2024.11.30 16:30 HonestCrab7 Who pays for all the swiftcouver stuff?
Did the city of Vancouver pay for it ?
submitted by HonestCrab7 to vancouver [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 JordyYaBoi69 YZ250 break in
I have a 2006 YZ250, motor is apparently a 2019. Just had the top and bottom end rebuilt and I'd like to know the best break in procedure to get the most life out of this bike (±150 hours). I used a 40:1 motul 800 oil mixture and 95 octane gas.
submitted by JordyYaBoi69 to Dirtbikes [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 steinerobert Kifla, pereca i debrecinka (MIA)
Jel se itko od vas sjeća kako su izgledale pekarske kifle, pekarske perece i debrecinke nekad prije? Zna li netko gdje su nestale? Kod nas na svakom ćošku pekara - uz kladionice i kafiće pekare su valjda najbrojnije i asortiman im je sve veći i veći (kao i cijene), ali iz nekog razloga nestale su stare kifle i stare perece. Pritom ne mislim na "prstiće", "kiflice" i ostale pekarske proizvode nego oldschool kiflu ("fluki") i perece. Nekad prije, kifla je izgledala kao na slici, nije bila pretjerano estetski privlačna ali je imala kruhastu teksturu, bila mekana i mogao si ju mazati i slagati sendvič. Nešto kao kajzerica danas. Perece su bile oblikom slične austrijskim perecama, ali nisu bile tako suhe ni tako tamne, a imale su gumenastu rastezljivu sol po sebi koja je bila odlična. Daleko od toga da austrijske nisu ok, ali njih prelomiš koliko su suhe i sol je gruba i krupna. Ako je netko od vas iz Slavonije/Osijeka, možda se sjećate starog lanca pekara "Sloboda" koji su ih prodavali zajedno sa onim sjajnim kruhom koji je imao tvrdu, glatku koru, a iznutra bio bolesno mekan i ukusan. Razumijem da protok vremena nosi promjene i ne mogu reći da nema dobrih alternativa, ali se pitam kako je moguće da su sve pekare odjednom prestale proizvoditi proizvode koji su nekad bili staple proizvodi i za koje je tržište postojalo. Nekako mi je čudno da su išli u stvaranje novih korisničkih navika jer je to težak i dugotrajan proces. Plus kroasani i čvarkuše npr. su daleko složeniji i skuplji proizvod zbog duljine pripreme i sirovina (maslac i mast). Debrecinke. Dakle ima ih i sad za kupiti ali nisu ni blizu začinjene ni debele ko nekad prije. Ovo su neke ultra slim debre. Kao da su na Ozempiku. Mislim jeo sam ih samo kad bi ih moji stavljali u kelj ali nekako mi je čudno i to da je nestalo. Znam stvarčicu ili dvije o razvoju proizvoda i obično ne ideš u tako radikalne promjene ako nije zahtjev tržišta. Anyhoo... ako netko zna nešto o razlozima, sjeća se kifli, pereca i debrecinki ili želi malo niz memory lane - pucajte. submitted by steinerobert to askcroatia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:30 Anagha_R Patellar tendon and fat pad pain
Hi , I would like to give a bit of background - I had been an obese person all my life and started on a weightloss journey at 95kgs as a 22year old female. Reduced 30 kgs through a calorie deficit diet and brisk walking only over a course of 1.5 years targeting 0.5 kg every week. Did a lot of walking, like 7 kms daily at a high pace. By the end of it, i started having pain on either side of the patella on both knees. It was diagnosed as fat pad impingement. I stopped brisk walking for abt 4 months, Did some PT, and it reduced significantly. But never went away completely. I started brisk walking again. 2 years later, I increased the distance a bit and reduced 3 more kgs, and soon enough, i started having intense pain along the patellar tendon, and it was constant. This time it was diagnosed as patellar tendinitis. Again stopped exercise and did some PT, now the pain along the tendon went away, but the pain on the fat pad is killing me. I cannot stand even for 5 mins without pain, let alone exercise. The MRI did not show any major concerns except for mild pad pad impingement, which doctors say is just an observation. I have visited a dozen orthopaedic doctors and only been told there really is no evidence of an injury, but one thing they told me was, I have a misaligned knee - mild knock knees and patella alta( knee cap sitting slighlt above its usual position). So this misalignment along with overuse is causing pain.
