do i deserve more?

Most of the time, if you are very sure you imported the library in question, Visual Studio will guide you with IntelliSense. Useful commands to work in daily life: git checkout -b "branchname" -> creates new branch git branch -> lists all branches git checkout "branchname" -> switches to your branch git push origin "branchname" -> Pushes to your branch git add */filename -> Stages *(All files) or by given file name git commit -m "commit message" -> Commits staged files git push -> Pushes to your current branch I think you need to push a revert commit. So pull from github again, including the commit you want to revert, then use git revert and push the result. Setup. The first thing we'll need is to identify a condition that will act as our criterion for selecting rows. We'll start with the OP's case column_name == some_value, and include some other common use case How do I connect to a MySQL database using a python program? anyone reading this who thinks they might lose files, I've been in this position and found Sublime Text's buffer has saved me - if I'm working on something, then accidentally delete everything by trying to solve a similar problem to this or by using an answer on this question and have had the files open in Sublime (which there's a good chance of) then the files will still be there is Sublime ... @nicolas Yeah, easyinstall is just an outdated interface to setuptools. Pip is awesome, and virtualenv offers the kind of control that you don't get in many other languages without WAY more hackish tactics; perl being the only comparable exception. i++ is known as post increment whereas ++i is called pre increment.. i++. i++ is post increment because it increments i's value by 1 after the operation is over. Obligatory disclaimer from the documentation. Iterating through pandas objects is generally slow.In many cases, iterating manually over the rows is not needed and can be avoided with one of the following approaches: How do I: Create a local branch from another branch (via git branch or git checkout -b). Push the local branch to the remote repository (i.e. publish), but make it trackable so that git pull and ...

2024.11.30 16:30 MembershipNew8137 do i deserve more?

had a messy break up with sp in march. it was horrible, i felt extremely suicidal and betrayed.
it was rough but soon i focused on self concept for the 2nd month, i felt great, things were going my way and i knew my manifestation was going to work. my sp somewhat came back. they unblocked me and began to like my posts. i ignored. they still somewhat - chased. they liked my posts for the last 7 months. we had a conversation last month. apparently they liked my posts because they missed me but they said they got over it because they have new friends and "didnt know how to feel about closure." after that message, ive been ghosted since.
since these past weeks, i realized something. is this worth manifesting? someone who was willing to throw me away so fast, someone who never bothered to learn what I liked but I had to like the same things they did? someone who immediately began to talk trash about me on the day of the breakup? i deserve someone who is loyal, happy to show me off and willing to educate themselves about stuff i like. i deserve a happy ending. this is just a rant im rambling about at 1am because i need to get it off my chest.
i honestly stopped caring what my sp is doing now and im focusing on myself and my interests now - which makes me relieved in some way. but i honestly feel like i deserve someone who will be there for me. someone who will never leave me. its a confusing feeling since ive been manifesting an sp for so long, that... this happens.
submitted by MembershipNew8137 to manifestingSP [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 rusakovic 📩 Frontend Engineer Salary: 💰$100,000 - $180,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 Frontend Engineer Salary: 💰$100,000 - $180,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 _Anon_Fan_ The Anetra Situation: What we know so far

As we all know, there’s been a lot of discussion about Anetra lately. Specifically about her canceling gigs, and the accusations of her scamming promoters out of money. I’ve never done this before, but here’s my attempt at Nancy Drewing the situation. This will mostly act as a sort of masterpost with everything we know so far laid out.
I’ve focused on the biggest issues being brought up right now: previous cancellations/prior to her break, recent cancellations, and the current situation in Spain. I’ve broken these down into sections below. If there are any details which I have gotten wrong or anything, let me know and I can edit it. Much of the drama is happening in Spanish, which I do not speak. So I’m relying on a mixture between other peoples translations as well as google translate.
Pre-Break: For the previous cancellations, I have chosen to only mention the ones that are being most brought up in this discussion right now. Those being: Havana, and Brick and Mortar. I also mention another cancelled gig, as I believe it is semi-relevant.
Havana Cancellation (Dallas):

