Something I noticed, just FYI for sellers

2024.11.30 16:20 holdyourthrow Something I noticed, just FYI for sellers

There are people calling in code violations they found during open house. Some of this stuff is shockingly simple via comparing square footage, plan and permit history from city and plan provided in disclosure.
Presumably some buyers are able to rehab such properties so it’s in their advantage to get the home red tagged to force a distressed sale.
Always permit your stuff.
submitted by holdyourthrow to BayAreaRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Complex-Value-5807 The New Vaudeville Band- Winchester Cathedral(#1-1966)

The New Vaudeville Band- Winchester Cathedral(#1-1966) submitted by Complex-Value-5807 to TheHot100 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Boh9889 D...Dove sono?

Mi ricordavo di morire...Mi gira ancora la testa...
submitted by Boh9889 to vita_da_animali [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 KeySummer9625 Although some say the Jonas Brothers have declined since their Disney era, they are clearly still famous!!

While they may be struggling with Spotify streams, their singles "Sucker," "Only Human," "Leave Before You Love Me," and "Waffles" have performed better on the US radio charts than their Disney Channel era singles after reuniting. Additionally, their US tour revenue exceeded $1 billion last year.
During the hiatus of Nick Jonas' band, he scored three hits on the US charts as a solo artist. He also starred in the hit movie "Jumanji." He has been selected as a coach on the popular American shows "The Voice" and as a host on "SNL."
With such achievements, how can they be considered a has-been??
submitted by KeySummer9625 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Crommington It’s finished!

It’s finished! Some of you may remember my earlier post where I was losing all hope with the wiring. Well it’s finally done!
My main aim with this was to make it look like a stock/factory guitar that fender / squire never made
Squire 50’s P converted to active with dark glass pre amp and stingray (ray 34) bridge pickup. Also installed rear mounted 9v
Sounds great! Tone vid to follow…
submitted by Crommington to BassGuitar [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Cool-Size-3113 Peak genetics?!

Peak genetics?! Dark brows, low upper eye lid exposure, full lips?
submitted by Cool-Size-3113 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Natural-Dinner6642 Get $50 on FanDuel Casino! Terms apply. Make sure to use my invite link!

Thx u
submitted by Natural-Dinner6642 to PromoCodeShare [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 breadrollenjoyer What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by breadrollenjoyer to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 PopPunkMrk Not Recognizing Destination Landing in Career Mode

Anyone else run into this? I have had this occur multiple times where I land where I should but the mission won’t complete. It really got me last night when I did a visual landing at an airfield with obstacles everywhere. I’m sure it would have been 0% smoothness, but that’s beside the point 😂. I’m sure this topic is on here somewhere, so I apologize for starting another thread …
submitted by PopPunkMrk to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 TrixxP Trying to Decide Shure MV7+ VS RØDE PodMic USB VS BEACN

Hi, I'm looking for something that will be good for me for voice recording for making sounds (for games and voice-overs) and great for discord\zoom meetings
I want to get 1 of the 3 and would love to hear what you guys recommend.
submitted by TrixxP to microphone [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Designer_Drawer_3462 Second part on the rigorous resolution of the "Triplet Paradox" with realistic acceleration.

submitted by Designer_Drawer_3462 to SpecialRelativity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Benito_camelo49 Estoy aburrido, recomienden películas para ver en la tarde

Preferiblemente de directores de culto o películas no muy conocidas.
submitted by Benito_camelo49 to ArgentinaBenderStyle [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 UndergroundArchive Tripple Billz - we should go

submitted by UndergroundArchive to appers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Common-Simple3658 Are G.E. plushes machine washable?

Are G.E. plushes machine washable? Are G.E. Sonic plushies machine washable, and if not, what would be the best way to wash them?
submitted by Common-Simple3658 to sonicplushes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Guilty_Actuator7303 Caso: Adulto aggredisce bambino di 7-8 anni come agire in questi casi?

Buondì, mi è tornata alla mente un episodio accaduto anni (decenni) fa a dei conoscenti.
Andando direttamente al sodo: erano in hotel i bambini 7-8 anni stavano giocando da soli in aree aperte al pubbliche senza la supervisione dei genitori, un adulto sui 45-50 anni infastidito prende per l'orecchio il figlio della coppia (causandoli a distanza di giorni un infezione che necessiterà di cure).
Il padre una volta appresa la faccenda si fa chiamare il direttore e nel frattempo litiga con l'energumeno, arrivano i carabinieri ecc. L'ospite viene cacciato dall'hotel la sera stessa.
Da un punto di vista giuridico nel caso succedesse quanto sopra descritto quali sono i passaggi da fare per tutelarsi e tutelare il minore, bisogna chiamare i carabinieri? Ci sarebbe spazio per un risarcimento danni morali, psicologici (tenuto conto dell'infezione al lobo dell'orecchio?) ecc.
Voi come vi comporterete?
submitted by Guilty_Actuator7303 to Avvocati [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Kf8t Suck on them while I work.

