2024.11.30 16:37 AeroHollister Pertanyaan soal bayar kost u/ yang lagi/pernah/mau ngekost atau yang punya usaha kost2an
Hi semua, gw mau bertanya sekaligus minta saran buat kalian yang punya kost2an atau yang lagi/pernah ngekost. Maaf kalau agak panjang ya, nanti ada TL;DR-nya di bawah kok..
Jadi gw dan bokap punya kos2an di kampung halaman kami. Sebelumnya bokap sempat ngurusin beberapa bulan di sana sambil gw kerja di Jakarta. Sejak dia balik ke Jakarta, ada sepupu yang bantu jagain di sana untuk bantu tagih2 kost & catat kalau ada tenant yang masuk/keluar. Memang awalnya kami udah sepakat kalau uang kost itu semuanya full akan diterima oleh gw dengan pengecualian 1 kamar itu bakal dipegang uangnya ama bokap gw utk operasional (listrik, bersih2, sampah, dll). Tapi beberapa bulan terakhir gw notice kalau pemasukan uang kost-nya ga gitu lancar. Meskipun kost-nya full, tapi total yang bayar tiap bulan pasti kurang.
Emang kami juga awalnya salah, kami kurang baik di pencatatan. Jadi selama bokap gw yang jagain, dia ngga pernah catat tanggal masuk anak2 kost-nya. Soal pembayaran pun kadang dia ngga catat dari kamar berapa yang udah/belum bayar, jadi jujur aja beberapa bulan di tahun ini gw ngerasa uda rugi banyak krn gw cek dari bukti2 transfer-an, sepertinya ada anak kost kami yang belum bayar beberapa bulan tapi ngga ada bukti pasti kapan dia terakhir bayar.
Masalahnya adalah ketika gw mau benerin sistem bayar & lebih tegas waktu penagihan, bokap malah marahin gw karena dibilang gw ngga mikirin anak2 kost yang ortunya susah dan ga mampu bayar tepat waktu. Sebagai info, mayoritas anak2 kost di tempat kami ini mahasiswa, tapi ada juga beberapa yang kerja kantoran. Kami juga pakai sistem bayar perpanjang per tanggal masuk, bukan disamakan di tanggal2 tertentu.
Gw akhirnya coba tagih langsung anak kost kami untuk bayar tepat waktu & bayar untuk bulan2 sebelumnya yang belum dibayar, justru gw malah "dimarahin" balik ama anak kost/ortu-nya, karena katanya dlu bokap gw ngebolehin mereka nunggak 2-3 bulan baru bayar sekaligus. Jadi gw beranggapan untuk beberapa anak kost di tempat kami, anggapan mereka bergeser dari bayar kost untuk tinggal sebulan ke depan jadi tinggal sebulan dulu baru bayar. Gw ama bokap jadi beberapa kali berdebat soal ini, karena gw juga ada cicilan yang gw cukup bergantung dari pemasukan kost kami ini, tapi bokap malah sesukanya ngasih kelonggaran anak2 kost untuk tinggal beberapa bulan ngga bayar.
Karena itu gw mau bertanya buat kalian yang pernah/lagi ngekost atau punya kost2an, terutama soal sistem bayar kost di tempat kalian:
2024.11.30 16:37 Glum-Bottle7384 [WTS] Creed Viking Cologne3.3oz (bottle)
Greate gift for the holidays!!
everything comes with USPS priority
Sealed Creed Viking Cologne 100ml - $160
submitted by Glum-Bottle7384 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 ceramic_gnome10 Found my first star note the other day at work!
submitted by ceramic_gnome10 to CURRENCY [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 AffectionateRide1482 New dlc coming up
submitted by AffectionateRide1482 to LiesOfP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 Damonziii I don’t know if this is the right place for this but does anyone know the name of this jacket and in which drop it was inclueded in.
submitted by Damonziii to corteiz [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 Matoo61 Please watch my video and check out my channel,it helps me a lot. Please comm,like,share and subscribe.
submitted by Matoo61 to YoutubePromotionn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 usopsong Happy St Andrew’s Day! Jesus called Andrew “Come after me & I will make you fishers of men.” We’re not self-made nor do we define our own identity. It is God who directs & if we leave our boring egodrama to take our role in His theodrama, He will make us into smth far better than we ourselves could!
The Apostle’s name “Andrew” derives from the Greek word for “masculine”.
Our secular culture paints masculinity as “toxic” even as Hollywood frequently portrays men as either buffoons, villains, or effeminate.