Anetra posts a response to the amount of cancelled gigs as well as cancelling her Klub Kid tour saying she apologizes, and needs to take a break to heal and will return when she is ready/able. The last cancellation I can find was in late October 2023 (same time this statement was put out).
Other important information:
Several of the queens from s15 came forward and talked about it when all the cancellations were happening. The general consensus was that it sucked that shows were getting cancelled, they probably would've gone about it a different way, but she had a lot going on that fans were unaware of, and that she was struggling a lot. There are a few threads in the past made about this. It is possible that there are more posts from queens regarding this that I have not seen, this was not my main focus, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
We know that behind the scenes during the finale, she had to be given oxygen. As far as I know, we do not know why.
One of the things people were most upset about was the cancellation of her tour with klubkids, and lack of refunds. It is very important to remember that Anetra is not ever responsible for giving refunds, it is the job of the promoters or venue. Klubkids is also very well know for treating queens poorly, and several queens have come forward saying they did not pay them. There are plenty of posts across the various rpdr subreddits about this if you want to know more.
(Some) cancelled gigs:
City/Venue/Date of event Reason (said by who in brackets)
Brooklyn- 3 Dollar Bill, September 7, 2023 Health reasons (bar) [I chose to include this as the bar said it had to be cancelled for health reasons, and it was not long after that she took an official break for medical reasons]
Dallas- Havana, June 15, 2023 Health reasons [first], unable to contact [second] (bar). Health reasons (Anetra)
Philippines- Brick and Mortar, September 23, 2023 Cancelled by venue/promoters, no reason as to why (Anetra). The promoters, DragBrunchWithUs, blamed Anetra. But then the venue, Brick and Mortar, made a statement that they were not hosting this event. They said they have zero connection to the event, and asked for the promoters to take down their post immediately. NOTE: It appears that something incredibly similar to that happened with Aura with the same promoters.
Post Break: Gigs since her break:
I’ve seen a lot of chatter claiming Anetra has continuously cancelled her gigs after her break. I decided to look into this, because I think this is honestly one of the most relevant pieces in this puzzle. Her previous cancellations were explained by Anetra as being caused by health issues/surgery, but anything after her break would be unaddressed on her part. Anetra has apparently parted ways with the manager she was with pre-break.
NOTE: This list may not be perfect. Anetra doesn’t use social media very much, and when she does it’s often only through Instagram stories. I created this by going through Anetra's tagged Instagram pictures in order to find venue promotions. I also used Twitter posts to further verify if needed. All of the events listed below as not cancelled have photo/video proof of her being there to make sure I did not miss a cancellation announcement.
City/Event Date (All 2024)
Madrid, Spain (CANCELLED) November 29 (CANCELLED)
Bangkok, Thailand November 2
Taipei, Taiwan October 27
Atlanta October 19
Atlanta October 18
Kona Pride September 21
Akron Pride August 24
Pittsburg August 23
Portland Pride July 30
San Antonio July 25
Recoleta, Chile July 5
Royal Oak June 9
San Francisco June 8
San Francisco May 25
San Antonio May 9
El Paso April 13
Manila, Philippines March 9
Sydney, Australia March 1
Melbourne, Australia February 29
Brisbane, Australia February 25
I spent a long, long time scrolling through her instagram tagged, and the main, drama, and cringe subreddit looking for anything about a cancelled gig after her break which ended February 25, 2024. Prior to the Spain gig on November 29th, 2024, the last show Anetra cancelled was in October of 2023, prior to her break. That was 9 months with consistent shows without a single cancellation.
Situation With Gaspar: NOTE: Clicking on the first imgur link in this section will show you all the relevant posts in this section. Also note, I do not speak Spanish, and therefore am mostly using the twitter provided translation, and there is one tweet that someone else translated. If there are translation errors that effect the meaning of the tweets, please let me know and I can fix it.
The reason I included the screenshots about Gaspar mentioning the Brick and Mortar case is because he is using this to show Anetra's pattern of blaming the venue/promoter, as he says she has done this multiple times and damaged peoples reputations. Due to this, I'm seeing this screenshot around a lot. However, as noted above, Brick and Mortar were not involved in the planned event at all, and it was, in fact, the promoters who cancelled on Anetra. This means that, as far as I am aware, the only time Anetra has blamed the venue/promoter prior to the incident with Gaspar the promoter was actually to blame.
Looking into accusations of scamming:
I chose to specifically look into cancellations regarding Brazil and Chile, as these are the places Gaspar mentioned in his tweets.
This is all the information I could find about this. There isn’t anything else other than Gaspar's claims regarding Anetra and money. Additionally, it should be noted again that in the case of refunds, it’s the venues responsibility to issue them, not Anetra’s. She does not have control over it.
As of right now, this is all the information we have about Anetra canceling the gig with Gaspar in Spain. I hope having this all in one post is helpful rather than multiple threads over multiple subreddits. If there are updates, I may update this post depending on the situation. I also tried to post this to the main sub, but it wouldn't let me, so...
submitted by _Anon_Fan_ to RPDRDRAMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Cultural_Chain_3232 Sou babaca por querer investigar minha namorada?