But i have given relative rest for the last 4 months, doing a lot of stretching, taking collagen supplements and good nutition, took anti-inflammatory pills, but the pain just doesn't seem to go away!! I know strengthening is the only solution for this, and im willing to do all of that religiously, but Im told that i shouldn't strengthen when there is pain, and Im really not able to do any of them like wall squats or anything.
PS - Over the last few months, I have also been having pain near the quadracep tendon and on the quad muscles themselves. So I'm not sure what combination of injuries I have - patellar tendinitis/quadracep tendinitis/knee fat pad impingement. Also I feel I need a very carefully drafted exercise set to cater to my condition.
I also feel I have lost muscle during my weightloss, which may have altered the biomechanics of my knee - Like glute/hamsting/quad strength. I know I need to work on these but I just want the pain to reduce a bit so I can start doing it.
Im really really desperate to find a solution and its affecting my quality of life badly. I am looking to get married in the next 1 year and I cannot imagine a married life with this pain. Has anyone had a similar expereince like this, if so it would be really helpful if you shared it and would be grateful for it. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Anagha_R to PatellarInstability [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 BloodclotsonThebeat BLOODCLOT$ - Tap in (Prod. Leezy & Alien)
submitted by BloodclotsonThebeat to supertrap [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:30 victoraguixr Duduckgo ou brave?
Which is better duckduckgo or brave? Does Duckduckgo still have Microsoft trackers? Is Duckduckgo still really more private than brave? Which is more worth it?
submitted by victoraguixr to browsers [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 Wrong-Possible-9578 Baby's skin color
The last holiday, we went to visit my mother in law house. We have a little baby. When we arrived, the first comment was about my baby's skin color. My husband's skin color is white and Im beige, but I always say that your skin color doesn't define you. My mother in law said that why my baby continues brown and why her skin color didn't lighter. I just answered that my baby's skin color is so pretty and amazing. But every time that she sees my baby, she starts talking about her skin color and that makes me feel so mad. I don't want her to see my baby again because all she does is talk about my baby's skin color and why my baby isn't lighter. What do I need to tell her to stop talking about that?
submitted by Wrong-Possible-9578 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 Icy-Rip5622 Regidrago ~ 676208433233
submitted by Icy-Rip5622 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:30 tigerissher Aheli
submitted by tigerissher to socialbroken_billa [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:30 VR_Smith Halo VR - stupid question how do you pass tutorial? ''Look Around'' ?
I am still in the pod, the guy asked me to look around - if I use the headset nothing happen just the words 'look around' flashes. And joystick on the right controller only turn the head left to right not up and down (left joystick do nothing).
im stuck this stupid step.
submitted by VR_Smith to virtualreality [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 CircusChicken94 Payment issues
Hi everyone, apologies if this doesn't fit this sub. I tried paying my omantel wifi bill and got an error. Money got deducted regardless. Same for Nama services. Anyone facing similar issues?
submitted by CircusChicken94 to Oman [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 Downtown-Argument724 please help 1:1
submitted by Downtown-Argument724 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:30 ThatWasYou22 What is dark ops?
Putting words here so the alright lets this post in. Words words words words words words blah blah blah blah. Complain about spawn deaths and SBMM and how I get shot through walls on the other side of the map…ah you get the gist of it.
submitted by ThatWasYou22 to blackops6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 Coastalmama711 Military retirement gift
Hi all! My brother is retiring from Air Force Reserves. Looking for gift ideas! He does not drink. He was deployed twice. Thank you!!
submitted by Coastalmama711 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 dontknow11037 Gaming
Gnarp submitted by dontknow11037 to GamingMains_ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:30 PurpleTotal4733 19 [F4A] anyone wanna accompany me while I do my plates (DC call only)
Hi!, Hmm basically wanna be distracted while I do my plates jk lng HAHAHAHA I mean we can listen to music while I do it and u can rant and I can give advice as well. Basically kahit ano. About me: -2nd year Archi Student -Residing and studying in Cav (so Southie) - more in my bio..