Yet nothing is so detrimental to society than absent fathers and unchaste husbands. Men must be shown the person of Christ, the God-man, who set the sublime model of masculine love with these sacred words: This is my Body, given up for you
St. Andrew the Apostle, pray for us!
submitted by usopsong to Christianity [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 andythekraken Weird LOD trees that won’t disappear
Hello guys, I’m kind of a noob here. Recently I noticed some weird looking trees at Windstad Manor. Now I have Dracos Hearthfire Homes Exterior installed, and the trees are just sticking out of the walls. There is actually nothing there so I can’t just console disable them.
My mod list is fairly simple, so I don’t have anything fancy like DynDOLOD installed. Only mods that could cause this to my limited knowledge is Dracos mod and Skyrim Flora Overhaul somehow. Can anyone knowledgeable help me resolve this? Much appreciated!
submitted by andythekraken to skyrimmods [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 AdSpecialist6598 A behind the scenes photo of Thuy Trang and Amy Jo Johnson on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
submitted by AdSpecialist6598 to powerrangers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 Black_dragon97 Co op Flola Farm
Hello everyone, been playing farmville a while now, just created the Flola Farm coop, please join and lets all share and support by playing together, thanks
submitted by Black_dragon97 to farmville2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 SpudItOwtMahBoi What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by SpudItOwtMahBoi to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 Educational_Act_4237 Do I have varicocele
Hi, I've had a pain in my left testicle anytime I've tried to have sex/masturbate for the last few months now, last November I had a vasectomy, and I'm worried it's caused varicocele.
A lump forms just above the left testicle and just under the shaft of the penis during arousel, and a other pain forms near the inner leg, it also drastically gets more painful closer to ejaculation.
I've been to a urologist, they didn't find anything other than a cist on the epididimus, and inflammation.
Does this sound familiar to anybody else's case? It's driving me crazy not knowing what's causing this, thanks.
submitted by Educational_Act_4237 to varicocele [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 Purple_Run731 What if the GATE opened in the last Grand Strategy game you played.
Modded games are included. submitted by Purple_Run731 to gate [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 Mysterious_Noise_59 "Follow the Lamborghini to the stand" on my flight this morning.
submitted by Mysterious_Noise_59 to flying [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 weedtards_ THE PARTY NEVER ENDS🗣️🧃 you guys already know I had to pick up a gram rip in honor of the new juice album. The vibes in this are 10/10. Enjoy! Much love, God bless
submitted by weedtards_ to Bongs [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 Matoo61 Please watch my video and check out my channel,it helps me a lot. Please comm,like,share and subscribe.
submitted by Matoo61 to Youtubeviews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 habylab Stuck on account creation
I've been stuck on the account creation page with: "We are creating your new account now!" message.
Says it can take a few minutes, but it's been over ten minutes now. Any idea how long this could take?
submitted by habylab to RouteNoteOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 Hayxel Good price-quality gaming headphones advice?
I recently bought a gaming laptop and would like to buy headphones aswell.
My budget would be around 50-60€. I'm hoping that with the black friday deals I can find ones in this range with good features.
One important thing is that they have good noise cancelling, since my laptop is probably to be quite noisy and I wouldn't like to constantly hear it.
My previous headphones were logitech pro X, which were fantastic. Extremely comfortable, very nice sound and good noise cancelling, sadly they're quite expensive too.
So far I've got the eye on logitech G432, which I've found for 40€ and look decent, but I honestly have NO idea if they're good or not
Feel free to suggest more expensive headphones if you think they are really worth the extra money. Thank you!!
submitted by Hayxel to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 ClussyV2 Why didn't Mahito change his body to be like Sukuna?Is he stupid?
I mean,from what I heard Sukuna's body is perfect since he's got two mouths for better circulation and four arms. submitted by ClussyV2 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 usera_32526 We've run a few tests to refine the direction for our game. Any feedback will help us set the right course.
submitted by usera_32526 to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 JohanSsj08 Voy a ir a un concierto solo
Hola, tengo 20 años y no me gusta salir mucho de casa, soy nuevo en la ciudad y viene un artista el cual disfruto mucho, no soy muy bueno socializando por eso iré solo, no es raro eso? Me siento algo nervioso
submitted by JohanSsj08 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 SaltyLore Wanted to jump in on the fun and post a tier list of books I’ve read semi-recently. Anyone have recs based off these?
submitted by SaltyLore to 52book [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 Royal_Block3285 Lauren's future Bunny
Someone posted a screenshot of her FB post about wanting a bunny. That poor thing will die of severe neglect of she gets it. I've included the cage she put on her wishlist for the poor thing, and it's so small, and unlivable for a creature. submitted by Royal_Block3285 to LaurenAmbroseSnark [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:37 sunnyolive108 Top G's Matrix Meltdown
submitted by sunnyolive108 to Asmongold [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:37 Matoo61 Please watch my video and check out my channel,it helps me a lot. Please comm,like,share and subscribe.
submitted by Matoo61 to YouTubeViewsSubs [link] [comments] |