Suck on them while I work. submitted by Kf8t to FootSlaveMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Remarkable-Land-1492 Gluten free reccs near Stuart/Jensen Beach?

Thank you!!
submitted by Remarkable-Land-1492 to florida [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 GardenofOz Small biz Saturday

Hey bokashi! Hope you've had a great holiday week and a mellow weekend. I wanted to share that my super small biz is running a 30% off sale now through Monday for Small Biz Saturday.
We actually shut our shop down on Thursday and Friday to run a fundraiser for a local nonprofit in our community instead. We're still running the fundraiser, selling merch with their Compost For All program logo. 100% of proceeds on the merch is being donated to the nonprofit.
I hope you'll check out the fundraiser. It's an amazing nonprofit: basically a 2 acre micro farm that grows food and gives away CSA shares for free for families in need. Kids of all ages learn about gardening + regeneratively growing their own food, how to run a business, how to compost, and more.
Plus, teens who work on the farm actually hired as paid interns (a big part of the nonprofit is economic justice). It's a special place and we've been grateful to work with them on their community composting operation.
submitted by GardenofOz to bokashi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:20 Olesso4D Idk what to post

Idk what to post submitted by Olesso4D to TierStars [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:19 exxxhara This isn't looking good at all for the members, they're in trouble

It's becoming clear that N/J/s members might be in trouble with this unilateral contract termination. Basically in the certified letter, A/D0R says they faithfully fulfilled the contract and it's the members that aren't open to conversation. The penalty N/J/s might have to pay is estimated at 600 billion won and time stamps from the certified reply show A/D0R replied well within the deadline, even though N/J/s claims they didn't and that's why they held the press conference. This isn't good at all if this goes to court. Koreans are also backing up H/YB and A/D0R and are saying the members are naive and don't know anything about contracts. They're saying N/J/s are being gaslighted by M/HJ to do this. Here's the full translation for anyone that wants to read. I'm worried N/J/s didn't think things through when they decided to declare this termination and might be stuck paying a huge penalty if this goes to court or going back to H/YB and A/D0R.
submitted by exxxhara to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:19 lionel_carajo Ho visto le tette a mia cugina

qualche tempo fa ero andato a fare una passeggiata con mia cugina (22 anni) tra i campi e a una certa non so se per sbaglio o meno lei si tira su il maglioncino ed escono queste due ciliegione, questa cosa è durata circa due secondi e come niente lei ha abbassato il maglioncino senza dire niente. non vi nego che mi è diventato di marmo perché sono bellissime ma penso che lo abbia fatto apposta. secondo voi cosa vuole comunicarmi con sto gesto?
submitted by lionel_carajo to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:19 makemake98 FIRST MAJOR IMPROVEMENT IN TEN YEARS!

28m, symptoms affecting sexual, urinary and defecatory functions started ten years ago after undergoing a hernia repair via mesh insertion. I didn’t understand what exactly was wrong and thought it was some weird prostate problem. Nothing helped and I lost hope.
A year ago I found some relief via doing some stretches I found on Youtube but it didn’t help too much with erection strength. Recently several weeks ago I posted here about how I suddenly realized I had lost the ability to wiggle my erect penis compared to ten years ago. Someone mentioned I should look into that being a tight pelvic floor. And I did.
I saw some specific pelvic stretches online linked below and started training my hip adductor muscles as well as train leg muscles more seriously. For the past few weeks I’ve had titanium strong erections, so strong that I forgot how good ejaculations can feel.
Specifically, I feel a muscle in my perineum twitching when I do the knee to shoulder stretch only when doing the right side (that’s the side where I had my hernia inserted! I always suspected it had something to do with this but never confirmed until now!) I think that specific stretch has been the main contributor to my improvements.
I’m so ecstatic and I can’t wait to update you about my progress in a few months time!
submitted by makemake98 to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:19 britainpls If money wasn't a problem, could we cure addictions by using magistral formulas that reduce the drug administered by, say, 1%/day?