About you:
-Pls don't be that old around 10+ can do pero more than idk na. Since I wanna vibe sa mga kausap ko - decent - plss have DC, since DC only calls is accepted - +++ if from Cav we can grab a coffee
(Ps. If u messaged me dati just hmu again I'll reply I'm probably just overwhelmed dati)
SFW only
submitted by PurpleTotal4733 to PHR4RCaviteEtivac [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 damienchapus Linkup connects LLMs with premium content sources (legally)
Title: When AI Meets the Web: A Match Made in Freelance Heaven?
Ever tried asking a chatbot for the weather, only to get a recipe for spaghetti? That's called hallucination, my friends! But fear not! French startup Linkup is like the GPS for our beloved AI chatbots—guiding them through the vast web of information to get it right. It’s like having a trusty sidekick who doesn't confuse rain with marinara sauce. Freelancers, embrace this tech! Your projects deserve accuracy, not culinary confusion!
Technews #freelancer #businessonline (Source: TechCrunch)
submitted by damienchapus to FreelancerUMCommunity [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 Business_Coast6698 Prypyiat
Ive found a stash but the door requires an 8 digit code to get into.
its on the top floor of a apartment building in Pripyat.
stash name is Modest hiding place.
can anyone help?
submitted by Business_Coast6698 to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 BobcatNo8757 F
submitted by BobcatNo8757 to JoyabuyOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 I-Take-Dumps-At-Home Switch From Heel Strike to Mid-Foot Strike
I've been a runner for 5 years, with a half marathon PR of 1:53 and a full marathon time in the low 4-hour range. I've always been a heel striker with no major issues, but whenever I pick up the pace to around a low 7-minute/mile, my knee starts to hurt. My guess is that it’s due to the impact forces from heel striking and possibly overstriding.
To address this, I’ve started transitioning from heel striking to a mid-foot strike. Progress has been steady, and the calf pain is starting to subside after shorter runs. However, my heart rate is much higher now at paces I used to maintain with much lower HRs while heel striking.
Am I doing something wrong with my form? Or is this just part of the transition process? Has anyone else experienced something similar? Any advice or suggestions?
submitted by I-Take-Dumps-At-Home to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 blanchetran_ OOAK dolls by me and I would love to share them with you 🥰🥰
submitted by blanchetran_ to Dolls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:30 Sorin61 Association between Branched-Chain Amino Acid levels and gastric cancer risk
submitted by Sorin61 to Nutraceuticalscience [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 16:30 Armagan1342 Clone my drive.
Got an HDD. Its slow. Wanna upgrade to an SSD, but I dont want to install Windows and wait for all those games to download again. How do I clone eveything from the old HDD to the new SSD?
submitted by Armagan1342 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 Excellent_Throat6315 Type
submitted by Excellent_Throat6315 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 16:30 MembershipNew8137 do i deserve more?
had a messy break up with sp in march. it was horrible, i felt extremely suicidal and betrayed.
it was rough but soon i focused on self concept for the 2nd month, i felt great, things were going my way and i knew my manifestation was going to work. my sp somewhat came back. they unblocked me and began to like my posts. i ignored. they still somewhat - chased. they liked my posts for the last 7 months. we had a conversation last month. apparently they liked my posts because they missed me but they said they got over it because they have new friends and "didnt know how to feel about closure." after that message, ive been ghosted since.
since these past weeks, i realized something. is this worth manifesting? someone who was willing to throw me away so fast, someone who never bothered to learn what I liked but I had to like the same things they did? someone who immediately began to talk trash about me on the day of the breakup? i deserve someone who is loyal, happy to show me off and willing to educate themselves about stuff i like. i deserve a happy ending. this is just a rant im rambling about at 1am because i need to get it off my chest.
i honestly stopped caring what my sp is doing now and im focusing on myself and my interests now - which makes me relieved in some way. but i honestly feel like i deserve someone who will be there for me. someone who will never leave me. its a confusing feeling since ive been manifesting an sp for so long, that... this happens.
submitted by MembershipNew8137 to manifestingSP [link] [comments]