Um pouco de contexto, eu homem (33 anos) namoro uma mulher (32 anos) incrível a 5 anos, infelizmente estamos passando por turbulências.
Nosso primeiro ano foi turbulento, não tivemos nenhum tipo de apoio da familia dela e da minha e infelizmente não estamos indo bem. Atualmente trabalho em um escritório e mal nos vemos. Nunca tivemos sexo e sinto que ela está vendo alguém. Percebi que seu interesse em mim diminuiu e atualmente não possuo forças para pensar nisto sozinho. trabalho 7 dias por semana das 8 as 20 horas para pagar meu aluguel e não consigo determinar se estou apenas cansado e delirante ou se estou certo.
Suspeito que ela esteja se envolvendo com alguem em seu trabalho ou em seu bairro, talvez até online.
Não pretendo olhar o celular ou qualquer atitude extrema. Como posso resolver isto de forma certa se quando conversamos e ela sempre diz que não acontece nada?
submitted by Cultural_Chain_3232 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Routine-Cockroach936 W:4x OE mods H: leaders

submitted by Routine-Cockroach936 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Tasty-Ad6495 How do I research

I need advise
Hi everyone, I an a high school senior. I am working on a self-led research project about the effects of Qasqas- a mixture of skin bleaching products that Somali woman make- has on post operational wound healing. I need some advise on how to interview people, where to find articles, and how to put it together. I am kind of stuck now.
submitted by Tasty-Ad6495 to AskAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 No_Category1014 Pokémon go account locker out

I need help guys. I started a Pokémon GO account a while back with my school email. They have since deactivated that email and I can’t get into my Pokémon GO account. Do you guys have any advice or any way that I can get back into that Pokémon GO account?
submitted by No_Category1014 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Toalmar Dreame X40 Black week / Black Friday sale for a reason??

In Norway the Dream X40 Ultra had a price of kr 15.999 before this sale. Lot of the biggest companies sold it on sale for kr 9.999 a discount of 37,5%
It think this price was not so good as i looks, reason is that it looks like the X40 Ultra robot is going out and there has come a other in the shops, it's the L40 Ultra with sales price kr 12.990
I hasn't checked the differences of these robots yet, but if they are similar or the L40 Ultra is better, the real discount is approx 19%, not 37,5%
submitted by Toalmar to Dreame_Tech [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」nutrition-labelの意味について

nutrition labelを日本語和訳しますと「栄養表示」の意味である。各例文を見て、nutrition labelの意味を覚えられる。読み方はnuˈtrɪʃən ˈleɪbəlです。豊富な例文及び運用法を通して「nutrition label」の意味を学..
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 panfinder Since when can you take control of the fleet overseer?

(Mind control challenge)
submitted by panfinder to CloneDrone [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 GrabEmByTheGraboid The prosecutor was right to pursue felony charges against the people behind the pro-Palestine encampments at UIUC

Students absolutely have the right to free speech. They DO NOT have the right to set up encampments and to try to prevent people from attending class.
I'm glad to hear the prosector in the case decided to pursue felony charges and make an example out of these thugs.
I hope a jury convicts.
submitted by GrabEmByTheGraboid to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Fun-Income-8356 College baddie

College baddie submitted by Fun-Income-8356 to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Thekillerdp007 Tired of playing parkour races alone

Anybody here 2 play mega ramps, parkours and face2face?? Kinda bored playing alone
submitted by Thekillerdp007 to GTA5Online [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 NavyOpie Some of my latest ESVA graphics

Some of my latest ESVA graphics submitted by NavyOpie to easternshoreva [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Jikol1970 Built my first bass

Built my first bass submitted by Jikol1970 to BassGuitar [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 TassandraArcticFox I was out shopping yesterday and he missed me

I was out shopping yesterday and he missed me Went black friday shopping (not much spending, just a long day at the mall with the girls) and ever since I got back last night G-man has been attached to me, being silly to get my attention, face smashing into my face and giving me kisses, wanting uppies, and bringing me toys. Sweetest orange boy either missed me A LOT or he knows there is new cat toys for him.
submitted by TassandraArcticFox to orangecats [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 jgrumiaux "Classical Music/Reference Recordings" - Is this even legal?

