2024.11.30 16:40 Far-Article374 if anyone wants to visit today !
submitted by Far-Article374 to HelloKittyTrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 pedidor_de_ajudas Alguém tem o APK do delta emulador por favor?
É muito difícil de achar na play store
submitted by pedidor_de_ajudas to DSiBrew [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 PutShort8283 Neha jethwani
submitted by PutShort8283 to instacutie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 Arh828282 Amazon Trade questions
Can someone explain this two trades? submitted by Arh828282 to ExpiredOptions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 Yetttiii What project should I start?
submitted by Yetttiii to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 ur_boi_aldo [US][SELLING] Dont you with me ms.nagatoro
Volumes 1-11, will negotiate
Dont toy with me ms nagatoro volumes 1'11 https://imgur.com/gallery/t5VBbzz
submitted by ur_boi_aldo to mangaswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 arentyoukidding I painted Fiona in my sketchbook
submitted by arentyoukidding to Xenoblade_Chronicles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 Professional-Sock-78 Who could I be…?
submitted by Professional-Sock-78 to DesktopDetective [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 4Blunts Adamantium Fortress 🏯
These two have been locking down my backfield like Fort Knox 💪🏽 highly recommend either one! submitted by 4Blunts to FUTMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 Constroyer69 Sat there and took the hits like good boys..
submitted by Constroyer69 to CapybaraGoGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 EmreAbiOfficial Microcode 0x12b & I9 13900kf single core is this low?
submitted by EmreAbiOfficial to overclocking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 moonlight_1816 Adolescente de 31 anos
Apesar de me considerar uma pessoa madura, independente e experiente em outros aspectos, no que diz respeito a relacionamentos amorosos me sinto um completo adolescente. É muito estranho ter a minha idade e não possuir a experiência e a inteligência emocional para relacionamentos que geralmente pessoas da minha faixa etária já tem. Isso se deve ao fato de eu nunca ter me relacionado com ninguém. Só fiquei uma vez com um cara quando tinha 21 anos e não foi nada legal.
Me preocupo se um dia começar a namorar e parecer muito imaturo. Como vocês acham que posso lidar com isso?
submitted by moonlight_1816 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 Maxifire32 Is there an hacked client with an immortality hack?
Basically, what im looking for is an hacked client that makes you either unable to take damage or take extremely reduced damage from other player's attacks if that's even possible in minecraft
submitted by Maxifire32 to minecrafthackedclient [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 heleskey 35F - Looking for a long-term study partner [Friendship]
Hello everyone, I'm looking for someone to be my long-term study friend! I love learning, so I'll always be studying something.
I just want us to motivate each other, check up on each other, send memes or gifs. We can sometimes talk about the topics we study and teach each other a few new things!
Tell me what you're studying and what your methods of studying are and let's talk!
submitted by heleskey to MeetPeople [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 Cookie-fighter101 (Repost) If I can't unsee it neither can you.
(This is reposted cuz my Reddit was being stupid and glitching) submitted by Cookie-fighter101 to Epicthemusical [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 SpawnBat85 Golpe em banco
Uma amiga minha tomou um golpe no primeiro trimestre desse ano, onde os golpistas conseguiram abrir uma conta no nome dela, fizeram um empréstimo consignado de aposentado e ainda pediram 2 cartões. Aparentemente tudo de forma digital, porque ela não assinou nada e etc. Tomou conhecimento quando viu o furo em sua aposentadoria. O banco informou que foi tudo legal, que foi assinado e etc, dizendo não poder fazer nada. Ela precisou pegar uma boa quantia em suas reservas para quitar parte do empréstimo e conseguiu tranferir o restante da dívida para um banco de confiança, gerando um compromisso de longa data. Os cartões, o banco apesar de ter bloqueado, não a deixa cancelar e informar que enquanto o empréstimo não for pago, eles precisam cobrar a taxa de manutenção dos cartões. Ela trabalha, está bem abatida, seguindo a vida, mas acha que como não fez boletim e também não procurou ajuda na época, acha que atualmente não tem o que ser feito. Ela me contou o caso recentemente e falei que estava equivocada, que era possível sim e que ela não deveria deixar esse absurdo sem resolver. Pergunto a vocês, tem jeito? Como ela poderia iniciar essa "briga" na justiça?
submitted by SpawnBat85 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 Tipperary555 Saturday Match Thread: Leinster Club Senior Finals
Leinster Club Senior Football Final
Ardee (Louth) v Cuala (Dublin) - 5:40PM (RTE Player)
Leinster Club Senior Hurling Final
Na Fianna (Dublin) v Kilcormac Killoughey (Offaly) - 7:40PM (RTE 2)
submitted by Tipperary555 to GAA [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 Due_Application6752 Am I hot enough for you?~
submitted by Due_Application6752 to hotasianwife [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 ricthot Thought on Mars 4 for this kind of functional parts ? (picture inside)
Hey guys, Looking for advice. I've had my Ender 3 Pro for 4-5 years now and it nicely tuned and gives me pretty prints. I design my own stuff in Fusion. Main hobbies being sim racing and flight sim, I create all sorts of DIY devices and parts for my rigs and sell some as well. One thing I'm missing is the ability to print high quality switch knobs was thinking that a resin printer would be best for this, thoughts ? Below is an image of what I'm talking about. I read some good comments about the Mars 4 as a 1st, budget friendly resin printer as well, thoughts on this one or anything much better in the same price range (e.g. Mars 4 is currently $271 CAD on Amazon). Would also buy a wash & cure station obviously. Any thoughts on this and recommendations welcome. My other option was to buy an A1 mini for higher quality/faster printing of small parts like this, but I'd really like to cut down on post-processing as much as possible (sanding, filling, , priming, repeat, painting... https://preview.redd.it/z7u0jjkug24e1.png?width=1461&format=png&auto=webp&s=d23b6febd0cce70ed95dd9b344361b67bf9bd62f submitted by ricthot to 3dprinter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 OldSeaworthiness3354 Rate my setup out of 10
submitted by OldSeaworthiness3354 to granturismo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:40 Fungus_Zombie ps4 verison so laggy on ps5
ive got a ps5 and decided to play gta online and it was like 20fps on the ps4 verison but the ps5 verison of online works fine? why?