It is known that, for some patients, the tapering process can be awful and trigger withdrawals. And since slow tapering regimes can take months, the agony of the patient is extended. This can lead to relapse. However, most (if not all) tapering regimes imply taking 100% of the drug for X days and then switching to a different tablet that contains 87.5% or 75% of the drug. It is precisely at this point that withdrawals can be triggered, particularly for compounds with short half lives.
I wonder if a regime where the patient takes 100% of the drug on day one, 99% on day two, 98.01% on day three (99% of 99%), etc. would avoid these problems. Sure, this would require a dedicated pharmacist so it would be prohibitively expensive, but can withdrawal be triggered by a 1% daily reduction on the addictive compound? Unlikely, as even the USP tolerates an error >5% for oral formulations.
submitted by britainpls to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:19 PrincipleTemporary65 Will it really surprise anyone that Trump is following one of the precepts of Project 2025 and siccing his bulldog, Musk, on the Consumer Protection Bureau?

Will it really surprise anyone that Trump is following one of the precepts of Project 2025 and siccing his bulldog, Musk, on the Consumer Protection Bureau?
Look at the title, Consumer Protection Bureau.!
The mandate of a Consumer Protection Bureau typically centers on ensuring the rights and interests of consumers are safeguarded. While specific roles and responsibilities can vary by state or jurisdiction, the core mandate generally includes the following:

  1. Protecting Consumer Rights
Ensure consumers have access to safe products and services.
Protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent business practices.
Safeguard privacy and data security for consumers.
  1. Promoting Fair Trade Practices
Encourage fair competition among businesses.
Monitor and address monopolistic practices or anti-competitive behavior.
Ensure transparency in advertising, labeling, and product information.
  1. Ensuring Product and Service Safety
Establish and enforce safety standards for products and services.
Conduct inspections, audits, and investigations into safety violations.
Issue recalls or bans on unsafe products.
  1. Educating and Empowering Consumers
Provide information on consumer rights and responsibilities.
Offer resources to help consumers make informed decisions.
Conduct awareness campaigns about fraud and scams.
  1. Handling Consumer Complaints
Create mechanisms for consumers to report complaints about products, services, or businesses.
Mediate disputes between consumers and businesses.
Provide legal or administrative recourse for consumer grievances.
  1. Regulating and Monitoring Markets
Enforce compliance with consumer protection laws and regulations.
Monitor marketplace trends to address emerging consumer issues.
Collaborate with other agencies and organizations to ensure market fairness.
  1. Promoting Sustainability and Ethical Practices
Encourage businesses to adopt ethical and environmentally sustainable practices.
Advocate for corporate responsibility in production and service delivery.
These responsibilities are often carried out through legislation, regulation, enforcement, and partnerships with other governmental and non-governmental organizations. In the U.S., for example, agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) are key entities tasked with protecting consumers.
It isn't bad enough Trump will lower taxes on the already obscenely wealthy individuals and corporations, but now will use the power of the Federal Government to attack the same citizens whose taxes support it.
And I'm certain the fact that the agency is fighting Musk who wants to open his own financial services scam, has nothing to do with this menace to the common man.
Read the story:
© The Daily Caller
Elon Musk took to social media Wednesday to demand the shutdown of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Musk is spearheading President-elect Donald Trump’s initiative to reduce the size of the federal government. In a post on X, previously known as Twitter, Musk said that the CFPB should be dismantled and claimed that the regulatory agency overseeing potential future payment operations for Musk’s X platform is redundant.
While Trump has advocated for reduced financial industry regulations throughout his campaign, he has not specifically demanded the closure of the CFPB, Politico reported. Although Trump has distanced himself from the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which advises shutting down the CFPB, his administration is expected to curb the agency’s regulatory scope and soften enforcement against corporations, as previously seen during his first term.
The Supreme Court turned down a lawsuit in May that might have led to the shutdown of the CFPB. The justices, in a 7-2 decision, declared it legal for the CFPB to get its money directly from the Federal Reserve rather than through Congress, disappointing the business groups that challenged this funding method.
This controversy surfaced shortly after the CFPB enacted a rule to broaden its oversight over major tech firms offering payment and digital wallet services, potentially affecting X, which is venturing into the payments realm, Politico said. Musk has expressed his ambition for X to evolve into an “everything app,” including financial transactions.
“We’re rapidly transforming the company from what it was, Twitter 1.0, to the everything app,” Musk said during an internal X meeting in Oct. 2023.
Project 2025 is a rat's nest of conspiracy against America.
submitted by PrincipleTemporary65 to normaldayinUSA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:19 Hamilzeit88 Help with tacticus

Help with tacticus I've played for almost 2 years and have really just played to have fun, not really focused so much on Arena or anything competitive like that, but now I would like to have a decent list for Guild Raids, Arena, etc... Who should I focus resources to? Who should be leveled up? Thank you
submitted by Hamilzeit88 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]