I'm a professional musician but ignorant about many ins and outs of the recording industry.
I came across this Youtube channel, Classical Music/Reference Recordings. There was this video advertising their Black Friday special.
Can someone explain how this is legal? These are remastering of major recordings on major labels, now owned by conglomerates like Sony, Warner, etc. As far as I can see, they're not public domain. How does this guy (Alexandre Bak) get to remaster, repackage, and resell them on his own independent label?
I did compare two recordings, the EMI original of Jacqueline duPre's Dvorak concerto:
with his remastering
and actually I was surprised to hear there was a difference. To my ears the original sounds thinner by comparison. So maybe it's not a scam, but just theft?
submitted by jgrumiaux to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Professional-Yak-899 Why does this pop up whenever i try to open netflix?

Why does this pop up whenever i try to open netflix? Please help i need to watch series 😭😭
submitted by Professional-Yak-899 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Electrical_Sleep5376 Good places in the US to open a solo practice in a new area?

TLDR: Where would you open up a practice if you were going to go solo and had geographical flexibility to go anywhere in the US (with small kids), with no built-in local legal network that can help get you cases, or experience in the area of law you want to practice in, but with a decade of experience in other areas of law, and with a financial safety net that can keep your family sheltered and with food on the table while you figure it out? Feel free to consider any factors relevant to it being a good move.
Thankful for transactional law, which has given me enough money I can support my small family on about $75k (if we sell our apartment) per year, pretty much indefinitely. But I only ended up in capital markets because of the economy when I graduated. I hate it, and have always wanted to do litigation. Each year I max out pro bono hours on housing, petty defense, welfare/medicaid benefits, or the rare foster care or death row appellate case (doing only peon work). Enough to confirm I am interested and energized by pretty much all forms of litigation in a way getting a company ready to IPO just never has, not enough to feel like I understand the nuances of anything. I feel like I have good general lawyer skills- responsiveness, attention to detail, etc. I have 0 experience at the business side, so it's a question if I'd be good that way, but I am always brought in on pitches, because I'm personable, and a good speaker. So I hope I'd be ok at the getting clients part.
I still have relatively 0 experience in lit. Definitely not enough to get hired in it. And I'm at a point in my career, that flexibility to take off at 4 to see a kid's game (and then get back to work until midnight or whatever if I have to) is a non-negotiable. I also have enough of a financial cushion that I feel like I can risk going on my own and give it a good shot. (Although not in NYC, where we currently live and the only state in which I'm barred).
I think my ideal at this point would be plaintiff side employment law. But I'm open to anything (including suggestions of where to start). I also have complete geographical flexibility to move to where it would make the most sense. I currently work remotely, so can move there, while getting barred, then quit current job when everything's in place. Oldest kid is ten, and finishing elementary school this year. Others are young enough, it shouldn't be too disruptive.
Thoughts on where I should look? Interested in everything that's relevant. Attorney saturation, average fee/collection amounts, good support set-ups/deals for newly barred attorneys in the state, cost of living in relation to work, nice place to live with kids,
Also specifically interested in thoughts on Nashville- went out there recently to visit family and was surprised to love it. Also have a lot of extended family end up there. But know nothing of the legal community.
submitted by Electrical_Sleep5376 to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 gabrielus_papus how in the world is it possible that a little cheerleader has more hp then all these armoured units? like, there is only a 69 (nice) hp difference between sonya and mf rogue!?

how in the world is it possible that a little cheerleader has more hp then all these armoured units? like, there is only a 69 (nice) hp difference between sonya and mf rogue!? submitted by gabrielus_papus to DeadAhead [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 dickdumpjoes Black stringy thing coming from water dispenser

Black stringy thing coming from water dispenser Is this mold coming from my water dispenser? This is the second time i have seen it within the past month. Filter changed in august so its only been 4 months.
submitted by dickdumpjoes to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 YT-Enigma Dark Secrets of the Tower of London 👻

Dark Secrets of the Tower of London 👻 submitted by YT-Enigma to paranormalInvestigati [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 Sveti_Krompir Sorry not sorry

Sorry not sorry submitted by Sveti_Krompir to oneshot [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 savagemate24 No dlc for HF2

Just wondering why they are realising news dlc's for HF1 and HF2 has had a small Halloween update? If anyone has any answers 🤣
submitted by savagemate24 to HouseFlipper [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 16:30 AutoModerator [Rivalry Week] NC State at North Carolina – Discussion

NC State at North Carolina

Discussion threads are posted ~4 hours prior to scheduled game time.
submitted by AutoModerator to ACC [link] [comments]