kế In 3D là một trong những công nghệ đang thay đổi cách chúng ta tạo ra sản phẩm. Tại Seprinder, chúng tôi sử dụng những thiết bị hiện đại nhất, đảm bảo tối ưu hóa từ chất lượng đến tốc độ. Tất cả các sản phẩm in 3D đều được thiết kế đặc biệt nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu đa dạng từ công nghiệp, y tế đến giáo dục và nghệ thuật.
Lan tòa giàu tình nhân ái Không chỉ tập trung vào phát triển kinh doanh, Seprinder còn đặc biệt quan tâm đến các hoạt động nhân ái. Chúng tôi luôn tin rằng sự thành công thật sự phải được đo bằng những đóng góp tích cực cho xã hội. Thông qua các chương trình hỗ trợ hoàn cảnh khó khăn, chúng tôi đã mang đến hy vọng và cơ hội mới cho nhiều gia đình.
Hỗ trợ hoàn cảnh khó khăn: Trách nhiệm vì cộng đồngSeprinder thường xuyên tổ chức các hoạt động từ thiện, chẳng hạn như tặng quà, xây nhà tình thương, hay hỗ trợ giáo dục cho trẻ em nghèo. Mỗi chương trình đều mang đến những kết quả thiết thực, góp phần cải thiện đời sống cho những người yếu thế trong xã hội. Tầm nhìn và sứ mệnh Seprinder hướng đến việc trở thành một doanh nghiệp không chỉ đứng đầu trong công nghệ in 3D mà còn lan tỏa giá trị nhân văn. Bằng sự kết hợp giữa sáng tạo và tâm huyết, chúng tôi cam kết tiếp tục đóng góp cho sự phát triển bền vững của xã hội.
submitted by Tall_Price2537 to in3dvietnam [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 88uknwn88 Las piñas studio condo

LF bare studio condo unit preferably torre sur, sonora garden residences, ananda square
submitted by 88uknwn88 to RentPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 ggabriel883 some "rare" cars from my collection

submitted by ggabriel883 to ForzaHorizon5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Amy_co106 This person has so clearly read he books right??

This "theory" is too perfectly spot on, it reads like someone who has read the books but wants to appear clever at predicting the plot.
submitted by Amy_co106 to Wool [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Mr-Sardonicus [[NEED HELP W/ BLKFRIDAY FREE GIFTS ONLY 3 HRS LEFT]]

[HELPING ANYONE WITH FARM/FISH/COFFEE ETC WHO CAN HELP ME WITH GIFTS]] Code: 44445705, User: Ad*****ore .I only need 0.13 of a coin 🙏🙏
submitted by Mr-Sardonicus to AllTemuCodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 MortarMaggot275 Scott Horton explains the background of the current situation in Ukraine.

Scott Horton explains the background of the current situation in Ukraine. Worthwhile video, imo.
submitted by MortarMaggot275 to JoeRogan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Playful-Sample6571 The New Management

The New Management submitted by Playful-Sample6571 to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 LectureForsaken6782 Has anyone tried status matching with other hotel brands from Hilton's Gold / Diamond status?

I was just curious if anyone has used their Gold / Platinum status in Hilton from October's rent day to match to any other hotel status. I should get to Diamond after this year, but I've at least stayed plenty enough to keep Gold (got the email confirming) and I plan to try myself regardless, but was curious if anyone has had any luck or issues with trying this or to ask what other brands they've status matched with...I'm pretty sure I should be able to with Marriott at least
submitted by LectureForsaken6782 to biltrewards [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 Blaakmail Yogurt Unibrow?

Yogurt Unibrow? So Piper tells me she does not know how she got this ring on her forehead. She also doesn't know why the yogurt container is licked clean! Hmmm. One of life's mysterious questions!
submitted by Blaakmail to springerspaniel [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 OBB76 Weird flex

Weird flex Flexing that you got fired because you’re a religious zealot and going to put it on your resume.
submitted by OBB76 to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 wunschpunsch3D Built a 3D printed, hue controlled ceiling light

Built a 3D printed, hue controlled ceiling light submitted by wunschpunsch3D to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 12:49 AizenDarkie What Do You Guys Think Gun Will Be Doing In Prison?☠️

submitted by AizenDarkie to lookismcomic [link] [comments]