submitted by Fungus_Zombie to gtaonline [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 Tanisha1Writes How Many Brains are Better than One?
Dear kinfolk,
Popping by to say that I find it comically ironic that many of you are irritated with other members of this family for the very same habits, mentality, lack of self-awareness and emotional intelligence that ALL OF YOU exhibit in one or another.
We have about 5 generations now of -redacted’s- that are keeping up the family tradition of irresponsible spending for the purpose of “keeping up appearances.” Anyone in this group ready to be transparent about why it’s so crucial to maintain this façade of “having it like that?” Who is it exactly that you all are wanting to impress so badly? I mean look around, the city we come from isn’t even close to affluent. There’s no high society or sophistication within 50-100mi of us. Most people where we’re from are lower middle class or poor. Hello??
It’s giving “I wanna be the big fish in a small pond.” And to that I ask: WHY?? Also- as a follow up question: does anyone feel ready to compassionately acknowledge that your father, our grandfather, kickstarted this superficiality? We may never uncover the truth of his trauma -which I presume to be connected to an impoverished upbringing- as he and Grandma are no longer with us. May they rest peacefully in the presence of The Most High.
I know it sounds absurd to you trauma deniers but, poverty trauma IS A THING. And looking at how many of you are deeply in denial about your relationships with money, this generational cycle is far from being broken. Especially since those of you touting yourselves as superior because of your academic accomplishments and all the high-ticket price material possessions you own. Humor me a sec, where exactly is the line of differentiation between dropping $2,000 on a random Wednesday to book a trip out of state for funsies, when you have a mountain of credit card debt to tend to- versus intentionally ignoring housing/utility bills to purchase craft materials in bulk to create products for an online jewelry boutique?
What’s the stark difference between intentionally skipping payment on household expenses so that first paycheck of the month goes to yourself -because your Dad taught you back in the day to “always pay yourself first”- and then “play catch up” on all those skipped payments with your next direct deposit?
Keeping up an image of polished perfection, over achieving and having “the best” while living in one of the poorest cities in the country looks exhausting, to be frank. The lie I used to tell myself was that, my life would be so much more enjoyable if I was more like you guys. But what would that make me ultimately? Less grounded and more materialistic? Less self-aware and more image obsessed? Less transparent and more emotionally disconnected?
I say all this to say, regardless of how basic, swag-less or low class you all perceive me, I believe that I have the luxury of seeing you in ways you cannot or refuse to see yourselves. I’d rather be broke and in touch with the real me than to have a little bit more money than most people around me and encapsulate my identity in that.
All these degrees in the family and none of you can put your intellect together to deduce that ALL of us have some key traits in common. I guess all that education only helps but so much.
Love you 🤍
submitted by Tanisha1Writes to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 HuntersPad Says I've won/bet more than I actually have?
submitted by HuntersPad to DraftKingsDiscussion [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 Something_Heinous Mana remembers
Memetic plucking is the process of taking a "memory" from the remnants of a person, place, or thing. The bigger they are, the more mana you will displace. The further back the memory, the more mana you need. Anything past approximately 80 years, will require an amount of mana that doesn't exist naturally.
Through memetic plucking you can remake a memory into reality. You can turn the ashes of a beehive into a swarm of bees or a raging fire. The steel of a knife can be remade instantly into said blade. Even a pebble can become a mighty mountain if you are strong enough.
Mana displacement is causes environmental confusion. Trees may grow bones, the soil may turn to sand, or the dead may forget they are dead. The more you displace the more extreme the effects.
Memetic plucking requires a similar memory, emotion, or a strong understanding of when the memory was formed to pull on the memory itself. The user must be in contact with the object or a piece of said object to cast a spell.
Then the caster must use a substantial amount of mana that increases depending upon the aspect of the memory summoned.
A charging army might take more mana than any one person can use, but remaking a broken toy would only take a very little amount.
The object or piece will be destroyed in the process.
submitted by Something_Heinous to magicbuilding [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:40 Me_67-nerd-bri2279 Does anybody else’s bird “sleep talk”
I think my bird sleep talks. Every night, the later into the night it gets, and the sleepier he is, the more he “squeaks.” And that is the best word I can think of to describe the sound he makes. It’s like a low whine almost. Very soft, and he says words along with it. Full words in his “awake voice.” And the usual beak grinding. But this squeak and sleep talk mostly happens when he’s falling asleep/is asleep. Is this normal? Is it just a silly quirk? Or is this a “happy bird” thing/body language I’m not aware of yet. He’s been doing this all two years I’ve had him. Doesn’t have any health issues. Healthy, happy birdy. He does this when he falls asleep during the day too. Even when he’s out and falls asleep. Picture of the sleepy baby for tax. submitted by Me_67-nerd-bri2279 to Conures [link] [comments] |